Eyebrows and eyelashes

Building up itself: the choice of material and technology of building


The standard of feminine beauty and attractiveness has always been and remains long thick curls. But due to natural features, genetic inheritance and a number of diseases, not everyone can boast of chic and shining curls. Therefore, the technology of hair extensions has become an excellent solution to improve the appearance and condition of the hair.

How did the hair extension technology

Hair extension is a salon procedure aimed at increasing the amount of hair and visual volume. It is held in beauty salons and hairdressers. Wigs have long ceased to be relevant and have given way to building. Hair after such procedures looks natural. Curls can be combed, washed, go to the bath or sauna. Hair extensions are designed for a long time, it may be periodically corrected.

The founder, who invented the build-up, was the English barber Simon Forbes. Initially, as a “donor” material, artificial strands were used to increase the length of their own hair. But many liked not so much the lengthening, but the increase in volume. For such an innovation, the British Hairdressing Association honored the development and its creator with an award. Forb became a famous stylist. He founded a company producing artificial strands. The range differed a variety. Its number has grown to 60 color shades of various lengths.

Modern solutions

In modern technologies, hair extensions are used not only artificial curls, but also natural. The procedure with the use of the latter is a bit more expensive, but it is more popular and in demand. In general, their “donors” look more spectacular and more natural.

The salons use three types of hair: Slavic, Asian and European. They can be perfectly matched to the type of person and skin tone. The essence of any method is to fix the "donor" hair to your own natural. But your hair should have a length of at least 10 cm. The main ones are hot and cold build-up, which in turn have some nuances. Technology fixing hair occur due to the attachment of small strands, using hairpins, rings, tressov and tape. There are and apply newer, but more expensive techniques. This capsular and nano-hair extensions.

Cold build

Cold hair extension technology is the most smoking. It does not apply a high temperature when fixing hair. This means that women’s own curls do not dry out and do not split. Heat exposure to hot air is not the best way affects the condition of the hair. But this method is more suitable for women with light shades or those who have highlighting done. The main reason is the glue with which the fastening is made. During the final drying, it acquires a white tint and becomes strongly noticeable with darker tones.

Hot build

The technology of hot hair extensions allows you to increase the length of hair from a minimum of 10 cm to 70. Modern methods of this method practically do not adversely affect the clients' own curls. To fix the "donor" hair, use special thermal tongs that heat up to high temperatures. It is widely used natural and artificial hair. And this has a positive effect on receiving and combining several shades simultaneously. Their large selection greatly enhances the ability to achieve results. Visually beautiful aesthetic appearance hairstyle stops admiring glances.The volume of hair by the method of hot extension, as with other methods, completely depends on the number of fixed strands. They must also be of quality.

Capsule extension

Capsule hair extension method has become more gentle in comparison with the previous two. It is divided into 2 types of used keratin capsules: micro (4 mm) and regular (up to 7 mm). They have different weights, but all are fixed with the use of thermal tongs. Conventional capsules contain large strands and require less. Usually use about 150. But it can be much less. It depends on the state of the client’s own locks and the result he wants to achieve. Microcapsules required 2 times more. They are often fixed. But the greater effect brings the integrated use of both species. Experienced hairdressers advise ordinary capsules with strands to fasten on the back of the head, and micro is better to use on the temporal part of the head. This is a time-consuming procedure to build up. It can take more than four hours.

All capsules are not visible visually, but tangible. But the main advantage of this method is the fact that it is suitable for both women and men, since the capsules are perfectly fixed on short and sparse hair. You can even make procedures for only one bang, increasing the volume.
After capsular extension there are no restrictions. You can go to the pools, saunas, play sports, you can and should lead your usual lifestyle. The hair obtained by this method is designed for about 6 months. You can carry out the correction.

Nano hair extensions

The method of nano-hair treatment is also based on the use of capsules with hair strands of even smaller size. They are 2 times smaller than microcapsules, and therefore less noticeable under the fingers. They are almost invisibly attached to the native strands of hair. This method is more likely to achieve volume increase in comparison with others. This process takes a lot of time, but the resulting effect always amazes with its results. He also maintains a beautiful appearance hairstyles up to six months.

For nanocalling microcapsules are more suitable soft children's hair.

Ultrasound extension

The increase in the volume of hair on the head by the ultrasound method first appeared recently. This method is considered one of the most benign. In addition, it does not take much time and qualitatively changes the appearance of women for the better.

These extension methods have been applied in the Spanish, Hollywood and Italian technologies to increase the volume of hair.

Spanish technology

The Spanish hair extension technology got its name thanks to the development of Spain's hairdressers. It refers to the cold buildup method using a two-component adhesive that is neatly applied to the woman’s own strands. He is non-allergic. The master performing this procedure should fix each ready “donor” strand with his hands to the living growing strand. Fixed hair should not bring discomfort. The glue has a light shade, so light hair extensions are selected to be approximately the same.

The basis of the glue is keratin, which disintegrates in about four months. The effect of the Spanish technology is calculated at about the same time. But the great advantage of this method is the fact that hair extensions can be used several times. And this greatly reduces the cost of the subsequent procedures. After them there are no restrictions in the use of shampoos or balms. After the Spanish technology, hair can be dyed and highlights, cut and make hairstyles. The price of it is much lower in comparison with other methods of building.

Hollywood technology

The technology of the Hollywood method is based on the weaving of additional strands at the very roots of the hair. To do this, take very thin special threads to match.With a professionally performed procedure, the threads are completely invisible, and you can calmly wash and comb the head. Hair is not tangled. Swimming or coloring do not adversely affect the appearance and condition of the hair. No glue is used here at all, and the “donor” strands can be spread and used several times. The extension procedure takes about 3 hours. The main disadvantage of Hollywood technology is the monthly correction.

Italian technology

Modern technology according to the Italian method was invented by David Gold. He applied a new type of capsule to secure the strands. The use of organic keratin allows you to securely and for a long time with high quality throughout the entire part of the head. The fastening remains invisible. Hair after Italian technology, you can highlight, cut, dye, do styling. There are also no restrictions due to humidity. But the perm is undesirable. If there is a need, then the “donors” are easily and quickly removed. This build-up is the longest - up to 6 months. But due to hair growth, it is necessary to make a correction. The main thing in this technology is the skill of the stylist-hairdresser.

To combat unwanted hair fit this article.

All technologies of hair extensions contribute to the increase in their volume. Before the procedure, it is advisable to consult with a specialist.

Step by step gel nail extension: technique and sequence

2017-02-22 13:59:03 Author: Kodi Professional 47207

Not so long ago, many girls, whose nails are not very durable, often exfoliate and break, could only dream of a beautiful manicure on short nails.

The extension technologies gave an opportunity to everyone who dreamed of long beautiful nails, intricate patterns and drawings to finally make the dream come true. Modern methods of nail extension allow you to carry out this procedure not only in the salons, but also at home.

It is enough just to buy accessories for the implementation of this procedure and master the technology of capacity. One of these technologies is gel nail extension.

Gels for nail extension allow you to create artificial marigolds of any length and shape, adjust them, work both in the salon and at home. The gel nail extension technique has many advantages, such as:

  • Not a long extension process.
  • Hypoallergenic material.
  • The material hardens under the action of radiation from an ultraviolet lamp, which makes it possible to adjust the shape of the nail to obtain the desired result.
  • The gel does not adversely affect the natural nail plate.
  • The material does not have a strong odor.
  • The nails are enhanced with a gel that looks natural.

Types of nail gels

Materials for nail gel are divided into several types. We are talking about UV gel, biogel and Led gel. Gel nail modeling systems are divided into one, two and three phases.

  1. In a single-phase system, the modeling process is carried out by a universal means, combining the functions responsible for the fixing strength of the growing nail on a natural plate, as well as for modeling the artificial nail itself.
  2. The two-phase extension system is based on the use of two types of gel, the first of which is responsible for fixing the artificial nail on the nail plate, and the second for its modeling.
  3. Three-phase system involves the use of three types of gels: the first to ensure the adhesion of the future of the nail with the nail plate, the second for the formation of the artificial nail itself, and the third to protect the nail from external factors and give it a proper smoothness and evenness.

It is quite difficult to answer unequivocally the question which nail gel is the best, or which extension system (one, two, or three phase) to choose.Each builder has its own preferences, focusing on the quality of the result and the cost of materials.

Extension technologies

In fact, all the various types of extensions can be divided into 2 groups.

  • Beam - artificial hairs are pre-assembled into finished bunches that are glued to the ciliary edge. The shape, length and density of the eyelashes is chosen at will. The beam technology is much simpler and faster: in the cabin such a procedure takes no more than an hour. Beginners are recommended to start with fastening beams.

Plus solutions - the speed of transformation and a variety of options. Minus - correction will be required after 2 weeks: bunches are heavier than individual hairs and do not hold so tightly. But if one eyelash disappears from view, no one will notice if it disappears, but the disappearance of the whole bundle requires immediate measures.

  • The open-heel - separate artificial hair is glued to each eyelash. It is much harder to do this work: it requires precision jewelry when fixing a hair, because it must not only take the correct position, but also the right direction. However, eyelash extensions provide a much more durable and much longer result.

In addition, it is not necessary to really increase all eyelashes. Having longer or steeply curved artificial hairs in the corners of the eyes, alternating with short ones, you can get interesting solutions: to make the effect of puppet eyelashes, fox look, squirrel.

This procedure takes at least 2 hours and requires accuracy and utmost care. Impatient young ladies can not cope with this.

  • Volumetric build-up - in fact, it is a kind of crescent, but with variations: 2, 3, and even more - a Hollywood volume is attached to one natural hair. The length and thickness of eyelashes changes very significantly, so this option is more suitable for special occasions or special occasions - stage premiere, shooting.

Such a procedure in the cabin takes 3-5 hours. At home, it is very difficult to do: the work requires the accuracy of finger movements and their constant tension. But when you do it yourself, you have to keep your hands on the weight, which makes work much more difficult.

Build effect

This procedure includes both a significant volume conversion and the attachment of individual hairs — decorative, for example. With the latter you can cope on your own even in the absence of experience and patience.

  • Fastening individual lashes - this is a decorative type of decoration: hairs of unnatural length, color, decorated with rhinestones or sparkles. To create an interesting image quite a few pieces in the corners of the eyes or on the ciliary edge. This option allows you to quickly change the look of a party.

  • Fox eyes - long hairs or bunches attached only in the corners. Thus, the shape of the eye visually changes: they become elongated and appear slightly raised to the temples. A more complex option involves fixing hairs all over the ciliary edge - long at the outer corner, and short at the inner.

  • Squirrel effect - bunches of long eyelashes are fixed, slightly departing from the outer corner, the bundle forms a kind of “squirrel tail”.

  • The puppet effect is a complex technology, not recommended for beginners: it is difficult to perform correctly. Firstly, it is assumed that only the eyelash extensions are used, secondly, only long hairs are used, including when attached to the inner corner.

  • Sparse eyelashes - refers to the alternation of short and long eyelashes from the inner to the outer corner. The technology is not less complex and requires to take into account the shape of the eye: if the long lashes are not correctly positioned, you can visually emphasize the disadvantage instead of dignity.

  • Natural - the same very difficult technique.Eyelash extensions are made in compliance with the natural length: short near the inner corner, long - near the outside.

Hair thickness

This parameter determines not only, and not so much the thickness of future eyelashes, as its capabilities.

  • Silk - the thinnest and most delicate hairs, with a diameter of 0.05 mm. Ideal for bulk building, but because of their subtlety require jewelry tweezers.
  • Columns - thicker, with a diameter of from 0.10 to 0.15 mm. Columns hold their shape better, so if you need curved tips, this option is preferable.
  • Mink - diameter up to 0.20 mm, suitable for many experiments with length and shape. It is easier to fasten them, so with a little experience in building oneself it is better to start with a mink.
  • Sable - the thickest and strongest hairs - up to 0.25 mm, held up to 3 months. Often used to create natural makeup and incomplete extensions. 3D, and the more Hollywood volume with their help not to increase: they create too much weight for natural eyelashes.

Tips to help you grow your eyelashes yourself at home:

Length and shape

The length of hairs varies from 4 mm to 25 mm. If fixing only in a corner is supposed, then choose longer eyelashes. If you are building over the entire volume, you will need products of different lengths - with the exception of the puppet effect.

