
How to dye a head of hair in a chestnut color - 2 kinds of shades: by color type and by skin type


Every person has already been born with a certain color type, and no matter how he tries to change - repaint his hair, bring freckles, whiten his face or put on colored lenses - his color type will not change anyway, he remains his whole life. How to determine the color type of a person? Yellow, green, blue or red color to wear? Questions of interest to many, will be discussed in this article.

There are only four color types: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each person belongs to one of them. There are no mixed color types, therefore it is not at all difficult to clearly define one’s membership in one type or another. Many have studied the color types of people. How to determine the color type of a person? Today we will try to find the answer to this question.

Rules and recommendations for determining your color type

Here are a few rules and recommendations. With them, the definition of people's color types will be simple and accessible to everyone.

  1. It is better not to determine one color type, but to ask someone to help. Evaluating yourself in the mirror is quite difficult, and the assessment may not be objective. There is a high probability to confuse a color that is really to the face, with a color that you just like.
  2. Determining the color type is best with daylight lighting. Evening lighting can distorts colors and shades.
  3. Before testing, be sure to remove all makeup. The presence of any cosmetics will not give an objective result.
  4. If the hair is dyed, then they need to hide, wearing a white or neutral blond scarf or bandage. Hair of unnatural color will also become an obstacle for obtaining an objective result.
  5. After all of the above is taken into account, you need to stand in front of a mirror and bring scarves or scarves to your face, or just pieces of fabric of such colors: peach or salmon, rich orange, bright pink and gray-pink.

When you bring one or another color to your face, you need to carefully study your face. Now the main thing is to correctly determine what color refreshes and revitalizes the face, with which eyes begin to play, skin defects become less noticeable. There are different color types of people. How to identify your using these colors? Very simple. If the peach color best suited - then your color type is Spring, orange - Autumn, gray-pink - Summer and hot pink - Winter.

It is so easy to determine the color types of people. How to define in other ways? Is there such a possibility? Yes, this is not the only method, there are many. And some we look further.

What color to dye your hair?

Women like to change their appearance often, experimenting with make-up, style and hairstyles. Therefore, each season they are interested in what color to dye their hair in order to look fashionable and extraordinary, to emphasize the natural beauty, to stand out from the background. Determining the correct tone is not always an easy task, because you need to choose a shade that perfectly matches the eyes and skin, density and structure of the strands.

What color is better to dye your hair?

Professional stylists and hairdressers recommend to follow the rules for each of the color types before purchasing paint. There are only four of them.

The skin is very light, may have a bluish, pinkish, olive or gray cold shade. Eye color - transparent gray, blue, greenish-blue. The hair is rather dull, light or dark blond with ashen tint.

Another cold color type. The skin has a porcelain paleness, bluish tint, devoid of blush. The eyes of these women can be of any color. Hair is usually black or dark brown, like bitter chocolate.

Skin color - dark, bronze or golden brown. Hue iris: from blue to black. In this type, only light gray eyes are not found. Usually, the hair of “autumn” women is dark blond, chestnut, black or red.

Warm color type, but not as bright as autumn. The skin has a yellowish, beige, peach tone. Eye color can be green, brown, blue. The natural shade of the curls - from light brown with a golden sheen to chestnut.

Let's take a closer look at each color type.

In what color can you paint the light brown hair of ashy tone?

Summer type itself is cold, so the paint should be selected appropriate shades:

  • platinum,
  • pearl,
  • ashen,
  • alder,
  • hazelnut,
  • milk chocolate,
  • white sand.

It is worth avoiding too dark and bright tones.

What color can dye very dark hair?

For winter tsvetotip stylists recommend these colors:

  • rotten black cherry
  • blue black
  • hot chocolate,
  • glossy blueberries
  • classic black
  • dark chestnut
  • espresso,
  • light chocolate.

Do not experiment with shades of blond.

What color to dye the hair of “autumn” - if the eyes are brown and the skin is dark?

In the described case, it is desirable to select warm colors:

  • caramel,
  • classic copper
  • dark chestnut
  • golden copper
  • red brown
  • hazelnut,
  • Garnet,
  • the Red tree,
  • mahogany.

Autumn color type does not go cold and ashy shades. Sometimes black paint looks good, but only with very dark skin.

What color should a woman's hair dye if the eyes are green or blue?

The last described type will harmoniously suit the following colors:

  • wheat,
  • amber,
  • light copper,
  • coffee with milk,
  • caramel,
  • nut,
  • golden copper
  • honey
  • golden brown.

Spring color type is not recommended cold and too dark, ashy shades.

What color to dye hair after highlighting?

If you need to smooth or hide the streaked strands, align the tone of the curls along the entire length, to achieve its uniformity, you should follow these tips:

  1. Choose the lightest paint corresponding to the color type.
  2. If it is impossible to perform the first item, avoid funds with a light brown tint, since dyeing bleached hair will result in a greenish tone.
  3. Refuse bright extravagant colors, give preference to natural shades, closest to the natural tone of the strands.

How to dye a head of hair in a chestnut color - 2 kinds of shades: by color type and by skin type

Currently, if a girl wants to change her image, then first of all she changes her hair color. Since ancient times, girls paint their headwear to a chestnut (coffee) color - with the use of various colors.

Chestnut hair color will surprise you with a palette of its shades

Previously, to get brown hair, women applied natural dyes on their heads. However, nowadays girls with brown hair are increasingly using purchased products.

Color "chestnut" - a fashionable and classic version for women's hair. This tone fits almost any color type of hair, and also gives women’s hair a natural look.

Chestnut hair color has various natural warm tones.

More often girls - Europeans possess natural coffee hair color. Such women are self-sufficient, balanced, executive and responsible approach to any business.

Fashionable women with coffee hairs have a soft character. When you look at them in men there is an association with home comfort. Such women are optimistic and very sociable, so they are also not deprived of attention from the male sex.

