Long hair

How to braid your hair


Changeable fashion allows girls to choose almost any hairstyle. If there is a need to remove the hair, then this can be done both with the help of an elastic band and by gathering curls into a braid. Their variety allows you to choose the right hairstyle for any occasion - a romantic meeting, business talk or even a wedding.

You can spit the braid yourself, the main thing is to know all the nuances

Types of braids: Russian braid on hair - ideal for beginners

Beautiful braids have always been a symbol of women in Russia. Braiding the braid itself is an excellent job. The easiest way to learn how to braid exactly Russian braid. To braid a beautiful braid, you must perform the following steps:

Two braids plaited in the temporal zone look very attractive. However, for this it is very important to make a smooth parting in the back, for which someone’s help may be needed.

To better understand how to weave a braid, take a look at the attached diagram.

Beautiful braids: "dragon"

Braided braid "dragon" looks very impressive, but its implementation does not take much time. However, there are some rules:

The execution scheme is as follows:

To learn how to do the "dragon", see the photo below.

Types of braids: French braids (a pigtail cone), like weaving a fish braid

To learn how to weave pigtails, follow the simple rules. By the way, the fish, the French and the spikelet have the same technique. So, weaving these braids with enough experience will take no more than 5-10 minutes. Before performing the hair strands must be well combed and moistened, for example, with foam or mousse. If the hair in the bangs is shorter, but will be woven, a thin elastic band of a neutral color is additionally taken.

Weaving option of the French braid:

More information can be taken from the photo.

Simple types of braids: waterfall

Only at first glance a pigtail waterfall looks very difficult. If you wish, even a schoolgirl will be able to learn how to do it! The main advantages of this hairstyle is that it can be used on hair of various lengths (even in the square) and any volume. In the case of insufficient volume, the hair is still better to pre-comb.

Spit-waterfall can be performed in one of the following options:

Before you start, you must very well comb your hair and get rid of any nodules. The technique is as follows:

Additional information can always be taken from a photo or video on the Internet.

How to weave light braids from 4 strands

Looking for the first time at the 4-strand pigtail creation scheme, you can get confused and decide that it is very difficult to execute it. However, there is a little trick that can help to perceive this information easier. It turns out that to braid your hair like that, you only need to weave a braid usually (as from 3 curls), and 4 should be placed under the rightmost strand. Before making hair, hair should be washed, dried and further processed with mousse or foam.

More scheme is as follows:

For detailed acquaintance with the technique of weaving a spit of 4 strands, it is better to get acquainted with the video and master classes on the Internet.

African braids - exotic or fashionable hairstyle

A decade ago, African braids seemed unacceptable: vulgar, challenging. Today, the situation has changed, and it is fashionable and prestigious to walk with such scythes, since such a service in a beauty salon costs a lot of money. However, having familiarized with the types and techniques of creation, you can experiment with your appearance and make such a haircut even at home. It is necessary to remember only that in addition to natural strands, it is worthwhile to take care of the preliminary purchase of special synthetic threads that are attached to the hair, give additional volume and come in various colors.

African braids plaiting is not easy, but you can learn

Technology for obtaining afrokos at home:

Types of braids: Russian braid on hair - ideal for beginners

Beautiful braids have always been a symbol of women in Russia. Braiding the braid itself is an excellent job. The easiest way to learn how to braid exactly Russian braid. To braid a beautiful braid, you must perform the following steps:

Two braids plaited in the temporal zone look very attractive. However, for this it is very important to make a smooth parting in the back, for which someone’s help may be needed.

To better understand how to weave a braid, take a look at the attached diagram.

African braids - exotic or fashionable hairstyle

A decade ago, African braids seemed unacceptable: vulgar, challenging. Today, the situation has changed, and it is fashionable and prestigious to walk with such scythes, since such a service in a beauty salon costs a lot of money. However, having familiarized with the types and techniques of creation, you can experiment with your appearance and make such a haircut even at home. It is necessary to remember only that in addition to natural strands, it is worthwhile to take care of the preliminary purchase of special synthetic threads that are attached to the hair, give additional volume and come in various colors.

Technology for obtaining afrokos at home:

Features of weaving braids itself

Medium and long hair has always been considered the benchmark of femininity, beauty. The perfect way to diversify your everyday style is to weave yourself various varieties of braids: dragon, herringbone, spikelet, snail, inverted spit, twist, inside out, bow, backdropping, zigzag, harness, asterisk, crescent, snail, back weaving. If you are just starting to master this skill, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the master classes and video instructions for beginners that will help you understand the principle of weaving.