When choosing you need to keep in mind the purpose of building. Very long eyelashes look unnatural and are suitable only for special occasions.

The bend of the hair - the elegantly bent tips visually make the eyelashes longer and the eyes longer. The degree of bending can be very different. In the photo - options for bends.

  • B - the minimum bend. This is an option for owners of straight eyelashes, since too much difference between natural and hair extensions is unacceptable.
  • C - bend more, creates the effect of twisting mascara.
  • D - this is how eyelashes look at lovers to use forceps. In addition, with a large length of hairs, the bend should also be greater.
  • CC - Extremely strong bending, required for bulk buildup.
  • U is an option for a puppet look.
  • L - relatively straight hair with a strongly bent tip. This model is suitable for those who constantly wear glasses.


What is needed for eyelash extensions, except for the material? Of course, special fixing compositions and tools. Beginner home wizard can purchase ready-made set, which includes everything you need. More experienced, as a rule, prefers to look for material on their own.

  • tweezers, or rather, 2 tweezers: one with straight tips, the other with curved. When choosing a tool you need to pay attention to the sponge: they must tightly close to a width of at least 3 mm, otherwise neither the hair nor the beam can be held by them,
  • degreaser - special formulations that do not irritate the eyes, remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics, the main thing, natural fatty grease,
  • glue for artificial eyelashes - again, it must be a special composition, not irritating mucous membranes. Beginners are advised to choose a glue of slow fixation so that it is possible to correct the position of the hairs,
  • if desired, the extension kit can be supplemented with a latch - this means enhances the fixing strength.

Independent execution

Step-by-step instructions for eyelash extension, which is used in salons, not quite suitable. It is much more convenient for the master to act, since he sees the “front of work” from above and holds his hands in a more correct position: the hands below the elbows. Yes, he has a better review.

When working independently, it is difficult to assess the intermediate result, and when working, the hands are constantly in an uncomfortable position. Accordingly, the home master has to resort to various tricks.

Eyelashes are placed on a palette - if we are talking about a special set, or on a foam rubber strip. In this case, the order of gluing is observed.Otherwise, you have to constantly look for hairs. It is very important to provide good lighting.

  • Remove makeup from the eyelids and skin around the eyes. Then special eyelashes are treated with a special degreaser.
  • The bottom row is fixed substrate.
  • A drop of special glue is placed on a strip of glass or cardboard.
  • Tweezers remove the hair from the palette and dip it with a blunt tip into the glue - approximately to the middle. Excess glue, if any, is removed with a swab.
  • Then, with one forceps, the cilia are pushed aside from the main one, and the second is brought in an artificial hair. Hold him on the natural eyelash to lubricate with glue, and applied without trying to press.
  • It is very important to observe the correct gap between the edge of the eyelid and the glued hair - 0.5-1 mm. With too small a distance of 0.3 mm, the glue will tighten the skin of the eyelid and create discomfort. The hair should be fastened from the beginning of the eyelashes to the middle.
  • Then, in stages, they repeat all operations on the other eyelash.

It is recommended to alternate: glue 10-15 hairs on one eye, then on the second, then return to the first. At the same time, the hands change position somewhat, which facilitates painstaking work.

  • If necessary, fix the result with a lock.

Care instructions

Whether it is possible to get at home the same effective volume and length as in the cabin, depends not so much on the material, but on skill and patience. Everything is important: how precisely the artificial hair is placed, whether it coincides in direction with the natural one, whether it was twisted in the fixation process, and, most importantly, whether the hairs stuck together due to an excess of glue or an unsuccessful position.

  • it is possible to wash the eyes with water or just to wash it only after 12 hours: during this time, the glue will fully polymerize,
  • It is not allowed to visit the sauna, bath or pool during the following days,
  • you should not resort to steam baths, masks and lotions for 2-3 days,
  • It is advisable to dye the extended eyelashes with only one layer of mascara and in no case use special formulations - a voluminous mascara waterproof.

How to lash your eyelashes at home? In fact, the same technologies are used as in the salon, but with due regard for specificity: the worst review, inconvenience during work and, as a rule, minimal experience. For beginners, it is better to start with the fastening of bunches or long individual cilia, the more experienced ones can try full volume.

How to choose a gel for nail?

Gel nail extension technology is so popular that many brands are engaged in the production of gels for this procedure. The choice is so great that it is not easy to choose which gel to choose, especially for beginners. So, which gels to build the best? In order to decide on the choice of material for building, you need:

  • Learn the maximum information about the brand, the gels that you liked. Such large manufacturers as KODI PROFESSIONAL, have their own website where you can find any information about the gel that interests you.
  • Pay attention to whether you have chosen gels, instructions with recommendations for their use.
  • Look for reviews on the use of materials, the purchase of which you plan.
  • To decide on what exactly you expect from the gel, which one you need: color or transparent, how many gels you need, and so on.

Guided by these selection criteria, you can get a good gel for building.

What do you need for gel nail extension?

Before embarking on the build-up process, it is important to take care of all the necessary tools to carry out this process. The list of materials needed for nail gel:

  • Tips or forms, depending on the method of extension, which we describe below.
  • UV lamp. This equipment is necessary for work. Without it, the gel will not freeze and nothing will work.
  • Directly gel to build.
  • Disinfectant
  • Means for removing the sticky layer.
  • Head nail file or buff.
  • Orange stick.
  • Flat brush
  • Primer.
  • Cushion for polishing.
  • Tweezers.
  • Glue for tips, if they are used as a method of extension.

All this gel nail extension tool can be purchased both individually and in ready-made (basic) sets, which collect everything that a novice master needs. Often, ready-made kits are used by experienced craftsmen, replacing or expanding the number of materials and tools in them, if necessary.

Step-by-step instructions gel nail extension

Gradually gel nails as follows:

  1. Natural nails are treated with antiseptic. The surface of the nails must be completely dry before starting work.
  2. An orange stick removes the cuticle.
  3. Natural nails are filed. If the extension is carried out using tips, then the nails are filed under the selected form of this tool.
  4. The buff is removed from the surface of the nail gloss.
  5. Nails are again treated with antiseptic.
  6. Choose the size of the tips or forms, depending on how the extension will be carried out.
  7. Gel is applied to the tips or form, the shape of the nail is modeled.
  8. The resulting nail is dried in a UV lamp.
  9. Removed sticky layer.
  10. When everything is ready, the cuticle is processed with softening oil.

Observing such a sequence, you get the perfect result of gel nails. Gradually, you will gain due skill and experience, and the build-up process will take less time.

Gel extension on tips

Nail extension is carried out in two ways: on tips and with the help of forms. Nail extension with gel on tips is performed in the following way:

  1. Before the procedure, hygiene procedures are carried out, the nails are treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Nails filed under the selected form of tips.
  3. Baf removes glossy shine from the surface of nails.
  4. For each nail size is selected tips. Pre-nails are re-treated with antiseptic.
  5. In the area of ​​the hole a little glue is dripping. Tipsy tightly pressed to the nail for at least ten seconds.
  6. Tips are given the desired shape with tongs, its edges are carefully trimmed with a nail file.
  7. The surface of the new marigold is handled by the buff.
  8. A primer is applied to the surface of the natural nail plate.
  9. After the primer dries, gel is applied to the tips. It is dried in a UV lamp. Reapply and re-dry.
  10. Removed sticky layer.
  11. The surface is degreased and covered with a finishing agent.
  12. Nails are dried in the lamp. The adhesive layer is removed again.
  13. The cuticle is processed with oil.

Gel nail extensions on forms

Nail extension with gel on the forms is performed in two ways: on the upper and lower forms. The lower forms are attached to the nail bottom. The initial stages of the process are similar to the build-up on tips. Hygienic treatment of the nail is carried out, the cuticle is removed, the surface of the plate is degreased. Following are the following steps:

  1. The application of the base coating and drying in the lamp for two minutes.
  2. Remove the top layer.
  3. Fastening on the shape of the finger selected for the simulation.
  4. Applying the gel to the tip of the nail and drying it in the lamp.
  5. Repeated application of the gel and the formation of the bend of the nail.
  6. Drying and removing the sticky layer.
  7. Gentle removal of the form and processing of the plate by a grinder.
  8. The application of the finishing layer and drying in the lamp.
  9. Degreasing.
  10. Applying cuticle care oil.

Building on the lower forms implies the formation of an S-shaped bend. To build on the upper forms, this stage is not needed, because the shape of the nail and so it turns out beautiful and natural.

The above step-by-step instructions can be used for self-escalating (myself), and in working with clients. The process of modeling artificial nails on tips and on forms is not difficult. Many girls master these techniques and successfully use them at home.

The maximum duration of this process is slightly more than three hours, but gradually, acquiring the skill and using quality materials, the master works much faster.

The result of his work is durable, beautiful, natural-looking marigolds with a design that the client has chosen.

Types of nail extension: step-by-step extension technology

1 760 8 months ago

Increasing her nails, she expects to get a beautiful manicure for a long time. But first you need to decide on the type of procedure. We will talk about what types of nail extensions exist and how to care for them afterwards.

Features of extended nails

Nail extension is advisable to trust a professional who will do everything neatly. A specialist can do everything quickly and, at first glance, even beautiful, but haste is useless here.

Properly prepared pens - this is half the successful building.

Not removed cuticle can lead to the fact that the gel or acrylic will lay unevenly, and it will not look very attractive.

If the extended nails visually resemble natural ones, then the manicure will be more durable. Girls usually decide to build up when their own nails are constantly broken or exfoliated.

In addition, they are attracted by the ability to wear a beautiful pattern for a longer time. Also, with extended nails, the fact that if one of the nails breaks is enough is enough to re-do it.

In the case of natural nails there is a need to trim the rest.

There are such nails and negative qualities. Usually the build-up itself and the correction is expensive, and non-compliance with the basic rules can lead to exfoliation of the substance and even allergies. But beauty requires sacrifice, and therefore girls boldly go to a beauty salon or a familiar manicure master.

So that the coating does not start to peel off, you need to follow these rules:

  1. The previous coating must be removed completely.
  2. Nails should be well polished and treated with antiseptics.
  3. Before building it is advisable not to wet your hands once again, and especially not to smear them with creams. Pairs of the latter can be distinguished, thereby contributing to rejection.
  4. Before applying the gel or acrylic nails must be degreased.
  5. Correction should be done in a timely manner.

Building on tips

Tips are a pattern made of plastic. This type of nail extension is used in the case when the length of the natural nail is too small. Also, the reason for their use may be the lack of skills in the formation of the nail.

Types of tips vary depending on the purpose, as well as color, shape and contact area. Tips consists of two parts - the free edge, which is narrower, and the zone in contact with the natural nail. The last part looks like a notch, which is separated from the narrow part.

The border between them is a contact zone, without which the width of the tips does not change.

The shape of the tips can be any - from straight to pointed, and the color is transparent or white. There are also special tips on which the jacket is already drawn. If a girl wants to get a manicure that is resistant to blows, she will choose a build-up on tips made of ABS plastic. In addition, this material is not prone to deformations after exposure to high temperatures or chemicals.

Simulation with artificial materials

If the length of the natural nail allows you not to use tips, the girl can get a beautiful manicure based on acrylic or gel. This type of nail extension involves the ability of the master to create new nails, gradually spreading the material on a special form. It indicates the size of future nails, it remains only to choose the one you want and reach its border.

The difference between acrylic and gel is that in the first case, no UV lamp is needed.Acrylic itself dries in a couple of seconds, but to dry the gel, you need to stick your fingers in the UV lamp. That is why self-building is easier to do the gel, although it needs additional equipment.

Technique of nail extension with gel on forms

To begin, let's see what are the forms for nails. As you know, there are two options for nails:

Tips are finished plastic blanks for future nail tips. They are fixed on a glue base, and are modeled using a gel.

Photos from the site: nailart-sho.ru

Forms for creating nails - this is a kind of substrate with a small window for the nail plate. In the process of work, a modeling gel is applied on substrates and natural keratin, which after polymerization will be an artificial free edge of the nail. For the convenience of the formation of this very free edge, on the forms there is a pattern in the form of graph paper, which allows to calculate the approximate width and length of the formed nail. The very same basis - the form - after the end of the procedure is deleted. And because the nails, created on the basis of forms, look thinner than nails, formed on tips.

