Useful tips

Features of laser hair removal from a security point of view


| A Clinic

The first myth: "Laser hair removal does not remove blond hair." This is the most common misconception. It is due to the fact that laser hair removal is confused with photo-epilation, which removes dark hair. In fact, with a laser you can remove hair of any color, even the lightest.

The second myth: "Laser hair removal can not be done on tanned skin." Another misconception related to the lack of understanding of the difference between laser radiation and IPL light. Laser hair removal is applicable to both light and dark skin, including tanned. Another thing is that after the procedure, redness remains, and until it passes, it is advisable to avoid sunbathing, visiting the solarium. Sunscreen is also recommended.

The fourth myth: "Laser hair removal removes hair once and for all." Laser hair removal kills not just hair, but hair follicles - follicles. After this, hair growth is no longer possible. However, hair growth can resume in cases of severe hormonal changes, upon awakening of dormant follicles or the formation of new ones. Usually clinics give a guarantee of hair growth up to 10 years.

What is laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a procedure for hair removal, during which the follicle is affected by a laser beam of a certain wavelength. The method incorporates the principle of a directional luminous flux, which has a concentrated heat effect on a small portion of hair. Its processing is accompanied by three stages:

  • coagulation of the follicular zone - the root is burning,
  • vaporization - the hair is dried,
  • carbonization - charring and complete removal of the rod.

Accuracy and limitation of laser exposure is achieved by modern computer installations and software designed specifically for beauty parlors. The scheme of the phased burning of the hair during laser hair removal

During laser hair removal, hairs are destroyed in the active phase of their growth. They collapse right away. The rest remain intact, so one session is not enough. You need 3-4 visits to the beauty parlor to bring all the hair on the treated area into one growth phase and completely remove it. With each session, the laser efficiency increases, and hair growth slows down by 2–3 times. The number of procedures for each patient is calculated individually. This happens for several reasons:

  • in one session you cannot handle more than 1 thousand cm 2 body surface,
  • the duration of one procedure depends on the sensitivity of the skin,
  • the need for processing areas with different area,
  • client predisposition to weak or strong hair growth,
  • the need to take into account the type of hair, its color and density.

The average duration of a laser hair removal course is 4–5 months. The beautician is engaged in reduction or increase in this term!

How laser hair removal affects the body

Laser hair removal - a method of contactless exposure to the follicle. The beam slightly affects the tissues adjacent to the root, preserving their integrity. In addition, modern devices allow you to adjust the laser wavelength, so that it can be safely used on the skin of any color type. This method of hair removal confirms its effectiveness for 40 years. During this time, no direct connection was found between the use of this type of hair removal and the formation of any diseases.

Negative consequences typical for the procedure are associated with non-compliance with the rules for performing epilation, skin sensitivity or neglect of the list of contraindications. The degree of reaction of the epidermis to the actions of a cosmetologist is determined during the first consultation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of laser hair removal include:

  • comfort procedure,
  • relative painlessness - depends on the individual sensitivity,
  • quicker and more durable result compared to depilation
  • no harmful effects on the body,
  • quick processing of problem areas,
  • non-contact and non-invasive - the skin is not damaged,
  • hair that regains its growth does not grow into.

The negative aspects of all this are:

  • high cost of service
  • the need to undergo several sessions over a long period of time,
  • the complexity of the process
  • efficiency is manifested only in the case of dark hair,
  • there is a possibility of negative consequences.
Laser hair removal procedure takes place in a comfortable environment and does not require any action from you.

Types of laser hair removal

The laser effect on the hair during their removal is divided into two types:

  • thermal - irradiation with long-pulse flashes, with a duration of 2–60 ms,
  • thermomechanical - treatment with short-pulse light, the duration of which is less than one millisecond.

The most popular in modern cosmetology is considered a thermal method of laser hair removal.

The severity of the effect of the procedure depends on the amount of pigment contained in the hair. The more contrast it is with respect to the natural skin tone, the easier it is to remove it with a laser. Working with light, red and gray hair requires a special approach, since in this case not all lasers are applicable.

  • ruby - only for black hair,
  • neodymium - suitable for hair removal on very tanned and naturally dark skin, as well as removal of light, red and gray hair,
  • Alexandrite - can not be used for dark, tanned skin and blond hair,
  • diode - most often used to remove coarse, dense rods.
Diagram of the degree of penetration into the skin layers of different types of laser


The main contraindications to the procedure are:

  • tanning in the open sun and visiting a tanning salon for several days or immediately before epilation,
  • skin diseases, including cancer and inflammation,
  • epilepsy and propensity for convulsions,
  • high body temperature, fever,
  • alcohol intoxication
  • the presence on the skin of damaged areas, open wounds, hematomas,
  • children up to 14 years old
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • menstruation,
  • diabetes.