You need to exercise regularly. Start by trying the easiest options. When you succeed in them, you can take on more complex schemes. The first attempts will be difficult, because the hands get tired from the unusual position. But gradually you get used to it. The first braids braided to themselves can be untidy, but each time the hairstyle will be more beautiful. Do not be afraid to experiment: do hair in the center of the head, from one and the other side, several at once.

Preparation for weaving

Before the process of weaving it is necessary to prepare the hair. They must be clean, neat. Carefully comb them so that they are not confused in the process. You can sprinkle with a special spray or water from the sprayer to remove fluffiness. In addition, prepare the necessary accessories: combs of several kinds, two large mirrors, elastic bands, invisible hairpins, hairpins, ribbons, hairpins, hair spray and lacquer for fixing.

How beautifully braid braid for long and medium hair

The right hairstyle is a beautiful addition to any look, even a wedding one. You do not need to spend money on expensive jewelry and accessories. Today braids are a vivid example of beautiful, fashionable styling. There are many ways to weave them, which you will learn below. Due to the large number of braid models, they can be part of an elegant, naughty, romantic, strict or feminine image. Therefore, it is a win-win option for self-expression.

Of the three strands

Start by mastering the weaving of a simple and fast braid of three strands to itself. Sit between two mirrors so you can see yourself from behind and in front. Comb your flat comb. You can pre-spray hair with a special spray or water to reduce the fluffiness and ease styling. Master class in stages:

  • Comb your hair back, divide in the neck area into three equal parts.
  • Slide your fingers along each strand. Then your fingers will serve as "bookmarks" that will not let your hair connect together.
  • Wrap around the central strand of the left and right, displacing it to the right and left. Keep your hands behind your neck for the first 5-10 turns, then throw the hair over your shoulder for more convenience.
  • Weave until such time as there is no tip of a length of 10 cm. Secure with rubber band, barrette or tape.

Fish tail

Beginners in braiding themselves need to start with a simple version of "Fishtail." This hairstyle is woven easily, and the result is unsurpassed. There are two techniques of weaving: first make a ponytail or begin forehead all over the head. If you start with the tail, the hair will not crumble in the hands, so strands are easier to control. For weaving you need invisible beads, a comb with fine teeth, rubber bands or bows, ribbons, hairpins, two mirrors, one of which is mounted in the back and the other in front. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Take the strand that will be the beginning of the fish tail. Comb it thoroughly, divide it into two equal widths.
  • Cross the left and right strands to the right was on top. Use a thin hairbrush to separate a small part of the hair on the left side, add to the right strand. The thinner the added parts of the hair, the more interesting and sleeker the finished hairstyle will look. To avoid the "roosters", stretch the strands.
  • Separate the hair on the right, put it in your left hand.
  • Alternately, add on one and the other side new strands, shift to the opposite hand.
  • When you reach the hairline, fix the braid with a barrette or continue to weave to the ends without it.


The French braid in the classic version is woven of all the hair, and even the bangs are captured. It is made close to the scalp. The method of weaving is different from the usual. The length of the hair should be at least 12 cm. The hairstyle remains neat for a long time. It is suitable for work or evening out. Phased master class:

  • Comb all the hair, separate the strand in the middle, divide it into three.
  • Throw the right over the center, then do the same with the left.
  • To the right and left strands, add a piece of loose hair. Take the same size parts, then the spit will look exactly, neat. For the tight version, use thin strands, for the romantic and weakly braided - wide.
  • We continue to weave on the described technique, until the whole mass of hair is woven into the braid.
  • Fix the end with a rubber band or twist it in a bunch, knot, fix with pins.

The spikelet looks very beautiful on the head of any girl. Before weaving should prepare: make a little bouffant at the roots, or corrugation special curling, then comb along the entire length of a massage brush. So the finished hairstyle will look more voluminous. But if you have thick hair, then bouffant is not needed. Technology step by step:

  • Start from the top of the head, separating the three small strands. Overlap the middle strand with your left and then the right.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to grab some of the remaining hair with your thumb near the strand to which you are adding. With the other hand, hold the remaining two strands of the three cores.
  • Cross the bulk that you added to the middle one.
  • So weave the left side.
  • Repeat the above steps until the end of the part of the hair where the roots grow. Make a tail or finish laying a regular pigtail.