Photos from the site: onlinepeek.ru

Forms are of two types:

  • Disposable, they are also called soft. They are made on paper or flexible plastic, and are used only once. Due to the fact that they have a pliable structure, they are easy to fit under any contour of the natural nail. However, they can wrinkle in the process of building and require precise "fit."

Photos from the site: allfornails.ru

  • Reusable forms are made of hard plastic or metal. Their price is much higher than that of disposable forms, but at the expense of repeated use, they will quickly pay for their cost. Moreover, in the process of working with them, such troubles as deformation, formation of gaps and gel flow through them are excluded. The main thing is to choose the forms that perfectly fit the shape of the natural nail bed, and then you will never have problems with the formation of an artificial nail.

Photos from the site: nazya.com

It is believed that building on forms require more delicate work and experience from the master, while tips are easier to use. However, the marigolds formed on the forms look more natural, and this determines their popularity. Fortunately, the Internet is replete with all sorts of video lessons on gel nail extensions on the forms, which show the whole procedure with extreme precision. A little practice and diligence, and even with such a procedure can be done at home.

What do you need for nail extensions on forms?

To build nails on the forms should stock up special equipment, which should include the following tools and components:

Photos from the site: stood.ru

  • Antiseptic.
  • Express cuticle remover. You can do the usual bath to soften the cuticle.
  • Pusher or orange stick for pushing the cuticle and pterygia.
  • Nail scissors and tweezers for cutting the cuticle and side rollers.
  • Files and buffs of varying degrees of abrasiveness to create, design and polish nail plates, both natural and artificial.
  • Brush for removing nail dust.

Without antiseptic anywhere! Never miss this important moment. Unprocessed nails, hands, and tools with an antiseptic are a risk for a fungal infection. As an antiseptic suitable medical alcohol, chlorhexidine solution or special disinfecting sprays for manicure.

  • Dehydrator for degreasing natural keratin and removing the sticky layer from the gel polish.
  • Primer for coupling natural nail with artificial material.
  • Base and top gel coatings.
  • The modeling gel for creation of an artificial nail.
  • Brushes for applying the gel.
  • Color or camouflage gel polish to create a design, decorative elements, if this item is provided.
  • Lint-free wipes for removing the sticky layer and degreasing the nail plate.
  • UF-lapma (gel for modeling nails is polymerized only under the influence of UF-radiation, LED-lamp for building is not suitable. But then LED-lamp can be used during the design of nail gel polishes).
  • Forms for nail.

Stages of nail gel on the forms

In order to better understand the technology of the process, consider the procedure for nail gel on the forms in stages:

Stage 1. Finger and nail treatment with antiseptic.

Photos from the site: gribokgplus.r

Stage 2 Hygienic manicure. Trimming the cuticle and removing pterygia.

Photos from the site: krasotkapro.ru

Stage 3 Washing down the free edge of the nail plate. Removing gloss from the surface of the nail with a buff.

Photos from the site: yanail.ru

It is necessary to leave the free edge of the nail on 0, 5 mm., In order to pry under it and fix the form.

4 stage. Removal of nail dust with a brush.

Photos from the site: yanail.ru

Stage 5 Applying a dehydrator for degreasing the nail plate.

Photos from the site: yanail.ru

6 stage. Application of coupling base (primer).

Photos from the site: yanail.ru

Stage 7 Coverage of the base gel natural plate (the layer must be very thin). Drying nails in a UF-lamp for at least 2 - 3 minutes (depending on the lamp power.)

Photos from the site: yanail.ru

8 stage. Installation of the form using a metal plate and tubes to preload the "arch".

Photos from the site: bpwomen.ru

This is one of the most difficult stages that requires a certain skill. After all, from the fact that the form for nail extension is properly dressed depends on the whole result.

How to use forms for nail extension? If the forms have a solid foundation, then there should be no problems, the main thing is to choose the right size and carefully fit it under the nail. If the shape is soft, then for the beginning with the help of nail scissors should adjust the window to the size of the sub-arch of the arch. It is important that there are no gaps, otherwise the gel will leak into the openings and as this defect grows, this defect will be noticeable.

After fixing the form, you should make sure that it has beautiful side and end bends. A form without a bend will look spring-like, and a too steep slope will create a beak-like nails.

Remember that step-by-step instructions on nails on forms requires that the work be carried out according to the scheme - 4 nails of one hand, then 4 nails of the other hand and nails of the thumbs of both hands. This is necessary in order that the gel during work does not flow from the nails of the thumbs, which, as a rule, are always at an angle with respect to other fingers. Beginners should do every finger individually.

How to build up the nails on the forms, if they are very soft? It's very simple - glue the two forms together. So they will be stronger and more resilient.

Stage 9 Formation of an artificial nail modeling gel.

Photos from the site: delodom.com

At this stage, you should strictly adhere to the rule of how to build up the nail gel on the form. The nail is conditionally divided into 3 zones:

  • Cuticle area (1/3 of the natural nail closer to its base).
  • Stress zone (the remaining 2/3 of the natural nail plate, the place of the joint between the nail and the form and 1/3 of the form. This area carries the greatest load and hence this name).
  • The free edge of the nail, or rather the rest of the form.

The technology of nail extension with gel on forms at the stage of modeling is as follows. A thin layer of gel is applied to the cuticle area with a brush, which thickens slightly as it approaches the stress zone. The stress zone should be “strengthened” by a small gel thickening, especially at the junction of the natural nail and the form - here the modeling gel is applied very thickly. The future free edge of the nail is formed by a thin layer.

After applying the modeling gel, the nails are dried in the UF-lamp for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

10 stage. Removing the sticky layer from the artificial nail and removing the form. The resulting nail should be sanded in order to give it a smooth surface. At the same stage, the shape of the free edge of the nail is corrected.

Photos from the site: studio-helena.ru

Do not be surprised at removing the sticky layer from the nail, while the color coating has not been applied.If with the usual gel manicure it is contraindicated, since the dispersion is removed, which provides the coupling of the layers, then when building nails on the forms, as a rule, the dispersion is removed in order to decorate an artificial plate with a nail file. Just dispersion will interfere with the adjustment due to sticking to the nail file. Do not be afraid for the subsequent layers of grip with an artificial nail. A well-ground surface provides the necessary hitch.

11 stage. Applying camouflage gel or color gel polish. Camouflage or colored gel is applied in 2 - 3 layers, depending on the density of the pigment. Each layer is dried in the UF-lamp.

Photos from the site: dekornogtei.ru

12 stage. Design and decoration of nails, if required by design. If not provided, this step is skipped.

Stage 13 Top coating and drying in a UF-lamp. The top coating is better to dry in the lamp twice as long as the previous layers for better polymerization.

Photos from the site: mirlady.com

14 stage. Removing the adhesive layer.

Stage 15 Moistening the cuticle with oil or cream, massaging hands, cuticles and periungual ridges.

Photos from the site: chelnyblog.ru

Such is the step-by-step instruction on nail extensions gel on the forms. You may find several other variations with more or fewer steps (everything will depend on the details of the process), but in any case, the basis will be the same.

Hot ways to build

There are two types of procedures for the transformation of hairstyles hot method: English and Italian. They use adhesive material for hair extensions in the form of heated resin containing keratin.

The most popular way with this type of extension is microcapsule. With this method, capsules are not visible at all, and the hair does not spoil.

Photo: hair extensions do it yourself hot.

At the place of attachment of the strands to the hair, a small barely visible capsule is formed, transparent in its structure, but reliably holding the “new” strands. An important advantage of the hot method is a firm fixation of the strands.

Italian way

This is what a hair extension kit looks like.

Necessary materials and tools for hot hair extensions:

  • Forceps. Masters-hairdressers using Italian technology, usually use them to create the desired shape of the capsules with a hot build.
    Most often use tongs with a temperature regulator (up to 200 degrees) with a flat working surface. Not less popular models with rounded ends and a function of maintaining a constant temperature.
  • Keratin - a specially developed polymer, used in the technology of fastening “donor” strands by the hot method. It is harmless to hair and simplifies the procedure. Capsules of various sizes and shapes are made from it.
  • Advanced keratin composition - increases the term of socks accrued strands up to three months.
  • Resin - used by English technology, environmentally friendly natural material.
  • Capsule Forceps - a specially designed device with which the capsule can easily be kneaded without a traumatic impact on the strands.

Crimper with temperature control.

  • Laser apparatus for hair extensions. Significantly reduces the time to perform the procedure, has a more gentle effect on the strands, and the joints become almost invisible. The only disadvantage of this device is a fairly high price, not every master is ready to purchase it.
  • Glue gun - used for English technology. This device for hair extensions warms the resin to the required temperature, with which it is attached strands.
  • Ultrasonic type device. The procedure is accelerated and becomes much more comfortable if it is carried out with such a device.It uses a convenient and gentle curls technology in which capsules are heated by ultrasound, rather than high temperature.

Each master, starting from his experience or personal preferences, chooses the right equipment for hair extension.

Japanese way

The implementation of this technique is quite simple: for fixing the hair, small metal rings and tongs specially designed for clamping are used.

Important! The use of this technology becomes possible if you have a hard type of hair. It can be used with a short haircut, well suited for girls who do not want to wear long long hair.

What is different from the hot method?

The difference between these two methods, of course, exists. So, using the hot method of building up, rather high temperatures are applied. When the adhesive base is melted, artificial hair and natural hair are combined with it. With the cold extension method, a completely different technique is used, which will be discussed in more detail a little later. Hot buildup takes longer than cold.

In addition, it is more difficult to care for hair that is extended in this way. So, it is not allowed to go to saunas or baths so that the capsules connecting the hair do not heat up. In addition, it is necessary to limit yourself a little in the choice of cosmetics.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method for hair extensions has some advantages, but also several disadvantages that you need to be aware of.

First you need to consider all the advantages:

  • the hair will be as long as the customer wants,
  • they will also be thicker and more beautiful
  • after such a procedure, you can do almost everything with hair, that is, you can wash, comb, dry and dye, because there will be no consequences,
  • you can even grow very short hair (from five centimeters),
  • correction after a cold build will be needed only after 6 months.

Performance technique

Cold build technology is a rather complicated procedure. In addition, it is slightly different in its method from the hot. All of them should be considered in more detail.

This method is quite simple. To make it, you will need artificial strands that need to be combined with real hair using adhesive tape. To do this, you need to separate the thin strands of your hair, slightly lift them near the roots, and then attach the artificial curls with duct tape up. Next you need to lower the strands of your hair, and glue on them another row of artificial hair, but already with tape down. This procedure takes very little time. It will be enough just 30 minutes.

You can wear such beauty for 70-80 days, and then you can either apply the correction, or completely remove the overhead strands. Make it very easy. Moreover, their hair will not be affected. This method can be applied even to the fair sex who have very short hair.

This method is considered one of the most reliable options, although it takes a lot of time. Everything is done by hand, so every moment of the process is carefully controlled. To do this, this donor hair must be attached to his. This is done with the highest quality glue from which the capsule is formed. The size of it can be adjusted. This will depend directly on the thickness of the hair. If you use this method, the hairstyle is beautiful and neat, and artificial hair is almost invisible.

This hairstyle can last up to 120 days, and then a correction will be needed. However, this method is not entirely perfect, it has one drawback. It consists in the fact that the Spanish extension will suit only fair-haired beauties. Brunettes and brown-haired women should choose for themselves something else.

Here small beads are used, as well as rings, the size of which is not larger than a match head. With their help, you need to attach artificial curls to your hair. This is done with the usual crochet, which is necessary to thread artificial hair into rings. And then they just need to hold tweezers.

This method is suitable for all, regardless of hair color. In addition, after him we must continue to usually take care of hair extensions. Correction will need to be done no later than 75 days. But to remove them, it will be enough just to open the rings with special tweezers.


This technique appeared quite a long time ago. It was thought up by Africans who wanted to be just a little like Europeans. To do this, they wound thin pigtails around the head. Over time, this method is slightly improved. Artificial curls were sewn to these pigtails.

However, this extension is suitable only for girls who have rather thick hair. In addition, the correction should be done once a month.


After such a procedure as a cold buildup, it is necessary to carry out a correction at the appointed time so that the hair looks beautiful and natural. In addition, you need to properly care for them.

