
Home hair care (masks, peels, etc.)


Aromatherapy is a rather useful and pleasant procedure that can heal and strengthen hair. It will also help to relax or cheer up.

Need a comb in the hands and a drop of oil.

An unusual soft head massage using essential oils significantly enhances blood flow and begins to stimulate the hair follicle. Oil nourishes the skin, hair and improves the hair structure. They become much stronger and healthier, begin to grow better, and acquire a very beautiful shine.

The psychological effect is very important here. Essential oil itself has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and together with massage. need to dissolve hair and carefully comb. Pleasant aromas of oils and you already honor yourself much easier after a hard day of work.

For the very aromatic scrubbing you need first and foremost, a high-quality massage hair brush and preferably of natural material. It is advisable to use wooden combs, which have a round tip on all teeth. The best option if you buy a brush specifically for this procedure and after each session, be sure to clean it. And of course the essential oil, 3-4 drops are needed for one use.

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Aromatherapy! What kind of oils, what is the use? FIVE SIMPLE RULES for the health of our hair! How can I comb to nausea, like me?) And it's easy, if you do it wrong!

I think everyone has heard about such a procedure as aromatherapy, but not everyone believes in the healing properties of this activity. Someone, I will tell you, is incorrectly and completely combed, thereby spoiling your hair and not understanding why the darlings do not repair the damage)

Aromatherapy is a very useful procedure that stimulates our hair follicles, thereby strengthening them and accelerating growth.

The aromatic combing procedure is beneficial on three sides.

This, of course, is combing itself.

It improves blood circulation in the skin and hair follicles, which means that hair will be able to get more nutrients and grow better.


Their components will relieve us of many problems, such as dandruff, itching, baldness. Oils improve the hair structure and nourish them at the roots.

Psychological state.

Aromatic combing has a positive effect on the nervous system. Each oil has a different effect: soothing relieves stress and relieves depression, tonic - on the contrary, cause a surge of strength and raise mood.

I used to comb my hair once a day for a few seconds)) My hair was in poor condition, and after combing it was strong fluffed and stuck out.

In general, how I learned about aromatherapy is not very interesting, so let's get straight to the point)

At once I will say that only one aromatherapy cannot be saved too damaged hair; in this case, complex treatment of hair with various oil and powder masks is required.

There are rules that should be followed for the effectiveness of the procedure, and in some cases in order not to harm the hair and your health, because you need to comb your hair properly, especially with oils!

1) Need a proper comb! Wooden or natural bristle. You can not use metal, they only hurt the hair, just do not comb plastic and plastic, these combs can react with oils.

I have two combs, made of natural bristle and wooden massage. The first one does not reach the scalp in certain areas, so I bought myself a second option and it became at times more convenient.

2) The comb should be constantly washed!

I constantly neglected this rule even before aroma-scrubbing, I am ashamed of myself. But now my almost every day.

3) Essential oils do not need to pour the whole bottle onto the comb, 2-3 drops will suffice.

Once I went too far with lavender oil, it has a peculiar and sharp smell for an amateur, 10 drops dripped)) So then I was sick of this smell in the literal sense! And now I dislike him, although I used to calmly treat him)

4) You need to comb for at least three minutes, preferably 5. But overdoing is also not worth it, that would not damage the hair structure.

Longer than 5 minutes it is already physically hard to stand and comb) 3 minutes I comb for sure, and very rarely longer)

And last but not least, the rule)

5) Sessions should be carried out 1-2 times a week.. But this rule depends only on the perception of oils by each person.

Personally, I comb my hair every day, sometimes every other day, alternating oils.

This is the main list of rules. Should take into account a couple of tips)

Before aromatherapy, ventilate the room.

This, in principle, should always be done before bedtime) Before bedtime, because it is most convenient to comb with oils during this period of the day, but this is not important, it is possible during the day and in the morning.

During the procedure you need to monitor their condition.

For example, you may feel dizzy, or, as in my case with lavender, nausea. So you have gone too far or picked up a not quite suitable oil for yourself.

Before using this or that oil, you need to make a test on the skin, especially for allergic people.

I did not do tests on the skin, I had never had any problems, but for reliability, it is better not to neglect this rule.

Do not mix oils with perfume. Aromas of oils and perfumes can conflict with each other, can cause headaches, etc.

I think that it is more sensitive to sensitive, precisely to smells, people who react too vividly to certain aromas. Personally, I do not suffer from such problems, and I carry all the smells calmly, except, again, lavender, I teach it anywhere now)

So, tell a little about your experience.

Aromatherapy, I really loved for its simplicity of action, agree, stand and comb a little longer than it should be, not such a difficult task! And to do it with oils is a double plus, and the use of hair, and we relax! Very pleasant feeling!

I do this in the evening, so as not to "dirty" the roots of the head once again, because all the oils are different, some can become fat, some can not. After each procedure, I comb my host. soap in warm water.