How to make a braid for yourself? This is one of the varieties of French, which is woven around the entire head, crowning it like a crown. It is easy to braid it, while you can add ribbons to it so that the hairstyle looks bright and festive. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Comb the hair on the parting along the line of growth from one ear to another.
  • Collect the rest of the tail. Begin weaving a French braid from the left ear, weaving in an average thickness of the strand.
  • Continue to braid to the right ear.
  • When the hair for interweaving runs out, secure the remaining elastic. Leave the tail or continue to make the usual braid to the short tip, hiding inside, securing with a barrette or rezinochkoy.

Of five strands

Not all girls can boast lush and thick hair. Some consider the braided braid itself too thin and no longer repeat this experience. There are small tricks that visually make the hair more voluminous. To do this, a spit of five strands will suit you. Instruction step by step:

  • Divide the entire mass of hair into five equal strands.
  • Then proceed according to the following algorithm: move the left extreme one to the opposite edge, passing between the central ones so that it wraps around them with a snake. Do the same with the next left extreme.
  • Weave yourself a braid according to this scheme. When you reach the tip, fix the hair with a rubber band.

Greek braid to the side

Greek braid is an elegant, fashionable hairstyle, which is considered one of the leading in popularity. She goes to almost any type of person and gives her an image of romance, femininity, turning you into a goddess. Instruction step by step:

  • Divide over the left ear strand of hair in a direct parting, dividing into three equal parts.
  • Begin to weave tight, pressing tightly to your head. Weaving is carried out by adding to the top strand additional.
  • Spit will go diagonally. You should add new strands until the haircut is vertical. Next, braid your own ordinary braid.
  • At the base, secure the rubber band, sprinkle with varnish.

Weaving scheme Waterfall

The Spit Falls is a stylish and charming interpretation of the classic French technique, where a part of the curls falls freely on the back, as if rain was streaming on the glass or a jet of water. She gives the girl a fabulous, romantic, tender image that proves the photo of celebrities with such a hairstyle. The braid looks more spectacular on wavy hair, so in advance twirl the curls on a curling iron or hair curlers. Phased master class:

  • Comb your hair. Separate the strand from the temple, divide by three. Start weaving the usual braid: the first binding should go from the strand of the face, shift it to the center, repeat from the bottom.
  • The upper strand will be at the bottom, where it must be left. Instead, take a new one from the total mass of hair. Continue weaving: attach the hair on top, as in the French braid, shift to the middle. Do the same with the bottom.
  • The upper strand will be at the bottom, leave it and replace it with a new one.
  • Continue weaving by the above method, reaching the place where you want to stay. Finish with an ordinary oblique or secure the end with a pin, rubber band, or decorative hair clip.

Step-by-step video instructions for weaving braids to yourself

Any girl is proud of her long luxurious hair, because from ancient times it was considered not only the main decoration of the maiden, but also her strength. We all remember the red girls from folk tales with beautiful braids. Modern fashion favors this hairstyle, so she always remains in trend. Particularly relevant are unusual braids, which are complex designs of interlaced curls. In the video below you will see the visual process of creating all kinds of braided hairstyles.

The technique of weaving braids on the contrary with tape

Ribbons are an excellent accessory for hairstyles. You can choose lace, multi-colored, satin. Spit on the contrary with this accessory looks fresh, original. It will harmoniously complement the image of any girl, becoming the main decoration. Spit on the contrary looks very voluminous.The length of the hair for such weaving itself must be at least 20 cm. It is not necessary to weave very tight, because current trends dictate a fashion for disheveled, slightly careless weaving. How to weave a braid on the contrary with the ribbon itself, you will see in this video.

Wide braid with rubber bands

This is an original way of weaving, which will be the highlight of the image. He will help even a modest amount of hair to make a gorgeous voluminous hairstyle. Elastic bands make the braid reliable, thanks to which the laying will last for a very long time, and you will have no reason to worry that it can be tousled. The method of weaving this hair itself can not be called easy, but, with a little patience and skill, you will have an excellent result.

4 strand round 3-D braid

The following technique is one of the varieties of weaving the braid itself out of four strands. Its main feature is that you get a three-dimensional effect. Do not be afraid, because weaving is easy. If the first time you do not understand, then review the proposed video lesson for beginners again. After practicing a little, you can create such a hairstyle to yourself in a few minutes without any extra effort.