You can only wash your hair 48 hours after the procedure. This should be done only in an upright position so that the curls are not confused. In addition, they are often not worth washing, as tapes or capsules will wear out very quickly. Shampoo can be used as usual without buying special salon products. Balm or mask should be applied only to your hair, so as not to hurt the capsules.

It is better to dry the curls in a natural way so as not to damage them. It is only necessary to comb the already dry hair, so that they are not confused. This should be done several times a day. Comb buy better with natural pile. When laying the curling iron or iron should not touch the artificial addition of hair.

Of course, reviews of this type of extension are slightly different. There are those girls who are completely satisfied with their new hairstyle and recommend it to their friends. However, there are dissatisfied customers. As a rule, these are the ones that fell into the hands of the bad master and the process did not go as we would like.

Summing up, it can be said that such a method as cold hair extensions has many advantages, among which it is worth mentioning one of the most important things for any girl - this is a beautiful hairstyle with long and neat curls.

In the next video, see the description of the process of tape hair extensions.

Tape method

For its implementation, tapes with a glue base are used, with the help of which “new” strands are attached to their own strands.

Important! This method takes a little time, however, and the life of this hairstyle is short-lived.

The list of necessary materials for cold methods:

  • Tongs for lifting strands and holding or grabbing small items.
  • Ring tongs.
  • Hook - is used to pull the strands into a small ceramic ring, which is then clamped, fixing the strands.
  • The clip is a clip made of metal, intended for fastening strands or various decorations.
  • Tapes - are intended for carrying out correction of a tape way.

The quality of the procedure depends on the choice of the basic material.

Having chosen the necessary materials and devices, let us recall one more thing, without which the build-up cannot be completed. This, of course, donor strands. Who are the Slavic, Asian and European type, in fact, for the most part will depend on the appearance of your hair, so they should not save.

Hairdressing professionals recommend the use of Slavic strands, they have the highest quality.


As you can see, there is a huge variety of different materials and accessories for hair extensions. Which tool or device is more convenient - you choose, but remember, the quality of the procedure performed depends largely on the correctness of the choice.

In more detail to understand the intricacies of our topic will help you a video in this article, look!

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Women love change. And with what to experiment, if not with your hair: curl, straighten, dye, mow - all this is easy and simple to do. But quickly grow hair, in just a few hours, previously it was not possible. But, fortunately, hair extensions have recently become available, which allows women to change their appearance quickly and painlessly. Any woman will be able to choose the appropriate method of hair extensions, depending on the characteristics of their hair.

Contraindications for hair extensions

Like any cosmetic procedure, hair extensions have their own contraindications. It is better to refuse those who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment, taking antibiotics, hormones, or suffering from serious diseases of the scalp, as well as suffering from migraines, recurrent headaches, various allergic reactions and hypersensitivity. Increased fragility and thinness of the hair is also a contraindication to the procedure of building.

General contraindications should also include the age under 18 and over 35, regular use of dyes and chemical compounds for bleaching hair, the active stage of hair loss (alopecia) and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Masters also believe that you should not go through this procedure to those who have recently undergone acclimatization (for example, went on vacation) or even have minor scalp damage (including scratches).

It is important to note that the maximum length for building is still there. Experts do not recommend to those who own hair up to 15 cm to grow hair more than 50 cm long. Moreover, many stylists believe that extended hair that is longer than 70 cm is an excessive load for natural hair, which should be discarded.

Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication, but many doctors believe that while waiting for a child to grow, it is better to give up, as well as hair suffer from hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, the consequences of hair extensions can be disastrous.

Types of hair used for extension

In total there are three types of hair extensions: Asian, European and Slavic. The latter are currently considered the best.

Asian hair extensions usually come to us from China or Korea. They are the cheapest, but at the same time are considered the most poor quality, although at first glance they look attractive. The manufacturing techniques of this hair consist in clarification from the top scaly layer, polishing, coloring and processing by silicone.

In order to understand the quality of hair, they should be washed. After washing, the presentation is lost and it becomes clear that "not all is gold that glitters." Such hair tangles, can not withstand painting or styling, "stand up".

European hair extensionsdespite the name, it does not necessarily come from Europe. They can also be from Latin America, India and other parts of the world. European-type hairs are more expensive than Asian ones, but they still have almost the same low quality. Strands of this type are first amenable to acid treatment, then painted, after which they are coated with silicone, while the upper scaly layer can be removed completely or partially or not removed at all.If it is not removed, then the direction of the scales may be confused, and this will lead to tangling of hair. Such hair can be suitable for those who have thick, porous, hard and voluminous hair. And who has soft and thin hair, they will not look particularly attractive. You should also make a quality check by washing without air conditioning.

Slavic hair for extension, as already mentioned, are considered the highest quality, but they are the most expensive. The cuticle of such hair is smooth, and they look great without any treatments. Similar strands, in addition, are very different: curly, curly, straight. Slavic hair is produced with preservation of the upper scaly layer and respect for the location of scales. This type is perfect for Russian girls. However, this is not surprising, because Slavic hair hails from Russia, Ukraine or Belarus. This type is easy to style, leveling, ironing, blow-drying and other pleasures that women love so much.

Italian method SO.CAP. or capsular hair extensions

Capsular hair extensions: photos

This technology of hair extensions keratin capsules refers to the hot methods and is recognized as the most safe, practical and reliable. Its essence lies in the fact that "alien" strands are already covered with keratin resin at the plant. From the hairdresser it is only necessary to attach extended hairs to the native hair and with the help of thermal tongs to heat the bonding site to the required temperature of 150-180 degrees. Thus, a transparent keratin capsule is formed. It is almost impossible to notice with the naked eye, because it has an amazing ability to adapt to hair color. Italian hot hair extensions - one of the most used technologies.

It is important to note that this capsule is strong enough, it can withstand various loads. Such as bathing in the sea, bath procedures, perm, hair dye and others. The term "life" of such a safe hair extension is from three to six months. Artificial strands are removed using a special gel that soaks the capsule. Reviews capsular hair extensions in general receives positive.

The advantages of the Italian method are clear, but there are few cons:

• Duration of the procedure (up to four hours)

• The possibility of discomfort during sleep.

• Correction uses an agent similar to acetone. This is bad for the subsequent state of the strands. In addition, the adjustment is also often quite painful.

• If the capsule is plate-shaped, it may cause inconvenience during regrowth.

Italian hair extensions cost an average of 7 to 20 thousand rubles, depending on the length and type of hair. On average, the entire head goes from 100 to 150 strands.

Hair for building on capsules

European and Asian hair:

45 cm - 50-70 rubles per strand

50 cm - 60-90 rubles per strand

60 cm - 80-110 rubles per strand

70 cm - 110-160 rubles per strand

45 cm - 80-100 rubles per strand

50 cm - 100-160 rubles per strand

60 cm - 140-180 rubles per strand

70 cm - 170-250 rubles per strand

Microcapsule hair extensions - This is a kind of hot capsular hair extensions. Its feature is the use of forceps of a smaller size for clamping capsules of about 3 mm, rather than 6 mm, as in the case of the classical Italian method. In addition, capsules are made not only from keratin, but also from wax. Positive reviews of microcapsule hair extensions, compared with the usual capsular, gets more. Due to the less visible capsules and convenience during sleep.

Analogous to hair extensions using Italian technology is also considered ultrasound hair extensions. During this procedure, the capsules melt when exposed to ultrasonic waves.The cost of such an extension is slightly more expensive than the Italian method due to the use of an ultrasound device. Ultrasound hair extensions are a more modern technology.

English technique

Representative of the hot technology is also considered the English method. This technique requires the extrusion of a refractory organic resin from a special gun. In order to avoid various damage to the hair, the master must monitor the temperature of the capsule. The English hair extensions are similar to the Italian ones also in the methods of removing the strands, but in comparison with it, the English technique is less practical and has a shorter duration. Capsules are two to three times larger than the capsules used in the technology of Italian specialists. Therefore, the fact that the hair is not his, becomes more noticeable. In addition, keep strands, accrued by the English method a maximum of 2-3 months, which is almost two times less than with Italian technology. The cost of hair extension of this method is from 10 thousand rubles.

The advantages of the procedure include the possibility of combining hair of different shades, even in one strand, and this is fairly safe hair extensions. According to the clients who have tried this technology, the English technique has enough minuses. Here they are:

• Glow capsules with neon room lighting

• The impossibility of visiting the sauna or bath (it is possible if the temperature does not exceed the melting temperature of the capsules - 80 degrees)

• You can not increase bangs

• The length of native hair should be at least 6 cm. In addition, natural strands should be more or less healthy.

• You can not wash your hair with shampoo for the first two days after building

• Capsules can stick together

• Hair loss, which is about 20-30 percent per month

• The inability to use masks or balms, as well as a hair dryer, due to the subsequent loss of keratin strength

Hair extensions using the stove

This technology differs from hot methods in that keratin melting does not occur on your hair, but in a special stove. The donor strand is lowered into heated keratin and then attached to the hair. The disadvantage of this method is that keratin with a low melting point is used, due to which the capsules become sticky and can stick together. Split hair partially combed out. You can not go to the bath and sauna. When correction capsules are difficult to remove.

German hair extension technology (Bellargo)

German technology Bellargo also applies to hot methods. When using it, the master uses the strands of factory production. The hair is fixed with sleeves, which are sealed when subjected to an electrical device with two thermal clamps at a temperature of 120 degrees. Heating is local, only the heat-shrinkable sleeves themselves. The correction is carried out every three to four months. Removal of hair extensions occurs when the sleeves are weakened with the help of the same appliance and moving them closer to the hair roots.

The disadvantages of the German technology is considered excessive softening of the sleeves with the usual washing of hair (which leads to partial loss of hair extensions) and their excessive visibility. Moreover, it is noted that not all care products can be used and not all hairstyles to do. For the use of the German technique the master will have to pay 15 thousand rubles.

Microbellargo technique

It is worth noting that this technology is not similar to the previous one, although it is a “daughter” of Bellargo. The bottom line is that the used micro-strands, tresses and linings are attached with special micro-sleeves 3-4 mm in size using a special “Micro Bellargo” device (temperature 120 degrees).

With microcellargo technology, you can easily hide the problems of the parietal area with a semi-wig, called the Oberkopf. It is fastened with the help of tiny sleeves that are completely invisible. This method can be carried out partial hair extensions.

The indications for conducting Microbellargo is alopecia (alopecia) or partial loss of hair, which is an absolute contraindication for other methods.

There are enough advantages to this technology, here they are:

• The possibility of visiting the bath, sauna, swimming pool

• Lack of allergic reactions in clients

• The skin is not exposed to chemicals, glue is not used at all

• Can wear artificial hair up to three years

• Technology does not require shaving hair

• Small sleeve sizes

• Ability to thicken the parietal area

• Removal of hair extensions is painless and takes 10 to 20 minutes

• It is possible to combine the treatment of damaged hair and the sock of artificial strands

Not a lot of disadvantages, one of them: high cost. Often the procedure for hair extensions costs from 20 000 rubles. Another "minus": the need to tighten Oberkopf once a month, and the correction - once every three months. Such hair is worn for 6 months.

French technology

This method is referred to as cold hair extension methods. Such a capsule is formed due to the use of a special glue called Rueber. The main components of its composition is considered to be the adhesive itself, the dye and the activator. Depending on the shade of hair extensions, use a mixture of different colors: white or black. Correction of the procedure is done after two to three months of wearing “foreign” strands. Hair is usually removed with a special solvent. The term of the alleged socks hair extensions 3-4 months.

French hair extensions on average cost 3-4 thousand rubles for the installation and for Slavic hair: from 3000 to 6000 rubles in length up to 40 cm and 5500 - 15000 rubles more than 45 cm.

The advantage of the French technology can be attributed stealth invisibility.

There are a lot of disadvantages, in turn:

• Strong hair combing

• Emergency withdrawal is possible only after one or two weeks.

• Often there are fakes under the composition for removal, which entails the impossibility of a safe adjustment

• When removing hair extensions, matted mass of hair sometimes has to be cut off.

• extension to short hair is impossible (from 20 cm)

• You can not visit the baths and saunas, swim in the pool and the sea.