In what shades of the girl do the hairs - colors according to the color type: golden, ashen and dark chestnut

At the moment, more and more girls dye their hair in natural shades (in particular, in chestnut color). The coffee tone forms a beautiful ebb on the female hairstyle and emphasizes the original style of the female image.

Stars like Scarlett Johansson dye their hairs with light coffee shades (hair color is golden chestnut, red chestnut hair color, etc.).

Celebrities like Serena Williams use dark shades of auburn hair: dark chestnut color, ashy chestnut hair color, etc.

Depending on the color type, girls put on the hairstyle the following chestnut colors:

  • girls of summer color type put on the hairstyle tone “ashy chestnut” (ashy chestnut hair color),

  • "Spring" and "autumn" women use shades that are saturated with gold (golden brown hair color),
  • Women of the winter color type have cold chestnut hair (dark chestnut hair color). In this situation, the girls put such a dye on their heads: “dark chestnut” hair dye.

In what tones women paint their hair - shades according to skin type: light, caramel, copper, chocolate and auburn-chestnut.

By skin type, women use similar coffee tones:

  • fair-skinned girls enjoy the tones of ripe cherries, which make the female image aristocratic and elegant,
  • women with olive skin dye their hairstyle in the nutty tones of a chocolate palette,

  • brown-eyed dark-skinned women enjoy golden, honey tones.

Girls with bright caramel coffee hair color have a delicate and refreshed face.

Copper coffee tone is considered an intermediate shade between dark coffee and red, so they light-skinned and brown-eyed beauties paint their hair.

The main nuances of painting hairs

In order to get a beautiful hairstyle chestnut color, the girl needs to put a lot of effort. With proper painting of hair in coffee tones, a woman performs the following actions:

  • the paint buys a choice not more than 2 tones darker than its natural color. However, this rule is not always applicable in practice. After all, women often drastically change their appearance - for various reasons,

  • if a girl has natural dark hairs and dyes her hair with a light coffee tint, then before painting the woman discolors her hair. In a situation like this, a woman makes hair color bleaching in a beauty salon (the most suitable option) or at home. In order not to destroy the hairs when bleaching, the girl should not be engaged in a similar procedure at home, but rather it is better to dye her hair at the hairdresser. Professional stylists will gently lighten the female's hair, after which you can dye the hair in the desired tone,

  • if a girl has blond hairs - blonde, then she needs to put a lot of effort into forming a beautiful brown hair style on her head. In order to get a deep and rich color, the girl dyes her hair not 1, but several times.

Professional stylists do not recommend dyeing hair too often, otherwise the hair structure will be completely destroyed. As a result, only after 3 months after 1 dye the blonde gets the right hair color.

When painting hairs in coffee color, the girl uses both purchased paints and natural products - basma and henna. Basma and henna give the hair a new shade and restore the hair structure.

How to dye your hair at home - Basma and henna hair coloring

When receiving a dark tone of hairs with a copper tint on the head, the girl performs the following actions:

  • mixes basma with henna in a 2: 3 ratio. If a woman reduces reddish hair tog, then she puts henna on her head in a small amount. In such a situation, the girl tests the dye — before dyeing the hairs, she puts dye on a small hair strand,

  • holds the paint on the hairs, for 20–90 minutes - depending on how saturated the color of the hair is.

While maintaining the coffee-colored hairs, the girl carefully and regularly cares for them. In this situation, the woman uses a special line of products for the care of colored hairs. They retain a rich and radiant shade that does not tarnish for a long time.

Also, a girl with coffee hairs periodically tints hair roots - depending on their growth.

After reading the article, you can easily choose your shade for hair

As a result, after getting acquainted with the above information, any girl can successfully dye her hair-style in coffee color and become a real beauty again.

How to paint over red hair: competent solutions for the modern lady

A true find for stylish young ladies is the perfect color for her hair. However, fashion and mood sometimes require change. Some shades easily allow themselves to change, repainting others can lead to unexpected consequences.

Redhead - spectacular, but not always desirable

Copper tone - causes

Reddish can be specially or accidentally acquired. In both cases, these shades are very difficult to reduce and are fraught with considerable problems. But if the first option involves a deliberately getting spectacular color, how can it appear randomly?

The unexpected appearance of a copper tone can trigger:

  • bleaching or washing,
  • improper staining.

These actions interfere with the hair structure, which consists of two types of melanins:

It depends on them whether a redhead will appear after washing or bleaching and how bright it will be.

Melanin molecules affect the color of the curls

These natural melanins have a different reaction to the effects of an oxidizing agent, which is used in all lightening procedures. Dark molecules are completely destroyed and disappear. Feo-melanins are more persistent: they take out the effects of an oxidizing agent and are activated, giving a copper subtone to the hair.

Caution: danger of repainting.

The severity of the activity of the pheomelanin molecules depends on the original shade and the new selected one. Unpleasant redness almost always accompanies the process of clarification.

The tone of "mahogany" looks elegant and elegant

And for this you do not necessarily want to turn into a blonde: a surprise in the range from copper to orange can also lie in wait for more gentle tones.

For example, a bright "dirt" will appear when repainting:

  • dark strands in chestnut or light brown,
  • dark chestnut brown
  • dark blond to light blond.

Naturally, if your original color is in the red-red range, any clarification will also bring an unpleasant subtone. Therefore, studying in what color you can repaint the red hair with your own hands, pay attention only to the dark shades. They will enhance the effect of eu-melanins, which will hide unwanted brightness.

Copper-brown tint will help create a calm image.

For example, a spectacular and stylish result is obtained when using

  • chestnut,
  • the Red tree,
  • red-brown and identical shades.

Having thought about what color to paint over the red hair color quickly and without consequences, feel free to resort to the listed tones.

How to neutralize the red color

With much greater difficulties will face girls looking for options on how to dye their hair from red to blond.

As a rule, two options are possible here:

  • full clarification / washing of hair,
  • using the "right" paint.

