
Little tricks: how to get rid of sticky gum


Such a disaster sooner or later can happen to anyone. More sticking chewing gum in the hair of the children who are prone to unsuccessful joke of a classmate, and women with long braids. The main thing is not like chewing gum hit your hair, but how to get rid of it without hitting long strands. If such a nuisance happened to you or your child, learn how to remove the gum from your hair with the help of popular advice.

At such moments, the main thing is to remain calm and listen to the voice of reason. Hasty decisions made in a panic for fear of losing some of your hair can do you even more harm than a little sticky tape. Trying to "tear out" it without applying special means or heat treatment, you will not only confuse even more hair, but you can also hurt yourself. Many mindlessly begin to treat the place of sticky gum with acetone, alcohol or kerosene, which can lead to serious consequences in the form of a scalp burn.

You can easily remove the cud from both the roots of the hair and from the long girlish braids. Before choosing the right method, you need to choose the method that suits you and prepare for the operation. It is always better to have an assistant in this difficult task. The method chosen depends on where the gum is stuck: along the length of the hair or near the roots.

What to do if chewing gum is tangled in long hair?

You can assume that you are very lucky. If the gum is stuck not at the roots, but much further, then removing it with the help of temperature contrast is perfect. If you are sure that ice water is running from one tap and the other is very hot, then you can not bother with heating and cooling.

How to perform the operation?

Alternately place a section of hair with gum under ice and hot water. After a cold jet, try to break the hardened gum. Once a few pieces have broken off, place your hair under a hot stream. Stretch gum wrinkle your fingers, forming a thin cake out of it. Pour ice water on it again and try to break it.

If summer water flows from the tap, it is better to take ice cubes and heat the water. In no case do not use boiling water. The maximum temperature for this procedure is 60 degrees, so as not to burn yourself. When there will be nothing to chip off, but the smallest pieces will still be in the hair, last time process them with a piece of ice and grab the combing. First, do it with a comb, then you can use a regular comb. You will be surprised how quickly and easily you can remove the gum from your hair.

What if the gum sits right at the roots of the hair?

The option of changing temperatures is also suitable for saving the hair roots, but you will probably have to call someone for help, since it is very difficult to do it yourself. The second and even more effective method is the use of fat, or rather, vegetable oil.

Dampen a cotton plate with any vegetable oil and apply it to the chewing gum. Do not try to tear it off after 10 seconds. For best results, you need to wait some time. Well-soaked gum easily and easily leave the hair. If you feel that she opposes and does not want to leave your thick hair, you can try to freeze it with an ice cube after oil treatment.

If vegetable oil is not at hand, and you urgently need to pull the gum out of your hair, take any product or product with a very high fat content. It can be a night hand cream, a vaseline tube, aromatic oils, peanut oil, and even very oily mayonnaise (this is, of course, for extreme cases). Just apply one of these greasy improvised products to the gum, wait until it starts to deform and remove it from the hair with a washcloth.

It saves hair from velcro eucalyptus oil, which is often found in the first-aid kit. It is necessary to moisten cotton wool or cotton wool fragrant with pine oil and press the gum to them. Spot for at least 3 minutes and you will begin to feel how the gum practically dissolves under your fingers. Remove the remnants of her with a cotton swab, then rinse the head twice with shampoo, which will help to wash off the remnants of the gum and clean the hair of fat.

Other methods of chewing gum hair removal

In addition to the above methods, you can use some more folk tricks. Such methods are not considered popular, but show a good result.

The first method is lemon juice or diluted citric acid. It is necessary to mix the juice of one large lemon with half a glass of water, pour the acidic liquid into a spray bottle and treat the hair area with glued chewing gum. After a while, she must get off when combing with a comb.

The second unpopular method will help to remove chewing gum from ordinary baking soda. Mix 1 tablespoon with a tablespoon of water to leave a thick gruel. Apply it to the adhered gum, wait until it is completely dry and then try to remove it by combing it with a comb. It is also advised to use toothpaste instead of soda.

If all the presented methods did not help you, then you can turn to more powerful tools, such as a special adhesive removal agent or WD-40. But let's hope that more benign ways, such as heat treatment or vegetable oil, will help you save your hair, leaving them healthy and beautiful. Do not rush to grab the scissors, even if a terrible cobbled piece has formed on your head. In any situation, the hair can be saved, and cut off in panic hair will grow for a very long time.