How to braid a beautiful pigtail on bangs

Spit on bangs can revive and give originality to any hairstyle, making the image feminine, romantic. The following video demonstrates the process of creating such a package. From the first time you may not get a beautiful braid on the bang itself, but with a little practice, you will succeed. This hairstyle is relevant if you grow hair or do not have time for styling. You can experiment with accessories by weaving ribbons, decorating with small flower buds.

Openwork braid in the form of a flower

Openwork weaving has become very popular. It is found both in everyday life and at celebrations. Thin strands form a pattern of indescribable beauty, making a perfect composition on your head. In this video lesson you will learn how to weave yourself a lace braid in the shape of a flower. This hairstyle is complex, so you have to practice. It is perfect for special occasions.

French braid weaving itself

An impressive variety of types of French braids will make you look chic in any situation. A hairstyle with the most ordinary braid can be, as the most simple and modest, and elegant, attracting the views of others. Everyone can learn to weave French braids, there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. Of course, for a start, it is worthwhile to master simple options, and only after that proceed to the creation of masterpieces.

Weave the most ordinary French braid

    • We collect a small part of the hair from the forehead to the tail and fix it for convenience with a small elastic band,

    • We take on the order on both sides of the tail formed,

    • And we start weaving shifting the side strands alternately from side to side over the middle one,

    • Having made the first bindings we begin to add the curls remaining on the sides into the weaving,

    • We drag this way to the end and fix the tip with an elastic band. Dressed at the base of the gum cut off and our pigtail is ready.

Air French braid

You can add originality to an ordinary French braid in just a couple of minutes by straightening the strands.

    • Starting from the crown one by one we pull up the strands from weaving, we do it evenly and extremely carefully,

    • We take some invisible women and wave a wave of the upper elongated strands.

    • In such a simple way we get a completely different, light airy look.

Alternatively, you can braid such a braid on its side. Or make a couple of shy braids.

Reverse french braid

Such a recently popular scythe for eversion lags no more complicated than usual. Here the main thing is to understand the principle, and it is natural to fill your hand.

    • Take a piece of hair from the forehead and divide it into three even strands,

    • We make the first bindings, as in the weaving of an ordinary braid, only if there are extreme strands lying on top of the average, then everything is the other way around, extreme strands weaving are weaving through the average,

    • We make pickups and weave to the end in the same way, fix the tip with an elastic band,

It is also possible to get strands from it and make it airy, braid a few or on its side, or a rim. There are many options.

Volumetric braids

Not every woman is lucky to get a thick beautiful hair. So you have to resort to tricks to make the hair more lush and voluminous. One of the ways to transform thin hair are braids. But only braids are not simple, but voluminous. To create the simplest of them, you do not need special skills and knowledge, it is enough to learn or remember how to braid the most ordinary pigtail.

Simple volumetric braid

  1. Separate the hair into 3 parts.
  2. Transfer the left strand through the middle one, then do the same with the right one. Kosa braid free.
  3. Braid the braid to the end and secure it with a rubber band.
  4. Starting from the bottom of each turn of the weave, pull thin strands. It is desirable that they are the same.
  5. Secure the hair with lacquer.

Weaving volumetric braids can be performed with the help of many other techniques. Consider some of them.

The harness is an alternative to the usual braids. Their main advantage is the ease of weaving. It is better to make a harness on a “horse-tail”, if desired, it can be done without tying up the hair, but then it will not be so strict.

  1. Gather the curls in the tail at the back of the head and secure with a rubber band.
  2. Divide the tail into 2 parts.
  3. Twist the right side of the tail to the right side to create a semblance of a rope. But the harder you twist it, the thinner the harness comes out.
  4. Holding the formed harness with your fingers, twist the left side of the tail to the right.
  5. Twist both parts of the tail in the opposite direction and secure them with a rubber band.

Bulk French braid on the contrary

Recently, the French braid has become one of the popular varieties of braids. A very beautiful volumetric braid can be obtained if the French braid is not braided in the classical way, but vice versa. It can be braided around the center, around the perimeter, diagonally and on the sides.

  1. Decide on the place of the beginning of the braid, then take a strand of hair in this area and divide it into 3 parts.
  2. Put the strand on the left under the middle one.
  3. Put the strand on the right under the middle one.
  4. Separate the strand from the unused hair and merge it with the left strand, and then place it under the middle strand.
  5. Separate the strand from the unused hair on the right and connect it with the right strand, then shift it under the middle one.
  6. So, adding podlet to the strands, moving them under the middle, continue weaving.
  7. At the neck level, continue weaving in the manner of a simple braid consisting of three strands.
  8. Pull the side strands, giving volume to the spit. They can be pulled out and during weaving, this will make the coils more evenly.