Who is recommended to grow hair

Donor curls help to increase the length and thickness of the hair. Building up is recommended if you have:

  • Sparse and thin hair from nature. The procedure will give the missing volume
  • Change the image. If you have always dreamed of long hair, but could not grow it, the extension will help you add the length to the desired level,
  • Increased strands can be dyed so as not to harm your hair,
  • You can increase the strands to create an unusual hairstyle at any special event.

Japanese technology

This technology also applies to cold methods. She is significantly different from her fellows. In this case, no glue or resin is used. According to this method, artificial hair is fastened near the roots of your own with the help of clips, beads and clips. Pliers are also used to strengthen the hold. Into the holes of the clips are inserted as their own, and extension hair. It is almost impossible to notice the junction of the strands, as the hairdresser must pick up clips and beads, which are the most similar in color to natural hair. Clips or beads of 2-3 mm in size are attached at a distance of 5 mm from the scalp.

It is possible to show off the hair extended in such a way approximately one and a half-two months.

Adjustment is quick and completely painless. The advantage of Japanese technology is the possibility of hair extensions for short hair, as well as the ability to increase bangs. The disadvantages of Japanese technology are the subsequent fragility of hair and contraindications for people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia or migraines.In addition, the colors of the beads are quite scarce, which limits the flight of the client and the master's imagination. 150-200 strands are used for the whole head. Japanese hair extensions on average cost from 13 to 20 thousand rubles.

South Korean Ring Star hair extension technology on rings

This technology refers to the cold methods of hair extensions. Small metal rings are used, which are covered with a very thick layer of paint that does not allow to rub hair, and in the middle there is a silicone layer. The ring is compressed to a flat state. Correction of hair extensions on the rings is carried out in 3-4 months and includes the release of the ring, pulling the strands to the hair roots and clamping the same capsule (no more than 2 times).

The extension process takes 3-6 hours depending on the desired volume.

- very simple removal of hair extensions (by pressing the edge of the ring)

- lack of chemicals

- You can visit saunas, baths, lighten and dye your hair, do chemical perm.

The technology of hair extensions on Ring Star rings can be used to build artificial colored strands that will look very natural. Slavic hair up to 50 cm (100 strands) will cost approximately 12-18 thousand rubles. Longer strands will cost in the region of 20-35 thousand.

Brazilian hair extensions or pigtail hair extensions

Brazilian hair extensions are advertised as the newest and safest way to date. The advantages of this method in the absence of hot hair treatment, for the procedure does not require any chemicals or devices. The essence of the method of interweaving overhead strands in your hair. Weave small braids of 3 strands, one of which is a strand of its own hair, and the other two are overhead. Pigtail weave up to a distance of 1/8 from the entire length of the hair. Correction is carried out in 3-4 months. The cost of Brazilian hair extensions in an average of 7000-10000 rubles.

Tape hair extensions

Technology Hair Talk hair extensions refers to the cold adhesive methods.

Tape hair extensions Hair Talk is to attach extensions with adhesive tape. The technique consists in interconnecting two ribbons that hold the hair and strands into a “lock”. This technique has many advantages over others: a uniform load on all strands, softness and pleasantness of ribbons to the touch, speed of the procedure, use of hair, very similar to natural.

In addition, remove hair extensions on tapes can only spraying a special tool. Therefore, the correction of tape hair extensions is very simple. Hair can be used for the procedure several times, you just need to change the tape.

The cost of tape extension is from 7 thousand rubles for hair 40-50 cm long and from 9 thousand rubles for a length of 55-70 cm. One or two sets of hair may be needed for the whole head, depending on the volume of your own hair. Tape hair extensions reviews from clients receive different, the main plus is the speed of the procedure and ease of removal.

Cons tape hair extensions

• Too short term compared with other methods: only one or two months

• Light gloss of ribbons, making them noticeable

• The impossibility of laying, as the tapes are placed in a special way

• Need special care for hair extensions on ribbons

• The quality of European hair that is commonly used is not always perfect.

The leading hair manufacturers for tape extensions are: Hair Talk, Angelo Hair and One Touch.

A bit of history

Hair extensions came to us from the African continent, there they began to use this method in the first half of the 20th century. At the very beginning it was very primitive - the curls were woven into small braids, and already strands were woven into them.Since that time, the technology has improved, now the service of hair extensions (its type is selected depending on the hair texture, the client's desire and budget) is provided in almost any beauty studio. But before going to the master, it is recommended to study the subtleties of each technology and learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Hair slices

Any build-up is worn from one to three months, after this period it is necessary to make a correction, because over a specified period of time your hair grows, and the places where donor strands are fixed become noticeable. In addition, naturally falling hairs every day, which is about 100 pieces a day, are not removed, but remain clamped capsules, resulting in tangles.

Afronaschivanie, or sewing on tress

This method of lengthening was borrowed from the Negroid race. All African Americans have very tight curly hair, which, when straightened, loses structure and ceases to shine completely. In an effort to be similar to European people, Africans have come up with an unusual technology of extension - a thin braid is woven around the circumference of the head, in which later strands of donor hair are fixed. This technique has been improved over time, and now hairdressers simply sew pre-prepared strands.

  1. Failure. As soon as your own hair grows a little, it is necessary to immediately make a correction, that is, weave the braid and sew curls.
  2. The high cost of hair extensions.
  3. The inability to make high tails. After sewing the tress, it is not recommended to lift the hair in the back of the head, as in this case pigtails will become noticeable.

  1. Speed ​​and simplicity. Compared with other techniques, the wigging is done quite quickly, and it is just that, therefore, with a strong desire, this method can be used as a homemade hair extension.
  2. For sewing tress to the pigtails, only natural, clean and ecological materials are used.
  3. Ease of care. After this build-up, you can not change the usual scheme of care - you can make masks for hair, wash your head with familiar shampoos, being careful.

Bonding, or sticking finished strands

Bonding is one of the oldest ways to grow. The specialist divides the head into several zones and glues the finished strips with curls to the skin.

  1. The glue used for fixing can harm the whole body by poisoning it. When choosing this method, it is necessary to conduct a test for the presence of an allergic reaction.
  2. Restriction in the choice of hairstyles. Since the strips are glued directly on the scalp, you will have to give up a lot of hairstyles, otherwise the lines of extension will be visible to others.

  1. Very quick procedure.
  2. In the process of sticking strips, high temperatures are not used, which means that natural hair does not suffer.

English extension system

This method is performed in the same way as the previous one, only the fixation is carried out with a special gun and glue. Since the difference between Italian and English technologies is small, the advantages and disadvantages of them are the same. This process lasts a long time, and it is difficult to call it environmentally friendly, but as a result you will get luxurious and beautiful hair that can be collected in a variety of hairstyles.

Ultrasound hair extensions

The ultrasonic method is the elongation of hair with a special apparatus that can heat up to high temperatures. Capsules located at the tips of the strands are not deformed and do not heat up much, and the process itself takes much less time than hot hair extensions.

The only difference is the use of a special gun, which requires only a couple of seconds to glue the capsules to natural strands, while other heating devices spend more time to soften the capsules, as well as glue the hair. The disadvantage of the method is the use of the very unsafe material from which the capsule is made.

Nano-building Le Cristal de Paris

Technology Le Cristal de Paris is cold without a hardware. Le Cristal de Paris is nano-built using a special hypoallergenic gel. The size of the resulting capsules does not exceed the size of the rice grain. The hair grown by this method can be subjected to various loads: masks, dyeing, tinting, bath procedures and so on. The process of the procedure can take from two to twelve hours, which is an unpleasant disadvantage. As a plus, you can even call the possibility of building up even on hair from three cm long.

The cost of nano-building is from 15 thousand rubles for a hair length of 50 cm.

Micro-hair Extend Magic

Micro-growth is perfect for women with weak hair, as this technique is absolutely harmless. During the procedure, very thin strands are used for hair extensions, which are attached using barely noticeable capsules. They are very light and invisible, since the amount of wax is not taken manually, but using the Extend Magic at a temperature of 90 degrees. Mikronarashivanie also allows you to purchase bangs or increase strands in the area of ​​the temporal zone. Capsules are made from clear wax without adding keratin.

The undoubted advantage of the technique is the naturalness of the hair and the invisibility of the capsules. The period of correction is from three to four months. The disadvantage of this technique is the combing of hair extensions and the impossibility of visiting the sauna and bath.

True, this "pleasure" is quite expensive: from 13 thousand rubles for 50 cm strands.

Technology hair extension method tress or afrosha

African hair extensions in some salons are offered under the name “Hollywood hair extensions”, this is completely the same technology that involves the use of stitched tress.

The technology of hair extensions on tressa refers to cold methods. "Tress" - this hair, stitched in a special way. The master weaves an African braid, to which he sews hair woven into tresses with ordinary threads. African braids trail on the back of the head. Correction of hair extensions by sewing tress is carried out in 1-2 months. It passes quite easily: the tress is removed, the braid braids again and the same tress is attached to it again. The cost of the entire procedure starts from 10,000 rubles, depending on the quality and length of the hair. On all head it is required 100-120 locks. Work for tress hair extensions will cost 40-80 rubles per strand.

Price Slavic hair for 100 strands, approximately:

45 cm - from 5000 rubles

50 cm - from 6000 rubles

60 cm - from 7,000 rubles

70 cm - from 8000 rubles

CRE CAP technology

This technology has recently become increasingly in demand among hairdresser’s clients. The course of the procedure consists of “dressing” your own strands into special sleeves, where artificial strands are inserted. After that, the junction should only be “soldered” with thermal tongs.

Many masters claim that there are no “minuses” for CRE CAP at all.

There are many advantages to technology, which undoubtedly attracts:

• No chemical or physical effects on native hair.

• The master can calmly increase often painted or even too weak strands.

• There are no contraindications for age

• The possibility of constant wear

• Do not need much time to build

• Extensive hair does not require special care.

• Removal of strands takes only 10 minutes, without any chemicals.

• There are no restrictions in visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, use of hair dryers, etc.

The cost of the procedure ranges from 20,000 rubles (100 strands of Slavic hair 40 cm long) to 30,000 rubles (100 strands of the same hair, but only 60 cm). The correction will cost 85 rubles per strand, you need to do it every three to four months. Of course, it all depends on the cabin.

Hair extensions on hairpins

Everything is simple here, the hair on the hairpins is a false strand of artificial or natural hair, which are attached to the hairpins in the form of crabs or invisible. With the help of such hairpieces, you can carry out hair extensions at home on your own, as they are very easily attached and removed. The drawback of hair extensions on hairpins is that they cannot be worn for a long time, but only as a haircut for one evening. But plus in the huge choice of color, length, quality and cost.

Hair Care

Requirements for the care of artificial hair vary greatly depending on the method chosen by the client. But there is a list of "laws" that must be followed regardless of technology:

1. For nourishing and moisturizing hair extensions, use only products with a neutral Ph.

2. Avoid contact between curlers, ironing and curling with capsules (in case the installation data is allowed).

3. Shampoo should be diluted with water. It is necessary to wash the head only according to the growth of hair, it is forbidden to tilt the hair forward while washing, just like sleeping with dry hair. It is better to buy a special shampoo for hair extensions.

4. Combing is best done with brushes with sparse teeth, on which there are no balls at the ends. The perfect comb for hair extensions is wood.

5. Long hair is best for the night to braid in a tight braid.

6. In the event that you are allowed bath procedures, take with you to the bath or sauna a special hat for hair. This will somehow protect them from exposure to high temperatures.

7. It is best to refuse masks and balms. Give your preference to natural infusions, for example, from a camomile.

8. It is best to use products designed specifically for hair extensions. Such drugs can be found in specialized stores. The cost of buying one drug can range from 400 to 800 rubles.

Extension hair correction

After one to six months, hair socks will have to be corrected. Extended hair is removed according to the method, then again the same hair (according to some technologies) is expanded back. Depending on the quality of the artificial strands, they can be used up to four times. As you already understood, not all methods allow you to reuse the same "alien" hair. Then, of course, in the case of their use will have to spend money every time to buy hair.

I would like to note that the hair must be given rest, as they are subjected to a heavy load for 2-3 months.

Many trichologists believe that hair extensions using any technology lead to their weakening, shrinking and thinning. After any buildup, it is necessary to conduct a course of restorative procedures (masks, wrappings, mesotherapy).