Note! Complete disposal of redhead is better to entrust a professional. Some curls contain such a large number of feo-melanins that only long-lasting strong clarification can destroy them for a long time.


Under the process of lightening experts mean bleaching of hair - etching all pigmented molecules present. Sometimes this process can take a long time: some feo-melanins are very hard to break down.

Strong one-time lightening is a way to seriously spoil the curls. Therefore, many professionals offer girls a gradual repainting.

Most often it is carried out in several stages of highlighting. This method has both advantages and disadvantages.

Photo output from red through highlighting

  • the ability to experiment with looks,
  • smooth transition with minimal negative consequences for curls,
  • gradual complete disposal of the redhead podton.
  • duration
  • financial expenses,
  • not suitable for girls who want to change in a short time.

Having thought about what color you can paint over the red hair color, pay attention to highlighting. It will soften the existing shade, partially remove the annoying brightness.

Interesting alternatives can be

  • Coloring (used from 3 new tones),
  • booking

If you want to get rid of the red tone at once, you will have to resort to a wash. For its implementation are used means of increased aggressiveness, which are able to qualitatively destroy unpleasant molecules. Your curls will literally "colorless", and, more precisely, almost white.

Getting rid of a red-yellow tone with a wash

However, there may be a failure, because of which the hair will be, though not red, but a little yellow. Therefore, after washing the master recommends resorting to additional toning. It will get rid of the subtone and even out the color.

The best choice will be

"Cold toning" perfectly mask an ugly shade. However, this solution is short-lived and gradually the problem will return. Therefore, toning should be regularly updated, as well as - use special shampoos.

Cold toning will help to get a beautiful color.


Painting the red hair is a risky step. Not every paint can affect the yellow-red pigments and neutralize them. The result can be unexpected and untidy.

But if you do not want to spoil your hair with washes and lightening, coloring can save the situation. The main thing - to choose the right tone. Experts recommend red-haired girls to choose platinum or ashy shades, even if you do not aspire to become a blonde.

A definitive "no" say:

They will only aggravate the situation and turn your curls into a mass of doll-yellow color.

What does platinum color look like

In each pack of paint there is a detailed instruction in which the necessary preparations and holding time are indicated. When repainting from red to keep the composition on the hair should be the maximum number of minutes.

Also, experts recommend not to ignore the following rules:

  1. Paint can be applied only on dirty hair.. Before the procedure, it is better not to wash them for 2-3 days.
  2. The hair should be completely dry.
  3. First, process the roots with high quality, and only after 10-15 minutes distribute the mixture over the entire length.
  4. In the end, be sure to use the attached balm: it contains a large number of active reducing trace elements.. It should be applied only on the middle and the tips.

By doing so, you can achieve an acceptable result. True, the color does not always work out well the first time. To adjust it, use the already indicated toners.

Do not let curls dry out!

In order not to spoil the hair, pre-assess its condition

Lightening, washing and just frequent staining will certainly lead to deterioration of the hair.

To neutralize the harmful effects of chemicals a little, listen to the advice of professionals:

  1. A month and a half before the intended transformation forget about complicated hairstyles, chemical curls and straightening.. This will make the curls look better after the procedure.
  2. Shorten the heat treatment of the hair: hair dryer, ironing, curling.
  3. Be sure to use the full cosmetic complex: shampoo, balsam, masks. Pick them, given the type of your curls.
  4. After repainting, be sure to consult a master for further care.. This will allow for a long time to fix the result and restore the hair.
  5. Start taking special vitamins in advance: they will strengthen the follicles and prevent them from falling out.

Do not think that the curls after a chemically aggressive environment will recover very quickly. This process will require at least 1.5-3 months with regular quality care.

Pay special attention to the tips, because they become prone to

  • exfoliation
  • dryness
  • porosity.

Section - the enemy of beautiful curls

Tip! If you notice that the strands began to split, contact the hairdresser. Removing the exfoliating ends will help the hair look healthier at times.

Saving result

To save the resulting shade without a red undertone is not an easy task. However, not only expensive masks, but also folk recipes will help you to cope with it. The price of such therapy will be minimal, and the result will be excellent.

Kefir has good whitening properties.

  • kefir
  • lemon essential oil
  • honey
  1. Combine honey and lemon ether, heat in a microwave for 20-30 seconds.
  2. Mix with kefir, put on the roots of the hair and distribute along its length.
  3. Wrap your head with cling film over which you wear a hat / scarf.
  4. Keep at least 2-3 hours. If possible, you can leave the mask at night.
  5. Wash off with shampoo and soak hair with balm.

The number of ingredients vary, focusing on the length of the hair.

  • glycerin - 50 g
  • nettle dry - 50 g
  1. A glass of boiling water pour nettle. Let it brew for 45-60 minutes.
  2. In the mixture, add glycerin and mix thoroughly.
  3. Cover the hair with the mixture and wrap it with foil.
  4. Wash off using shampoo in an hour and a half.

Baking soda will help to forget about yellowness and redhead!

Ordinary baking soda will also help to keep the clarification result. You can use it as a rinsing curls, and adding to the usual shampoo. In emergency cases, it can be an excellent substitute for professional tools.

Getting rid of the red tone is not an easy task, requiring considerable financial and time costs. But a competent approach to business will allow you to get a first-class result, keeping your curls healthy and beautiful.

The video in this article will help you better understand the topic.

Chestnut hair color (36 photos): its rich palette and the principle of choice of shade

If the girls are going to change the color of the hair, then first of all they pay attention to the black, red or light color, and the brown palette is overlooked. And it is completely in vain, because it is chestnut hair color that is some kind of universal shade, which has practically no limitations.

Photos: chestnut curls look intriguing.

A variety of palettes

Despite the stereotypes that this color is rather monotonous, this is not at all the case; the rich color gamut allows you to choose a tone suitable for women of any type.