Laser hair removal during menstruation

The ban on the procedure during the menstrual cycle is associated with a natural feature of the female body. Within five days before the start of menstruation, hormonal changes occur, more estrogen and progesterone are released into the bloodstream, which aggravate the sensitivity of integumentary tissues. The production of serotonin, the “hormone of joy,” is decreasing. All this contributes to the increased manifestation of pain during laser hair removal. However, if you are sure that this state is not a hindrance, then the beautician in this matter can meet you halfway.

Pregnancy and lactation period

As in the case of menstruation, pregnancy is not a critical contraindication to laser hair removal, however, in most cases, the beautician will refuse to conduct the procedure. This fact is caused by the vagueness of exactly how a laser affects the functioning of organs and systems, and whether it can harm the fetus.

There is no unanimity among both gynecologists and cosmetologists. During childbirth, the pain threshold decreases, the female body as a whole becomes more vulnerable. For this reason, it is very difficult to predict the effect of a laser on the skin of a pregnant woman!

I also did hair removal. I was told that it was impossible to do it during pregnancy, since pigment spots would remain due to certain enzymes in the skin during this period. And about the slower growth of hair associated with pregnancy, also said in the salon.


After childbirth, during lactation, the high sensitivity of the tissue is maintained. Often women suffer mild inflammation of the breast, in which the use of a laser is unacceptable. In other cases, the procedure can be applied after consulting with a beautician, since hair removal does not affect the formation of breast milk by this method. Caution should be exercised when epilation is performed directly on the chest. You cannot use a laser if the lactation is very active, and the chest feels too dense on palpation. Epilation on the chest can only be done with a neodymium laser or ELOS technology due to the high pigmentation of the nipple halo

Age limit

It is not recommended to use laser hair removal under the age of 14 years. Cosmetology salons increase this limit to 16, since the hormonal background of the child differs significantly from the characteristics of the body of an adult. For the period from 14 to 16 years old there are the most active bursts of hormonal changes that affect the structure and appearance of body hair.

In early childhood and adolescence, 80–90% of the body is covered with soft blonde hair that is immune to the laser. At the same time, many “dormant” follicles remain in the skin, which will wake up as a teenager grows up. If you perform hair removal at the age of 13, then in 2-3 months the hairline will return, as the awakening of the hidden roots will begin. At the age of sixteen this probability decreases.

If a teenager was faced with the question of hair removal, then at the age of 14-17 he needs to consult an endocrinologist for endocrine abnormalities that trigger the activation of abundant hair growth. A conversation with a beautician will help determine how relevant the problem is, and whether it is worth doing it at this particular age. The solution takes into account the condition of the skin and the type of hair. With the abundant growth of hair on the face of a teenage girl, you should definitely consult with an endocrinologist, and only then think about laser epilation!

Sunburn after laser hair removal

During the procedure, heat is concentrated in the depth of the follicle due to the directional laser beam, which destroys the hair. This contributes to the acceleration of blood circulation in the tissues and increases their sensitivity to light, so an open encounter with ultraviolet radiation on the beach in the first days after epilation often causes burns or inflammatory processes. In addition, the treatment of skin with a laser leads to the appearance of color spots on the epidermis. If you follow the recommendations of a beautician for skin care, they eventually disappear, but the tan can fix this pigmentation, and it will not get rid of it.

In order not to face these problems, you should not take sunbaths and go to the solarium for two weeks after the procedure. If the weather forces you to wear open suits, stock up on a cream with a protection factor of at least 50 SPF and apply it every time before going out. Sunscreen - a friend of a modern girl, especially when it comes to vacation after laser hair removal

Effects of the procedure

The inevitable consequences of using a laser are redness and slight swelling of the epithelial tissues. This is the body's response to heat and a violation of the natural metabolism in the area of ​​planting follicles. As a rule, it is possible to cope with these symptoms on the very first day after the procedure with the help of soothing, inflammatory creams.

Remember that most of the negative effects caused by hair removal, due to non-compliance with the rules of preparation for hair removal and skin care after a visit to a beautician!

Other consequences include:

  • pigmentation of the epidermis with non-compliance with the rules of laser hair removal,
  • violation of sweating,
  • scars - often occur in people whose skin is prone to keloid scarring,
  • in rare cases, the occurrence of paradoxical hypertrichosis - an increase in the number of hairs and the acceleration of their growth.