Combing for at least 3 minutes, sometimes a little longer. I constantly alternate oils, it depends more on my mood and the smell I want to feel at the moment, and not on their beneficial properties.

Now the most interesting, oil)

You need to choose according to your feelings, asking yourself more if I like this smell, and not because of their healing properties.

For morning brushing tonic oils are ideal, they have an invigorating effect.

For evening procedures, it is better to use relaxing oils that soothe.

Do you want to awaken sensuality, passion and love attraction in a person? Then use oil aphrodisiacs.

  • ylang-ylang
  • bergamot
  • verbena
  • carnation
  • geranium
  • grapefruit
  • jasmine
  • ginger
  • nutmeg

All these oils, as you have noticed, have a greater influence on our state and nervous system. But with the help of oils you can rid yourself of many problems with hair.

For dry hair will be perfect:

  • palmarosa
  • ylang-ylang
  • citrus fruits (orange, mandarin),
  • incense
  • chamomile
  • sandalwood
  • lavender
  • patchouli
  • pink tree
  • myrrh

For greasy hair:

  • lemon
  • bergamot
  • citronella
  • tea tree
  • geranium
  • Melissa
  • mint
  • cedar, pine
  • cypress
  • eucalyptus
  • juniper
  • ginger
  • kayaput
  • verbena
  • sage
  • carnation

For hair growth:

Against hair loss:

  • rosemary
  • calamus
  • rose or tea tree
  • verbena
  • cedar, pine
  • coriander
  • beat
  • incense
  • ylang-ylang
  • mint
  • cypress

Against split ends:

  • chamomile
  • sandalwood
  • pink tree
  • geranium
  • ylang-ylang
  • orange
  • lavender

  • chamomile
  • geranium
  • lavender
  • tea tree
  • Melissa
  • basil
  • rosemary
  • citrus
  • eucalyptus

As you noticed, many oils universal and are used to treat several problems at once. For example, ylang-ylang oil suitable for dry hair, for the treatment of split ends, for growth and against hair loss. Beautiful as an aphrodisiac and relaxing!

This is my favorite oil, it takes first place my preferences, Citrus (orange, mandarin and lemon) go further by smell.

My feelings)

After the procedures I really I feel relaxation, because I do it, as I said before bedtime. My hair became smooth and shiny Despite regular care, aroma combing makes itself felt! They have not been confused for a long time and do not push as before. All week I can not think about masks, but only combing with oils, my hair will look better than if I made masks every other day and combed just for 10 seconds once a day.

Oils for bfishing line - lavender, citrus, ylang-ylang, bergamot.

All the same universal oils that are suitable for everything)

+ It has become much more pleasant to go to bed with combed hair, thoughts immediately arise in the head about the benefits brought, and thoughts, as we know, are material)

Girls who still doubt the benefits of aromatherapy, DO NOT DOUBT, just try it!)


How to restore hair from serious damage and grow over a year 20cm read here

Budget home lamination with glycerin is an excellent and simple procedure that is not inferior to the salon with its efficiency!

It is possible to burn hair with ethers, as well as get skin burns. Pure oils do not use (except for tea tree and lavender) they are diluted in base oil or honey, kefir, etc. Your hair is beautiful - do not burn them.
Before using this or that oil, you need to make a test on the skin, especially for allergic people. Again, a skin test. Maybe I did not understand something in your recall? Or are you just too literally and trustingly perceive information from Ineta.

Their components will relieve us of many problems, such as dandruff, itching, baldness. Oils improve the hair structure and nourish them at the roots.
Aromatherapy is a very useful procedure that stimulates our hair follicles, thereby strengthening them and accelerating growth. If ethers are diluted in base oil. But pure air does not help in baldness and does not eliminate dandruff. How, if you brush the hair that is dead? And the hair follicles are quite deep under the scalp.
I may be obscene, but I think you should explain a review, because It can cause harm to those who take it literally and not really understanding. In general, I can not understand where this bike came from: the usefulness of aromatherapy.

The healing properties of aromatic combing

The procedure has the effect of a toning mask. The composition of the oils includes a large number of natural and healing components, so this care has a positive effect on the general condition and appearance of hair and is very useful for the growth of the bulbs.

Combing itself has a positive effect on blood circulation in the scalp and on the hair roots. After the procedure, the hair becomes more beautiful and healthy shine. By means of esters it is easy to add a pleasant smell to curls. The aroma can have different effects, such as relaxing, soothing, invigorating. It all depends on your chosen aromatic oil.

Hair after the procedure becomes silky, elastic, shiny and smooth.

Bulbs strengthen and grow much faster. After such care for some time, your hairstyle will have a pleasant smell. This treatment increases the speed of hair growth.

The principle of aromatic hair therapy

Often, those who have heard about this procedure and its effect ask themselves: how to do a scattering? Care through scratching is easy enough. To do this, take a comb and put on it a couple of drops of oil. Next, you must alternately take strands and thoroughly comb them, starting with the roots and ending with the tips. The approximate time spent on the procedure is 7-10 minutes.