Shades of brown hair are:

  1. light:
  • light pearl,
  • walnut,
  • honey
  1. with red tint:
  • red chestnut
  • purple,
  • frosty,
  • the Red tree.
  1. dark:
  • chocolate chestnut
  • graphite,
  • dark chestnut.

Shades for every taste!

Although this color appears to be neutral in appearance, an individual approach is required when choosing, eliminating the contrast between hair and skin.

Women of the summer type of appearance will be to face tones with an ash tint, and for the winter recommended dark tones of brown. Spring and autumn type goes well with rich shades of gold reflux.

How to make the right choice

Natural shades have recently deserved high popularity, and chestnut due to lighting can acquire a different tide, which, you see, attracts increased attention.

The most fashionable today are these tones:

  • "Graphite", different chocolate notes,
  • "Frosty chestnut", the highlight of which are light red notes.

Despite the fashion trends, when choosing the right tone you need to focus on the type of appearance, taking into account the combination of natural color of hair, eyes and skin.

Light brown hair color is suitable for girls:

  • with blue, blue, green-blue, gray or hazel eyes,
  • with light olive, pink, light, pink-beige or porcelain skin,
  • with ashy strands and ashy chestnut tones.

Note! Dark brown gamma for dyeing hair of summer-type girls should be avoided, since this color will visually age the image.

Chestnut-red hair color is recommended for women:

  • with bright brown, blue or green eyes,
  • with beige, soft pink, peach or ivory skin, as well as freckles,
  • with caramel or honey hair.

Not yet decided who is this color, and who does not? Hue can be chosen for any appearance.

  • Owners of hazel-green, light-brown, blue, amber, gray and green-blue eyes and warm skin tones - these are exactly the ones that are suitable for chocolate and the color of mahogany.
  • Women with white, olive, milky-gray and slightly dark skin are recommended graphite and chocolate shades.
  • A well-chosen tone will emphasize the natural beauty, will look stylish and original at any age.

The harmony of the image: brown curls and MakeUp

Hairstyle, makeup and clothes complement each other and complete the image.

Makeup for ladies with chestnut curls is matched to the eye color.

So, for ladies with dark skin and dark eyes fit:

  • Dark peach, cool blue pearl shadows.
  • Black and brown mascara and thin eyeliner. And for evening makeup will be very useful gray shades,
  • Brown and peach blush, perfectly combined with dark skin,
  • Light brown and terracotta shades of lipstick.

For light-eyed girls recommended:

  • Blue, purple and pink shades,
  • Brown mascara and brown pencil for everyday makeup, and black mascara and black eyeliner for evening makeup,

Warm type of appearance fit:

  • Olive, beige or brown,
  • Muted tones of yellow, green or red.

Tip! Black and white color to girls with a warm type of appearance should be avoided. A creamy tone is a good alternative to white, and black should be used away from the face.

Cold appearance is recommended:

  • Clothes pick up in a pink-blue palette,
  • Bright colors are not desirable, but bright accessories are permissible.

If we consider all the subtleties of the selection of colors, then your look is guaranteed to be harmonious.


Picking the right light or dark chestnut hair color, applying the rules of makeup and successfully choosing a wardrobe, you will look elegant and refined (see also the article “Hair color Chocolate and its shades are the main features”).

For more details, the video in this article will help you understand our topic, look! Good luck!

I have a question for those who often change their hair color! Is it possible to dye your hair out of chestnut-colored hair?


Of course, you can, first you need to be patient so as not to spoil your hair with washes, you need to gradually apply paroski and take some time to resemble it again, and then paint it in any tone (it all depends on the condition of the hair)

Lady flame

I hardly could .. I tried to do it already .. I am now yellow at the top, and then red ... and I don’t know how to proceed. But in general there is a wash that does not spoil the hair. . And preferably at the hairdresser to do


Stylist image maker: difficult, but possible. If painted once - even more so. There are such items as the "old paint remover". Work ONLY with dye molecules, hair without affecting. The most affordable is “OFF!”, It can even be used at home several times in a row, why homes — hair after it becomes absolutely wonderful, live, even customers are surprised — it was better than dyed just now. BUT: the color of the hair itself brightens, and whether it is washed out once you can’t say. It takes at least three hours to use the wash to wash to wash the tone. And yet - it is impossible to paint immediately after washing, only after 2 days. The color becomes very dark (even blond, and blond will generally turn chocolate). It acts weakly active ingredients washes. In the instructions for it is written. Therefore, it is better to match the weekend - wash it off on Friday, paint it in the desired color on Sunday. But highlighting can be done immediately, and nothing will happen. The Estel Company, Peter-Italy, is releasing this wash. I recently answered this question, look among my answers in the Personal Account. Good luck!

Of course you can speak as a stylist! even from black! but it is better to do it gradually so that at least something remains from the hair! It is better to do this by means of highlighting! and if you want to right away, then the wash is a more endearing option! but it is better to wash off and color the color 2-3 times first. and then after a while another 2 tones! and buy the appropriate care! for example Kerastaz

The essence of the theory of color types

The theory of 4 color types of appearance came into the sphere of fashion from the artistic world. The starting point is the 1980 edition of Carol Jackson's book “The Colors of Beauty”. The theory is based on the fact that in each of the seasons, certain colors prevail in nature. Comparing these colors with the characteristics of a person’s appearance, each of us can be attributed to one of 4 color types:

There is also an additional division of types into warm and cold. If the color types of your appearance are spring and autumn, then they belong to warm ones, if winter and summer to cold ones. This classification reflects the nature of the shades that are most suitable for each type.The definition of exterior color type is based on external characteristics, including:

  • skin tone (including a tendency to sunburn or redness, the presence of freckles),
  • eye color
  • color of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

Correctly determine your color type can only be subject to the following rules.

  1. Evaluate your appearance only after you completely remove makeup from your face.
  2. Dyeing hair and eyebrows, as well as tan can adjust color type. Its original value can only be recognized by your natural data.
  3. Consider yourself in daylight: it is better to go to the window for this. Artificial lighting can distort the perception of colors.
  4. Put on clothes of neutral light shades, and bare shoulders and neck to objectively evaluate the shade of your skin.