Spit fish tail

  1. Comb your hair a little sprinkle with water or liquid for styling, then divide into 2 halves.
  2. Choose the level from which you want to start weaving. A scythe can be formed from the top of the head, the level of the temples, the back of the head, or just on the bottom of the hair. Weaving can be started from the tail.
  3. At the selected level on the left side, separate the small strand, then shift it through the left half of the hair and connect with the right.
  4. Also separate the strand on the right side of the head of hair and connect it with the left.
  5. To secure the hairstyle, pull the strands slightly to the sides. But do not overdo it, otherwise the braid will come out dense, not bulk. Try to control that the weaving is not tight, for this you can stretch the strands even during weaving.
  6. Continue to weave to the end.
  7. Secure the braid with an elastic band, pull out the thin strands of each turn, giving it volume.

French waterfall

For lovers of delicate romantic images fit haircut "French Falls". She will allow to create easy, volume laying. Winning this hairstyle looks curled in curls, but also on straight hair, it will look good, especially if they are melirovannye. The weave can girdle the head, creating a wreath from the hair, go down the oblique or form a double row of braids, which looks particularly impressive. “French waterfalls” are woven according to the spikelet principle, but on the one hand, separate strands are produced all the time.


  1. Select the strand in the temple or bangs and divide it into 3 parts.
  2. Weave a braid in the classical way, but the strands located below, all the time, let go of the hair. Replace vacant places with new strands taken from the curls of the upper part of the head. For a more secure fixing hairstyle, you can grab a lock that is located in the temple area or above the ear. It will depend on where the weaving was started.
  3. Continue weaving, moving to the opposite ear.
  4. Fix the end of the braid with a barrette.

French Waterfall Scheme

Square braid

This braid looks interesting and volumetric. Square braid can be braided on the tail or by the French method.

Square braid weave:

  1. Separate the strand of hair in the area of ​​the crown, and then separate it into 3 strands.
  2. Divide the left strand by 2.
  3. Pass the middle one into the divided left strand and join the halves.
  4. Do the same with the right strand.
  5. When creating a braid from the tail, continue repeating the 2 previous steps until you finish weaving. If you are planning to braid a braid according to the French technique, divide the left strand in half and add a small strand, selected to the left of the loose hair, to the extreme left half of the strand, put it under the middle strand and connect the halves.
  6. Do the same on the right.
  7. When the weaving is finished, stretch the strands slightly.

Spit with a tape in the center

This hairstyle is suitable for both holidays and for everyday life. Can be performed on medium and long hair. She will look beautiful and elegant.

  1. Separate the hair strand in the desired area, divide it into 3 parts and secure the ribbon after the second strand.
  2. Place the left strand under the next and on the tape.
  3. Put the right strand on the next strand and under the ribbon.
  4. Add a subtitle to the left strand, then place it under the next one and on the ribbon.
  5. Add a sublet and place the right strand on the next one and under the ribbon.
  6. If you need the right part of the braid to look like the left, put the right strand not under, but under the next one. So, the strand that follows the right one will be between the rightmost one and the podlet, it is to this that the podlet should be added on the right side.

Spit with two ribbons

Usually braid braids on long hair, but on hair having an average length, it will look no less impressive.

  1. Hair break into 2 parts, after each of them fasten the tape.
  2. Pass the left strand under the ribbon, above the second strand and under the other ribbon.
  3. Tape, located on the left, skip under the next free strand, above the ribbon and under the right strand. If you weave a braid like a French, before you move the right strand, you need to add a sublet to it.
  4. Add a podlet to the left strand, and then pass it under the adjacent ribbon, above the strand and under the other ribbon.
  5. Continue weaving to the required level.

Scythe "Chain" with ribbon

Spit, made in this technique, comes out openwork, as if air. It can be woven with a ribbon or only hair can be used for weaving.

  1. Weaving braids with tape should start by fixing the tape. To do this, tie it to a small strand of hair located in the middle of the area with which you plan to start weaving a braid.
  2. Separate 2 strands of the same size from two sides of the ribbon.
  3. Skip the left, and after the rightmost strand over the adjacent and under the ribbon.
  4. Miss the right, the last strand under the next and above the ribbon, then do the same with the left.
  5. Next, the extreme right, and then the left strand skip over the next and under the ribbon. After this step, by passing the strands under the next one, you can add a sublet.
  6. Pull out the "hidden" strands during weaving - the braid structure will be visible.

