
Fashionable dyeing for dark hair 2018-2019: photos, news


The new year is just around the corner - it's time to start changing. Fashionable coloring is a great way to become brighter and update your image completely, starting with details. Most of the "new products" of 2018 are all the same, slightly interpreted natural shades, playing with light and coloring technique.

In the fashion for this fall-winter are natural hair colors, young and not radical. Coloring this season is intended to emphasize the freshness and youth of the girl. Wizards give hairstyles a feminine shade with color, shape and texture.

We warm for winter

If the previous year in almost every salon clients asked to “make it colder,” in the late fall of 2017 warm, cozy honey, nutty, copper shades come to the fore again. No, it is not rust-red or blackened strands. Even if it is dark, your hair should “play” in the sun and shine with lighter rays.

Fashionable dyeing 2018: Beybilites technique

Excellent help to achieve the effect of the previous paragraph. Master brightens the strands not only at the ends, but also in some areas in the middle of the hair. Get sunny bunnies. So that on dark hair it does not look like gray hair or a bald spot, it is usually lightened by only 1-2 tones. Remember that the main purpose of fashionable haircuts today is to create the effect of maximum naturalness.

Cold shade of winter

Among the fashionable colors of coloring in 2018, frosty colors, so beloved by everyone, remain. They start from platinum “graphite” to dark chestnut. The main thing - no "yellowness". To achieve the perfect cold tone can only be a real professional. It happens that girls make mistakes with the master, and as a result they get green, pocky and “mouse” hair.

Perfect stretch

For nearly a hundred years, girls brighten their strands, seeking the effect of the perfect blond. Blonde is always easy, gentle, especially if the color suits her and looks well-groomed. With regrown dark roots, they fight exactly as many years as hair lightens. Technique stretching - salvation for those who refuse to run every month to tint the roots. Hair lightened to the ends of a very wide and neat ombre, remaining at the roots as close as possible to the natural. So, when the strands grow back, it becomes imperceptible. And, more precisely, even playing in the plus fashionistas. The color seems to stretch from root to tip. By the way it works on other shades.

Platinum is more expensive than gold

To be honest, platinum blondes were at the peak of their popularity almost all the time. This is a win-win option always, if the owner of a precious shade is to his face. Platinum blondes should not have a yellowish feather - this effect is quite difficult to achieve. Most often it turns out costly for both the wallet and hair health. Not all hair can be brought to pure platinum color from the first, and even from the second time. It happens to go to him for months. Platinum hair requires careful care, regular tinting and abundant moisturizing. Only then it will be possible to maintain a well-groomed result for a long time and not turn the hair into a dusty loofah.

Silver in her hair is insanely beautiful, interesting and, most importantly, still fashionable. The trends of 2016 blew up this color of coloring, many blondes immediately ran to the masters to empty their wallets in order to get a gray tint. Yes, he really looks like gray hair. But when the graphite coloration is done professionally, monotonously, without greenery and yellowness - one glance is enough.It is difficult to keep it for a long time, you have to take care and regularly refresh it. One way or another, the “sweetheart” quickly comes to light and the gray curls become more like straw ones. Graphite color has many degrees of lightness. It may be dark-graphite, derived from light brown, and pale silver, which goes like brown-eyed beauties.

Spiderman Girl

Isn't everyone forgetting Mary Jane Watson, the red-haired actress and galfrend of the main comic book superhero? Here is her dark golden red hair shade returns its popularity in the coming winter. Saturated red should look as natural as possible, but not yellow. He catches the eye and may even change the character of his possessor. Probably, there is no such girl who has not dreamed at least once ... well, for once, to become a red beast. Not many dared, pitied - even less. However, this shade has its own huge minus: it is very difficult and almost impossible to get out of it. Any new layer of staining, even after washing, will be “golden” after a month or two. It remains only to wait until Mary Jane herself will not leave you.

Cherry on the cake

The hue “ripe cherry” is not red, not red yet, but very bright and effective. With the cherry blossom, they just don’t do it: ombra, stretching, balayazh, even simple polishing. This shade will serve as a fashionable image change brunette. It is easy to paint it later, and it is suitable for all occasions. And how juicy is the “ripe” cherry on long, thick hair!

Strawberry hair color

Well, we continue to heading "berry mood." Strawberry shade looks very gently on the owner of light, almost "transparent" skin. It does not go on him for one session brunette - this is a very difficult technique of coloring. But strawberry curls look very tasty. By the way, this shade can be ranked as unusual, unconventional. However, if you choose a more natural option - you get a universal and at the same time fashionable hairstyle for this season.

Strawberry ice cream

This is a bolder version of the previous shade. It is also called pink blonde. Truly pink curls look very sweet on young fashionistas. Hue ultra fashionable, but age - a woman over 30 is unlikely to risk with the image, even for the sake of strawberry ice cream. Although overseas celebrities and after 30 are not afraid of succulent acid curls.

Purple eggplant shades actually look very unobtrusively in combination with dark chocolate. They are grouped in ombre, emit accent on the strands - in general, it turns out not so acidic and bold. But as far as relevance - here is the point. A sufficiently cold dark chocolate with an equally cold lilac play an excellent game, and the owner of such coloring will be the only top lady this winter.

Caramel hair shades

We return to the warm and sweet. The caramel color can vary from the lightest to almost dark. Perfectly harmonizes with peach skin and light eyes. Caramel is Jennifer Aniston, J. Law and sometimes even Beyonce. Fashionable caramel coloring is a tricky and very successful way to stay natural and be bright at the same time.

Dirty blond

This refers to the shade of “dirty blond”. Here in the first place, of course, aesthetics, fashion, all that. But we know that cunning is paramount. Dirty blond is a careless highlighting, stretching, play of all the colors of the rainbow (from ash-brown to caramel and walnut). The combination of curls with cold and warm modulations is the last fashion of the upcoming season. Unlike the usual blond, the “dirty” will suit the dark-skinned, brown-eyed - almost everyone who has not yet fallen into the category of blondes, simply because it did not go.

Dark short hair coloring

Dyeing for short hair is always more problematic - the owners of such strands are more worried about the small variety of possible techniques that lie in front of them. But this is not a reason to despair.