Getting rid of gum on clothes

Normal washing does not save from sticking gum. In this case, you have to give the thing in the dry cleaning or just throw it away. But do not hurry - try some very effective ways and means:

  1. If the gum is stuck on the wardrobe with a thick lump, you can freeze it. Fold the clothes in a plastic bag so that the problem area is on top, and close it tightly. Place the bag in the freezer for two or three hours, then remove the item and fry the gum with a sharp knife or nail scissors,
  2. In case the chewing gum was smeared over clothes, try the steaming method. Boil the kettle and hold a piece of cloth with chewing gum over the steam for a few minutes. When it becomes soft, clothes can be cleaned with a toothbrush, after which the thing must be washed,
  3. It is worth trying to get rid of the gum with iron. There are two ways to do this. For one of them you will need napkins. A piece of cloth is put on a piece of cloth with a chewing gum and several times it is carried out on it with a hot iron. Then change the napkin to clean. So do 3-5 times, gradually getting rid of the spot. Another option is to prepare a piece of cardboard in advance. Place it on the ironing board and attach a cloth area with chewing gum to it. Then, several times spend a hot iron on the wrong side of the affected product. Chewing gum is gradually moving from thing to cardboard. After both manipulations, the clothes are washed,
  4. Some housewives can get rid of gum using acetone. A cotton swab dipped in solvent wipe the stain. You can try to drop on the damaged fabric makeup remover and leave for a few minutes, then wipe with a sponge. Often, such simple actions allow you to save your favorite piece of clothing.

Saving Chewing Gum Shoes

You can step on the chewing gum in the most unexpected places, but to clean the shoes from it is not easy. How to get rid of such trouble?

You can remove the gum as described above method of freezing. Put the shoe in the bag and in the freezer for a few hours. Then scrape off the gum with a sharp object.

Not bad remove the gum acetone-containing nail polish remover and special gasoline for lighters. You just need to soak a rag in this liquid and rub it with the problem area until the gum dissolves.

Chewing gum on the carpet: the right actions

Favorite carpet can be hopelessly spoiled by a piece of gum stuck to it. However, do not despair, a little patience - and this problem will be solved.

If the carpet is not a long nap, you can try to steam the soiled place. To do this, you need a steam iron (you can take the usual with the function of steam). A jet of hot steam is sent to the pollution and hold for a few minutes. Then the remnants of the gum scraped and brushed.

Some inventive housewives use a regular hairdryer for cleaning carpets. It is turned on at maximum temperature and blown over chewing gum. As it is heated, it is wound on cotton buds, thus gradually removing it from the carpet.

For a carpet with a smooth surface, apply the method of freezing. Of course, you can’t put it in the freezer, but you can use ice packs, which are put on the gum stain. After some time, it is removed with a sharp knife.

You can try to remove the gum with acetone. However, this method requires great care, because aggressive acetone can change the color of the carpet at the site of application. Therefore, first try to apply a few drops of this substance in an inconspicuous place (under furniture, near the wall). If the color of the product does not change, proceed to the removal of the gum.

All of the above methods are suitable for getting rid of chewing gum on pieces of upholstered furniture.

Ambulance for hair

Gum in the hair often becomes a compelling reason for unplanned haircuts. Especially often children get into such situations. But do not rush, you can try to get rid of this trouble is not so drastic method.

If the chewing gum has not yet dried out, you can remove it with any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive). Apply oil with a toothbrush on the stuck together hair, leave for 1-2 minutes and comb out with a comb with thick teeth. Then wash your head in the usual way.

Vaseline is also able to help in solving this problem. They brush and comb hair in a problem place, so that the chewing gum slides off easily. After it remains only to thoroughly wash the hair from fat.

If the chewing gum is held in a hair lump, you need to attach ice cubes to it for 10-15 minutes, after which the pieces are removed from the hair.

Many women have silicone spray for split and brittle ends of hair. You can apply the product to the glued hair and wait 2-3 minutes. After this time, the chewing gum is simply combed out.

As can be seen from the above, no need to be upset at the sight of gum on clothes, shoes or carpet. A little patience and ingenuity will help you quickly and without special expenses to cope with this problem.

Thermal escape long spit

Chewing gum under the influence of low temperatures becomes hard, easily crumbles. From heating, on the contrary, softens and stretches well. Knowledge of the properties of "rubber" will play a good service. Try to get the gum out of your hair in one of the thermal ways.

“Cold” and “hot” methods are more suitable for removing gum from the ends of the hair or from the middle of the curl. It is so independently inconvenient to clean the radical zone: helpers are needed. In addition, sudden changes in temperature are not safe for the roots: it weakens them.

  1. Attach ice to the gum stick.
  2. Wait until the gum hardens completely: it becomes brittle, loses its stickiness.
  3. Break the cud, separate the pieces from the curls. Try to act carefully in order to do without pulling out hairs.
  1. Type in a basin of cold water. Dust salt on the eye.
  2. Dip in a basin curl with "Velcro". Salt helps to reduce the temperature, from which the gum will become hard. Separate those pieces that are easy.
  3. Change the water to hot. Dip the ringlets with gum residues into it: the substance will become sticky, pliable.
  4. Try to get rid of the traces of gum combing. What remains, roll into a ball.
  5. Repeat dipping in cold water. When the ball hardens, try to crush it to the maximum.

The heating

  1. Turn on the iron, which is used for laying, to the maximum.
  2. Wrap the strands, where the gum “flaunts”, in cotton fabric.
  3. Walk a few times on the matter leveling ironing. From the high temperature gum will become soft. It will lag behind the hair, “move” to the fabric.