Spit "Waterfall" with ribbon

Ribbon can be decorated and hairstyle "Waterfall", which was discussed earlier. This allows you to make the image more gentle and romantic. Weaving braids "Waterfall" with a ribbon is almost the same as usual. To do this, tie a ribbon to the middle strand so that the short end is not visible. Next, braid the braid, as described above, but try to arrange the tape so that it enveloped the middle strand. For example, if a strand with a ribbon is at the top, place the tape down, if at the bottom, place the tape up. Taking a new strand of unused hair, continue to weave already with her, if necessary, attaching the ribbon to it.

Braid braid can be with the help of other equipment. In such a hair weave ribbon would be easier.

  1. Separate the hair strand located in the forehead and divide in half. Twist the obtained strands. If you plan to weave a ribbon, tie it to one of the strands and hide the small end. Or completely replace strands with ribbons. Fix them on the hair strands and continue to weave only them.
  2. Take a loose strand of hair and place between the working strands.
  3. Twist the strands again, put a free one between them, and so on.
  4. Fix the end of the hairstyle with tape.

Scheme spit "Waterfall"

The ribbon can not be woven into the braid and can only be used to decorate hair.

Spit on its side

Spit braided on its side, today also enjoys great popularity. This hairstyle can fit almost any image - romantic, evening, everyday and even strict business. To create it, you can use completely different weaving techniques. The easiest way to create a braid on the side is to comb the hair, on one of the sides, to collect it in a bun and braid the usual three-row braid. Instead, you can braid and braid, called the fish tail. The side braid on long hair can be braided according to the principle of the French braid.

Weave braids on the side

Separate the hair with a side parting.

Highlight a strand on the wide side, divide it into three parts and start weaving an ordinary French braid, braid it until you reach the level of the earlobe.

Hair on the opposite side twist into a bundle, adding the lower strands, towards the braid.

When the harness reaches the spit, gather the hairs in a bun and braid them using the fishtail technique - its diagram is presented above. Braid secure with a barrette, rubber band or tape, and then, starting from the bottom, loosen its links.

How do you braid yourself?

The harness is one of the most basic braids you can think of. You will braid it very quickly and simply.

  1. Comb the hair and collect it in a tight and high tail.
  2. We divide it into two equal strands. Each of them is twisted into a braid clockwise or against it. The main thing that the direction was the same.
  3. We intertwine each other both bundles - it turns out a spiral.
  4. We fix it with a thin elastic band.

Read more here:

Learning to weave a French braid

Weaving itself can not do without the French braid - very stylish and beautiful. It is quite difficult to weave a spikelet on your hair, but you will be able to learn this with our master class.

  1. We brush strands back.
  2. In the crown zone, we single out one strand and divide it into three equal parts.
  3. We begin to weave the usual three-spit braid, gradually adding thin strands on both sides.
  4. We reach the base of the neck and weave the braid into three strands. If desired, it can immediately tie a rubber band, leaving the hair to grow.

Step 5. Sprinkle the "spike" varnish.

How to braid one-sided bezel?

One-sided French braid in the form of a rim looks very cute and romantic. With a certain skill, you learn how to weave it very quickly.

Step 1.We comb the hair and divide it into two parts with a horizontal parting. The working part should be more subtle.

Step 2. At the ear itself, we separate three thin strands and begin to form a three-strand braid from them.

Step 3. Literally after a few turns, we add thin strands from the side of the forehead. Take the hair from the top can not be!

Step 4. We continue weaving, moving from one ear to another.

Step 5. We weave the tip in the usual way.

Step 6. Connect the braid with the rest of the hair and tie the hair into a ponytail. If desired, you can twist it in a bun.

Mix of braids on their own strands

How to braid a braid itself, but still not one? Everything is very simple!

1. Comb the hair on the side parting.

2. On the one hand, we begin to weave a French braid, picking up additional strands on both sides. We reach a little below the level of the ear and intercept the braid with an elastic band.

3. Wrap the other side, twisting the strands up.

4. We connect both parts and weave them into a fishtail.

5. Gently stretch the weaving hands and fix the styling varnish.

To cope with this task can each of you. We are happy to tell you how to weave a pigtail like a tail of a fish.