Do not use more oil than specified. Instead of the expected effect, you can get allergic reactions, irritation or even pain in the head.

Basic rules for aromatic combing

  • It is best to perform care for dry hair.
  • Before you carry out the procedure and after its completion, it is recommended to ventilate the room, since a high concentration of oils in the air sometimes provokes poor health.
  • Do not use a lot of oil.
  • Choose combs from natural ingredients. Plastic and metal can trigger unexpected reactions.
  • Esters are recommended to apply only those with which you have already dealt with a resonating aroma. Before the procedure, you need to test for allergies.
  • Comb curls need in all directions. Should not strongly focus on the roots.
  • After treatment, wash your comb well.
  • If you are just starting to apply hair combing, then one session per week will be quite enough. There are no clear guidelines for frequency of procedures. Some perform therapy about twice a day, while others need two times a week.

Rules for the selection of aromatic oils

If discomfort occurs after aromatic combing treatment, it means that the ether was chosen incorrectly. When choosing components for quality hair care, you must rely on your feelings.

If you see that the composition of the oil used for aromatherapy, there are components that cause you have an allergy, then you should not use it. It is better to initially test.

  • Oils that have a tonic effect, it is best to apply in the morning. These products include coniferous ethers, citrus fruits, ylang-ylang, peppermints, rosemary and cinnamon oil.
  • Oils with a relaxing effect is most preferable to use in the evening. These esters include chamomile, eucalyptus, lemon balm, bergamot, jasmine, lavender.

When a pleasant meeting is scheduled, it is permissible to apply the esters of nutmeg, ylang-ylang, patchouli, grapefruit, jasmine and rosewood in aroma-scrubbing.

During these manipulations, it is important to focus on all changes that occur in the body.

If there are headaches, excessive irritability or a strong desire to sleep, then you need to change the oil or stop all these procedures.

Criteria for selecting oils

  • If you are concerned about the problem of hair loss, to provoke the growth of bulbs, oils are excellent: cedar, rosewood, vervain, rosemary, ylang-ylang. Tea tree, cypress, pine, mint and coriander oil are also good.
  • For greasy curls, it is useful to use the esters of bergamot, lemon, clove, tea tree, mint and lemon balm.
  • Excessive dryness is easy to eliminate by combing with oils: palmorosis, sandalwood, orange, ylang-ylang, frankincense, lavender and myrrh. You can apply chamomile ether and tangerine.
  • With overdried tips, oil ester of geranium, chamomile, ylang-ylang and sandalwood is excellent.
  • Peeling is eliminated through these oils: bitter orange, bay, spruce, cypress, lavender, rosemary, tea tree and eucalyptus.
  • Use a bitter orange, basil and patchouli therapy to give your curls a natural glow.

If during the procedure you are aiming only to strengthen the hair, then use the esters recommended for dry hair.

Causes of fat after the procedure

  • Perhaps apply a lot of oil.
  • The use of low-quality oils leads to excessive oily hair after the treatment of aromatic combing, as the basis of such funds are mineral oils, alcohol and additional flavors.
  • If you do not wash your comb after each such procedure, it distributes sebum over the entire length of the hair.

The feedback from those who have tried this therapy on themselves is mostly positive. Many of the fair sex have introduced a procedure in the systematic care of their curls, we can say that the girls are completely satisfied with the effect obtained.

They also note the pleasant sensations throughout the procedure, good effect, availability and cheapness of the components.

Some reviews characterize this treatment well, but do not recommend using tea tree ether for this - it has a beneficial effect on hair, but it has a specific smell that few people like. In addition, it is badly washed from the hair.

The benefits and myths of the aromatic procedure

Essential oils have an amazing ability to quickly and deeply penetrate the structure of the hair, independently identify problems and failures and have a targeted therapeutic effect. This is explained by the low molecular weight of aroma oil and its property of instantly dissolving in fats.

Aroma oils are concentrates of plants that collect the best that nature has given them. Minimal doses of oil are capable of producing a healing effect, equivalent to several masks and rinses.

In addition to direct effects on the hair shaft, aromatherapy oils create an aura of healing and relaxing aromas around the body that heals the entire body, strengthens the nervous system, improves memory, normalizes sleep.

The procedure of combing enriches the head of hair with oxygen and massages the scalp, which increases blood flow to the hair follicles and improves hair growth. Combing is recommended to do regularly with hair loss and early baldness.

Of course, you can not treat aromatherapy as a panacea. It is important to remember that life boils only in the roots, and regrown strands can be improved only to a certain limit. The main task of the procedure is to prevent hair destruction, protect them from external influence, improve appearance and make them more docile.

What comb to use

Before you do a combing, you need to buy the right comb. It is important to bear in mind that brushes with artificial bristles and plastic combs for the healing procedure will not work. Plastic electrifies the hair, and hard artificial brushes plus everything can damage the skin of the head during intense movements.