For the owners of this type of hair perfect fashionable and catchy colors that will help the girl stand out from the crowd. To improve the structure of the hair is now often used transparent hair coloring. This technique will keep your natural color, but the hair will become very silky and soft to the touch. A special highlighting on dark hair will help to solve the problem of lack of volume, which often worries owners of short strands. A depermanent staining will help a woman to hide the signs of gray hair appearing, and also to refresh the image of a cute brunette.

Dark Medium Hair Coloring

But coloring on medium hair opens up a much wider scope for experiments with your own curls. Toning shampoos and balms will help to enhance the color of the natural color, and it will be possible to give your hair a completely new look by turning to the popular shatush or ombre techniques.

  • This type of hair coloring will help the girl to experiment boldly with her image - she can create both an original extravagant style and a fashionable classic image. This type of coloring favorably present your curls.
  • Ombre creates simply amazing color transitions on the hair.
  • Any brunette at least once in her life would like to lighten her curls, but it often happens that a woman is simply not ready for such dramatic changes. Ombre is an ideal option in which hair can remain dark, but with original brightened strands and ends that will exactly refresh your image. This will help you to change, while preserving the overwhelming mass of mounds of your dark hair.
  • The advantage of ombre is also in the fact that it looks very good on both medium and short or long hair.
  • In addition, ombre suitable for any type of dark hair. If a brunette has a lot of heavy and voluminous hair, ombre will add to them a feeling of lightness and dynamics. If the hair is thinned - it is thanks to Ombre strands that you can add visual volume.

Coloring long dark hair

Coloring on long hair will help make your beautiful dark hair even more healthy and iridescent. This effect can be achieved thanks to high-quality professional paints. Large curls are still fashionable - their beauty can be emphasized with the help of current techniques of highlighting and coloring on dark hair (which will be discussed a little below). Any caramel and chestnut shades are perfect for brunettes with long hair. In this case balayazh will be no less successful.

Balayazh will quickly and beautifully refresh the image of any owner of dark hair. Balayazh successfully imitates natural glare in the light, because the hair looks as if they are not painted, but just beautifully shimmer. This technique is ideal for conservative girls who do not want fundamental changes, but still want to change something in their image. If you are a fan of natural hair, then balayazh is the very technique that will allow you to create beauty without taking your naturalness.


Highlighting on dark hair allows you to add a more well-groomed look to your strands. In addition, any hairstyle on this head of hair will look more natural. After highlighting, hairdressers often resort to toning - it creates the necessary hair contrast.


Coloring will allow the brunette to get a very interesting combination of similar shades. Coloring makes dark hair more luxuriant and well-groomed. It will look good for brunettes with brown eyes.

Hair dyeing 2018 - fashion trends

Beautiful and interesting coloring 2018, fashion trends which are very diverse, can surprise every, even the most sophisticated fashionista. This season, the masters of hairdressing can offer their clients both muted shades as close as possible to the natural color of the curls, as well as non-standard solutions that will not leave their owner unnoticed.

Fashionable hair dye 2018 for short hair

Choosing dye for short hair 2018, it should be understood that the main task of changing the color of the hair in this season is to give it additional volume. Most stylists and masters of hairdressing choose for the owners of short curls complex brondirovanie and highlighting techniques, allowing to make small changes in the image and give the hairstyle the effect of slight burning out.

Fashionable hair dye 2018, in which the strands only slightly change their color, is recommended to be performed exclusively in a professional salon, because at home there is a great chance to spoil the hair and get an unhealthy look of hair. In addition, the owners of short strands this season, you can use a monochromatic color in a natural light brown or dark brown shade.

For those young ladies who want to demonstrate their individuality, the fashionable hair dye of the 2018 season will suit with the release of individual strands. When choosing this option, you can give preference to absolutely any color - the coloring of single curls in hot pink, purple, emerald green and other colors is popular. The main thing - to understand the conditions in which such a hairstyle would be appropriate. So, business women and young ladies who prefer the classic style of dress, it is not recommended to choose overly bright and catchy shades.

Fashionable hair dye 2018 for medium hair

Medium-length curls are considered the most versatile in terms of giving shape and color. With such a head of hair you can do almost anything, so any qualified master in the new season will offer her client a lot of interesting options. Fashionable dyeing 2018 for medium strands is incredibly diverse, but in most cases, the following techniques are preferred:

  • balayad. A coloring method in which the roots remain intact, and the strands are brightened up in a chaotic manner, due to which a slight burning out effect occurs. The main advantage of this method is to obtain a noticeable additional volume, which is very important for owners of a not too lush head of hair. Especially well fashionable hair dye 2018 using the technique of balaage looks on the hostesses of multilayer haircuts - ladders, cascade or textured bean,
  • sombre - An interesting technique of gradient coloring with smooth transitions. Suitable for both platinum blondes and burning brunettes,
  • darkened roots. Some trends in hair dye 2018 would have seemed absurd to women of fashion a few years ago. For example, this season is incredibly popular lightening strands among the owners of dark hair by nature, in which the roots, by contrast, are painted in an even darker color. The created effect of regrown roots looks natural and original, therefore it will appeal to many young ladies.

Fashionable hair dye Balayazh

Balayazh is considered one of the most sought-after curtain coloring techniques. It is based on applying paint in a chaotic manner, most often the roots remain intact. After this coloring, the strands look fresh and original, and the hairstyle looks more voluminous. Classic options for long and medium hair are presented in the photo.

Well, this type of coloring looks on multi-layered haircuts, for example, on cascades, ladders or texture beans.Balayazh can also choose women with short or medium hair.

In the coming 2018, ash and light gray shades are relevant, so the masters are actively using them to create fashionable hairstyles.

More creative options for bold urban beauties involve the use of saturated colors: pink, purple, red, burgundy, etc. If the hair is well groomed, the result is stunning: bright color, iridescent strands and an unsurpassed volume.

This technique is suitable for everyone, regardless of the color and length of the hair. This is an ideal option for those who do not want to drastically change their image.