  1. We comb the hair with a comb and divide it into two equal parts.
  2. For convenience, we tie the hair at the base with a thin elastic band.
  3. Select the thin strand on the left side and throw it to the right.
  4. Now select a strand of the same thickness, but right. We throw it to the left. Watch carefully in the mirror for the thickness of the strands, depends on the beauty and accuracy of the pigtails.
  5. We continue to weave to the desired length. Tie a braid with a rubber band.
  6. Remove the auxiliary rezinochku, she played her role.
  7. Fix the "fish tail" varnish.

Another very convenient and romantic version of weaving.

  1. We brush our hair and divide it into two parts with a horizontal parting.
  2. At the ear, we separate three strands and begin to form a three-spit braid.
  3. Gradually add thin strands on both sides.
  4. We reach the ear and continue the classic weaving of three parts.
  5. The tip of the braid is hidden under the hair and fastened invisible. Gently stretch the top strands, forming a wreath.

Video selection of 3 interesting options:

Annotation to the book "Braids and braids. All weaving techniques. The most stylish, most beautiful"

For a long time, beautiful long hair was considered the main adornment of a woman, and braids were her favorite hairstyle. And today, having absorbed all the best, the fashion for pigtails is back. Braids are widespread throughout the world, apparently, therefore there are a huge number of different ways of weaving them. Bulky and flat, of four and five strands, braided on the side and wrapped around the whole head - everyone will find a braid “to taste”. At the same time, in order to make yourself such a hairstyle, it is not at all necessary to go to a beauty salon - you can simply open this book.
This edition with step-by-step instructions and vivid illustrations will teach you to independently model different versions of hairstyles based on a braid - for work, leisure, sports, important celebrations, etc. In addition, there are separate sections on wedding and children's hairstyles. And due to the fact that the publication contains a huge number of illustrations, offering different versions of the same hairstyle, you every day.

For a long time, beautiful long hair was considered the main adornment of a woman, and braids were her favorite hairstyle. And today, having absorbed all the best, the fashion for pigtails is back. Braids are widespread throughout the world, apparently, therefore there are a huge number of different ways of weaving them. Bulky and flat, of four and five strands, braided on the side and wrapped around the whole head - everyone will find a braid “to taste”. At the same time, in order to make yourself such a hairstyle, it is not at all necessary to go to a beauty salon - you can simply open this book.
This edition with step-by-step instructions and vivid illustrations will teach you to independently model different versions of hairstyles based on a braid - for work, leisure, sports, important celebrations, etc. In addition, there are separate sections on wedding and children's hairstyles. And due to the fact that the publication contains a huge number of illustrations, offering different versions of the same hairstyle, every day you will be able to surprise others with a new way, without making much effort for this.


Even a beautiful and flawlessly executed braid can not go to your face. Therefore, before learning the lessons and patterns of weaving of braids, for beginners we recommend to learn about the types of individuals. To hide your flaws and highlight the benefits, you need to understand which hairstyle suits you best.

On this occasion, it is best to consult with a stylist who has the opportunity to look at you. But we will tell you a little. There are 6 main types of faces: round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular and pear-shaped. Here are some basic tips for them:

  • If you are the owner of an oval face, do not worry - any hairstyle will do. You can either create a contrast with one big braid, and evenly cover your head with pigtails,
  • Elongated face: avoid long and thin braids that visually stretch it. Your hair should be short
  • Square: thin, light and "airy" pigtails soften the face and give it femininity. An asymmetrical hairstyle is perfect for you. Try to put a few braids on the side of the head, without making them on the other. This type is a bit more complicated than the others, and its owners need to study the step-by-step braiding of braids out of hair, which will be slightly lower.
  • Round: you can (and need!) Weave thin and long braids that stretch your face. It’s better if they are in the back and not at the sides,
  • Triangular: cover your broad forehead with the beginning of a pigtail or bang. At the bottom of the head, the hairstyle should be wider than at the top. Two short pigtails ending at the chin / neck level will help with this. They will also close the protruding cheekbones,
  • Pear-shaped: “expand” the upper part of the face. It is easy to make braids running along the crown. In addition, it is desirable to cover the wide cheekbones, temples and ears. Spit on the sides perfectly cope with this.

Spica is an Ordinary

The simplest form, which is also called the "French braid". This pigtail is perfect for everyday wear. It is versatile, unpretentious in the care and suitable for hair of almost any length (except very short). It is from the spikelet that we recommend to start the weaving of braids.