Under the influence of ethers, particles of plastic can fall into the cuticle, which will negate all efforts to improve the hair. Metal combing is out of the question; it is generally better not to have them at home or to use them in exceptional cases.

Ideally, a comb for aromatherapy should be made of natural wood - wood does not harm the hair, removes excess electricity and has a beneficial effect on the state of curls. Brushes can be with natural bristles or wooden spikes - the first ones are more suitable for not very thick hair, and it is easier to comb a thick head of hair with a brush with rare wooden teeth.

When choosing between comb and brush, keep in mind that skeletal combs for aromatherapy are more suitable for hair care, and brushes are focused on scalp massage, which stimulates hair growth.

Use only a clean comb and do not use it for regular combing. Keep the comb apart so that other family members do not accidentally take it.

Secrets of choosing oil for various purposes

To rely on the result, it is important to choose the right essential oils for aromatherapy, taking into account your hair type and their needs:

  • sandal improves blood circulation and stimulates growth
  • lavender improves the structure of the hair shaft
  • Ylang-Ylang strengthens the cuticle, eliminates fat and prevents hair aging,
  • Jasmine stimulates sebum secretion and relieves dryness
  • tea tree has an antibacterial effect, fights dandruff and eliminates excess fat,
  • chamomile makes strands strong and gives shine,
  • Pine prevents fallout and heals,
  • patchouli oil fights dandruff and increased sebum secretion,
  • lavender eliminates seborrhea and dandruff,
  • geranium normalizes the sebaceous glands, it is recommended with a tendency to fat,
  • Neroli makes the curls resilient and prevents fragility,
  • grapefruit normalizes sebum,
  • juniper warns fallout
  • citrus fruits (orange, lemon, mandarin) add shine, pleasant aroma and heal the hair,
  • Rosewood prevents the section of the tips, gives a light pleasant aroma.

Choosing aroma oil, it is necessary to take into account not only its effect on the hair, but also other factors. For example, if you take oil for treatment, which increases blood pressure, while suffering from hypertension, healthy curls are unlikely to give pleasure. Before use, carefully review all the properties of the essential oil, read the side effects and contraindications.

Be sure to conduct a test - apply a drop of oil on a napkin and carry it with you, sniffing several times a day. This will help to understand how pleasant the fragrance is to you and whether it has a negative effect.

Try to choose aroma oils for combing with a complex action. For example, neroli rejuvenates the body, lavender soothes and improves sleep, and the orange tree reduces appetite and promotes weight loss.

Pay attention to the quality and naturalness of the product - a fake will not be beneficial at best, and at worst a beauty session will lead to negative consequences.

Rules and procedure for aroma-combing

And now about how to do aromatherapy correctly and without harm to hair. In fact, everything is simple:

  1. Apply a few drops of the selected aroma oil to the comb (literally 2-3 drops in different areas).
  2. Gently and without excessive effort, brush dry hair over the entire length.
  3. If the hair is oily, try not to touch the scalp.
  4. Continue the procedure for about 5 minutes, moving the brush in different directions.

Important! The procedure can be done only on clean hair. In no case do not engage in aromatherapy, if there is lacquer or other styling products on the hair - the esters will take them with you and carry them deep into the hair shaft, where there will be no benefit from them.

You can do the procedure at any time of the day, but consider the time when choosing an oil. In the evening, relaxing scents such as chamomile or lavender are more suitable. After a hard day, it is recommended to tidy up the nervous system using ylang-ylang or sandalwood. Before the date, you can apply pink tree or neroli on the hair - these fragrances not only act favorably on the hairstyle, but also enhance sensuality.

The last question remains - how often do the brushing? To begin, try to carry out the procedure twice a week - healthy hair is enough for additional nutrition and shine.

With problem strands, as well as, if necessary, quickly grow hair, the frequency of sessions can be increased, but this should be done gradually, while observing the general state of health.

Keep in mind that intense combing can lead to hair loss, but do not be afraid of it. As a rule, only weak hairs, which are soon destined to fall out anyway, leave their places. Such a loss in some way is even useful, since healthy hairs will soon grow in the vacant space.

Aromatherapy of hair can be combined with care, based on the benefits of vegetable oils, masks, rinsing and other home and salon methods. However, for beauty it is not enough to take care of the curls, it is necessary to minimize the harm done by it. Use hair dryer and hot tongs less often, protect your head from the sun and chlorinated water.

Essential oils for hair scrubbing

Essential oils around the world are known for a long time, and in the cosmetic procedures of many women in the world, they occupy far from last place. Especially beneficial essential oils affect our hair. With the help of aroma oils you can give your hair the desired volume, get rid of dandruff, make them grow faster, etc.

Each type and problem of hair corresponds to a special essential oil, which solves the problems of this particular hair type, but there is no clear distinction between “this oil is for this type, and this is for that” because essential oils are a unique subject and can help to cope immediately. with a few problems. Below I will tell you what oil you choose based on your needs and goals.