Skin irritation after applying the laser appears in the form of red spots, acne, small rashes and local swelling. The causes of these symptoms are:

  • the density of a stream which is incorrectly chosen for the hue of the skin and, accordingly, the lack of professionalism of the beautician,
  • the patient's tendency to sweat,
  • sunbathing shortly before the procedure,
  • herpes virus - immediately after the session the disease is exacerbated.

To eliminate the problems that arise, it is necessary to take antihistamine and antiviral drugs, as well as the use of antiseptic ointments. To speed up the treatment, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or a cosmetologist who carried out the hair removal. The primary effects of laser hair removal usually pass between the main sessions of hair removal, each time they become less and less

Burn lesions after laser hair removal are also among the early negative effects of the procedure. They arise for two reasons:

  • in the work used too powerful luminous flux,
  • the patient came to the session after tanning.

The presence of a burn requires immediate treatment of the skin with anti-burn agents! You can continue hair removal only after the damage is fully healed! If a specialist made severe burns, it makes sense to think about changing the cabin!

Do not trust fraudsters and laymen!

Unfortunately, due to the growing popularity of laser hair removal, more and more salons are being opened on the market, in which mediocre specialists work who do not understand the subtleties of the procedure in question. It is in their unprofessional actions that the main danger of the laser method for the health of patients lies. Keep this in mind and do not trust doubtful actions, “super-cheap” procedures, the consequences of which are always unpredictable and potentially dangerous. To avoid harming yourself, follow these guidelines:

  • Responsibly approach the choice of salon,
  • Do not pay attention to too tempting offers,
  • Before entry to a specialist, examine the actual, legal address of the organization, its license, work permit, the duration of the documents proposed for reading,
  • Salon registration can and should be checked in the state register,
  • you should not trust without verification all kinds of letters and awards that are hung in the halls of salons,
  • the cosmetologist must have a license to carry out the corresponding cosmetology procedures,
  • carefully study the price lists, compare them with similar services in other stores,
  • read reviews of visitors in various sources,
  • always start with a primary consultation - no one specialist will work with you without a preliminary examination,
  • before processing the entire desired area, stop the beautician and monitor the condition of your skin on the area where the laser has already been applied - continue the procedure if you do not see critical changes and feel good.

Rules for preparing for laser hair removal

To minimize the negative effects of the procedure, it is necessary to properly prepare. Before first visit:

  • two weeks can not sunbathe,
  • use only a razor for a month to remove hair
  • just before the session, shave the skin that will be treated with a laser,
  • do not use cosmetics with alcohol content,
  • it is necessary to limit the intake of medicines,
  • for dark skin for 30 days prior to epilation, it is recommended to apply creams with brightening extracts.

Substances that are part of bleaching cosmetic products:

  • hydroquinone,
  • arbutin,
  • aloesin,
  • licorice extract,
  • kojic acid

Skinoren-gel is used as a skin brightener before laser hair removal, but there are a number of special analogues: Melaniativ, Akhromin, Meladerm, Alpha and others

Doctors reviews

The most important in the application of any type of hair removal or depilation is the understanding that none of the methods destroys the hair completely and for life. If a specialist salon tries to assure you otherwise, he is cunning. The term of renewal of hair growth is always individual!

There is no 100% hair removal method that would save a woman from hair growth forever. There are methods that bring a more or less prolonged lack of hair growth with a minimum of side effects (photo, laser, electro), but not all methods are suitable for everyone. Hair growth on the face may be within the normal range, there is excessive hair growth or a change in their color, which may be due to the hormonal features of the body, the presence of concomitant endocrine diseases. In the latter case, hair removal is not an effective method.


The most effective, safe and most expensive - laser hair removal. Contraindications: systemic diseases (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis), inflammatory skin diseases (pyoderma), psoriasis, mycoses of smooth skin, photodermatosis, pregnancy and breastfeeding, cancer. Important condition - you should not be a natural blonde and soon after epilation should not sunbathe.


Laser hair removal is recognized as the best method of reducing hair (not completely destroyed!) In the area of ​​their excessive growth. If the organic cause of excessive hair growth is excluded (in other words, any avoidable disease is excluded) and hirsutism is either associated with a chronic disease or is idiopathic, then laser treatment can be used as the only treatment. Please note - the laser does not aim to remove all hair - the task is to limit their number. To reduce local reactions and to help reduce growth abroad, use a cream with a romantic name Vanik along with a laser. A bikini area is easier to treat than a laser.