After analyzing the appearance, it is necessary to record all of its characteristics in order to make it easier to compare them with signs of various color types.

4 colors of appearance on seasons

Each of the four seasons has certain color characteristics. Consider them in more detail.

The color of the appearance of the winter is clean, deep and cold. It corresponds to people with such characteristics:

  • The skin is white, cool shades. It is also possible dark-skinned version with an olive sheen. Strongly contrasts with hair and eyebrows. White skin in the sun burns easily, and the skin of olive tones gets an even golden tan. Freckles are missing.
  • Eyes from dark chestnut to black, cold blue, gray and green colors are also common.
  • Hair and eyebrows saturated black and chestnut shades, without a red tint. If blond, then ashen.

Winter color type of appearance is represented by such celebrities as Demi Moore, Halley Barry, Monica Bellucci, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Winter girls are suitable cold, but with saturated colors. The ideal option would be bright black, white, steel shades, as well as various variations of blue and pink. Avoid neutral tones and warm brown palette.

Color type of summer is soft, cool, light. Its description is as follows:

  • Skin gentle milky color, or olive without yellowness. Blush pink. The contrast with the hair is low. Olive skin is well tanned, milky - prone to burns.
  • The eyes are cool, blue or green, and a mixture of these two colors.
  • Hair and eyebrows from blond to unsaturated chestnut, with a characteristic grayish haze.

The summer color type is personified by Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Natalia Vodyanova. Representatives of summer fit soft, muted shades - light blue, turquoise, cream, burgundy. But the dark and contrasting colors only focus on the shortcomings of this type.

Spring is a color type of appearance, characterized by purity, warmth and light. It can be recognized by the following features:

  • Light skin of cream or golden tone, as if shining warm from the inside. Peach blush. Tan with a slight reddish tinge.
  • Eye color blue, emerald green, amber.
  • Color hair and eyebrows - from blond to chestnut medium saturation, has a golden and reddish hues.

Spring type is typical for Svetlana Khodchenkova, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, singer Valeria. "Spring" will be good in natural, fresh, but not very bright colors. Suitable peach, orange, coral-red, lilac, all sorts of variations of brown and beige. It is worth refusing dark, sharply contrasting with light appearance of colors.

Warm color type of appearance, corresponding to autumn, is associated with softness, warmth and depth. It corresponds to such features:

  • Warm skin tone with golden shine and freckles. Bad sunbathe, no blush, low contrast with hair.
  • The eyes are mostly brown, amber, olive, warm green, and blue.
  • Hair and eyebrows - brown with a golden sheen, black, red.

Autumn color type of appearance is represented by Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Julia Savicheva. To understand what colors will suit autumn girls, just look at the landscape of bright autumn forest. These are shades of the earth, multi-colored foliage, trees. Beneficially emphasize the beauty of warm shades of brown, pistachio, coral, terracotta, olive. It is necessary to avoid all cold colors, as they will eclipse the natural warmth of the exterior.

Theory about 12 color types of appearance

The introduction of the theory of color types in the sphere of fashion has greatly simplified the selection of colors for different types of looks. However, many people experienced difficulties with the classification of their appearance due to the presence of signs belonging to the characteristics of different seasons. To solve this problem in the 90s, coloristics was supplemented by another theory called “12 color types of appearance”. This theory is based on 6 signs, each of which contains a fork in 2 color types. Relate yourself to only one of the signs. Consider their characteristics:

  1. Bright spring and summer. These are people with blond or chestnut hair color, with gray, transparent blue or green iris, and skin of light tones.
  2. Dark (deep) autumn and winter. Hair - from dark chestnut to blue-black, eye-color orange-brown or green, skin is dark.
  3. Warm spring and autumn. If the color types of your appearance are autumn and spring, it is characterized by red and brown hair with zolotinka, expressive eyes of brown and green shades with golden notes, as well as cream and milky skin.
  4. Cold spring and winter. Cold color type includes black, chestnut and ash hair color, blue, gray and light brown iris, pinkish skin.
  5. Clean winter and spring. This appearance is rich in bright contrasts. Hair - from medium chestnut to black, or saturated blond blonde. Eye color - transparent blue, blue, green, yellow-brown, emerald. The skin contrasts sharply with the hair color.
  6. Soft summer and autumn. Neutral, not too expressive appearance. Hair color is unsaturated blonde, and gray-blue, brown, light green eye color. Low contrast skin with hair.

If you were able to accurately identify yourself with one of the signs, then you need to decide on the color type. To do this, check which palette of colors that are included in the feature suits you better. This is done by applying cuts of fabric or colored paper to the face. The basic shades of 12 color types are presented on the images. Choosing the right colors is not as difficult as it seems. Alternately apply the appropriate color type shades to your face and ask yourself the questions: “Which of these colors sets off the tone of my skin and emphasizes natural beauty, and which one overlaps me, taking all attention to myself?” It will be easier to select the right shades. process of bystander.

Now you know how to define your color type of appearance. If it is not possible to consult a specialist, it is quite within its power to do it yourself. However, stylists are not advised to follow the rules of color types fanatically, using only “permitted” shades in the images. In fact, you can wear absolutely any color. Even if the shade does not suit your type, it can always be combined with one of the “correct” colors, thereby neutralizing the negative impact on your appearance.

Tsvetotype bright / deep / cold Winter

It has a pronounced contrast between the skin of the face and the hair color: dark brown, black or dark ash-blond curls, porcelain, snow-white skin, with a light bluish tint.

The iris of the eyes of this color type is predominantly bright, pure tones: the blue color often looks sapphire, icy, there may be green eyes with a deep shade, blue or turquoise. Bright Winter has no dark brown eyes.

If you have the appearance of Snow White, then you are a deep Winter :) because Snow White is a bright representative of this type.