How to choose hair oil

We begin the procedure with the choice of oil - it should be natural and high quality. One procedure will require only a couple of drops, so even a tiny bubble will last for a long time (you can forget about saving for a while). By the way, pure oil without additives has only one ingredient in its composition!

Oils for hair aromatherapy

Today, the options of essential oils for hair - the sea! The most important thing is that you do not have allergies to it (I will write about the allergy test just below). I offer a short "cheat sheet" on essential oils. So:

Dry hair: mandarin, myrrh, juniper, palmarosa, geranium, aloe, sandalwood, lavender, ylang-ylang, jasmine, neroli. Also from dryness and brittleness: jojoba, peach, avocado.

From increased oily hair: cypress, pine, chamomile, mint, lemon, burdock, rosemary, grapefruit, rose, tea tree, sage, ylang-ylang, juniper, calendula

Normal hair: sage, cedar, thyme, lemon, orange, lavender, cedar, geranium, ylang-ylang, etc.

Hair loss: petigrain, ylang-ylang, myrrh, rosemary, pine, nutmeg, chamomile, juniper, neroli, thyme, burdock and wheat germ.

Hair growth stimulation: orange, lemon, patchouli, thyme, ylang-ylang, bay, sage, rosemary, fir, cinnamon.

Dandruff treatment: lavender, lemon, mandarin, orange, patchouli, eucalyptus, geranium, tea tree, castor, grapefruit, eucalyptus, basil, cedar.

Split ends: ilpng-ilpng, geranium, sandalwood, chamomile, rosewood, orange.

For relaxation: ylang-ylang, lavender, eucalyptus, citrus, chamomile, rose.

For tonic effect: cinnamon, rosemary, ginger, mint.

For silkiness and gloss: almond, corn, hemp.

For hair growth: oil bay (laurel), argan.

To “revitalize” weak and dry hair: argan. By the way, it is argan oil that is the real salvation for those who have thin, porous and “fluffy” hair (usually girls with curly hair face this problem).

How to choose a comb

Go ahead. The “tool”, that is, a comb for aero scrubbing, is not suitable for everyone. Under strict prohibition:

  • metallic combs (they traumatize the hair and disrupt their structure),
  • plastic combs (can react with the components of oils and strongly electrify the hair).

Ideal for aromatherapy - a pork bristle massage brush or a wooden comb with rare teeth. Natural materials do not injure the hair, but gently polish it, covering the “scales”. Yes, and it is also very desirable that the ends of the massage brush should be rounded rather than sharp. Also suitable for such a procedure wooden comb.

How to make aroma hair combing: instructions

  1. Before the procedure, thoroughly ventilate the room and my comb.
  2. Apply to the comb 3-6 drops of essential oil (the amount depends on the length of the hair).
  3. Very slowly and carefully comb the hair, spreading the oil over the entire surface. For the duration of aromatherapy should take no more than ten, but not less than 3-5 minutes. Doing aromatherapy is 1-2 times a week.
  4. During the “classic” procedure, it is the hair that needs to be combed without touching the scalp. Although for those who have problems with dry skin, you can do a separate aroma-scrubbing - gently “rub” the oil into the roots with a massage brush.

If you are more interested in the hair roots and scalp, then you can make a small massage with this comb. Gently, without pressing hard on the skin, with a light circular motion we move the comb to the head. If you do such combing regularly, the hair will stop cutting, they will have a luxurious shine and a healthy look, besides, your hair will exude a delicate aroma of essential oils, and many aroma oils are known to be natural aphrodisiacs.

How to do aroma scrubbing at home

My hairdresser says that the benefits of oil masks "zero", if you immediately wash it off with hair shampoo (especially several times). Hair becomes drier than before the mask. In order for the hair to “absorb” the oil, it must remain on the hair as long as possible.

By the way, after this high-quality oil hair should not quickly get dirty and look frankly greasy. If such an effect nevertheless manifested itself, it means that you have come across a fake. Or overdone with oil

stextbox id = 'alert' bgcolor = 'f59dd4' bgcolorto = 'fad2e9' image = 'null' Aromatherapy is recommended to be done on clean hair, and not to use any perfume before this. / stextbox

Why should you comb your hair with essential oils?

Because the benefits of such a procedure is double.

On the one hand, the components of essential oils improve the structure of the hair, nourish its roots and stimulate growth. And simultaneously solve a bunch of unpleasant problems (for example, relieve itchy scalp, relieve dandruff and stop baldness).

On the other hand, slow movements with a brush or a comb improve the blood circulation of the hair “onions”. Hair gets much more nutrients (like the roots of plants after fluffing up the soil around the bush). That is why aromatherapy for hair growth is often recommended trichologists.

Well, and, of course, the process of “thoughtful” combing with the scent of ylang-ylang or almond oooooooochen calms!

Essential oils can be added to your hair care products, which will only enhance their effect. You can, for example, add a few drops to your shampoo, balm, or mask. But remember! All citrus oils, as well as cypress, cedar, pine and juniper oils should be used with extreme caution, as they can react with chemicals in a shampoo or mask.