G.A. Melnichenko

Laser hair removal is the most effective way to remove black hair. Responsible approach to the choice of salon and careful implementation of the recommendations of the cosmetologist will help get rid of excess vegetation for 2-12 months or more, depending on the characteristics of your body. This procedure can not be called completely safe, but problems arise mainly due to the neglect of the established rules for carrying out hair removal.

Myth 1. Laser hair removal should be done all my life.

Not at all. Laser hair removal is a course history. After a full course of sessions, which averages 6–8 sessions for the body and 8–12 for the face, up to 90% of the hair is gone forever!

What is there to understand? 100% of hair cannot be permanently removed by any modern cosmetological technology. We all have so-called dormant follicles that can wake up at some point.

Absolutely wrong. The frequency of sessions is: for the face - 1.5 months, for the bikini and underarms area - 2 months, for the hands - about 2–2.5 months, for the legs - about 3 months.

It is possible to come at least every week to laser hair removal - there will be no harm from this, but the efficiency will not increase in any way.

Myth 1: Laser hair removal is dangerous to health.

In cosmetology, there are enough new methods, the safety of which is highly questionable. But laser hair removal is not related to them. If the procedure is carried out correctly and on modern equipment, it is not worth waiting for negative consequences. The depth of penetration of the beam of the device is only 1-4 mm, which means that it reaches only the hair follicle, destroying its structure. Then the light is scattered - penetration into the tissue is excluded.

After the procedure, there may be reddening similar to the one that a person receives during the first tanning sessions on the yarn. Soon it passes without a trace.

Myth 2: Before the procedure you need to grow hair

This is only partly true. If you remove hair with wax, sugar paste or ordinary tweezers before the procedure, you will have to wait until the hairs grow back a little, since the hair shaft is a conductor for the laser beam to the hair follicle. If you previously used shaving, laser hair removal can be carried out at any time.

Myth 3: The procedure can be performed at home

It's true. On the beauty market now you can really find devices for laser hair removal at home. For each person there will be a different apparatus, differing in quality, range of action and price policy. But before you decide to buy, you should weigh the pros and cons. Laser hair removal is a rather complicated procedure, and it should be done according to the rules. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to a professional.

If you are sure that you can cope on your own, at least buy certified products and follow the instructions carefully.

Myth 4: After the procedure, the scars will remain, and the hair will grow

This myth has arisen in the environment of "experts" of cosmetology, who confuse laser hair removal with another type - electrolysis. In the second case, unsightly scars may appear at the needle insertion sites. Laser hair removal is not associated with violation of the integrity of the cover, and therefore, the scars can not occur.

As for potential hair ingrowth, this is also excluded. Moreover, laser hair removal is recommended as a method to eliminate this problem.

Myth 5: This is a painful procedure.

Each person has his own pain threshold and the fact that one will feel a slight discomfort for another can be a real test. Cosmetologists note that the sensations during the procedure are comparable with a click on the skin, and are usually normally transferred. But when treating individual parts of the body — for example, bikini or axillary areas — you can use an anesthetic cream.

Myth 6: After the procedure will appear hard hair, which will be very much

Sometimes after two or three procedures hair growth is really observed, cosmetologists call this process “synchronization”. Strangely enough, it speaks about the effectiveness of the procedure, being a kind of evidence that the technique “works”. There is no reason to worry. After the fourth procedure, the excess vegetation will disappear, the hairs will become softer and more rare, and then completely disappear.

Myth 7: This method is not suitable for men.

In fact, laser hair removal works best on men’s body. As the laser beam "catches", first of all, dark hairs. In addition, the technique is simply ideal for treating large areas of the body, such as the back, abdomen and chest. So men can safely sign up in a beauty salon, cosmetologists have something to offer.

Myth 8: Laser operation can lead to oncology.

This myth is one of the popular "horror stories." In fact, oncology in the history of the patient is a significant contraindication for the procedure. If there is any doubt about the nature of the formations on the skin, the beautician will deny the procedure until the circumstances are clear.

At the moment, cosmetology does not have evidence that laser beams can cause dangerous formations. Oncogenic action, as is known, has a special type of ultraviolet rays - 320-400 nm, this spectrum in laser beams is not.

Myth 9: The procedure can not be done in the summer

Removing excess vegetation on the body is especially important in the summer, when most people wear loose and short clothes. And therefore, the myth that laser hair removal cannot be practiced in the summer is perceived by patients as extremely painful. In fact, the procedure can be planned in the "holiday season", but there are some limitations.