Photo news coloring Ombre 2017-2018

Ombre dyeing strands involves the use of two or more shades with a smooth transition from color to color. Now the transformation of the sombre is actual, where the “overflow” is even more blurry. When deciding to make a gradient, experts advise to undergo a revitalizing course of curls, since all the structure's drawbacks will be very noticeable. Current options for ombre and sombre are presented in the photo.

In 2018 it is fashionable to paint curls in the style of "Galaxy". This image is perfect for bright and confident women of fashion.

With gradient staining, it is important to use bright shades (purple, blue, orange, ruby, pink, peach) to achieve a spectacular appearance.

The gradient looks interesting not only on long curls, but also on short, stylishly trimmed hair.

Ombre dyeing technology from year to year is popular among girls around the world. With its help you can not only change the image, but also restore your natural hair color, creating a soft transition from dark to light.

Creative bronzing hair in 2018

In any season, the painting technique called brondirovanie is relevant. Her popularity is due to the wonderful natural result, radiant strands and pomp of her hair. Soft play of light and dark tones will suit women with curls of any length. For work are mainly used shades of gold, coffee, milk and chocolate. There should be no noticeable color transitions. Below are the options for "warm" brondirovaniya.

Coloring with lighter tones looks no less impressive and fashionable.

Incredibly stylish look staining on short hair, if you use more unusual shades, for example, variations of red.

Brondirovanie allows almost without harm to give hair saturation and depth. Strands painted by this technology look natural and stylish. This technique does not require frequent correction, which also has a beneficial effect on the structure and health of the hair.

Fashion trend hair dye - Shatush

Shatush is a gentle modern highlighting, which results in natural curls with smooth tints. By the appearance of the strands, this technique resembles balayazh, but there is a difference - there are no sharp transitions of shades. Coloring is popular with many well-known personalities due to the softer effects on the hair and the resulting volume.

For a more spectacular look, you can use bright rich tones.

Actual shades of ash used in the shatusha. These tones perfectly complement the cold winter look.

This type of coloring looks good on hair of different lengths and is suitable for girls who aspire to naturalness. Examples with short, medium and long hair are shown in the photo.

In matters of creative staining is better to trust a professional. He will be able to advise how best to transform the hair in a particular case, depending on their length and structure. Actual ideas ombre, coloring, brondirovaniya, shatusha or balalezha help refresh the image and look fashionable this season.

Fashion trends and current trends

Fashionable hair coloring trends in 2018 - 2019 are diverse. Original and extravagant trendy hairstyles of the upcoming season will surprise the most sophisticated fashionistas.

Today, professional hairdressers offer their models to paint curls in muted shades, close to the natural color of the client, and in bright and catchy, able to attract the attention of others.

We will tell you about all the fashion trends in hair dye 2018 - 2019. Photos of fashionable hairstyles will clearly show the trends awaiting us.

New this season!

Fashionable hair dye 2018 - 2019 is available for every girl.

A new trend in coloring is the bebilays technique. The masses brought her the famous stylist Jack Howard. The novelty has combined two priority techniques: balayazh and highlighting. Beybilites implies not just brightening the tips, but the achievement of a natural burnout effect.

The work is based on the natural burnout of hair in children from exposure to sunlight. Hence the name of the technology. The main attention in the hairstyle is given to the front strands and tips of the curls. The procedure must be performed so that the hair looks as natural as possible.

By hair length

First of all, choosing a shade, you must look at the shape of hair. For each hair length there are more or less suitable colors. Below we discuss this in more detail.

On medium hair

Average length is universal. Almost all types of coloring are suitable for her, therefore professional stylists offer models a wide choice of style decisions.

Fashionable dyeing for medium hair in 2018 - 2019 offers the following options:

  • The most popular coloring on medium hair is the balayazh technique. Hair coloring is done by chaotic lightening strands. Hair roots are unaffected and remain in the same color. Due to the randomness of the hair look burned out. An important advantage of the balayazh method is to add volume due to uneven color coating. Balayazh is great for owners of multi-layer haircuts in the form of a ladder or cascade.
  • Sombre is another trend technique. It assumes a gradient color with a smooth transition. The way to the sombre is suitable for both fair-haired and dark-haired girls.
  • The most stylish option for today is considered the darkening of the roots, although a few years ago the girls tried to quickly paint over the grown roots. Then, none of them thought that an annoying problem would become a fashionable solution in the near future. The technique creates the impression that the girl simply forgot to paint the faded roots. Hair in this style looks natural and at the same time original.

On short hair

All women want to have a volumetric styling, so the main task of dyeing is to add extra volume to the hairstyle.

Most of the stylists and hairdressers recommend complicated brondirovanie and highlighting for a short haircut. Such techniques contribute to the image of originality by giving the hairstyle the effect of a slight burnout.

Fashionable dyeing for short hair in 2018 - 2019 with the technique of a slight change in the natural color is performed only by skilled craftsmen. Trying to achieve this effect on your own is fraught with the possibility of damaging the curls.

For women who want to show their individuality with the help of a hairstyle, the masters propose to single out several strands with a separate color. The selection of curls does not limit customers in color. Hair dyeing in any preferred color is available, but the curls of bright pink, purple and emerald green shades look especially trendy.

It is important to remember that the mentioned hairstyle option is not appropriate in all situations. Bright selection of curls will not work with a business woman who prefers a classic look.

Long hair

Fashionable dyeing on long hair in 2018 - 2019 allows girls to experiment.Techniques for long hair are varied. Both monophonic coloring, and various color combinations are appropriate.

For many seasons, ombre and sombre remain relevant. Girls love to play with color transitions. Today sharp transitions with contrasting shades are popular. It looks good combination of two techniques in one hairstyle. With regard to monochrome tones, giving hair a powdery effect is in particular demand.

The video tells about the main techniques of coloring on different lengths of curls.

By hair color

Abandoning the usual shade of hair can be very difficult. Not many girls are ready to radically change their appearance. So that clients do not regret their decisions, hairdressers advise to base not only on personal preferences, but also on the relevance of trends.