You should also be aware that using essential oils you can make masks for hair. Masks can be based on, for example, olive, sesame, almond, wheat germ oil or burdock oil, and several drops of essential oils can be added to them, different ones can be used, the main thing is not to overdo it, since essential oils are peculiar. concentrate, and from the abundance of smell you can become bad, so you need to add literally a couple of drops of one oil, or a drop of each, if there are several oils.

Basics (base oil) take 15-20 ml, and 2-3 drops of essential oils that suit your hair type or problem.

These are the main ways of applying essential oils for hair, and the most important advantage of such oils is their naturalness! All the best and necessary nature gives us, so it’s a sin not to use its gifts, which undoubtedly work!

We test the oil for allergic reactions

We put a drop of oil on a piece of cloth or a handkerchief. Several times a day we inhale a “new” smell (it is impossible to put pure essential oils on the skin).

If no unpleasant sensations have arisen (no headache, drowsiness, irritability) - aromatherapy can and should be done!

I order aromatherapy oils from Aura Cacia - I really liked the quality, so I recommend it! Keep in mind that in this procedure there are contraindications due to intolerance to oils.

In the end I want to show you a useful video about the comb.

Aromatherapy - what is it and how it is done

Hair care is not only beneficial, but also very pleasant, especially if it is accompanied by a massage along with the inhalation of natural incense. The influence of smells on the emotional state of a person has been known since ancient times. Treatments using essential oils came from India, quickly occupying a separate niche of spa care. Having studied the effect of odors on the olfactory receptors, the scientists came to the conclusion that correctly combined aromas can not only improve mood, but also cure depression, chronic fatigue, and migraine. This effect has aroma scaling hair. Regular use of this procedure improves blood supply to the follicle, stops baldness at an early stage, accelerates growth, eliminates dandruff, and facilitates disentangling.

Let's find out what is aromatherapy of hair, which oils and tools are used, whether this procedure has contraindications, as well as the technology of its implementation.

What is aromatic hair

This is one of the spa treatments, which includes a massage of the head with essential oils and their distribution through the hair with a comb or brush. Aromatherapy can be tonic or soothing, depending on the intensity of the massage, the points on the head, the properties of the oil and even the time of the day.

Head massage can be done with the hands, vacuum electrode of the “Darsonval” apparatus, comb, brush or comb. Essential oils for aromatherapy of hair, you can use one type or combine their smells and properties with each other to enhance the effect.

The benefits of aromatic cleansing in improving blood circulation of the vessels that feed the follicles and scalp, increase the elasticity of the hair, prevent their fragility.

Aromatherapy oils

Natural essential oils have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. More than a hundred of their types are used for aroma scaling. But apart from the pleasant smell, not all of them have a beneficial effect. The best oils suitable for aroma scrubbing, as well as other spa treatments, are made from several types of plants.

  1. Lavender - improves blood circulation, due to which the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles. Accelerates cell regeneration, has a wound-healing effect. In case of chemical burns of the scalp from discoloration, staining or other procedures, it is recommended to treat the damaged areas with lavender oil. Since the aroma of the flowers of this plant has a sedative effect, therefore, it is recommended to do aroma rubbing with its use at bedtime.
  2. Rosemary is a powerful natural antioxidant, removes all slags and toxins from the skin, cleanses pores, soothes inflamed areas. Due to the antifungal action, rosemary effectively fights dandruff and peeling.
  3. Jasmine - tones, relieves fatigue, energizes, increases libido. It is not recommended to use before bedtime.
  4. Ylang-ylang is a natural antidepressant, strong aphrodisiac, has an invigorating effect on the body. Stimulates the work of the bulbs, accelerates hair growth.
  5. Eucalyptus - a storehouse of nutrients. Eucalyptus vapors make it easier to breathe with a stuffy nose, reduce its swelling. It has a powerful antiseptic effect, disinfects, destroys microbes. Improves skin elasticity, prevents its aging.

There are essential oils that are used in aroma scrubbing to treat hair, because they have the most beneficial effect on their structure and deal with specific problems.

  1. Essential oil beat - stimulates the rapid growth of new hair, prevents baldness.
  2. Lemon - suppresses excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminates fat, tightens pores.
  3. Roses - softens the horny scales, makes hair softer.
  4. Jojoba - gives a glossy shine, silkiness, compacts the structure.
  5. Peppermint - protects the hair from the negative effects of low temperatures, has an antistatic effect. It is recommended to do aromarashesyvanie with mint oil in winter.
  6. Tea tree - eliminates porosity, trichoptilosis, hair breakage.

Oils with a healing effect during aromatic scrubbing can be mixed in different combinations with each other, creating unique perfume compositions and healthy cocktails for hair and scalp.

Essential oils are not used for aromatic scrubbing in their pure form, they should be mixed with any base oil.