The cost of hair correction after the extension is a little more than the cost of their installation, and simple removal is less. (Correction of about 4,000 rubles, when installed for 3,000, and the removal is less than 3,000 rubles).

Possible complications after hair extensions

Recently, the list of possible complications after this cosmetic procedure has been quickly reduced. Hairdressers from all over the world come up with new, safe ways to make strands long and beautiful.

First of all, you need to carefully approach the choice of a stylist who will work and the quality of the hair. Doctors-trichologists increasingly see patients who are victims of "specialists".

1. headaches

2. inconvenience during sleep

3loss of your own hair along with hair extensions

5. weak, dull, brittle hair after the procedure.

Therefore, before going to the hairdresser is worth a hundred times to think. It is best to expand hair in exceptional cases (for a wedding, anniversary or anniversary of the best friend). In addition, hair extensions reviews have different, both positive and negative. There are customers who have successfully transferred hair extensions, and there are those who have long restored hair.

How to restore hair after extension

Be sure to require procedures aimed at restoring hair after hair extensions. They are best carried out in the cabin, and at home you can use oil. Salon regenerating procedures include: hair masks, mesotherapy for hair, scalp peeling, darsonval for hair, hair cauterization and cutting with hot scissors.

Today, hair extensions are a fairly simple and familiar procedure for the master. Find a good specialist who cheaply does exactly what you want is easy. True, you first need to decide whether it is really necessary, because this pleasure is not cheap, and it requires special care, for which many ladies simply do not have enough time.

Hair extensions: video

Tape or capsular hair extensions

Capsular hair extensions: video

How to remove hair extensions: video

Tape hair extensions: video

Hair extension: video lesson

Bellargo loop hair extensions

Hairstyle with hair extensions

How much is hair extensions

The price when choosing any method is calculated based on the work of the master from 30 to 80 rubles per strand, on average, 100-150 strands will be needed on the whole head. Therefore, the work itself will cost from 3,000 to 12,000 rubles. You also need to add the price of the hair itself, which can be of different quality, color, production. It should be noted that high-quality Slavic hair can not cost less than 100 rubles per strand of 50 cm.

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Thick and long eyelashes from nature - a rarity. And even the owners of such beautiful cilia eventually face the problem of their loss.

The hairs are thinning, and new ones grow thin and short. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to various methods of their recovery, one of which is the buildup — the fastest, but not always the most benign.

Techniques and technology extensions

To date, there are a lot of techniques and types of eyelash extensions: beam, single, partial, volumetric, 2D and 3D eyelash extensions. Each school comes up with new names for their techniques: Japanese, Hollywood, European.

In fact, experts distinguish between two basic technologies of eyelash extension, one-piece and three-dimensional, all the rest are by and large just marketing.. Nevertheless, let us consider what names of techniques can be found today in this service sector and what they are:

It implies the imposition of one artificial eyelashes on one living. This technology is also called eyelash extensions. The following materials are used: mink, sable, silk.

The length of the artificial cilia depends on the desired effect. More often the longest materials are glued from the outer edge and go in descending order to the inner corner.


This technology is not much different from the Japanese. The only difference is in the materials.. It uses silicone or rubber eyelashes. Their advantage consists in moisture resistance and portability of temperature drops. With them you can safely visit the bath, swimming pools, swim in the sea.

Bundle buildup

This technology takes a small amount of time when building up, but the effect does not last relatively long. Used to build bundles consisting of several eyelashes soldered on one side. The bundles are glued at some distance from each other.

Types of eyelash extensions

Before proceeding to the description of the phased process, let's take a closer look at what the main types of eyelash extension exist today. After all, each girl has their own individual type of person. And it is extremely important to choose for yourself what suits best and will look natural and beautiful.

Building up the corners

This type involves gluing eyelashes from the outer edge and only to the middle of the eye. If natural cilia are light, then they need to be pre-painted, because the use of mascara after building is not recommended.

Incomplete build-up

This type will suit the owners of long natural lashes. With it adds volume. Artificial material is selected in size as close as possible to natural hairs.

Eyelashes are glued at a short distance from each other. Here, as with building up the corners, it may be necessary to pre-paint to avoid sharp contrast after the procedure.

Full build

This is a full-fledged eyelash extensions - the most elegant, practical and natural look. If everything is done professionally and correctly, the correction may not be required for 2-3 months.

Building in 2 rows (theatrical or 3D effect)

This view fits for brave and bright peoplewishing to focus on the eyes. This is the same method by the eyes, only 2 artificial ones are glued to each native eyelash.

The result is a very spectacular look and a good volume. Also, this type of wizard advise girls with a small number of their eyelashes.

Species vary according to thickness and density:

  1. Mink. These hairs are the lightest and thinnest. Most often they are used if the native eyelashes are in poor condition (brittle, damaged). Otherwise, other artificial materials will only aggravate the situation.
  2. Silk. They are a bit thicker and are quite fluffy. These hairs are ideal for creating a natural surround effect.
  3. Sable - the longest, fluffy, and, accordingly, rather "heavy".

By the way, the name of the hairs has nothing to do with natural materials (silk or sable fur). They are made from synthetic fibers. And this name was due to its characteristics.

They are also produced in various shapes. Depending on the bend, they are classified and labeled as:

  • B - straight hairs,
  • C - curved,
  • CC / B - strong bend,
  • L - bend falls on the edge of a hair.

Effects achieved by building

All effects are selected, as a rule, individually for each client, taking into account age, shape, eye color and status. Some of them can be used only for certain solemn occasions and are removed the next day after their completion, as they are inappropriate for everyday wear.


This effect is the most popular and versatile. Here materials of two lengths are used (6 and 8 mm or 8 and 10 mm). Cilia of different lengths are glued alternately. As a result, the look gets expressiveness and charm.

Fox Effect - Fox Look

Foxes will require materials of three lengths. First, in the outer corner, the cilia of the two largest sizes alternate, and short hairs are gradually used.

This is a very interesting effect, for which the longest hairs are used (12-15 mm). The same cilia are glued even at the inner corner. It looks very unusual and attractive, but not quite suitable for everyday wear.

Here you can achieve a visual elevation of the outer edge of the eye. Cilia are selected in two lengths - very long and very short. First, long hairs are glued on the outer part of the eye.

In this case, it is necessary to retreat half a centimeter from the edge, about 1 cm of the eyelash growth line is processed, then short hairs are glued for the rest.


Everything here depends entirely on the imagination of the master and the client. You can use all possible colors. For example, to take the natural effect as a basis, but to take eyelashes of different colors (make a smooth transition from red to blue).

How is the procedure

The classical procedure of extension usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Eyelashes cleared of makeup wipe with a special degreasing agent,
  2. The length and material of hairs are selected, the technology and the desired effect from increasing,
  3. Separate upper and lower lashes using specially designed stickers. This is necessary to avoid sticking during the procedure,
  4. Using tweezers, the base of each synthetic cilia is dipped into glue or resin for building and placed on the native hair.

If the adhesive composition on the material is too much, then you should remove its excess. It is important to have artificial material exactly - a cilium on the cilium. And so on until the final result.

How long does the process take

An experienced master on average takes from 1.5 to 2 hours to build up (a little more for beginners). If you build yourself, or at home, respectively, it will take much more time.

In order to avoid injuries and undesirable consequences, we recommend performing this procedure in specialized salons with qualified specialists.

Can't grow your beautiful and long marigolds? No problem! After all, they can be increased. Do it in a beauty salon, or independently at home. In the article we will consider a step-by-step instruction with a photo of nail gel extensions, which materials are needed for this.

At the core of the gel nail extension technology is the use of a special material that hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays - UV gel. It gives the nails a glossy shine, smoothes the uneven surface of natural nails and allows you to achieve the desired length. In most cases, does not create irritation of the cuticle and skin side rollers.

Girls give preference to UV gel because it:

  • ideally corrects the imperfections of the natural nail plate,
  • allows you to achieve a glossy shine marigold,
  • suitable for modeling popular nail shapes,
  • has high strength
  • convenient to use
  • no odor.

Gels for nail

On gel nails, you can create a design in a variety of manifestations. Decorate such nails with special decor: beads, rhinestones, sequins, foil, voluminous elements. In addition, the surface of the gel nails is painted with acrylic paints or gel paints for design. Attributes can be purchased in the department for nail art.

What is necessary for gel nail extension?

Novice starter kit for gel nails at home includes:

  • Gel for building.
  • Primer.
  • Degreaser.
  • Files for natural and artificial nails, bafik.
  • Forms for building or tips.
  • Decor for nails.
  • Lint-free napkins.
  • UV lamp or Led.

Gel modeling kit

We figured out what is needed for nail gel. You can assemble the kit yourself, or buy ready-made. With files and tools everything is clear, we choose the decor for the soul. There is no difficulty. But which nail gel is better? This issue should be approached seriously, because the quality of the nails and the convenience of modeling them depend on the choice.

Types of gel for nail

By type of use, the material is divided into UV gel, biogel and Led gel. To work with the first two you need a high-quality UV lamp, for the third - a Led-lamp.

By functionality, gel modeling systems are divided into: three-phase, two-phase and single-phase.

The first is a three-phase system, it includes three types of gel with a specific purpose. To ensure perfect adhesion, the first layer of base gel is applied, which is responsible for the reliable contact of the nail plate with unnatural material.

Next, apply the second layer of the modeling gel, which is responsible for the body of the nail. And the last layer - the finishing gel. It will protect the nail, protect it from exposure to external factors, while providing a bright and smooth surface.

The second is a two-phase system. One type of gel serves simultaneously for bonding and fixing, and the second is responsible for designing the nail.

And the third is a single phase system. It uses a universal gel that performs all three functions.

You probably have a question, which of the three systems to choose?

There is no exact answer, as each master chooses for himself. We can only advise you to try each modeling system, then you will be able to understand exactly which material you find easier to work with.
As for the brands, the advice here is the same. It is necessary to select for themselves experimentally. At first, you may have to spend a lot in search of the perfect gel. You can start with the most popular ones - CND Brisa, Masura, In’Garden, IBD Gel, RuNail. According to reviews, they perfectly perform their functions and allow you to work at a professional level.

On the gel for nail extensions the price may be different. And it depends on many factors: functionality and brand. The cost of colored gel starts from 150 rubles and above. Base and finish cost from 300 rubles and above.

Stages of gel nail extension technology

So, we put together a set and decided on what is needed for gel nail extension. We now turn directly to the modeling. The technology of nail extension with the gel is possible even for a beginner, if you perform all actions consistently and correctly.

If you want to make a gel nail extension yourself, then step-by-step instructions with a photo will help with this. Each stage of nail modeling with this technology is important, so try to respect every little thing. The instruction is suitable for building itself or the client.

1. Preparation of the nail (processing the hands, removing the cuticle by uncircumcised or trimmed). For a better effect, the nail surface is ground and degreased. After applying a thin layer of primer to the nails to remove excess moisture. The primer should be dried in the UV lamp for 2 minutes.

2. Set the form for modeling nails. This can be either the top or bottom forms for building. We wrote about them in the previous article. They should be fixed tightly and at the correct angle.

3. Using a special brush, apply the base gel on the nail, and under no circumstances should skin be allowed to touch or flow into the side rollers. To do this, leave a distance of half a millimeter from the skin to the gel. At this stage the preliminary shape of the artificial nail is formed. It may be square, stylet, almond-shaped or other shapes. Next, the gel is dried under the lamp's ultraviolet rays for several minutes. The base layer is ready.

The application of the base gel

four.Next, apply the next layer of the modeling gel. This procedure is best repeated a couple of times, for greater hardness and reliability of the nails. Layers should be made thin. At this stage, the decoration of the nail decor occurs, glitter, stickers, painting, etc. are added between the layers. A smile of the free edge is formed if a French manicure is done. Each layer is dried in the UV lamp for 2 minutes. By the way, it is very convenient, if your lamp is with a timer, you will not need to detect the time with a stopwatch.

Work with modeling gel

5. Go to the final layer of gel nails. Carefully apply the finishing gel, dry in the lamp for 2 minutes. Then the sticky layer is removed. Using an artificial nail file, the shape of the free edge of the nail is perfected to perfection, and irregularities on the surface are removed.