An important rule that all masters of the beauty industry know about: staining in colors opposite to natural colors does not always bring the expected result. You can not rely on fantasy. It is recommended to follow the color laws, so as not to lose with the selected shade.

For brunettes

Brunettes prefer cool shades. The most fashionable for brunettes color is blue-black. He has long been counted among the classic, because black hair will never lose popularity.

Topical to apply on dark hair chestnut shades. They carry aristocratic refinement and are suitable for any type of appearance. Lilac chocolate and burgundy are the leading shades of the coming season. They make the hair visually more voluminous.

In addition to them, the trend of intense shades, such as dark cherry, the color of red wine and dark cinnamon. They changed the usual eggplant shade and look more relevant and fresh.

Many dark-haired young ladies prefer to be painted in light colors. In the upcoming season, it is recommended to forget from repainting as a blonde, because this color is not stable.

The most fashionable shades - milk chocolate and coffee. These tones give femininity and elegance. Milk chocolate and coffee color due to its versatility are used in many techniques.

For blondes

Blond curls are always relevant. To keep up with the times, it is recommended to exclude yellow and rye shades.

Frequently owners of a fair hair refuse to change color. They avoid a dramatic change in light tone to a dark one, so they only prefer to slightly change the hair.

Fashionable hairstyles for blondes are extremely diverse. The most popular of them: the tradition of platinum, sand and caramel color. Platinum is the favorite color of blondes. The addition of a platinum effect to blonde hair looks trendy on young ladies as well as on aged women.

Sand color is a standard solution for everyone. To make the hair playful, it is recommended to dilute the monotony of color with strands of lighter or darker shades. Caramel color adds a playful and flirty touch to the image. He is significantly younger girls.

The effect of dirty blond is a non-standard color. It will suit the owners of a daring character and lovers of universal attention. Color will give their image confidence and ease.

In addition to the above sought-after tones, blondes choose shades of pink and steel. Painting curls in a palette of pink quartz is characteristic of romantic natures. Many celebrities have already tried a similar hairstyle.

Aristocratic gray - another popular option. It will suit the ladies in age.

Red-haired models, barbers do not advise to change color, because in 2018 - 2019 it is at the peak of popularity. Those wishing to update the image, the masters recommend staining one tone higher or lower.

In the trend of this year entered the fiery-red color. Due to the brightness and provocation, he attracts the interest of others to the woman.The tone will suit lovers stand out from the crowd.

Calm lady fit muted shades of gold and cream. For red definitely not suitable staining in light brown and black tones.

For gray hair

For gray hair is relevant platinum blond. Color perfectly hides gray hair, because they are close in tone. Platinum is imbued with nobility and status, so it is great for adult ladies.

It is important that the coloring was carried out by a competent master. The hairdresser unfamiliar with the technique is able to transform the trendy trend into the effect of regrown roots and completely spoil the hairstyle. In addition, the Hombre technique hides the gray hair firmly. It involves partial staining, leaving a significant portion of the natural.

From the video you will learn the main color types for different hair lengths.

Different seasons put forward their fashion requirements. To emphasize the seasonal color type, stylists recommend dyeing hair in the appropriate colors.

Spring / Summer season

In the spring / summer period, all coloring options are relevant. In the spring months it is especially stylish to paint curls in light and bright colors. In addition, it is appropriate to make bright colors. In spring, give preference to blond and light blond tones. Their combination will be the original solution.

In the hot summer in the priority juicy colors. In trend pixel coloring and coloring. The combination of an ashy shade with pink or turquoise in a hairstyle can lift a girl to the top of the fashionable Olympus.

For the season autumn / winter

Season autumn / winter pleases a large selection of colors. In the autumn and winter, both classic and epatage tones are relevant. Stylists recommend to follow desires. In the trend of custom and brightness.

Strawberry, ash and peach tones, caramel and cinnamon shades are called trendy. On curly hair fit brown tones. Copper and gold, included in the brown palette, ideal options during the fall season.

Blonde hair is more combined with winter weather. Strawberry and ashy blond blend perfectly with winter landscapes. In addition, in the cold time in the trend will be pixel coloring and brondirovanie.

The video shows an overview of trend technicians and the process of their staining.

Hair coloring techniques

Monochrome coloring is boring and ordinary. In 2018 - 2019 monotony changed the variable technology of colors. Each of them is unique and makes the hair more creative.

  • The current year is recognized as the year of booking. The essence of technology in the destruction of natural pigmentation. Hair alternately colored in different colors. A smooth transition from the light tone of the roots to the dark tone at the tips is important here. Bronding is the newest way to dilute monochrome hair.
  • For people who prefer to play with colors and combine them differently, a Colombre technique will do. Before applying the color curls must be lightened.
  • In the upcoming season, the balayazh technique acquires great popularity. For straight hair, colorists advise one of the varieties of balayazh technique - “tiger eye”. A golden brown tone is applied to the hair, combined with a caramel and chocolate palette.
  • Sombre and obmre suitable for girls who are tired of the sharpness of transitions of tones and their contrast. Techniques are good on curly hair, because on the straights all the defects of the hairstyle will be visible. Sombre and ombre are performed in a horizontal and vertical transition, the main thing is to gently change shades.
  • Shatush ousted the standard highlighting. The technique is relevant due to the gentle attitude to the hair. Shatush is performed in the form of additional highlights of the new tone. With such a technique, the image of a girl acquires more aristocracy and refinement.
  • New avant-garde coloring technique using pixelation - a beautiful and creative solution for creating fashionable hairstyles. Coloring is carried out by blurred shades in the form of a checkered pattern.The hairstyle has a not realistic look, which attracts fashionistas from all over the world.

Female hairstyles, made in a bright palette, are not so popular anymore, but young and impudent girls will like them in any technique. Particularly appropriate bright colors in the summer.

For brown eyes

Most of the female population has brown eyes. Chocolate and chestnut coloring is best for brown eyes. In addition, these colors are perfectly combined in various dyeing techniques.

Dark brown eyes and dark skin tint are allowed to apply only dark paint: chestnut, black and chocolate. Owners of this tone is contraindicated to lighten hair.