Oily short-cut rescue

Oily substances will help to pull out chewing gum from short hair. Oil-soaked gum loses its stickiness, it is easy to leave. Using oily substances, you can not be afraid that the roots will deteriorate, as is the case with thermal effects. Oil should be smeared and the gum itself, and curls around: it will facilitate combing, and the "sticky" does not "move" to another strand. After manipulation, the hair should be well washed with shampoo, rinse thoroughly.

  • Peanut butter. Apply it on adhered gum and hair around it. Wait until the chewing gum is soft, lose its stickiness. It will take a little time - a maximum of ten minutes. Remove the gum with a sponge, but proceed carefully.
  • Vegetable oil. Any that is in the kitchen - sunflower, olive. The principle of operation is similar to the "peanut" method.
  • Essential oils. For example, orange, eucalyptus. Soak a cotton pad in oil, keep it on a stained curl until the gum softens. After - comb to help. You can first freeze the gum ice cube, and then soak it with eucalyptus oil.

4 more funds

In the house there will certainly be four more tools that will help in the "sticky" situation.

  1. Hair styling products. If there is hairspray, spray it on the gum. It will harden, become fragile. It only remains to crush and gently pull small particles out of the hair. An alternative to lacquer is mousse. Means for laying applied to the gum and on the strands around, wait five minutes and comb out.
  2. Soda. Make gruel from soda and water. Apply it on the glued gum, wait until the mixture dries, and scrub.
  3. Lemon juice. In half a glass of water squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Add some hair conditioner. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Spray the soiled strands, then use a dense comb. For greater effect, dampen a cotton pad in a lemon product and hold for three minutes on the “problem” curl: the grip between the elastic and the hair will decrease, the smoothness that the conditioner will provide will make it easy to comb the cud.
  4. Toothpaste. Apply the paste on the Velcro stuck in your hair. From the toothpaste gum will begin to move along the edges. Remove the sticky parts, apply a small amount of paste again - and so on until it is completely removed.

Ways for extreme cases

If chewing gum is entangled in the hair before an important meeting and you need a fast and 100% removal method, you can use:

  • alcohol solvent
  • strong alcohol,
  • acetone,
  • technical aerosol WD-40.

Any of the above substances effectively cope with the Velcro: two minutes after treatment, the gum will disappear by itself. But the elegant result has a downside: alcohol-containing liquids, alcohol, nail polish removers dry out hairs. Such substances can not be applied on the roots.When working with technical aerosol, you need to follow safety rules: use a respiratory mask, protect your eyes. Refer to such methods only in extreme cases. It is better to postpone the meeting for a couple of hours and solve the problem in a safe folk way.

After you managed to remove the gum, take care of the restoration of hair. Even if sparing methods were used, the curls survived the stress. Pamper your hair with a nourishing mask, apply special oil on the tips, discard the hair dryer this time. After removing the chewing gum, children's curls will also need restoration: there are children's lines of balms and conditioners, they will help the strands to “come to their senses.”

Slippery method

Rescue holders of short haircuts or those who are not lucky and chewing gum stuck close to the hair roots. To peel the gum from the hair with the help of ice and ice cold water in this case is not the best idea, you can simply freeze the scalp.

Yes, and not a pleasant feeling. Therefore you should forget about the physical properties of chewing gum and turn to slip.

The point is to ensure that the chewing gum passes through the entire length of the hair as easily as possible. For these purposes you can use:

  • peanut butter,
  • any fatty vegetable oils,
  • petroleum jelly,
  • mayonnaise.

All this can be easily found in the home refrigerator. As for the application, there will have to work. You can get the gum out of your hair with an old toothbrush.

This simple tool will evenly distribute the fatty substance on the hair and will provide further promotion of gum away from the soiled curls.

It is necessary to carefully treat the strand with chewing gum with petroleum jelly, oil or whatever turned out to be greasy and viscous at hand, from root to tip.

Gum in the hair must also be exposed to the remedy. Then you should gently scrape the sticky tape with smooth longitudinal movements with the same toothbrush.

It is difficult to carry out such manipulations on the weight, therefore before the information procedure it is better to take care of a reliable solid surface on which it will be convenient to place a dirty curl.

When the gum is saturated with fat and finally leaves the hair, you need to thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo. Haircut saved!

By the way, this method is most appropriate when it is necessary to remove the gum from the child's hair. Place the dislocation of the gum on the head of the beloved offspring will have to richly sprinkle with vegetable oil and wait a bit, and the remnants of sticky mass comb out with a comb and rinse with shampoo.

In case of emergency

If the two previous methods did not help, which is extremely rare, you can try "heavy artillery." Try to remove the gum from the hair with a thick solution of soda.

It is effective in destroying the structure of chewing gum, but adversely affects the condition of the hair. In this regard, toothpaste seems to be a good alternative to this alkali.

More dangerous for the health of the hair recipes containing concentrated citric or acetic acid, glue solvents and even the popular WD-40.

Means, of course, cope with the task, but they should be attributed to the most radical.

After such an aggressive exposure to chemicals, the hair is no longer subject to recovery, which leads to quite logical reflections on the possible change of image and the removal of chewing gum along with the affected curls.