Complete nail modeling

6. Polishing buff creates shine on the nail surface.

Video lessons nail gel for beginners

So that you could visually appreciate the beauty of the gel nail extension technology, we suggest watching video tutorials for beginners. Recommendations and tips are given by experienced masters in modeling gel nails.

The average duration of this process is about three hours, at the end of which you get persistent and perfect nails.

Nail extensions - the procedure is simple, but requires a lot of patience, endurance and scruples. Naturally, you can contact a specialist for this service, but if you want, you can do everything yourself. Some girls believe that if they have seen the nail extension process several times, then this is enough to say that they know all the subtleties of how to grow their nails. How to build nails, what technologies and ways to give an advantage?

Technologies and methods of nail extension

There are 2 extension technologies that differ from each other in the materials used during the procedure. This build-up:

Acrylic and gel have different degrees of solidification. Acrylic after application turns into a solid polymer, it is not sufficiently transparent, but has clear contours. It is recommended to use gel for beginners, since it is much easier to work with it.

When choosing a material, you should take into account all the pros and cons of both. As for the consequences after nail extension, acrylic can dry out the structure of the nail. Gel technology is less detrimental to the nail plate.

With regard to methods of nail, then also distinguish 2 main ones:

Tips are artificial nail plates that are attached to their own nails. They are used, as a rule, when applying the gel, as acrylic and without tips is quite strong.

Forms are peculiar patterns that need to be put under the free edge of the nail and spread on it gel or acrylic. After solidification of the applied material, the templates are removed. To find out which types of nail extension is right for you, it is better to consult with the master.

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What you need when building

The extension process implies the availability of the necessary tools and materials. Let's start with the tools. For nail extensions will require:

  • UV lamp,
  • cuticle spatula,
  • sawing,
  • forms,
  • tipsy,
  • glue,
  • brushes for acrylic or gel,
  • paint brushes.

Without an ultraviolet lamp to grow nails will not work.

For an acrylic coating you will need a lamp with a power of only 9 W, since it is necessary only for drying the finish coating. For gel it is necessary to use a 37 W lamp if it is planned to work with colored gels or a French jacket.

As for materials, it is difficult to compile a list of them, since it depends on many factors. First, from the technology and method of building: gel and acrylic involves the use of different materials.Secondly, the choice of materials is influenced by their cost and features of the wizard. However, despite this, it is important that the master does not save on disinfectants for both tools and nail plate. Due to the repeated use of tools, infection can be introduced, and bacteria under the gel or acrylic can multiply if they are not destroyed in time.

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Phased description of capacity

Let's start with the choice of the shape of the nail. It can be an oval, almond, square or soft square. These are classic shapes. New ones also do not cease to amaze: stylet, pipe, bridget, etc. The length of the plate should be comfortable and match the chosen pattern.

Now let's look at the technology using tips. First you need to sanitize tools and nail plates. Some girls worry about whether they need a manicure before nail extension before going to the master. It is enough to put them in order a few days before the procedure, otherwise you can then damage the delicate skin. Everything else is done by the master. He should push back the cuticle with a metal spatula, and then cut off the top layer of the nail plate and its length.

Then the nails are treated with Kutasept and dried with dehydrate. Then tips are glued on them, after a while primer and bonder are applied on the natural nail. After drying in the lamp, it is necessary to cover the plate with basic material, dry and remove the sticky layer. Then it's up to color, then - over the finish gel.

To build on the shape of the nail plate must be prepared in the same way as when using tips. The form must be bent double, set with a sticky edge under the nail plate. Then you want to distribute the material, forming the desired length and shape of the nail, and dry it under ultraviolet rays.

Recently, gel polish is gaining popularity. This procedure is based on 3 stages: applying the base, color and finish, which in total does not take more than half an hour.

For a manicure to last longer, it is recommended to use gloves when in contact with water. To avoid dryness, use special hand creams. On average, such a manicure can last up to 3 weeks, it is advisable not to delay a visit to the master to make a correction, otherwise it will be necessary to perform the whole procedure again.

Preparing for hair extensions

To choose the type of hair, their color and length, the technology of extension must consult with a professional. Before the procedure, it is desirable to wet the strands to check their quality.

To prepare the hair to build it is necessary to wash and dry them thoroughly. It is forbidden to use masks, conditioners and balms. The procedure itself takes 2 - 4 hours, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend half a day in the hairdresser’s chair.

Types of hair extensions

Hair extensions are extremely important, because in just a few hours a woman can completely change her appearance and enjoy long hair. You can make a variety of hairstyles, curl curls, braid pigtails. Corrections may be required 2 to 6 months after the procedure, at which time some strands may need to be replaced. Hair extensions can be carried out for any women with their own length from 5 to 10 cm, depending on the type of procedure chosen.

English building technique

The same applies to hot building techniques, but here a special pistol is used to warm the keratin to the optimum temperature. In this case, the procedure is considered sparing and harmless.

The minimum length required for English hair extensions should be more than 6 cm, otherwise donor strands will be noticeable.After the procedure, you will have to say goodbye to the thermal treatments for hair and body, irons, hot curlers and curlers can melt the capsules, as well as saunas and baths. Keratin capsules lose their strength under the influence of masks and balsams. English capacity is kept no more than 3 months.

German extension technology (Bellargo)

Bellargo is a type of hot hair extension. Strands are fastened using a special device with two thermal clamps, on small sleeves. In this case, the hair is not damaged, because they do not heat up. In total, it takes 25 - 100 strands to grow.

The disadvantages of this method of extension is the need for special care: some types of cosmetics provoke loss of donor strands. Not all styling is suitable because sleeves can be noticeable on high hairstyles. It is impossible to remove accrued curls on your own - there is a chance to damage your own hair.

Bundling with braids

This extension technique is perfect for girls who are worried about not spoiling their hair. Unlike previous technologies, it does not use any chemicals and temperatures that could damage the hair.

Building on the pigtails is almost imperceptible, but donor hair is held tightly. The technology involves braiding a very thin pigtail across the back of the head, after which tresses are attached to it. Tress is a thin, worked strand that resembles a narrow strip. One strand clings to one pigtail.

Correction is carried out as hair regrowth: the pigtail is intertwined to be as close as possible to the scalp, and the tresses are re-sewn, they can be used repeatedly.

Capacity with braids can be carried out even on thin hair. The procedure is harmless, a pigtail does not bring any inconvenience, besides its implementation does not require a long time. You may need up to 200 tresses.

The main disadvantages are:

  • Because of the tress it is necessary to limit high styling, haircuts with partings, so that the pigtail and the hair strand are not noticeable,
  • Frequent correction. It has to be carried out every 2 - 3 months as hair grows.

Hair on hairpins

If you do not have the opportunity to grow hair or are afraid of complex care, then hair on hairpins is a great alternative. With their help, you can change your image to no recognition. Hair on hairpins are not afraid of cosmetics, they can be dyed, curled, blow-dried. Compared with hair extensions, this method is more affordable. Overhead strands are fixed with hairpins and clips, so that you can do any hairstyle at home by yourself. And of course, the main advantage is absolute harmlessness. So you do not have to wonder if it will harm your hair extension.

Disadvantages of hair on hairpins:

  • Not suitable for short hair,
  • The abundance of pins brings a feeling of heaviness and causes a headache, so it is best to wear them not daily, but to use only for important events
  • The fragility, they can come unfastened at the most inopportune moment, it is better to abandon them during trips to the gym, pool or the beach.

Hair extension is a procedure that allows you to change your image beyond recognition in just a few hours. A qualified master will not only be able to properly grow hair, but will also give recommendations on how to care for them, which must be followed in order to prolong the effect of the procedure and not to harm your own locks.

Every girl dreams of a beautiful manicure. After all, it gives a well-groomed look to hands and pleases its owner with a unique design. But unfortunately, not all girls can grow long and strong nails. Many are faced with the problem of fragility.Then, breaking one, you have to cut off all the others, which are so difficult to grow. In this regard, come to the light innovative ways to create nails, which you can only dream of. Among them is actively gaining momentum building gel. Using the step-by-step instructions and studying the video of the specialists of the manicure business, the novice master will be able to recreate the technique at home.

A variety of gels and methods of building

Among the many modern tools to give your nails a perfect look, the gel buildup is rapidly gaining popularity. The gel is a viscous substance that hardens when irradiated in a UV lamp or from exposure to a special activator. The material is of different types. There are several systems for creating artificial nails. Transparent constructional, camouflage color and stained glass gels are used, and techniques consisting of one, two and three stages are applied.

The three-step technique involves the use of the base, the designer and the top. Two-phase is distinguished by the absence of a separate substance for modeling and uses only the base and top. The design is based on a fundamental gel. In a single-phase system, one type of substance is consumed for all three phases.

A transparent gel is needed to build a nail. They create the form and use as a basis for design. During playback, a single phase system is used. Camouflage has a translucent texture with a touch of pink. Colors may be different, but one gamut is respected. From it you can create nails, most close to natural. Work with him on a three-step method. Colored is applied to transparent, depending on the design - they cover the extension tip or the entire plate. Stained glass gel is always a transparent substance with multi-colored shades. It is used on a single-phase system and is self-leveling. Used for design as well.

The listed materials have different purposes, therefore it is impossible to say unequivocally which one is better. After all, if any of these methods would be inferior to others, then they would have long ago refused it. Therefore, the type and design methodology should be chosen based on the expected appearance.

Ways of gel reconstruction

There are two fundamentally different methods of building gel. The first involves the use of tips. Tips is an artificial imitation of the nail of a special substance, similar to plastic, which are attached to a natural plate, and the adhesive and construction gel act as a connecting and strengthening material. Tips are different in stiffness and the more elastic they are, the more natural manicure looks. The second technique is the construction of a form for building. They range up and down. By themselves, they resemble a stencil that is filled with a gel coating.

Read more about the techniques: advantages and disadvantages

Gel building on tips takes much less time than working with forms - on average, an hour and a half. By virtue of its simplicity, construction on tips is cheaper - from about 1500 p. Yet plastic nails have some drawbacks. They can move away. If they are not properly glued, air will remain under the artificial fragment, and this is the environment for the development of the fungus. The stress zone - the place where the present and artificial nails dock - with this build-up is weakly fortified. It is not very difficult to break. And since the tips is attached to a sufficiently strong glue, most likely, a part of the living nail will break loose with the tips. If this happens, the plate will suffer significant damage, not to mention the pain experienced. In short, this type of design will suit neat girls with a standard plate, saving their time.

Building on forms is a longer process and can take longer than three hours. This is due to the long drying and creation of the architecture of each layer. Thanks to the design on the forms, it is possible to correct the flaws and give the nails a perfect look. They are strengthened from base to tip and it becomes quite difficult to break them. The event on modeling eliminates the ingress of air under the extended part, which will not allow the development of harmful microbes and prevent exfoliation. It is more expensive than tips - ranging from 2300 p. Different specialists have different prices, but they are always higher in forms. Such nails are harder to break than extensions on tips. The non-universality of the plastic base gave impetus to the new method - the arched extension.

The disadvantages of designing on tips as the cause of arched building

The problem of building on tips is that it is impossible to adjust the shape of the nail. Although it is faster to model them, they are suitable only for owners of the correct form of nails. In fact, there is a normal lengthening, wide nails look even wider, growing upwards - they bully, downwards - they are bent. In this regard, recently a fundamentally new method of constructing gel on forms is gaining popularity. The so-called arched extension solves all the problems faced by the owners of non-standard nails, namely, trapezoidal or growing with a slope up (springboard) or down (eagle beak). Nails that are expanded in this way, taking into account the relief of the nail plate, make them grow straight and resemble each other. They keep the view for about 3 weeks, after which a correction is required. It is interesting that if you use this technique for about a year, the nail plate is aligned, the width becomes narrower, the nail becomes longer and stronger. This type can only be done by a highly qualified specialist who has undergone expensive training. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to create a new ideally rounded architecture with correct geometric proportions. The main difference of the arched nail is the shape of the bend, which should be 25-50% of the circumference.