Brown color in a complex with light skin prefers copper and caramel coloring. In addition, a light amber and light chocolate palette emphasizes the beauty of brown-eyed women.

For green eyes

For green eyes, the palette selection is diverse. Both dark and light coloring are suitable. The most stylish tandem - green eyes and rich red curls. The combination of green and red tones - the highest degree of harmony. Green-eyed beauties with less pronounced depth of color are allowed to experiment boldly with gold and chestnut paint.

Girls, endowed with a marsh eye shade, bright and bright colors are contraindicated. It is recommended to avoid the red palette and the blond. Masters hairdressers offer chestnut, brown and dark blonde.

For blue eyes

For blue eyes, a bright palette of hair is good: wheat, blond and ashen. Other variations are permissible depending on the depth of the eyes.

Blue-eyed young ladies with additional brown specks are encouraged to give preference to the caramel and golden palette. The cool gray-blue color is beautiful in tandem with ashen ombra and light brown hair.

Bright and rich blue in harmony with contrasting brown or brown hair.

Fashionable hair dye 2018 for long hair

Holders of luxurious long hair in the new season is not recommended to choose a single color of curls. Dyeing long hair 2018 gives a wide scope for the realization of fantasy - all sorts of combinations of shades, play of rays, difficulty of transitions, a large number of bright blotches and much more are welcome here.

In most cases, owners of long curls choose gradient techniques - ombr or sombre. Popular ways to change the color, which creates the effect of burnout, - Shatush or balayazh. In addition, in 2018, you can safely experiment on your hair - use to change its appearance several different techniques, bright and unusual techniques, the effect of scattered powder, an abundance of sparkles and so on.

What coloring is fashionable in 2018?

Choose the color of hair for the majority of the fair sex is not easy. In order not to be disappointed in this decision, the masters of hairdressing recommend girls to be guided not only by individual preferences, but also by current trends. Coloring 2018 is extremely diverse, so you can give free rein to fantasy and create a bright and unusual image, striking in its novelty.

Coloring blond 2018

Light shades of hair always remain in trend. Natural blondes mostly do not want to give up the color of their curls, only occasionally updating and refreshing it, and owners of strands of other tones often repaint their head, wanting to find a beautiful and attractive shade. Fashionable hair dye 2018 for blondes unusually diverse. Among the most popular and popular options should be highlighted such as:

  • sand blonde. The easiest and undemanding shade that suits absolutely all girls. Meanwhile, some young ladies, he seems to be boring.In this case, experts recommend diluting the sand with lighter or darker strands, which can be no more than ten.
  • caramel blond. Playful and flirty shade, able to throw off with its owner a few years,
  • platinum. Fashionable hair dye 2018 in platinum blonde will not lose its relevance. This season, stylists recommend this color to young ladies and women over 40 years old,
  • dirty blond. As the name implies, the fashionable dyeing of the hair of the season 2018 in this original shade creates the effect of a sloppy hairstyle and head, which was not particularly watched. For this reason, this trend is suitable only for daring young ladies who like to draw attention to their person, but do not like to spend too much time on self-care,
  • rose quartz. Gentle and romantic shade, which, however, it is recommended to choose only young ladies,
  • aristocratic gray. Today, this option is popular not only among aged women, but also among young ladies who like to stand out from the crowd.

Dark hair coloring 2018

Those who wish to remain in dark color or purchase it in the new season are recommended to prefer cold shades that will enjoy extraordinary popularity. Mostly hair dye 2018 for brunettes comes down to the following options:

  • blue black. This tone is a never-fading classic, which will never lose its relevance. Meanwhile, in the new season it can not coexist with any other shades - blue and other options are not allowed at all,
  • burgundi - deep and heartfelt shade, which can be independent or go black,
  • wine-cherry - a beautiful intense shade, replaced the eggplant familiar to women.

Coloring blond hair 2018

Owners of blond hair can paint their curls in almost any color. Natural and ashy light brown, golden brown, blond with a touch of caramel are popular. In addition, women of fashion can pay attention to the following new hair dye 2018:

  • milk chocolate color - feminine and practical option for young ladies of different ages,
  • coffee - unfading classic, perfect for fair-haired beauties.

Coloring red hair 2018

Red-haired beauty can leave everything as it is, because their color of hair will be at the peak of popularity in the new season. Meanwhile, you can consider the stylish coloring of 2018, for example:

  • fiery red - bright and provocative shade for a real beast,
  • walnut - the gentle and muffled option for the soft and romanticly adjusted young ladies,
  • gold - Tone for young and daring persons, giving the image playfulness and impetuosity.

Hair dyeing trends 2018

The main trends in dyeing 2018 became widespread a few seasons ago. The relevance of such trends as natural color, as close as possible to natural, the minimum number of bright inclusions, soft and smooth transitions, the effect of burning out and much more, does not decrease over the years. Meanwhile, the coming season has presented us with new trends, which should be listened to by those girls who wish to change their image.

Fashionable haircuts and coloring 2018

In the new season, the main task of the hairdresser will be to add volume. For this reason, haircuts and coloring 2018 combine the effects of layering and burnout. Very often, stylists prefer a combination of cascading haircuts and gradient coloring techniques, which in tandem create a bright and interesting hairstyle for any occasion.

Actual hair shades 2018

First of all, it is worth noting that the most relevant in 2018 will be the average hair length.Unlike the other options, it allows you to experiment not only with coloring, but also with different hairstyles or styling.

As for shades, the trend will certainly be natural colors. In addition to them, the stylists identify several rather original, sometimes peculiar shades that will appeal to real fashionistas. In any case, it will not be easy to achieve such an effect, therefore we recommend that you record only to colorist masters with experience. Otherwise, you risk ruining your hair.

Stylish booking in 2018

The brown & blond technology in one color appeared relatively recently and has already won an army of its fans due to the soft transition of natural colors. This effect on the hair was made possible by all the known highlighting and coloring using a rich palette of brown gamma.

The set of tones used is selected by the colorist individually for each girl or woman, depending on the natural hair color and the desired end result.

Coloring "brond" is a great opportunity for dark-haired young ladies to bring the natural highlights of bright colors to their image.