Tsvetotype warm / dark Winter

The predominant colors of this subtype are thick and deep. Hair black blue, deep chestnut color. The eyes are black or dark brown, thick nut or olive hue.

In contrast to typical contrasting subspecies, the warm-colored winter type has a “southern” skin tone: solid, olive or bronze in color and can get a tan of varying intensity up to the color of dark chocolate.

Color type light / clear Winter

The color type, which is much less common than the contrasting deep or soft subspecies of the "winter".

The main signs of a bright winter are: a bluish-pink complexion (often referred to as “raschel”), hair closer to light brown — dark or medium blond, eyes blue or blue-gray or cold greenish, brown eyes will have gray and nutty undertone.

In general, bright winter gives the impression of lightness and internal luminescence, in contrast to the bright subspecies.

Tsvetotip soft Winter

Very difficult color, located between bright winter and mild summer. All inherent paints are soft, velvety, cool. Despite the fact that they are saturated, the tones still seem to be covered with gray coating.

To make it easier to navigate add photos)

The skin of the representatives of this category may be beige, tan or olive, eyes - blue or blue-green, violet or brown.

Makeup Tips

Win-win make-up for Winter - a contrast.

Representatives of this type often use bright red lipstick or leave their lips pale, but then they paint the eyes in the style of Smoky ice, while using black, dark blue or dark brown mascara.

It is very important to choose the right means of tonal shade which should have a grayish tone, a cold porcelain shade for pale skin and olive for dark skin. The beige, sandy hues that attract with their warmth should not be used.

When focusing on the lips, you should use bright, clean shades of lipstick plum or cherry, crimson or lilac, cool pink (fuchsia) or dark red. The same rule applies to shades and rouge - extremely cold colors.

But do not ignore the creation of clear contours of the eyes and lip lines. This graphic allows you to visually highlight the advantages of the winter color type.

Eyebrows and eyelashes are preferable in black for winters and ashes for blondes.

A bright selection of colors for make-up "winter natures" is mandatory, but they need to be applied a little. The main thing is to catch the game of tones. The color palette is dominated by pink, in harmony with gray or white, as well as blue, blue, purple and emerald green.

What can hair color say about you?

Hair color does not just help us look irresistible. For many women, it is a way of expression. Everyone knows that, for example, a woolen jacket speaks of the responsibility and seriousness of its owner, while a shortened jacket, on the contrary, calls for flirting. But do you know how hair characterizes you?

It doesn't matter what color is red, black, brown or blond, you have hair, “hair color is first of all what fashion dictates to us,” says stylist Angela Berk from the Joseph Cozza salon at the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco .


Impression: Red-haired people are perceived as absurd, stubborn and seductive, such as the heroine Kate Unislet in the movie “Titanic” and the heroine Nicole Kidman in almost all her paintings.

“Red color is commonly associated with something hot and dangerous, and people with this hair color: hot-tempered, with an explosive temper, but at the same time, very sexy,” says stylist John Patrick, who worked with such stellar beauties like Rebecca De Mornay and Elizabeth Banks.

On the other hand, some women with red hair may seem inconspicuous - freckled, with carrot-colored hair and faded, almost imperceptible eyelashes. This image is more like an infantile teenager than a red-haired beast.

"There is a stereotype that redheads are either damn attractive or have an unremarkable appearance," says Patrick. But we are convinced that it is so unequivocally and categorically impossible to judge this.

Prerequisite: A good stylist. “Red-haired people can use various tricks that will give their skin an incredible shine and healthy tone,” says Patrick. “But one should keep in mind the fine line between red and orange, golden and brass.”

Another necessary attribute for owners of fiery-colored hair is self-confidence. Only 2% -5% of the population are born with red hair, and because of this rarity, “redhead always remains the color that catches the eye,” says stylist David Ingham, who worked with models Christy Turlington and Cindy Crawford.

Emphasize color: For those who want to have a lively reddish tint, Burke advises: "The red color is the most attractive, complemented by color accents and strands."

After the implementation of these recommendations, the stylist advises to use the latest service - hair glazing. Do not worry, this procedure does not affect the color of your hair. This will give them shine, and make you even more attractive.

A la naturel: Red color Your hair is the hardest to absorb, so there is a danger that they will look dull. In order to keep the color better, Patrick adds a golden hue when painting. “This will allow your hair to look well-groomed, even when the red color fades,” he says.

Star red-haired beauty: actress Marcia Cross.

"The red color is very much to her face, it ideally combines with her porcelain one, giving it extraterrestrial beauty," says Patrick. "This feature sets it apart from other stellar housewives."

The black

Impression: “Exotic, sultry, persistent and mysterious,” says Ingham. For example, such as Lucy Lee in the film "Kill Bill."

Prerequisite: Gorgeous skin. Let's draw a parallel: In a jewelry store, all diamonds lie on black matter, which demonstrates not only their qualities, but also flaunt their flaws. “If a woman dyes her hair black, it immediately makes all the flaws in her face visible,” Patrick notes. Therefore, with this color is to be extremely careful.

Since black hair can very often look dull, the tool that makes it shine is absolutely necessary in this situation, you cannot do without it.

Emphasize color: “Add accents of contrasting colors, such as red or light,” suggests Ingham.

Is there any other way to get attention? “Ask your stylist to add a bluish-black or purple-black shade to your hair,” recommends Burke.

A la naturel: In order to make the color softer, “dilute black with brown,” advises Burke. He recommends dyeing the lower layer of hair brown, but not vice versa. This will make your image more piquant, will add depth.

Star dark-haired beauty: Rose McGown. “When a woman has pale skin and black hair, this contrast makes her look like Snow White,” Patrick is sure. Well, who among us has ever dreamed of visiting the charming and magical heroine of Disney cartoons?


The impression: “Brunettes are considered responsible and decent girls,” says Patrick. A good example would be the heroine Anne Heteeway in the movie “The Devil Wears Prada”.