If you need to handle areas hidden under clothing - for example, a bikini area, there are no problems here. The procedure can be carried out at any time. It is impossible to carry out "treatment" only on tanned skin, since the likelihood of burns is high.

Myth 10: After beauty sessions you can not sunbathe

This is another common "summer" myth. Sunbathing after laser hair removal is possible, but time must pass after the procedure. The minimum "exposure" - 15 days, provided that you have no redness on the skin.

During sunbathing, be sure to use sunscreen, a layer of which on the body must be constantly updated. This rule is especially important for owners of sensitive skin.

Myth 11: After the procedure, do not need extra care

After any kind of epilation, the skin needs extra care. For example, after removing hair with a razor, it is necessary to apply a soothing cream. There are some rules for leaving and after laser hair removal.

Within 3-5 days after the procedure, lubricate the treated areas of the cover with aloe vera-based agent, it will quickly soothe the affected area and facilitate a speedy recovery. For two weeks after the beauty sessions, you cannot go to the sauna, bath, pool, as well as any places where the skin can be exposed to moisture and heat. On the open areas of the body is required to apply high-quality sunscreen cosmetics.

How does the laser work?

To date, the “gold standard” is considered to be epilation with a Light Sheer DUET diode laser, which penetrates deeper into the skin, destroying to the base not only the hair shaft, but also its follicle. Compared with alexandrite laser, the diode can be used with any color of skin and hair, which makes it safe and versatile.

How does a laser affect hair?

The diode laser acts only on the active follicles, but after 3–5 weeks, dormant bulbs “wake up” and new hairs grow, which are destroyed in subsequent sessions. Thus, to completely get rid of unwanted hair requires an average of 4−6 sessions, depending on the phototype of the patient.

Who is laser hair removal suitable for?

Unlike other types, the Light Sheer DUET diode laser is effective for epilating hair of any color and is equally safe for both tanned and dark skin. The optimal wavelength of the device and individually selected parameters allow you to act exclusively on the hair shaft and its follicle, without damaging the surrounding tissue. This prevents the formation of burns and age spots. The only condition that doctors require to comply is not to sunbathe 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the procedure.

How many procedures are required to completely get rid of hair?

Laser hair removal can be performed on any part of the body, including the face and the sensitive bikini area. Laser hair removal - a procedure that is carried out by the course to obtain the desired result, namely - the complete cessation of unwanted hair growth. As a rule, the course is from 4 to 6 procedures. Already after the first procedure, made by Laser Light Sheer DUET, 15 to 30% of all hair follicles will disappear forever.

What are the advantages of a laser compared to other methods?

Among the advantages of hair removal with a modern diode laser with vacuum amplification technology are the following key features: painless procedure, speed of its implementation, the highest efficiency and, of course, safety, confirmed by long-term studies.

Is it possible to do laser hair removal in the summer?

Many people think about whether it is dangerous to carry out laser hair removal when the bright sun shines outside. It depends on the laser device used in the clinic. Most lasers are not really compatible with ultraviolet radiation, there is a risk of burns and hyperpigmentation. In addition, they, including the popular alexandrite laser, are not able to work on tanned skin and light hair. The only device that can be safely used at any time of the year and on the skin of any phototype is the Light Sheer Duet diode laser, which is less aggressive than most lasers. Due to the precise effects on target cells and melanin, located in the hair and skin, this type of laser is not capable of causing burns and pigmentation.

Myth 12: 5-7 sessions are enough for you to forget about unwanted hair forever.

In fact, no beautician can say with certainty how many procedures you personally need for your hair to stop bothering you. The required number of beauty sessions is always individual, and depends on the part of the body that needs to be processed, the color and thickness of the hair.

In addition, unfortunately, in modern cosmetology there is not yet such a procedure that delivers once and for all. You should know that laser hair removal is one of the best methods, which eliminates hair for a long time, but it cannot give a lifelong guarantee. Changes in hormonal levels, endocrine disorders, as well as other processes occurring in the body, can contribute to the emergence of new hair.

Svetlana Pivovarova, cosmetologist

Laser hair removal is used in cosmetology for about 20 years, its main difference from depilation is that it is not the hair shaft that is removed, but the matrix cells from which the hair develops. This makes it possible to completely get rid of unwanted vegetation in any area. Laser hair removal in the same way as photoepilations are related to IPL-technologies, i.e. exposed to high impulse light.