Necessary items for designing nails at home

Things from the above list will be needed by those who decide to model their own nails:

  • several files of different stiffness, for example, abrasiveness 80/80, 100/100, 120/120,
  • buff polishing for the surface of the nail,
  • manicure brush set,
  • primer providing adhesion of the artificial part of the nail with the real one,
  • orange stick as a pusher
  • small scissors for manicure,
  • a boat for trimming excess length in tips,
  • dust brush
  • tips or forms (depending on what to build up),
  • glue for tips, if used,
  • ultraviolet lamp,
  • clamps for arched extension (if necessary),
  • antiseptic, disinfecting hands,
  • wipes are smooth, lint-free,
  • substance to simulate
  • liquid to remove the sticky layer
  • top

Step-by-step guide for beginners: building on tips

  1. First, you need to process and file the nails, remove the cuticle and protect it with antiseptic.
  2. You need to find the right tips slightly wider than your own nails.
  3. Degrease the surface of the nail. If it is not smooth, you should use a gel before gluing the tips to level the plate.
  4. Apply glue to the tips on the reverse side, focusing on the marks. At an angle of 70 degrees, gradually apply the tips on the nail plate, squeezing air out from under them.
  5. After holding each nail stationary for about 1 minute, let go and start the alignment process further. The protruding artificial nail cut down to the level of the present and cut to the desired length.
  6. Next, apply the construction gel, dry for 3 minutes and then gash to the desired shape.
  7. Apply two more layers of gel corresponding to the chosen extension system. Polish the surface if necessary, add a design.

Step-by-step instructions for constructing forms

When building up on forms there is similarity in some stages with work on tips.

  1. Hands are decontaminated and degreased.
  2. Apply a primer indented 1 mm from the base of the nail. Requires increased accuracy, it should not get on the skin.
  3. Lay the base layer with the same care and dry for 3 minutes.
  4. Uses the most appropriate stencils without gaps. Gel is laid out on the form and dried for 2 minutes.
  5. Camouflage gel forms a bend and edge.
  6. The area of ​​the natural nail and gel must be thickened more than the edges. After application - dry for 8 minutes.
  7. The adhesive layer is removed by a nail file. Design determines further action.
  8. Wanting to get a french, you need to impose several layers and dry each for 40 seconds. Remove stencils and attach a special clip for 5 minutes. After that, remove the clip, shape it with a nail file, cover it with a finishing gel and dry the nails for 2 minutes.

Possible errors when building

Sometimes, it would seem, recently extended nails begin to flake or crack in the stress zone. In this case, most likely, the technology was violated at some stage. Some of the possible errors when building:

  • perhaps, when polishing his own nail, he was drinking, which made it too thin and all subsequent actions in vain,
  • unsuitable forms could be used and gaps remain,
  • during work under the tips got air,
  • poor degreasing before the procedure, primer hit on the skin,
  • incorrect formation of the center of gravity on the nails,
  • using old blunt objects
  • use of lacquer for design before the top layer,
  • incorrect removal of the previous coverage,
  • violation of other techniques of gel modeling.

Design Ideas, New 2017

To paint all the nails in the same way is a universal, but not always interesting solution. Now girls are trying to make their manicure as unique as possible, original, to the extent that the design of each nail may differ from the other. In 2017, holes, broken glass, various french, frosted, various rubs, foil effect, monogram, picnic, rhinestones, gradient are in fashion. All sorts of pictures are possible. In the trend square and almond-shaped nails.

Photo Gallery: 2017 fashion trends

Gel extension appeared in connection with the problem of fragility and the inability to grow long nails of the correct form. And it successfully solves this problem. Two types of extensions are popular with girls around the globe at about the same level. Despite the fact that the arched building is much better at the expense of strength and the ability to adjust the shape, but to make such nails at home is very problematic. And not everyone wants to mess around for 3-4 hours. Therefore, tips do not get rid of themselves. This is the easiest and fastest way to increase the gel, it can be easily done at home using suitable tips and observing technology. With proper procedure, the risk of nail detachment is minimized and the disadvantages of this extension are not very significant. Anyway, both species are successfully applied, the choice is only for the fair sex.

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A good way to quickly make even short hair more thick and long - to perform hair extensions. In just a few hours, you can extend the strands to the desired length, hide traces of baldness, or add volume to the hairstyle. For these advantages women appreciate the procedure of building up. Of course, she is not without flaws, but here every girl has already made her own decision: to do or not. We will explain in detail how the methods of hair extension differ, which ones are safe even during pregnancy, and whether there are differences between donor strands from Europe and Asia.Even at the stage of doubt, you will learn how to build up curls not in the salon, but at home, what to restore the hair after the procedure, and what opportunities in creating hairstyles open up new hair.

Description of the procedure

Technology is popular all over the world.and this is a simple explanation. No need to wait until the curls grow back naturally.

Taking into account the fact that, on average, they add 1–1.5 centimeters per month, it will be possible to get a luxurious half a meter long hair in 5 years, and then at the cost of patience and meticulous care. Thanks to the increase, the waiting period for a new hairstyle is reduced many times.

Donor strands can be fixed on native curls in different ways, and some of them are suitable even for home use. Due to the natural growth of hair after 2-6 months, the hair will need correction. The wizard will remove the attached bunches and move them closer to the roots. The same donor material can be used several times, provided that it is of high quality.

You can grow strands over the entire head or in certain areas. The procedure is suitable for men and women with any color of hair.

Choice of donor strands

In hair extensions there is not a very pleasant aesthetic moment. For various reasons, many girls disdain to wear strands that previously belonged to other women. Some people associate this with the unknown origin of donor material, and it seems to someone that someone else’s negative energy is transmitted through curls. Experts say that you don’t need to be afraid of it.

Before entering salons and shops, beams for extension are processed, which includes disinfection, painting and other procedures. But it’s still worth being puzzled by the origin of the donor material. After all, from where the hair was obtained, depends on their quality and price. Find out why Slavic curls are valued the most, and the European ones are considered disposable, but at the same time deserve a lot of positive feedback.

What is better and safer for curls

With all the obvious advantages of building has serious disadvantages. In addition to the list of contraindications is a variety negative consequences of the procedure:

  • tangling strands,
  • injury of your own hair with some types of fixings,
  • discomfort while wearing donor bundles, especially during sleep,
  • the formation of tangles that are difficult to comb,
  • fragility and loss of hair under the weight of unusually long, thick hair and other sad results.

You can reduce the risks if you do not increase the curls with obvious contraindications and choose a technique that is most suitable in your situation. We will analyze in detail the implications of popular techniques, and describe what factors significantly affect the quality of the result.

Girls who are going to lengthen their hair should understand: it is not only beautiful, but also very responsible. Even a well-made build-up can lead to frustration if you do not care for your new head of hair or ignore the correction. To date, there is no technology that would be considered exemplary and does not have pitfalls. But under certain conditions, negative impressions of hair extensions will be minimal. Read our detailed article to once and for all close the question for yourself how harmful the lengthening of the strands is by donor material and how possible problems with curls are solved.

Dependence on the type and length of strands

For many women, extensions are associated with perfectly straight hair, although Curly locks are used for this procedure. And they can be glued not only to the wavy, but also to smooth curls. For such cases, hairdressers often choose more gentle methods of extension: Spanish, tape, English, and others.The result will be thick curly hair that will need to be properly styled so that the hair does not get tangled. Find out which way is best to increase curly donor strands, and what includes the care of a luxurious hairstyle.

Thanks to modern technology, it is now possible to lengthen short hair, although a few years ago the salons did not provide this service. The master must have experience in carrying out such a procedure, because even building on a square has its own nuances. If the top strands are very short, then they will not be able to cover up the places where the donor material joins the native curls at the back of the head. Hairdresser will certainly offer one of the methods that is optimal for owners of cars. Find out what these methods are and how this hair extension happens.

If there are no particular problems with a length of 10–20 centimeters, What should girls, whose curls grow by only 3-5 centimeters, do? No panic: this haircut can also be lengthened. And the Dream Hairs technology is even applicable on centimeter strands. Of course, in such situations there will be serious restrictions on the length of donor hair and the choice of methods. But while observing all the intricacies of the process, an excellent result is guaranteed. We will tell you in detail about the details of building up very short haircuts and reveal the secrets of the procedure.

Hair can be extended all over the head or in certain areas that need extra density: the back of the head and the top of the head. But perhaps The most unusual way to change the image is to increase the bangs. The technique requires jewelry work, so that the mounts are invisible to others. Of all the procedures for lengthening is the budget option. Bangs can be a consignment note or just a hair extension on your own hair. What technologies are provided for this - read in our article.

For women, attaching additional strands most often means craving for experiments, whereas for men the procedure can be a solution to an important aesthetic problem - baldness. Building up will not stop the process of hair loss, but it will hide bald spots and return to the representative of the stronger sex confidence in their irresistible. Also, after going to the salon hairstyle will become more luxuriant and voluminous. It is rather difficult to hide the places of connection of extended and native strands on a short haircut, but professionals in their field find a way out. What - you will learn from a detailed review on the beauty and density of male hair.

What is required for the procedure

The basis of any extension - high-quality hair of the desired length. They are sold on capsules, tresses, in bundles. Quantity depends on individual needs. Someone will need 70-100 strands, and someone - 150-200. You need to sensibly look at the situation and first consult with the master. He will tell you how many curls you need to purchase. And we, on our part, will try to facilitate the process of home encapsulation (preparation) of donor hair with a detailed description of the technique and its nuances.

Finished strands still need to be able to properly attach. To do this, use different tools. The set depends on the chosen technique, but tongs remain one of the main devices. They are used for hot and cold methods. There are also special ultrasonic and laser devices. We wrote about all this and many other things in a detailed review with photos and videos.

In addition, for hair extensions, prepare a comb, an insulator for curls (a special plate), clips, materials for fixation — gel, glue, keratin, or hook rings, whichever you choose.

Appliances for home use

The only advantage of self-buildup is financial savings. In all other aspects of the salon procedure significantly exceeds the home. Incorrectly attached strands will look sloppy, can be combed out and cause discomfort. Improper handling of the material increases the risk of damaging your own curls.. But if all these arguments are not convincing to you, read with us which methods you can apply yourself, and which ones are better to refuse before going to the salon.

Attention! We are not talking about the use of chignon, comprehending, other types of overhead strands on hairpins. All this can be removed and put on at home.

Correction and care for extended strands

It is finished - you have weighed everything, thought it over and increased your hair. The updated hair pleases the eye and stimulates further experiments. The considerable length of the curls is a good basis for a variety of hairstyles. When creating them, you need to adhere to certain rules in order not to confuse and not to spoil the extended strands. We will give all these recommendations and show you the options for effective styling for any occasion.

Careful care will be necessary for hair not only for successful formation of a beautiful hairdress. Without it, you risk the health of your own locks and the appearance of donor material. The elongated hair needs to be properly washed, dried, combed, otherwise it will quickly lose gloss and presentability. Find out how different methods of extension affect the characteristics of further hair care, and which cosmetic products should be preferred.

Even with the right treatment, donor strands stick on their heads not forever. The average term of their socks is about 2 months. Further, the hair requires correction. During the second procedure, the master usually uses the same curls, if their quality allows. In general, the same extended hair can be used up to 1 year. We will tell you what methods of hair extension are considered the most “long-lasting”.

If the native curls did not grow naturally, perhaps the extension correction would not be necessary. The essence of the procedure is to remove the donor strands and re-attach them closer to the roots. Sometimes this laborious process takes no less, or even more time than the primary build-up. But without this in any way. Each technique has its own nuances when adjusting, which you will read about in our article.

Even if you are not going to re-fix the strands on your head, they still need to be removed sooner or later. This procedure is more often practiced at home than directly building itself. To successfully complete the procedure, you need to buy special preparations and tools, as well as use our step-by-step instructions. We will tell you about the secrets of painless hair removal, increased in different ways.

Often, the hair that has been weighed down with donor curls for a while requires restoration. You can use salon procedures (lamination, polishing), home methods (masks, rinses), as well as combine these options to enhance their effectiveness. Vitamin complexes will also be useful, as well as adherence to a healthy lifestyle. Practical recommendations for hair restoration, read our material.

The extension of the strands is a complex, multifaceted procedure with a large number of difficulties and nuances. Therefore, you only need to trust your curls. In combination with high-quality donor material, the work of an experienced master will leave a pleasant impression and will give joy and delight over the new hairstyle - long, thick and luxurious.


Watch the video: Building Your Own Campaign Setting with Matthew Mercer (June 2024).