Peanut butter and vegetable oils

If the chewing gum is not very dry yet, it can be removed from the hair with peanut butter. To do this, take a creamy paste without adding pieces of peanuts (that is, not crunchy). Then apply with fingers or with a toothbrush paste on gum stuck to the hair. The latter will absorb the oil contained in the paste, it will become elastic and non-sticky - it can be easily combed out from the hair with a comb. Remove excess paste with a towel and wash your hair in the usual way.

Gum removal from hair with peanut butter

Vegetable oils also work in a similar way: olive, sunflower and others. But the effect is even better: when the chewing gum softens, it is quickly removed by hand. See for yourself:

Silicone Hair Drops

Typically, girls use these drops to combat brittle and split ends of hair. They are produced, as a rule, in the form of a spray. But few people know that they can be used to remove chewing gum from the hair. To do this, put a drop on the cud and wait 1 - 2 minutes. After that, comb the gum from the hair and wash your hair.

Gum removal from hair with silicone spray

Vaseline and mayonnaise

Vaseline is in the first-aid kit in almost any home. Therefore, this method can be attributed to the public. They need to lubricate the hair around the sticky gum, as well as the comb, which you plan to comb out the gum. It is believed that chewing gum will quickly slip from the hair.

Gum removal from hair with Vaseline or mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is also a popular remedy for chewing gum in hair. The principle of application is the same.

Spray remover adhesive and WD-40

Spray remover spray is used to clean the glue base when building nails. But no less effective, he and in the fight against chewing gum, stuck in the hair. To do this, spray on the gum spray and rub it into it with your fingers. After that, remove the gum from the hair with a paper towel and wash your hair.

In addition, you can use the WD-40. For information on how this is done, read the article on unusual ways to use this drug.

Ice Cube

If in the case of vegetable oils, the essence of the method is to soften the gum, then here is the reverse principle: the gum is frozen so that it can easily be knocked off the hair. To do this, take an ice cube and attach it to the gum for 10 - 15 minutes. This time should be enough for the gum to freeze, then it can be easily broken and removed from the hair in small pieces.

Gum removal from hair with ice

Toothpaste, elixir and hand cleaner

Pea toothpaste should be applied to the gum and rub it until the gum starts to peel off the hair. Add pasta if necessary.

Among the hygiene products that are effective in combating chewing gum in the hair, there is also a hand cleaner (it should be rubbed into the sticky toffee) and a mouth wash (they need to wash the hair after the cleaner). After about 5 minutes, the chewing gum will disappear.

Moisten a cotton pad with vodka or other strong alcohol and carefully treat them to the place where the chewing gum is stuck. After a minute the gum should start to move away from the hair. After the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo.

How to get rid of gum on clothes

You walk in the park, sit on the bench ... and you get "hello" from fellow citizens in the form of gum stuck to jeans. As a rule, a simple wash does not save from this "contagion" - you have to either give the thing dry, or throw it away. But you can get rid of chewing gum on clothes with improvised means.

The freezing method works with chewing gums, which are stuck to the clothes with a thick “pancake”, and not smeared over the fabric, not much eaten into it. Fold the thing so that the gum is on top, put it in a plastic bag (better if it is sealed) and send it all in the freezer for a couple of hours. Then remove the bag, unfold the garment and tuck the frozen gum with a knife or other sharp object.

It is necessary to heat the iron to an average temperature and iron it thing, spoiled by chewing gum. At the same time there are two important points. First, ironing is not directly gum, and the clothes on the back side. Secondly, the gum will melt, and in order not to spoil the ironing board, put a piece of cardboard on it - the gum will stick to it.

Remove gum from clothes with the help of iron


This is a simple method that does not require any consumables. Boil the kettle and hold the soiled area of ​​clothing over its spout, from which steam comes. After a few minutes the gum will be soft, brush it off with a toothbrush cloth. After that, wash the thing.

Removing gum from clothes with steam

Alternatively, use a basin with very hot water (if this thing can be washed at high temperatures), put the clothes in there and remove the gum with an unnecessary toothbrush.

Vinegar, alcohol and household chemicals

Pour the vinegar in a bowl and put in a microwave for 1 minute (it should heat up well, but not boil). Apply hot vinegar to the gum with a toothbrush. Work quickly before the vinegar is cold. Several energetic movements, and the elastic will move away from the fabric. This method is best not to apply to delicate fabrics.

You can also use medical alcohol, but remember: the fabric can shed, and the colors - glitter. Therefore, this method is best used to remove chewing gum from monochrome clothing. Apply alcohol to a sponge and soak it on the area on which gum has stuck. Wait 1 - 2 minutes, then pick off the gum with a knife or spatula.

From household chemicals are effective spray for removing labels (apply for 2 minutes and brush off the gum with a toothbrush), liquid detergent (pour onto the damaged area of ​​clothing, rub into the gum well and remove the last with a spatula) and hairspray (spray the gum , it hardens, after which it can be picked off with something sharp).