Prerequisite: A change in shades along the length of the hair. Brunettes can look quite monotonous, if their hair is plain. Patrick argues: "Not so much brown as such, as his monotony, makes him boring."

Emphasize color: “Make your look sexy by adding strands of a different shade,” Patrick advises. "They will discover new facets of your attractiveness."

To break this boring stereotype, you can try to make an unusual haircut, such as torn tips or long bangs will help you make a variety. If you are afraid of such radical changes, then try other tools, such as a curling iron for hair curlers or hair curlers that will make your look interesting and catchy.

A la naturel: “The more shades your hair has, the more natural they look,” says Burke. "It is very important at the same time that the colors successfully complement each other, and not disharmonize."

“Inspired by all the celebrities who changed their platinum curls to darker shades, many women are repainted as brunettes,” says Ingham.

Star brunette: Jennifer Garner. Strands of different shades of brown color give her hair a luxurious look. Her image can not be called boring and monotonous.

Light coloured

Impressions: “Blondes have always been considered sex bombs,” says Ingham. I think that Jessica Simpson in the film “Dukes of Hazzard” is a clear confirmation of this. It's hard to argue with that.

Goldilocks can very often seem empty, “Blondes are never taken seriously in their profession,” Ingham is convinced. Fortunately, the image of a loving playful party girl has its advantages. One of Ingham's clients, for example, wanted to dye her hair blonde after parting with her boyfriend, to be “in the ranks” again.

Prerequisite: Confidence.

“Being blond is the same as wearing high heels all the time,” says Patrick. "This statement is true." As long as people pay special attention to light colors, “you will be more popular as a blonde.”

Do blondes really idle? According to Patrick, yes! They have more opportunities to have fun and hang out, as all attention is always focused on them.

Emphasize color: Light shades, such as honey, always attract attention. The lighter the better.

“Platinum-colored blondes always stand out,” says Burke.

A la naturel: Dilute the hair color with strands a shade darker.

Star Blonde: Gwen Stefani. Her catchy image can not be ignored.

“The platinum color is very hard to get, but it always looks fresh and attractive,” says Burke.

What is the color type?

Let's start with the definition: a color type is a combination of color of skin, hair and eyes, classified by a special method. And therefore, the main advantage of the theory of color types is evident immediately: it considers the whole face of a person as a whole, his whole “color palette”.

This is very important, because even if you dye the client's hair in an exceptionally beautiful, but “falling out” color from her personal palette, the hairstyle will look like a wig - luxurious, but unnatural. Not to mention the fact that if the hair color is "not the same", then the face will not benefit from such a "frame".

In short, the benefits of knowing the theory of color types is obvious. So, it's time to talk about her seriously. More precisely, about them, because the theory of color type is in constant development, it is crushed and multiplied by new branches.

Four seasons

Let's start with the simplest - with the theory of the four seasons. She says that there is Four main colors:

Why would such an interest in the seasons? It's simple: even for an untrained eye, it is obvious that the ratio of warm and cold colors in nature varies characteristically from one season to another: warm (spring) - cold (summer) - warm (autumn) - cold (winter).

How to determine your color type - video with examples:

As you can see, we again have to do "temperature measurement." True, the thermometer will not help here, and you need to look at the fit of the skin and hair color.

  • The warm color of the skin tone is peach skin, and in the hair there is red or golden tones.
  • In the cold color type, the skin tone is bluish, and there is no trace of red or gold hues in the hair.

It is necessary to dye the hair of a “warm” client in a cold tone, as her face immediately ... turns green. And no wonder, since we know from childhood what color it will be if we mix yellow and blue - of course, green!

Color Type: details about each season

  • The main tone of the spring nuances is yellow, so the colors of this color type are bright and cheerful.
  • The basis of autumnal nuances is red, therefore they are richer, heavier, earthier than their kindred spring.
  • Winter nuances are blue at the base, bright and clean.
  • Summer nuances are also based on blue, but they are more muffled, light, and blurry.

In general, the description of each of the four color types can be summarized as follows.

Skin: has a warm shade, can be almost white (with bright reddish-brown freckles, sunbathes badly) or caramel (it tans well).

Hair: bright red or brown with fair-skinned women and red-brown, red-brown with darker skin.

Eyes: pistachio, blue-green, dark brown, tea-colored, often with colored specks.

About color type AUTUMN - video:

Skin: transparent, thin, with a warm openness, a blush - peach (and with excitement or physical exertion even reddish), if there are freckles, then golden, skin easily and quickly tans.

Hair: light with warm hair, light blond with gold hair. Blondes - flaxen-light, straw-light, golden-sandy, light-red.

Eyes: sky blue, turquoise, tea-green, golden brown. Dark brown and intense green eyes are very rare.

About color type SPRING - video:

Skin: with a cold bluish openness, it can be either very light, or rather dark, olive. If there are freckles, then gray-brown, tanning well (with a tan shade - nutty).

Hair: light brown with a cold ashen hair, silver blonde.

Eyes: gray-blue, gray-green, hazelnut.

About color type SUMMER - video:

Skin: with a cold bluish undertone, it can be either very light or olive-tan. "Snow White" sunbathe bad, dark - good.

Hair: black, anthracite, chocolate brown, dark brown.

Eyes: bright, contrast, clear, pronounced color, icy-blue, blue, green, gray, brown, black.

About the color type WINTER - video:

It is clear that the seasonal theory facilitates the choice of shades when coloring, because each season requires the addition of specific color nuances, while other shades are able to completely "kill" the charm of a particular color type.

Color dyeing

Color Type

Recommended colors

Not recommended colors

Colors: light blond, medium blond, medium blond, light blond, blond.

Shades: golden, copper, wheat.

Colors / dark brown, black.
Shades: fiery red, bright red, blue, purple.

Colors: light blond, medium blond, dark blonde, medium blonde, light blonde.

Shades: ashen, pearl.

Colors: It is not recommended to change the color by more than 2 tones. Shades of golden, copper, red, wheat, linen.