The main task of the master colorist is to create the softest and smoothest “rifts” shades among themselves. Clearly defined strands and curls in this technique are completely unacceptable, since the main point of bronding is to create the illusion of natural burning of hair from the sun's rays.

Stylish 3D coloring 2018

The fashion for three-dimensional images spread far beyond the graphic objects and began to penetrate into all spheres of human activity. Hair salons have not escaped the wave of popularity of 3D technology, which allows using the game of colors to achieve additional hairiness.

Visual density and volume are achieved by applying dyes in the form of glare. From the traditional coloring, three-dimensional is also different in that the master colorist uses several adjacent tones of the same hue to work, thereby visually adding volume.

Coloring 3D will not only give the hair more saturated colors, but will also visually increase the volume of the hairstyle.

In fact, this effect was peeped on unpainted hair, which always looked thicker and more luxuriant than after applying monochrome dyes. After all, any natural hair is heterogeneous and consists of light and dark shades, and it is their quantitative ratio that forms the overall color, and the imposition of light waves affects the visual volume.

Stylish California highlights in 2018

California highlights in 2018 will be as close to naturalness as possible. If last season it was allowed to be interspersed with contrasting colors, then this year the fashion for naturalness has taken its toll.

The effect of burnt hair ends under the hot rays of the sun will be popular in its most natural form.

In the trend of the most soft and smooth transition of shades from the roots to the tips. To do this, hairdressers-colorists mix several shades at once, which smoothly go over one another and look like sun glare. As before, dyes are applied to the hair indented from the roots at least five centimeters, with a gradual change in shade from dark to light.

Platinum and Ashy Blonde

Luxury hair with a cool platinum or ashy tone looks really amazing. But still this option is not for everyone. It is believed that these shades are best suited for girls with pale skin and cold color type. Due to this combination, the image looks harmonious, but not tasteless.

Strawberry Blonde

A romantic shade called strawberry blond is suitable for most fair-haired girls. With it, you can soften the strict lines of appearance or give a touch of romance, playfulness to the image.But do not confuse this shade with a pink color on the hair. The fact is that in this case the shade should be visible in the sun in the form of glare. Therefore, experts recommend it not to blondes, but to owners of light-blond, wheat-colored hair. This combination looks the most natural.

Cherry shade

Owners of dark hair can also experiment. To do this, it is not necessary to paint them in bright, unusual colors. Take a closer look at the red and cherry hue. They look quite interesting. In addition, it is not necessary to paint the entire length, if desired, this can be done on individual strands or tips. This option will be especially fashionable in 2018.


This coloring technique is rather complicated, so please contact only a master with a good colorist experience. The fact is that it assumes a certain effect of radiance, which should pass along the entire perimeter of the head. That is, it will be visible not only in the sun, but also indoors.

Of course, not everyone will like this effect. But if you are ready for fashionable experiments, then the year 2018 is ideal in order to slightly change the usual hair color.

The main trend of 2018 is coloring in the “pixels” style. This technique was presented by Spanish stylists and now it is quite popular. However, it definitely does not suit every girl. First, the hair should be smooth. On curly strands it will be impossible to implement such staining. In addition, it is necessary to do the laying on a daily basis.

As for the features of this coloring, it is in clear geometric patterns. If you wish, you can make a chaotic arrangement or create a certain pattern. In any case, very few masters possess the necessary knowledge to implement such a crazy idea. Therefore, be careful when choosing a specialist in hair coloring.

Fashionable dyeing for medium hair 2018

Despite the presence of some novelties in the field of dyeing, many of the usual ones still remain fashionable in 2018. Therefore, if you are not ready for too drastic changes, then start with the more popular staining techniques.

This technique is known to many fashionistas, because it allows you to achieve a natural effect. At the same time, it can be realized not only on the average length of hair, but also on short or long hair. The main feature of such coloring is, of course, the effect of slightly sun-bleached hair. That is, barely noticeable glare, which is best seen in the sun.

For coloring most often mixed two shades. However, it all depends on your source data. Many masters prefer to work with three shades of different contrast. It should be noted that shatush can be made not only along the entire length, but also only at the tips. It all depends entirely on your preferences.

Technique called balayazh known for a long time. For such staining is also used a combination of two or three shades. However, unlike the previous version, the colors stretch along the entire length. As a result, the hair still has a natural, slightly burnt effect. But besides, visually they become a little more voluminous. That is why such staining is very often chosen by the owners of thin strands.

About the existence of a technique called ombre, probably every fashionisan heard. This is not surprising, because such staining remains popular for several years in a row. Unlike previous versions, in this case, you can make not only a natural effect, but also a more contrasting one. It all depends on the original shade of hair and your wishes.

As you can see, in 2018 there are quite a few variations of hair coloring. Therefore, choose the one that best suits you according to the type of appearance. Then the result will be really amazing.

3-D technology for dyeing long hair: interesting news

Using the technique of 3-D dyeing on long hair, stylists achieve that the images are more feminine and fresh. Having long hair, it is very important to monitor the condition of the hair: the structure and healthy shine. The 3-D technology of dyeing long hair allows you to maintain your hair in good condition and visually provide a natural play.

New-fashioned ikayi coloring on long hair: creating stunning images

Previously, the techniques of weaving, shatush, balayazh ruled, then in 2018 ombre-style hair looks more impressive. If your task is to dye your long hair as if you didn’t dye it at all, then choose the ikaya technique. Becoming a 100% self-confident beauty, she definitely can help. Ikayi is an ombre tortoise. An interesting variant of hair coloring creates a stunning effect. Of course, essentially ikayi is an ombre, only with a more beautiful transition along the length of the hair. Many models and Hollywood stars tried the Ikaya technique on themselves, because the method has a lot of advantages:

  • natural effect, in which the hair looks as if it had burnt out on the gorgeous beaches of the Cote d'Azur,
  • hair is not painted entirely, but because the technique is considered the most gentle.