Removing gum from clothing using household chemicals

Butter and Peanut Butter

The principle of applying peanut butter is the same as in the case of hair. When the gum softens, it can be removed with a knife.

Removing gum from clothing with peanut butter

As for oils, orange and eucalyptus oils work best on the fabric. It is best to oil a section of cloth with a chewing gum with a cotton swab, and then brush off the gum with a toothbrush. After that, clothes necessarily require washing.

Duct tape

If chewing gum is not much ingrained in the fabric, then to remove it, you can use adhesive tape. Cut a piece of tape or tape of this size so that it covers the entire gum. Press the ribbon firmly against the gum, and then tear it off with a sharp movement. If it was not possible to remove the whole gum at once, repeat the procedure.

Removing gum from clothes with adhesive tape

Gasoline for lighters and acetone

Specialized gasoline for refilling lighters, as well as acetone containing nail polish remover, remove gum from the soles of shoes. To do this, wet the unwanted cloth with gasoline or acetone and carefully rub the gum until the liquid corrodes it and the gum disappears. Attention! These liquids are flammable - take precautions.

If you come to the "fresh" chewing gum and she has not had time to become numb, get dry sand and a small stick. Put sand on the cud and rub it with a stick. Chewing gum will begin to roll lumps and stick out from the sole. Add sand if necessary.

Freezer and ice

Freezing in relation to shoes works as well as with hair and clothes. There are two options. The first is to put the shoes in a bag and send them in the freezer for a couple of hours. After that, the cud can be knocked off the soles with a sharp object. The second option is to attach ice cubes.

In addition, WD-40 and peanut butter can also be used to clean gum from shoes.

How to get rid of gum on the carpet and furniture

For carpets and furniture, it is difficult to find a universal remedy for the chewing gum stuck to them, it all depends on the material. So, from long-haired carpets, chewing gum is often trimmed (if it is not tangled deeply). Smooth carpets are cleaned with ice and by steam (use a hairdryer instead of a kettle).

However, in the latter case, fatty traces are often left on the palaces. They, in turn, are disposed of with dishwashing detergent, special carpet cleaners or lemon juice. You should be careful and before cleaning the carpet one way or another to check on the edge, if it does not spoil the color and quality of the product.

The same methods and principles work in relation to upholstered furniture. As for hard coatings, such as a table or a cabinet with a polish, methods with vegetable oil and ice work best here. Essential oils are most effective on glass surfaces.

Chewing gum wall, one of the most unhygienic sights in the world (Seattle, USA)

Bonus! 5 steps to get rid of gum on the LCD monitor

  1. Disconnect power from the TV or computer monitor.
  2. Mix distilled white vinegar and water in equal proportions.
  3. Dampen cotton fabric with the resulting solution. The fabric should be wet, but not wet.
  4. Gently blot the gum with this cloth. Try not to touch the surface of the screen and do not press on it.
  5. Try removing gum with your fingers. If it does not give in, repeat steps 3 and 4. After the chewing gum disappears from the screen, wipe it with a special napkin and connect it to the network.
Removing gum from the LCD monitor

If you know other methods, how to escape from chewing gum, share them in the comments.

Rules for removing gum stains from hard surfaces

In the case of sticky chewing gum, it is important to consider how long it has been on the material. Some experts believe that the sooner you start cleansing from the lump, the better. A number of "experienced" victims have a different opinion: if you start to remove the gum at once, it can be smeared even more. It is better to wait until it hardens.

How to peel a gum from wooden surfaces, floor, tile, stone and linoleum

The main condition for the complete removal of chewing gum from a wooden table and other furniture - its surface must be cool and dry.

  1. Wrap the ice cube in a bag.
  2. Drive them on a dirty surface for 2–3 minutes.
  3. When the chewing gum finally hardens, scrape it off with a spatula.
  4. Wipe non-varnished surface with warm soapy water.
  5. Treat varnished surfaces with ammonia diluted with water (2 parts water and 1 part alcohol).
  6. Wipe dry to avoid divorce.

It is easier to remove the gum from a polished wood, as it is not possible to penetrate the material

To remove the gum from granite, marble and tile spot need to freeze. Suitable as described above method of cleaning wood surfaces. If the chewing gum is stuck on the linoleum, it needs to be cooled very much, but you will have to wield the spatula with great care not to scratch the top layer.

It is interesting. In the ranking of the magazine Forbes, dedicated to a dozen unusual things in the world, one of the leading places is occupied by a rapidly-decaying chewing gum. It does not stick to the surface and is easily washed off with plain water.

How to clean glass, porcelain or earthenware

Kitchen utensils suffer from chewing gum no less than clothing and shoes. The easiest way to remove sticky lumps with hot water. If material allows, then boil the dishes or restrict yourself with a stream of hot water. Under the influence of high temperature, the gum will melt and drain itself.

If the gum is stuck to the dish, you can use hot water to remove it.

The exception is the glassware from thin glass. It is better not to heat this material, but rather to cool it (just do not freeze it, otherwise it will burst), and then carefully remove the residue with your fingers.