Colors: medium blonde, light blonde, dark blonde, light brown, brown, dark brown.

Shades: juicy golden, copper, red, Titian.

Colors: light blond, blond, black.

Shades: bluish-purple, bluish-black, ashen, pearl, violet, sandre.

Colors: medium blonde, dark blonde, dark brown, black.

Shades: ashen, purple, red, blue-black.

Colors: all types of clarification is not recommended.

Shades: copper, gold, wheat.

The advantage of color type theory is its sketchiness. Even for an unprepared person, it makes it easy to navigate the choice of suitable colors and shades.

But despite this, the theory of color types has a serious drawback: it is very difficult to attribute the candy client to a strictly defined color type.

Therefore, the theory of four seasons often remains only a theory. In order to bring it closer to real life (the existing variety of human appearance), it was expanded and supplemented.

Color type winter - which hair color is better than others?

Changing the image for any woman is easiest to implement with the help of hair coloring. Stylish, matching tone curls will adorn the lady of the Winter Color type lady, if you follow simple rules:

  • Taboo for winter beauties are all shades of red. They blur the contrast between the color of hair and skin, erasing the natural twist of the Snow Queen,
  • Hair color with blue or bluish-red shimmer ("eggplant") is able to express the beauty and harmony of winter nature,
  • A rich black tone will give your look freshness and brightness, emphasizing adherence to style and retaining the charm of the winter color type,
  • As such, the winter-blonde blonde color type does not exist, however, many women have bleached hair to face with a winter color, but an ashy cold palette should be preferred.

The main condition for coloring strands for a color type is Winter: choosing which hair color will work, a photo of models will help determine the tone, but it is not recommended to radically change the natural palette of your curls, disrupting natural harmony.

When painting in bluish-black or dark shades of chestnut, chocolate, brown and ashy color, select colors with a mandatory cold shimmer!

Also not obligatory are only dark tones, which for the most part implies Winter. The blonde winter can please itself with a platinum blond with a silvery-white shimmer. For “winter” beauties, two extremes are characteristic: either saturated black tones of the strands, or bright white, without any extraneous pigment.

Tsvetotip Winter blonde is ideal for women "balzakovskogo" age, light ashes or platinum hue strands can visually rejuvenate any woman.

A wonderful example of Meryl Streep in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada."

From haircuts and hairstyles to beauties with the appearance of "winter" comes the classic square (smooth contours) and false (with elongated front strands). Long, straight hair is an ideal option for women of the “winter” color type.

Very short hairstyles like “bob” look good on them.

Color type “winter”: colors in clothes

Any outfit is able to emphasize your style if it is matched in the right range of colors and shades.

Warm colors are suitable for the winter color type: black and white, purple, blue and turquoise, all shades of gray, cold purple, blue silver, blue and pink-purple, emerald, steel and metallic. Superb choice - lingonberry, rowan-red, purple colors.

It is worth being afraid of clothes of pastel shades, muffled colors - brown, baked milk and milk chocolate, warm yellowish, yellow-green, smoky-gray and brick tones. Even the most beautiful and elegant dress of this color can hopelessly spoil your look.

By the way, it’s necessary to add that the most fashionable Ultra Pioton 2018 Ultra Violet color, like no one else, is suitable for the Winter color type, since only brunettes, who are the majority of the winter color type, can afford to wear this complex color without hesitation.

Stylists point out that:

  • Women winter color type surprisingly matches the black tone in clothes. It emphasizes the natural contrast of skin and hair color.
  • Brown-golden and pastel colors make the image dull, boring,
  • Of the pink shades, preference should be given to the cold, intense, juicy shade of a bright rose or fuchsia. Pale cold tone will not create a visual contrast, so it should be avoided,
  • From the green tones of winter beauties fit bright, deep: cold coniferous and emerald hue. Do not dress up in khaki, olive, golden green,
  • Bright cold red is the predominant tone in the clothes of the “Snow Queens” as well as black. But the color of rust or copper, terracotta - "killer" for women of winter color type,
  • A cold, bright blue color with a pleasant shade depth is preferable than a light blue tone or a light, misty blue of morning mist.
  • The snow-white, bright luminous shade of white (specially bleached) suits the winter lady much more than pearl or cream shade, as well as warm creamy. Warm shades are contraindicated in winter beauty, spoil the appearance, make it mediocre and boring.

The color type winter "loves" bright gems, silver, rhinestones, platinum.

The frame for glasses "winter lady" is better to choose from shiny silver metals or black. Horn frame and white metal will do. Any fashionable and bright accents in such a frame is a desirable element.

Goggles from the sun are chosen either with traditional black glasses, or blue or purple without any shadow transitions.

These rules for selecting the color of clothes and accessories are not a dogma, but only a wish and direction for improvement and search.

Color type "winter" - celebrities as a vivid example

Liv Tyler - the magic elf from the Lord of the Rings trilogy - has white skin, fabulous blue eyes and black color strands.

Her classic bright Winter in the frame differs little from the image of the actress in everyday life. Her nature endowed her with porcelain, almost white, skin, a deep shade of gray eyes and dark chocolate-colored hair.

Sophia Loren, Italian film star, a typical representative of a warm winter.

Her brown eyes, dark brown hair and olive skin often knock down novice stylists in determining the color type of a famous actress. But due to the bluish sheen of the skin, it can be attributed to the winter color type.

Sophia Loren always decorates graphic makeup, with a clearly defined lip contour, eyes and eyebrows.

Unusual appearance of Megan Fox can be attributed to the representatives of the light color type.

It can serve as an example of how correctly chosen colors and the right make-up can highlight the beauty of an already bright and attractive winter color type.

Famous actress Brooke Shields is a representative of the most difficult winter color type - soft. She goes very lightly pripylennye soft colors.

But in bright it looks worse.


Watch the video: THE HAIR COLOR THAT WILL BEST SUIT YOU AND YOUR SKIN TONE! bradmondo (July 2024).