Flamboyage: long hair coloring method with natural highlights

Flamboyage is an Italian hair dyeing technique that uses special paper. If you want others to begin to turn around after you, then rather go to the beauty salon, where they use the technique of flamboyage. The hit of the season will help your long hair to become more well-groomed and healthy looking. The effect of flaming on the hair is comparable to the play of the flame. If you want to have a more uniform shade with overflows, then the flamboyage technique is the best solution for dyeing long hair. The roots of hair dyed using the flamboyage technique can be dyed less often. The tone stretches along the entire length of the hair, which saves on trips to stylists - hairdressers.

Contouring on long hair: best results in photo examples

If you look at glossy magazines, then very often you come across beautiful girls with long hair that are painted using contouring technique. The technology of coloring is very interesting and gentle. Long hair should be protected, and therefore use gentle methods of coloring and high-quality dyes. Hair coloring using contouring technique is a good choice to emphasize the naturalness and beauty of hair.

Coloring long hair in light shades

Light natural shades of hair like colorists, because they can be made even lighter. For this, special coloring techniques are used, which are all good. Highlighting is the most common among them because it is considered the most gentle method. Save the length and at the same time become a blonde three tones higher, thanks to the method of melirovniya long hair. Ash blondes continue to be in trend from past seasons.

Balayazh long hair

After highlighting long hair, such a technique, known as brondirovaniye, came into vogue, but it lingered in the hearts of hairdressers and clients for a short time, giving way to this kind of painting called balayazh. The technique of balayazh is very similar to the method of dyeing long hair using the ombre method. If you put two girls with long hair dyed in these two techniques, then the inexperienced look will not notice the difference. Stylists recommend using the 2018 trendy colors as the main colors of the paint for working in the technique of balasteer.

The most fashionable colors of long hair - 2018

In 2018, in the field of hair coloring, the same trends are relevant as in a stylish wardrobe - naturalness.Undoubtedly, modern young girls will be interested in bright design novelties of dyeing long hair, but older women will prefer balanced images. Because stylists recommend blond, brown, black, sandy shades of hair in a monotonous performance. Leave the pink, lilac and crimson shades for a special occasion, but as a daily option, choose a neutral color, close to the natural.

Today we looked at a topic of interest to many women. It concerns the coloring of long hair and fashionable directions in this area. If you are a supporter of natural beauty, then choose fashionable natural shades of hair dye. Well, for those who are eager for small changes and exciting adventures, then you should look at fashionable bright design suggestions for dyeing long hair in 2018.

Fashionable coloring 2018

The use of two or more color shades in coloring has been used for a long time and with each season only acquires new techniques.

This year, the favorites will remain in favor:

  1. Ombre - the transition from dark to light with a blurred border.
  2. Balayazh - clarification of individual strands.

In these two hits, a sombre joined - a type of ombre, implying an even more blurred border between dark and light shades, as well as glares in the style of bebylights, which combines the standard highlighting procedure and balayazh.

True, stylists recommend not always adhering to a smooth transition from tone to tone, but experiment in this area with highlights with a contrasting color of the dye. With such unusual derivatives of existing techniques and compounds put together the already popular ones, the year 2018 was marked.

Coloring replenished with new techniques and will be relevant in light shades and dark.

Stylish gradient coloring 2018

Like many dyeing techniques, gradient also resigned to the globalization of naturalness in fashion. This type of application of dyes differs from other techniques in the most gentle and smooth transition from subtone to subtone. It is almost impossible to catch it, so harmoniously the shades go from one to another.

Master colorists recommend choosing shades of dyes for gradient staining from adjacent natural hair color.

Of course, to create such an illusion, the colorist will need more than one tone and their combination with each other, but this effect is worth the effort and time spent. Such a harmoniously soft transition will allow for a long time not to visit the hairdresser, especially in those cases if the shades are chosen as close as possible to the natural hair color.

Wow Ombre Hair Style

The thundering glory on the ombra staining in 2018 will not completely subside, but will gradually recede into the background, as its variety, the sombre, began to gain popularity. This technique differs in a more blurred border between shades, which is almost completely erased by the presence of many sub-tones.

This year, the ombra and sombre will be direct competitors to each other, and only at the end of this struggle will it be possible to determine which technician will be the winner.

For dark hair, the honey-brown shade will be relevant, and brown hair can be visibly brightened with the help of a blond palette. In both techniques, these shades look very impressive and fashionable.

Ombre staining in 2018 received its direct rival - the sombre, which became not less popular than its original source.

Stylish varieties of hair dye 2018

Since those times when girls and women began to change their natural tint with the help of dyes, an incredibly large number of coloring techniques were invented. Some of them got accustomed and remained popular for a long time, some were forgotten after one fashion season.

Hair dyeing techniques that became popular just a few seasons ago will not leave fashionable Olympus, but will only acquire the natural shades that are so popular in 2018.

In addition to monochrome, in 2018 the following types of staining will be relevant:

  1. Reservation. The combination of light and brown shades presented one of the most original coloring techniques. Especially effectively these combinations look on dark brunette, who want to make their appearance more gentle and soft.
  2. Balayazh. In the selection of shades for this type of coloring it is necessary to be extremely accurate and use the shades according to their color appearance. Step and sharp transitions in balayazh are completely excluded, therefore, when applying dyes on the tips and middle of the hair, you need to be as careful as possible.
  3. Shatush. The effect of fairly burned curls in the sun is achieved by feathering dark and light dyes.
  4. Ombre. The fashion for everything natural has not bypassed the ombre, which popularizes the gradual transition from dark color at the roots to a lighter color at the tips. In addition to natural colors, master colorists offer for special occasions to dilute your image with bright patches of red, green or blue.

Stylish youth piece - stencil hair coloring

Looking at girls with hairstyles, decorated with stencil drawings, you can not help thinking about the fact that the heroes of science fiction films have moved from the back of the screen and are now walking around among us. Hairdressers-colorists really pleased with such a newfangled chip extraordinary fashionistas.

Dedicated to aspirants from the crowd dedicated! With hair dyed through a stencil, it is impossible to remain gray mediocrity, whatever makeup you put and whatever clothes you wear.

Complex and unique patterns like tattoos are applied to the hair by colorists with the utmost care and precision, because any stroke can completely change the meaning of the picture.