What is base oil? This is the basis of a less concentrated consistency. Since the density of essential oils does not allow mixing them with other substances, the basis is a component with a similar structure. Essential oils are not used in pure form, because they have a very sharp, pungent smell. They can even burn the skin. If the concentrate is applied undiluted to the hair, the persistent aroma will persist for a long time, and it will not take long to wash off the greasy film from the roots. Shampoos do not have such a strong degreasing effect to dissolve the concentrate of oils.

Tips for combining oils

To make aromatherapy most effectively, you can use the following recommendations for combining oils.

  1. Strengthen the joint action of the oil Bay and lavender. They strengthen the already formed onions, give a powerful impetus to the emergence of new (primary) hair. Due to the influx of large amounts of nutrients, their growth is accelerated. Regular aromatherapy with these oils gives a lasting result against hair loss. It is recommended to make the procedure interval courses. First, hold 10 sessions of aromatherapy, 2 times a week, and then take a break for a month and observe the condition of the hair. When resuming a dropout, hold another 10 sessions. If the hair loss has stopped, then in order to consolidate the result, it is enough to do 5 procedures of aromatherapy.
  2. Lemon and rosemary oil - the best combination of components in the fight against dandruff, often accompanied by increased fat content of the roots. Acting simultaneously, they eliminate the dandruff fungus, exfoliate the stratum corneum, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, close enlarged pores. To quickly remove dead tissue from the surface of the scalp and speed up the action of oils, you can make a light scrub, adding to them natural ground coffee or chopped grape seeds. This mixture should be intensely massaged into the scalp.
  3. Tea tree and jojoba oil has a beneficial effect on the damaged hair structure - they acquire shine, density, smoothness, become soft, silky. Such aromatic scrubbing is suitable for bleached, thinned, and hair after a perm. Immediately their texture becomes noticeable. Aromasing with these oils is recommended after all types of chemical exposure.

When choosing an oil for aromatherapy, it is important to consider personal taste for smells. When the scent is unpleasant, it is better to refuse procedures using it, even if it eliminates existing hair problems. An unpleasant smell can cause dizziness, pain, and vomiting. There is a probability instead of pleasure to receive a stress and nervous irritation.

What tools are used

Regardless of where the aromatherapy is performed - at the hairdresser or at home, you will need the same set of tools:

  • massage comb,
  • crest,
  • pipette,
  • pharmaceutical glass,
  • toothpick,
  • insulin syringe.

The main massage comb and comb should be made of wood, and also used only for this procedure. You can not use hairbrushes with thin or sharp teeth, because they can damage the scalp and scaly layer of hair.

Contraindications and tolerability test

Despite the many positive qualities and natural ingredients, not everyone can do aroma scaling. Who is this spa treatment not suitable for?

  1. Children up to 12 years.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Asthmatics.
  4. People with manifestations of psoriasis on the scalp.

Before proceeding to aroma-cleansing, it is necessary to conduct a tolerance test. To do this, mix one drop of applied essential oil with ten drops of any base oil (olive, linseed), apply to the wrist or the inner fold of the elbow, leaving for half an hour. If the condition of the skin remains unchanged, then you can proceed to aroma scaling. In case of itching, redness, cough, runny nose or other signs of an allergic reaction, wash the oils from the skin thoroughly and take an antihistamine.

Aromatherapy technology

This is not a complicated procedure, but it requires strict adherence to the instructions. How to do aromarashesyvaniya hair? The procedure should be as follows.

  1. First you need to identify the problem that should be solved aroma scaling. Based on this, prepare the desired essential oil.
  2. Take a glass pharmacy glass and combine essential oil with the base oil in the calculation of 1/10. Mix them thoroughly with a wooden toothpick.
  3. Type in a syringe and drip on a wooden comb.
  4. Circular massage movements using a comb to apply oil on the scalp, and then comb, stretching it over the entire length of the hair.
  5. You can continue the head massage with your hands, and on the strands you can make aroma scaling with a comb, because its teeth evenly distribute oil on their surface.
  6. For better stimulation of hair growth, you can enhance the effect of aroma scrubbing with the help of an electrode vacuum nozzle of the Darsonval apparatus. The radiation from this device allows the therapeutic composition to penetrate better into the deeper layers of the scalp and hair.
  7. The duration of aromatherapy should not exceed 10–15 minutes, as long inhalation of vapors of essential oils can cause headache and nausea.

How often can you do an aroma scaling? The procedure is recommended not more than twice a week, so as not to intensify the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

If the procedure is performed in a hairdresser or spa, before entrusting your hair to the masters, you need to find out how they disinfect the wooden instruments. And even better, if you carry out sanitization in the presence of you. According to the norms of SanPiN, wooden accessories are wiped with a damp cloth moistened with 70% alcohol, and then placed in a sterilizer with ultraviolet lamps for 15 minutes. If there is no such apparatus in the cabin, then it is better to refuse aroma scaling in this establishment. The fact is that the tree eventually becomes covered with microcracks, which can only be seen under a microscope. Diseases of the scalp and even lice can be transmitted through such small holes.