Remove sticky mass and greasy residue from iron, liquid crystal surfaces and plastic

For iron, you can use the "cold method" (as for wood, stone and linoleum) or "hot."The second is considered more reliable.

  1. Direct the hot jet of the dryer to the adhered gum.
  2. After its softening, remove the remnants of a napkin or brush.
  3. Rinse with cool water and wipe dry.

Iron surface after gum removal should be well rubbed with a soft, lint-free cloth.

If the gum stuck to a computer monitor or laptop, you need to act carefully.

  1. Turn off the fixture and allow it to cool to room temperature.
  2. Mix distilled vinegar and distilled water in a 1: 1 ratio. Attention! You can not use ordinary water from the tap - there will be stains.
  3. Pour the liquid into the spray bottle.
  4. Apply it to a lint-free cotton fabric.
  5. When gumming, try to remove it from the surface. Do this carefully, as you can damage the top layer of the LCD film.
  6. Repeat the previous step until you remove the entire gum.
  7. Wipe the screen with a dry cotton cloth to remove the greasy residue.

It is necessary to remove gum from LCD surfaces with extreme caution so as not to damage the thin film.

How to clean the sole of sticky chewing gum: saving shoes or shoes

What could be more unpleasant than stepping on a chewing gum, especially if you are in a hurry or for the first time put on a new pair of trendy sneakers. But do not despair: there is a way that helps to quickly tear the gum from the sole.

  1. Soak a cotton pad with alcohol, acetone or nail polish remover.
  2. Blot the sticky mass for 3-4 minutes, applying and lightly pressing on the tampon.
  3. Remove the remnants with a knife or unnecessary toothbrush.

Please note: if the gum is stuck to the shoes with a bright colored sole, then the solvents listed above should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 0.5.

Relief sole is more difficult to clean, so that alcohol or acetone is indispensable.

In order to scrape off a colored or smooth sole, use methods using vegetable oil.

  1. Put any vegetable oil on sticky chewing gum.
  2. Wait 2 minutes.
  3. Remove the sticky lump with a napkin.

If there is no oil on hand, use sand or coffee.

  1. Put sand or ground coffee on the gum.
  2. Finger roll it into a ball and remove it from the sole.

It is also possible to remove the gum from the shoe using the “cold” method, placing the shoe for 15–20 minutes. in the freezer.

How to clean a carpet, carpet or carpet

If chewing gum hit the carpet, you can remove it in two ways. The first one is suitable for short nap covers.

  1. Remove the gum with your hands as much as possible.
  2. Soak a soft cotton cloth with white spirit.
  3. Wipe the remaining mark.

Before treating the carpet by any means, remove the lump of gum by hand.

If the pile is long, use scissors.

  1. As in the previous instructions, remove most of the gum with your hands.
  2. Carefully trim off any tangled villi.

These methods are also suitable for cleaning fleecy car mats.

Remove the gum from tight clothes: jeans, knitwear, jackets, shirts, down jackets and bed linen

If the gum is frozen on jeans, a cotton blanket, a thick rug, linen bedding or sheets, a shirt or a down jacket, it is best to use the method of removal using cooling.

  • freeze the spoiled item in the freezer or put a piece of ice on a ball of gum,
  • wait until the sticky mass completely freezes,
  • remove the gum with your fingers or an unnecessary toothbrush.

Chewing gum is best removed from denim with ice.

You can also use a special cooler Freeezer, which is sold in stores of radio components.

The spray is used when soldering and mounting radio equipment to cool surfaces, but is also great for removing sticky gum.

  1. Apply a freezing spray to the gum stick.
  2. Remove contamination with your fingers or brush.
  3. After processing, it is advisable to wash the item, as there may be an unpleasant smell.

Do not use iron to remove sticking gum. He copes poorly with the task and leaves stains on clothes that are hard to get rid of.

Old stains from gum stuck to tight jeans, school jackets or pants can be removed in unusual ways. For example, another cud.

  1. Apply fresh gum to sticky, press with a knife.
  2. Sharply tear off both rubber bands.
  3. Repeat several times until you completely remove the lump.

Paradoxically, the chewing gum can be removed with another chewing gum: attach the fresh gum to the dried gum and remove the entire clump

Another simple way is to use scotch tape or tape.

  1. Attach a piece of adhesive tape or tape to the cud.
  2. Sharply peel off.
  3. Repeat until all the pieces are left on the scotch.

Adhesive tape or tape can be used to remove a clump of gum.

How to unstick a gum from cotton trousers, skirts, sports jackets, t-shirts or synthetic dresses

Thin knitwear, cotton shorts, leggings, stretching synthetics require special treatment. When rubbed, they can greatly stretch and the thing is completely deformed. If the fabric does not fade, use the usual nail polish remover.

  1. Moisten a cotton pad in liquid.
  2. Attach to the lump.
  3. Use your fingers or a knife to carefully remove the gum residue.

Impregnated with nail polish remover lump of gum carefully remove with a knife

To wash the chewing gum with colored stretching fabrics will help dishwashing detergent.

