
20 things you have done wrong all your life


Problem: We omit the part that is devoted to the selection of a tie in color and style. Now we intend to address the problem of the proper wearing of this accessory. How long should a tie be and how to tie it up correctly - questions that the guy who has put on a suit for the first time is interested in.

Decision: Tie knot should not be too tight. First, it will squeeze the throat, and secondly, the crumpled knot looks bad. The length of the tie should be such that its end lightly touches the top of the belt plaque.

2. Worn shoes

Problem: You know that a person is judged by his shoes. Therefore, it can be considered one of the main, if not the most important element of your wardrobe. And if your shoes look like an SUV that just crossed over rough terrain, then it's time to change something.

Decision: The first thing we advise you is to stop buying cheap shoes. The idea of ​​frequent updates due to its cheapness is not the most successful, because poor-quality shoes can be seen immediately. It is much better to spend a little more money and buy good shoes, and then repair them regularly. It is much more practical and in terms of savings. In addition, expensive shoes make you wear it carefully.

3. Large items in pockets

Problem: Items sticking out of their pockets look awful. This is allowed only to Wasserman, and then only because this person from the very beginning scored on his personal life. We understand that there are many things without which it is impossible to leave the house. And if you have nowhere to put your wallet, phone, deodorant, pager, pocket Bible, water bottle or a bunch of bananas, then carry a bag or backpack with you. But do not turn your pockets into a warehouse of household goods.

Decision: If you still want to stay light and not to take a bag with you, then leave all unnecessary at home. In addition, there is a good alternative for irreplaceable things. For example, instead of a wallet, you can use a quality money clip.

4. The belt does not match the shoes.

Problem: One of the first rules that people are taught almost along with the multiplication table is that shoes should always be in harmony with the color of the belt. If you put on brown shoes, a black belt, and in addition you hold a yellow briefcase in your hands, the surrounding people decide that a carnival is taking place somewhere nearby.

Decision: Do not take this rule too literally. Matching a belt and shoes is based not only on color, but also on materials as well as design functions. Among other things, the shape of the plaque and the thickness of the belt are important. The more formal the outfit, the closer the interaction of its components should be, and vice versa.

5. Abuse of styling

Problem: If there is so much gel on your head that your hair resembles a laminated crown, then you can make excuses later on as you wish: you stumbled and put your head in a bucket of grease, became a victim of an accident in a warehouse with bacon, or just mixed up the shampoo with gel. It doesn't matter - just don't do it anymore.

Decision: There are many styling products on the market, suitable for different hair types and purposes. As a rule, each of them does not need abundant use, but is applied in accordance with the instructions. For a uniform styling, rub a small amount of wax or gel in your palms and spread the product over the hair with massaging movements. This will give the desired fixation without a strong load on the hair.

6. Too much perfume

Problem: They say there is not much good. It happens when it comes to perfume. The smell of your perfume should be like a light flirt, not a growl of a hungry tiger. Take it easy with the dosage: the cologne is not sold in a bottle so that you can use it all at once.

Decision: If you are afraid to overdo it when you press the eau de cologne sprayer, then spray it in the air and go through the aromatic cloud. If you are still able to control yourself, then spray perfume in a couple of places on your body, for example, on the neck and chest or on the neck and wrist. For a more decent effect, keep the bottle a short distance away.

7. Fun print

Problem: If you are “the most fashionable guy in the village”, “a connoisseur of the female body” or “the chairman of the board of slaughter-men Tagil”, then you don’t need to indicate this directly in your clothes. In general, with the choice of print should be careful. There is a risk that people around you will learn not only about your strange hobbies, but also about a very fig-like sense of humor.

Decision: Remember: you are not a banner ad or a banner at a rally - no need to print all your ideological and taste slogans on clothes at the same time. And the imitation of the logo of a famous brand also looks silly. With the choice of print you shouldn't get too carried away, and in the absence of ideas you can remember that there is nothing wrong with wearing plain clothes.

Everyday lifehacks

1. Did you know that all this time you pulled the stickers wrong?

This is how 99.9 percent of people do it: tear them from the bottom. But in this case, the edge is often wrapped and the sticker sticks to the surface for a while.

In fact, you need to tear off the sticker from the side, along the velcro, and not from the bottom.

2. Have you ever wondered why you need a tip on sushi sticks?

It turns out that he has a special purpose. You break it off and use it as a as not to lay on the table.

3. Vdte tubule through the hole of the eye of the jarto keep her in place.

4. A regular plunger is designed for a bathroom, and a piston plunger with a cone-shaped nozzle is for a toilet bowl.. Most people use the same plunger for that and other purposes.

5. It is assumed that yogurt containers with jam or other filling turned upside down in this way.

6. Both sides of the juice pack are folded down so that the child can hold onto them. and did not spill the juice.

7. To prevent the wires from being disconnected, try this trick.

8. The best way to peel a banana, in order not to damage the fruit, it is to press on the tip, and then remove the peel down towards the handle.

9. The hole in the handle of the pan is used to hold the spatula during cooking.

Useful tips

10. Need to use a drop of toothpaste and do not rinse your mouth with water after that, to keep the protective fluoride coating.

11. To peel orange or tangerine, cut off the top and bottom of the peel and make an incision in the middle. Expand and eat.

12. The long neck of a beer bottle is designed to hold onto it.. Thus, you will hold the bottle tightly and will not heat it with your hands.

13. To easy to open the Tic-Tac package, turn it over on its side and open the lid. It is assumed that you use one dragee at a time.

14. Invisible wavy side down, as it helps to keep the barrette in place.

15. Place the wooden spoon on top of the boiling that water does not overflow.

16. Remove the lid from the glass with a drink and use it as a stand.

17. Here's how to dress up your shirt.. Tuck the front of the shirt and button the fly on the pants, but do not button up. Thumbs up the shirt with the sides. Pull off the back of the shirt and with your thumbs form the hollows to collect the excess and gently tuck the shirt.