Simple and original hairstyle, which you will have time to braid, even if somewhere late. It is done on long hair. Suitable for girls wearing curly and wavy hair. Goes to many styles of clothing and to any person.


Stylish braid, resembling a chain. Occurs often, but because it does not get worse. Harder previous. Grasp the pigtail after we have practiced the simple options. Made from the tail at the crown.

Beautiful flagellum - hairstyle for girls who want to emphasize their style and not spend a lot of time. He weaves easier than many braids and looks great. Approaches to many dresses, it is pertinent both in a usual situation, and on a holiday. It is easy to make, even superficially examining the step-by-step weaving of braids for beginning girls-fashionistas.


Another braid, for which you do not need to take master classes from stylists. Refined and light, it looks wonderful on long hair. You can do short, but then to achieve the desired effect you need to have serious skill.


Original weaving, which exactly will pay attention. It is woven from plaits, not braids. This hairstyle looks decent at any event. The only requirement is long hair, there is no way without them.

Original step by step instructions

  • Take a strand from the top of the head, divide into three equal parts. Put the right one on the middle one. On the left, do the same
  • Hold all three strands in your left hand, but separate them with your fingers so that they do not tangle,
  • From the right side of the head, collect the loose strands and apply on the right strand of the braid. Take the right strand (along with the ones you just applied) and apply it on the middle one. Take the middle one to the right,
  • Hold all three strands in your right hand, remembering to separate one from the other,
  • From the left side of the head, collect the same strands and put on the left strand of the braid. Take the left strand (along with the superimposed strands) and lay it on the middle strand. Take the middle left,
  • Repeat the steps to weave the pigtails from the hair (from the second to the fifth step) until the hair or desire has run out.


  • Choose a ribbon that matches the color of the clothes and at the same time creates a contrast with the hair. It should be much longer than hair
  • Prepare: styling products (varnish / spray / gel), stealth, hairpins, clips, crabs, 1 fine comb with frequent teeth and 1 large comb-brush, a set of thin elastic bands.
  • Comb, divide hair into 3 parts. Middle tie the end of the tape,
  • Lay the 1st strand on the 2nd and pass it under the tape. After put on the 3rd,
  • Spend a ribbon under the middle strand, again put it in the middle of the 2nd and 3rd,
  • Repeat these simple operations to complete the weaving of the pigtail step by step, then tie the tip with an elastic band and slightly (very carefully) release the links of the pigtail. It will make her more elegant.


  • Comb well, if necessary - treat your hair with styling products,
  • Take a fairly thick tail, divide it into five identical curls, put the 1st strand under the 2nd and place the 3rd one on top,
  • Do the same on the other side: 5th under 4th and above 3rd.
  • Repeat the previous 2 steps to the end.

  • First of all, call someone for help. It is difficult to make this hairstyle for yourself
  • Comb carefully, create a tail and secure it with a rubber band,
  • Divide the tail into 3 identical strands,
  • Stretch the 1st strand and twist it to the left, creating a flagellum.
  • Do the same with the rest
  • Wind the left harness around the other two. It’s important to keep them tight,
  • When finished, weave the strands and firmly pull off the rubber band.

Tips for novice professionals

  • Before you start weaving braids for girls, wash your hair, blow-dry and comb your hair thoroughly. Do not forget about styling products! Try to divide the tail into as equal strands as possible - only a well-woven braid of identical parts looks professional.
  • After you have learned the basics, try to fill the tip of the braid in different ways - "rosette", for example.
  • If symmetrical hairstyles fit the head, evenly cover it with thin braids.
  • Braided roller or bezel, formed from braids, woven from the top, will be a great evening and festive hairstyle.
  • Elastic bands and hairpins should not bulge. Weave the ribbon in such a way that it does not cover the braid.
  • Try to weave braids, starting with different parts of the head. Combine different ways. So you can create something really unusual.
  • If you can not weave a chic braid - do not worry. Once again, study the patterns of weaving braids out of hair for beginners and try again. Success is only a share of talent, multiplied by work.

FOLLOWS Learn the braiding patterns for girls. Choose the type of braid for the type of head and style Think about how to embody it. Imagine a braid or (if there is no imagination) stick its image in a graphic editor. And, most importantly - do not sit with folded arms. For the work!

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Watch the video: HOW TO BRAID YOUR OWN HAIR. Maryam Maquillage (July 2024).