Both shades close to natural and juicy and bright colors are relevant. In the trend are leopard spots, blue-green feathers of peacocks, the image of the leaves of trees in the style of herbarium, geometric shapes and curved lines, a chessboard and oriental patterns.

Stylish blond shades of 2018

Like it or not, and bleached blond hair has already become a classic of attractiveness for the opposite sex. Of course, such a procedure should be carried out only by an experienced master and high-quality dyes in order to protect the hair from excessive drying and the appearance of unattractive yellowness, which will spoil the whole idea overnight.

As you know, gentlemen prefer blondes and in 2018 colorist masters did not forget about them.

If you already become a blonde, then just gorgeous, so do not be stingy and go to a decent salon to proven masters. Hairdressers offer two hit blonds in 2017 - light wheat and platinum, each of which is interesting in its own way.

Stylish “Gray” Blond 2018

To dye hair in ashy blond is quite a bold decision. The color bears in itself a reminder of gray hair, from which the main part of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity flee headlong. Despite such associations, this cool gray color has become one of the main trends in the hair industry.

The gray and coldness of the “gray” blond will not be scared away by real fashionistas. After all, this shade has become one of the most stylish hits of the year.

It is worth noting that master colorists provided a small palette of “gray” shades, among which pearl, silver and metal became the main favorites.

“Gray-haired” blond can be used both as a monochrome and as a component shade when stained with current techniques. For example, ombre in combination of silver and purple colors or balayazh when combining black with the transition to platinum.

Wow The colorful brunette is the current hair color of 2018

A couple of seasons ago, colorists gave a true pale brunette a bright palette of colors — cherry, scarlet and aubergine — to emphasize their individuality. This trend will remain in the past, since in 2018 the fashion for femininity and naturalness was given a palm, and these colors do not fall under these concepts. This does not mean that hair masters did not come up with any ideas for dark-haired young ladies.

Brunettes can give their natural hair color delightful ebb with the help of dark shades of honey, sand, chestnut, light brown, as well as caramel, ash brown and mahogany.

You can make aristocratic black hair with natural shades.

Stylish colorful brunette with a hint of chocolate

Chocolate shade looks incredibly attractive on the dark-haired young ladies. In most cases, brunettes have dark skin, which, in combination with brown chocolate, looks very exciting for the opposite sex. “Tasty” color can vary from light to dark and these shades look on brunettes completely differently.

The shades with chocolate motives give brunettes a special chic that carries grace and luxury.

Any brown tone looks luxurious in its only performance. Colorists advise not to dwell on a single brown color and to diversify your image with a palette of milk and black chocolate, as well as their mixed shades in any popular dyeing technique.

Stylish redhead beard and fair-haired brown-haired woman at the peak of fashion 2018

The image of girls with red hair, can not be called mediocre. It does not matter whether it is natural or colored. Shades of red bear a charge of vivacity and activity. In the trend of the year red with subtones of cinnamon and copper, as well as any highlights and diluted shades of this color.

Incredibly fashionable red hair color gives the appearance of brightness and expressiveness. The shade "fair-haired brown-haired woman" has less intensity, but is not less attractive.

In contrast to the rich red, colorists introduced in the fashion season a shade of “blond brown hair”, which symbolizes naturalness and tranquility. Blonde brown in monochrome, like no other, will emphasize the naturalness of the image, which in 2018 will be the most popular. This color is most successfully revealed on fair-haired girls with blue, gray and green eyes.

Stylish brown tones - fashionable naturalness

A fair number of girls and women who are quite happy with them and are in no hurry to subject him to radical changes are presented with blond hair. For such a case, colorists suggest only to diversify the blond monochrome with some strokes. You can use any coloring techniques that are relevant in the year, diluting your natural light brown color with additional shades that are lighter or darker in tone.

Owners of light and dark shades also sometimes express a desire to be brown-haired and colorists advise choosing it depending on their color type of appearance.

Light brown hair color is not as simple and monotonous as it may seem at first glance.

Light brown hair color is not as limited as it may seem. It is very multifaceted and has at least six shades in its piggy bank:

  1. Light coloured. It looks most advantageous in the neighborhood with blue, amber, green and gray eyes, and milky, light beige and light pink skin will emphasize hair color even more effectively.
  2. Ashen. Very similar to the light, but still this type of light brown shade belongs to the cold range. Suitable light-eyed young ladies without a hint of skin darkness.
  3. Average. The most common shade on girls of Slavic appearance. Neither light, nor dark, nor red, nor chestnut - it is not similar to any other shade.Neutral, and in the representation of fashionistas with extraordinary taste, a nondescript tone looks most harmonious with golden skin, as well as blue and light brown eyes.
  4. Copper. The combination of two diametrically opposed tones gave a completely fantastic shade. Ideal for green and brown-eyed girls with fair skin.
  5. Dark. Hue that is in harmony with tanned, dark and even dark skin.
  6. Golden. This incredibly beautiful tone is limited in its compatibility with appearance because of its radiance. Most successfully, the color is revealed on light and slightly tanned skin with a yellowish subtone.

Colorist masters suggest dyeing hair in monochrome shades of light brown, and using a palette of this color for current coloring techniques.

Stylish coloring for brown-haired women of 2018

Many owners of dark blond and brown hair, not ready for cardinal upheavals in their appearance, can add a bit of diversity to their image by mixing fashion colors. Hair masters recommend not using monochrome coloring, but resort to using several shades that will refresh the appearance of the hair.

Colorists recommend choosing additional shades depending on the structure and thickness of your hair. In any case, the glare of caramel, amber and honey in any painting technique is not able to spoil your appearance.

Given the nature of the natural shade of hair is most acceptable to the color of the exterior and, to be fashionable, you can only dilute it with adjacent colors. Or resort to radical changes that will also be relevant to the brown-haired women.

In addition to natural shades, hairdressers in 2018 offer brown-haired women to diversify their image with the help of rich dyes. Who would like to make some notes of expression in their appearance, feel free to choose a combination of golden and mahogany, fiery and pronounced golden.


Watch the video: Trendy Fall Hair Color Ideas for 2019 (July 2024).