18. Instead of crossing the words, block them in other words so that they cannot be distinguished .

19. Place the phone in the cup to enhance the sound.

20. In order not to squeeze the top of the bread, turn it upside down and cut it up.

Styling Products: Varnish

What for: to fix the already styled hair.

There are means of various fixation, from weak to superstrong. The latter is suitable for unruly hair or for a special occasion. For daily use it is better to use a lacquer weak hold.

How to choose: study the label, do not buy lacquer, in which it is present, so as not to drain your curls. Ideally, vitamins, amino acids and sun filters should be included. It is important to choose a product that suits your hair type.

How to apply: To evenly distribute the varnish should be sprayed at a distance of 25 centimeters from the head. Be moderate, "asphalted" hairstyle does not paint anyone!

Foam or mousse

What for: to give the hair volume, and strands - elasticity.

Mousse and foam - similar to each other means, only the mousse has a lighter texture. This makes it ideal for short and thin hair. The foam is more suitable for owners of thick and long hair.

How to choose: there are products of varying degrees of fixation, choose, based on the density and length of their curls. By the way, the means of the new generation have thermoprotective properties.

How to apply: for short haircuts, a ball of the size of an apricot is enough; for shoulder length - with an egg, long curls may require quantities from an apple.

What for: for modeling hairstyles, including the creation of "wet" hair and licked hair styling.

The gel is designed for any type of hair and helps to create the most unthinkable hairstyles.

How to choose: focus on UV protection, fixation and water resistance.

How to apply: put a small amount on the curls and give them the desired shape. Always start small, it is better to add a little bit of gel than to get glued strands together.

Styling products: wax

What for: for fixing individual strands or placing accents.

Universal remedy, using wax, you can straighten curls or curl them. Its beauty is that it helps to fix the styling and allows you to change the hairstyle during the evening, without requiring reapplication.

How to choose: if you have naughty hair, you are more likely to use wax in the form of a spray. Try to buy not too heavy in texture means enriched with UV filters.

How to apply: for the whole hairstyle you need a volume of wax not exceeding a pea. The main thing is to rub the product between your fingers to warm up a little before applying. So you will achieve a more even distribution.

What for: for easy styling of damaged hair in need of repair.

The cream protects the hair from thermal effects and various damage, giving them shine and silkiness. Ideal for weakened curls, as well as great for girls with unruly hair. There are two types of cream: the first is applied to wet hair, the second - to dry.

How to choose: it is better to buy the cream of the same series as the shampoo with balsam, focusing on problems with hair. Manufacturers offer moisturizing, heat-shielding, smoothing and nourishing cream.

How to apply: Apply a small amount of the cream to the hair just before styling.

Styling Products: Serum

What for: for easy styling, eliminating fluffiness, underscoring curls and adding shine to hair.

Serum is not only styled hair, but also restore it. Manufacturers offer a means to moisturize, fight with split ends, dandruff and even baldness.

How to choose: focus on existing hair problems.

How to apply: Serum can be used on both wet and dry hair. Apply a small amount of serum and distribute all hair.

What for: to create creative and extreme hairstyles.

The paste is distinguished by superstrong fixation, so you can lay strands as you like!

How to choose: better to buy a paste with UV filters.

How to apply: Apply a small amount of the product (the size of a pea) on the strands you want to select.

Styling products: styling powder

What for: to give volume and structure.

Armed with styling powder. You can forget about the traumatic backing, because with its help you can create volumetric styling, even on long hair.

How to choose: a product that is fairly new in the market, so be guided by well-known brands.

How to apply: divide your hair into several partings and apply powder with rubbing movements only on the roots. To create complex styling or curls, apply powder to the entire length of the hair, but do not use a comb after this. Please note that you can not use powder more than a day.

3. Ticke Tuck Dragee

To easily remove one dragee, you need to turn the container on its side and open the lid, which has a hole for one candy.

Piston plunger is used for clogs in the toilet, the usual - for clogs in the bathroom. Yes, we know that you are used to using only an ordinary plunger, but it will be much more convenient, believe me.

Little known facts

Daily pads can not be used every day!
In this case, the name does not speak for itself. Hygienic panty liners in no case can not be used from day to day. The body should breathe, the constant use of pads provokes the development of pathogenic microflora in intimate areas.

Use daily pads need only in the days preceding the month and some time after them, when the discharge becomes more abundant. Important! Change daily pads necessary every 2-3 hours, at least. If you do not do this, you can provoke thrush, vaginitis and other unpleasant diseases, the consequences of which may even be infertility.

Wearing nighttime panty liners or pads with the maximum number of “drops” at the very beginning of your period is a crime against your own health.

If you noticed that gaskets often leakcheck how you fasten them to the laundry. Many women claim that gaskets with wings helped them to get rid of the leakage problem, which they fixed a long side ahead.

The fact is that the body of each woman is special, and the anatomical structure, location of the genital organs relative to the pelvis is individual. Perhaps you did not pay attention to this trifle, but it will help get rid of the problem!

The amount of bleeding during menstruation is also important, especially if the woman has been bleeding. How to trace the amount of blood that is released? Few people know about this, but there is a revolutionary means of hygiene, which is absolutely safe for women's health - menstrual cup.

This tricky device is very convenient to use, and also helps to track how much blood was released during the day and prevent the risk of uterine bleeding.

Everybody knows, how to use padsbut it’s not customary to focus on the nuances. Unfortunately, ignorance does not exempt from possible diseases! Discuss this article with your friends, perhaps this information will be useful to them.


Watch the video: 19 Things You've Been Doing Wrong All Your Life (July 2024).