When performing procedures with essential oils at home, it is necessary that the room is well ventilated, because their smell is absorbed strongly in the textile interior elements.

Let's sum up. Aromatherapy is a type of spa care with essential oils. It can have a tonic or soothing effect, depending on the intensity of the massage and the oils chosen, which can be mixed to create a unique perfume composition or for therapeutic purposes. In order for aroma rubbing to bring not only benefit, but also pleasure, you need to choose a smell that you like. The procedure is usually carried out in beauty salons, but knowing how to do aroma scaling, you can easily perform it yourself at home. However, you must first make a tolerance test, since any plants can cause allergy attacks.

Aromatic Scrubbing Rules

In order not to harm the hairline and get the maximum benefit, you should pay attention to the recommendations of the experts before the use of aromatherapy.

  1. Get a comb from natural material - wood or pork bristle. It is forbidden to use a plastic or metal comb,
  2. Wash and dry your hair before the procedure.
  3. Perform an allergy test,
  4. Do not use more than 3-5 drops of essential oil.because a high concentration of a substance can cause redness, irritation and itching of the skin,
  5. Perform the procedure in a ventilated room, as the intense smell of the product can cause weakness, nausea, dizziness, drops in blood pressure, headache,
  6. Scrub for 10 minutes.,
  7. Rinse the essential oil after the procedure is not necessary,
  8. If you feel unwell after the procedure, get another oil or refuse to scrub,
  9. Aromatherapy carried out twice a week for a month, after which take a break - 30 days.

Following simple rules will protect against unforeseen situations.

Carrying out the procedure

The procedure is simple and does not require special skills.

  1. Wash and dry your hair,
  2. Take a clean comb from wood or pork bristle,
  3. Disinfect comb,
  4. Apply 3-5 drops of oil to the scallop teeth with a pipette,
  5. Carefully comb your hair by lightly pressing the comb teeth on the skin,
  6. Slowly move the comb through the hair: from the roots to the ends,
  7. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
  8. Do not wash your hair after combing,
  9. During the procedure, listen to your body, if you feel discomfort, stop aromatherapy and wash your head.

The beneficial effects of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a procedure that is famous for its simplicity and efficiency. Its essence lies in the careful combing of the hair (from the roots to the tips) and a light massage of the scalp with the help of a wooden comb, on which 2-3 drops of essential oils are applied.

Regular brushing based on healthy and fragrant oils:

  • Deeply nourishes the skin and strands with a mass of nutrientsnecessary for full health and attractive appearance of hair,
  • Intensively moisturizes the skin and hair,
  • Restores the structure of damaged hair,
  • Prevents cross-section and hair breakage,
  • Promotes healthy hair growth
  • Stops excessive hair loss,
  • Strengthens hair, preventing alopecia (hair loss) in the future.
  • Treats dandruff, seborrhea,
  • Eliminates itching, peeling,
  • It gives shine and volume,
  • Makes hair supple, soft, strong and thick.

In addition to the beneficial effects on the scalp and hair, the procedure:

  • Relaxes
  • Tones up
  • Soothes
  • Relieves headache
  • Fights depression, stress, insomnia and fatigue,
  • Improves mood.

The effectiveness of aromatherapy is obvious because:

  • Scalp massage improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the health and appearance of the hair,
  • Essential oils with unique properties treat weak, lifeless hair and have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Despite the mass of positive properties, aromatherapy has contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Lactation,
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin,
  • Epilepsy,
  • Thrombophlebitis,
  • Receiving drugs containing iodine and iron,
  • Kidney disease
  • Stomach diseases,
  • Blood pressure drops.

Essential oils for the procedure

For the implementation of a useful procedure will require essential oils, which should be selected based on the type of hair, and a comb made of wood or bristles.

Essential oils that relieve dandruff, itching and peeling:

  • Eucalyptus,
  • Orange,
  • Grapefruit
  • Cypress tree
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary,
  • Cedar.

Essential oils to strengthen and improve hair growth:

  • Peppermints,
  • Ylang Ylang,
  • Cypress tree
  • Rosewood,
  • Rosemary,
  • Coriander,
  • Bey
  • Pines,
  • Tea tree.

Essential oils that stop excessive hair loss:

Essential oils that control the sebaceous glands:

  • Lemon
  • Tea tree,
  • Geraniums
  • Sage,
  • Bergamot,
  • Verbenas,
  • Ginger

Essential oils that combat brittleness, dryness, hair section:

  • Sundala
  • Ylang Ylang,
  • Mirra,
  • Mandarin,
  • Daisies
  • Patchouli,
  • Palmarozy,
  • Lavender
  • Vetiver

Essential oils restoring the structure of damaged hair:

  • Geraniums
  • Lavender
  • Roses
  • Sundala
  • Orange

Essential oils that give natural shine to hair:

The procedure is simple, but do not underestimate its effects on the body. Strictly adhere to the rules of doing scrubbing, as only a responsible attitude to the procedure will help get rid of many problems with hair.


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