  1. Pour any dishwashing liquid on the stain.
  2. Leave for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Remove the cud.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

Dishwashing liquid can be replaced with peanut butter. Put it on the sticky gum, gently remove it with a napkin and wash the clothes.

Home and professional products for chiffon, silk, leather jackets, briefcases and furniture

Silk, chiffon and other delicate fabrics require special care when removing a lump of gum. One sudden movement can permanently damage the product. In order to reduce the gum, you will need warm vinegar.

  1. Heat 9% vinegar to 40–50 degrees.
  2. Dampen it with an unnecessary toothbrush.
  3. Remove the gum by gently rubbing the surface.
  4. Wash the item in the usual way.

After removing the gum with vinegar, the item should be washed, as it will smell unpleasant

In order not to damage delicate fabrics, you can use a special spray Chewing Gum Removers. Its action is similar to a freezing, only several times faster. With it, the gum is removed easily and without loss.

One such aerosol is able to remove several dozen chewing gums sticking to different surfaces.

  1. Spray the adhered gum.
  2. Remove the frozen mass with a spatula, spatula or nail file.
  3. Allow the cloth to dry.

Please note: on bright shades after applying the spray Chewing Gum Removers may appear dimming.

In order to erase the sticky gum from the leather surface you will need saddle soap (a special detergent for leather items). Prepare a dense foam from it and wipe the lump with a sponge until it disappears completely.

The best way to clean the skin - use saddle soap

There is another way suitable for leather furniture - cut the cud with a knife. After that, you only need to remove the remnants of the hard brush and lubricate with special oil or regular petroleum jelly.

Clearing the gum seat in the car

In order to effectively remove the car's chewing gum from the sticking gum, you need to choose a method suitable for the material from which it is made. The most convenient and versatile is the method of cooling with a piece of ice.

To remove the gum from the leather surface of the car seat, you can use freezing and scissors

If you need to chew gum from the fabric upholstery of the seats, use the option with the use of warm milk.

  1. Dip the chewing gum with milk that has been warmed to room temperature until it begins to crumble.
  2. Remove leftovers with any cleaning agent.

After removing the gum on textile surfaces often remains a greasy mark. Get rid of it will help any stain remover or dishwashing gel.

How to get rid of gum stuck to the fabric: rating effective ways

The first place in the freezing, this technique allows you to remove the remnants of gum from any tissue. Moreover, after strong cooling, even the old ingrained gum is removed quite easily.

The second position in solvents such as white spirit or nail polish remover. It should be remembered that these tools are suitable only for dense materials of light shades. As for delicate fabrics, there is an alternative for them - vinegar. The third place is shared by dishwashing gels and lotions for removing makeup.

Of course, special aerosols are out of competition, but the question of their universality remains open. After their use, white traces may remain on colored fabrics of any texture.

How to remove the gum from the skin or hair

If the gum is stuck to the skin, moisten it with warm water and remove with your hands. Some experienced "rescuers" recommend wiping a lump of lemon juice, so the gum will move away faster.

But at home to remove the sticky mass of hair in several ways.

  1. Cold. Apply a piece of ice to hair sticking together, after 4–5 min. remove the pieces of stiffened gum.
  2. Soda. Mix it with water in a ratio of 2: 1, apply to your hair, let it dry and remove the adhering gum with a comb.
  3. Vegetable oil. Liberally lubricate the soiled curl, then comb the gum with a comb with occasional teeth or remove with your hands. As an alternative to butter, you can use petroleum jelly or fatty mayonnaise.
  4. Lemon conditioner. For its preparation will require lemon juice, water and hair conditioner in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Apply the mixture to the hair and, kneading, remove the gum, gradually losing stickiness.
  5. Alcohol. Moisten hair, wait 1–2 minutes, then remove the gum with your fingers.
  6. Silicone for split ends of hair. Moisten the affected curl, wait until the gum begins to crawl through the hair and remove it with your hands.

How to remove gum residue from the hair - video

If you avoid such trouble as a sticky gum, it was not possible, you should not be upset. Rubber can be removed in different ways. Guarantee of success - taking into account the type of surface on which it is stuck. Even if household methods did not help, do not rush to part with things, in extreme cases, use professional sprays or dry cleaning services.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian languages, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strong qualities: responsibility, desire to learn new things and improve themselves.

Ways to remove chewing gum from hair

The faster you notice the chewing gum and start to remove it, the better. This can help you, both chemical and improvised means. The degree of their efficiency is approximately equal.

Ways to remove the gum from the hair differ only in the composition of the funds. In the first place are the oils - vegetable, olive, baby. Gum components do not tolerate mixing with fat.

To feel the intolerance of such a neighborhood - chew the cud (not the one you take out of your hair, but a new one), and then put a piece of chocolate in your mouth.

How to remove the gum from the head with oils

If you soak the chewing gum with any oil, it will simply creep away. Suitable baby oil, vegetable or olive.

  1. Prepare the hair: separate the strand in which the gum is stuck.
  2. Wet the cotton pad with oil and soak the cud well. You can also lean over the bathroom or sink and pour oil on a sticky mass in a thin stream from a bottle. This option is suitable for those who have chewing gum on the ends of long hair.

Gum hair can also be cleaned with essential oil of orange or eucalyptus. The fat composition cleaves the sticky gum, literally "forcing" it to fall out of the hair. Use essential oils in the same way as vegetable oils.

Peeling peanut butter or mayonnaise

Is there a jar of peanut butter in your fridge? Fine, it can also help.

  1. Prepare the hair.
  2. Using a teaspoon, add a sufficient amount of peanut butter or paste from a jar. The amount depends on the size of the stuck gum. Oil should cover it completely.

If there is no peanut butter in the house, take mayonnaise. The fats contained in it dissolve the chewing gum and help to quickly clean the hair. Mayonnaise is used in the same way as peanut butter.

How to bring chewing gum Vaseline

Fat-containing remedy Vaseline is in almost every home. With it, you can also remove the gum from the hair.

  1. Prepare the hair.
  2. Lubricate vaseline gum, hair around it and comb.
  3. Being softened, the sticky mass will slip from the hair. Comb the remnants of the comb.
  4. In the Vaseline-smeared hair, rub a sufficient amount of starch, it will absorb fat.
  5. Comb your hair with a comb to remove starch and wash it with warm water and shampoo for deep cleaning.

Since petroleum jelly is a petroleum product, it is poorly washed off hair. With cold or cool water you cannot get rid of it, it will become too viscous.

How to get a sticky chewing gum from the hair with ice

A popular way to remove gum from clothing is freezing. It is necessary to freeze the thing to which the gum stuck, and gently clean it off. This method is also suitable for hair.

  1. Apply ice cubes to your hair or something cold. Ice must be put in the bag so that it will melt and not flow down your head.
  2. As soon as the gum will freeze, carefully pull it out, disassembling the strands.
  3. Walk through the hair brush, scrubbing residue.

Contrast shower - an unusual, but effective way

Another original method to bring chewing gum out of your hair is with hot and cold water.

  1. Turn on cold water and gently moisten hair with chewing gum, it should harden.
  2. Turn on hot water to soften the gum.
  3. Turn on the cold again. Gum, unable to withstand temperature changes, will begin to crack. Try to break it into small pieces and take it out of the hair. If it didn’t work out right away, spend another cycle of the contrasting soul.

With all the simplicity, the method is not very convenient. If the gum is stuck closer to the scalp, then there is a high risk of scalding with hot water or catching cold after a cold one.

How to peel the cud, if the house has lemon juice, soda or Coca-Cola

Products available in almost every home also help to cope with an unpleasant situation and quickly remove the gum from the hair.

  1. Prepare a paste from ordinary baking soda: mix it in equal proportions with water. Apply it to the cud in your hair, wait until it dries. Using a comb, try to peel off the remnants of soda and chewing gum, then wash your hair.
  2. Mix in equal proportions of lemon juice, water and conditioner (better for dry hair). Pour the mixture into a glass, dip into it a strand with chewing gum or apply to the hair with a spray gun. Lemon reduces grip between hair and chewing gum. As soon as it begins to change the structure, soften - combed the remnants of a frequent comb.
  3. Saturate the cotton pad with coca-cola. Wipe the strand until the gum softens and slips off the hair.

Cleaning with alcohol is the fastest way.

Alcohol is one of the first places in the rate of removal of gum from the hair. Any strong alcohol will do.

  1. Dampen the disc with liquid.
  2. Use a disc to handle the gum sticking point. Literally within a minute, she should “get off” her hair.
  3. Wash hair with shampoo.

Be careful not to let the funds in the eyes and try not to breathe vapors of alcohol.

WD-40 - a multifunctional product that helps to remove the gum from the hair

Truly, there are no limits to the use of the magic tool “wedoshki”. It deals with many problems, including helping to peel the chewing gum from the hair.

  1. Apply a small amount of WD-40 gently to the gum.
  2. Wait a while, remove the gum with a paper towel.
  3. Scrape the remnants of the hair.

The method requires accuracy. Take care to protect your respiratory organs and eyes by removing the gum and wash your hands thoroughly.

After applying any method, do not forget to wash your hair with shampoo.

How to pull the cud out of the baby's hair

If your child brought from school not only knowledge, but also cud stuck in his hair, then remove it in any of the following ways.

Tip experienced mothers: to remove the gum from the hair, you can use a remedy for warts. It is sold in every pharmacy. After applying the gum literally crumble. Take it out and wash your hair.

Experiments on yourself: remove the cud from the hair in various ways - video

Chewing gum will not harm, if applied to its intended purpose. If she got into her hair, then you can remove it simply and quickly enough. What means to trust - home or chemical? The choice is yours. However, remember that home remedies are not toxic and they are always at hand. And in order to protect yourself from getting sticky gum on your hair, do not lean your head anywhere. After all, you never know where ill-mannered people can stick gum.


Watch the video: How To Get Gum Out Of Hair Without Cutting It. 7 Best Ways To Get Gum Out Of Hair (July 2024).