A high-intensity flash of light of a certain wavelength is focused in a dyed pigmented hair. After that, the light energy is converted into heat and heats the hair shaft and the hair growth zone, ideally up to 70-80 degrees. This allows you to completely or partially destroy the hair follicle. In the first case, the growth of hair from this follicle will be impossible, in the second - the effect may have a long-term character or there will be a growth of the thinned “fluffy” hair.

Reading reviews about the procedure of laser hair removal, there are diametrically opposite opinions. Medsi Clinic specialists on Leningradsky Prospect will help you understand and clarify some issues:

How effective the laser and photo-epilation procedure will depend on so many parameters. From the data of a particular person: the ratio of hair color and skin, hair structure, hormonal levels, genetic characteristics, area of ​​impact, and even age and sex, on the characteristics of the apparatus and the qualifications of a cosmetologist.

The principle of IPL technology is based on the heating of melanin-colored structures. Ideally, it is dark hair on light skin. In this case, all the energy will go to heat the hair follicle. The procedure will be effective and safe. The lighter the hair and the darker the skin, the less effective the procedure will be.

Efficiency on thin downy hairs will be much lower than on hard, bristly. But modern devices allow you to work with red and light brown hair, subject to lighter skin. This procedure on gray and white hair is ineffective. The method of choice in this case is electrolysis.

  • Painful and painless procedure.

This characteristic has many features and also depends on the data of a particular person, his pain threshold, hair and skin coloring, hair thickness, area of ​​impact and the characteristics of the device. Modern devices are equipped with effective skin cooling systems.For people with a low pain threshold on sensitive areas, application anesthesia is possible.

  • Are these procedures safe?

With proper conduct of the procedure, taking into account individual characteristics and contraindications, these procedures are absolutely safe. Heating of deep tissue does not occur. During the procedure, it is necessary not to expose pigmented nevi, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed of fat-containing means of care. 2 weeks before the laser hair removal session and 2 weeks after photo-protection is recommended.

The price for this service varies in a very wide range. How can this be explained? First of all, the cost of equipment on which the procedure will be carried out. IPL systems, and especially lasers, are high-tech, expensive equipment. So the low price should alert you a little. You may need more procedures in this case or the procedures will be more painful if the manufacturer of the device saved on the cooling system.

  • Indications and contraindications for the procedure.

The indication is the desire to get rid of unwanted hair. In this case, it is worth noting that if you have hirsutism (increased body hair), then before beginning the procedures, consultation with an endocrinologist and a gynecologist is necessary. In this case, the effectiveness of the procedures may be temporary, short-lived.

Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative. Contraindications include: pregnancy and lactation, cancer, acute inflammatory processes at the procedure site, chronic dermatosis, such as psoriasis, eczema, taking photosensitivity drugs, some mental illnesses, age up to 18 years, tan.

In conclusion, I would like to urge a more responsible approach to this procedure, both cosmetologists and patients. And then there will be less frustration and problems, and this service will bring you satisfaction, comfort and beauty.

Pushkova Karina Konstantinovna, dermatocosmetologist

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective and popular hair removal technologies in the 21st century. Practically, like any other procedure, it depends on the qualifications and professionalism of the doctor to whom you came. Hair removal occurs by exposure of a laser beam to a given surface. The beam passes through the hair shaft, which contains the pigment melanin and destroys it.

To achieve the best result, a contrast of skin and hair color is desirable. Patients can safely treat laser hair removal:

  • who want to get rid of unwanted hair for a sufficiently long period of time,
  • who have the lowest sensitivity threshold (since the procedure is practically painless),
  • who fear scars, scars and damage to the integrity of the skin.

The course is appointed individually directly by the attending physician and, as a rule, makes from 6 to 10 procedures depending on skin type, color and structure of hair.

The experience of the experts at the Beautiful Life clinic shows that already after the first session, visible hair significantly slows down growth and falls out, and after the full course the skin remains smooth for a long time. The procedure can be performed on all parts of the body. There are a number of contraindications. Be sure to first need to consult with a doctor who will correctly explain to you the types and types of lasers themselves and select the most suitable for you.

17.03.2018 - 12:17

Many of those who have not experienced laser hair removal think it is painful, dangerous, and very expensive. In this article we will dispel the main myths about laser hair removal.

Myth number 1. During laser hair removal can get burned

It is not true. Firstly, the laser affects melanin, located in the hair shaft and bulb, and has no effect on the skin. Secondly, the devices cool the skin with air or freon, which allows even with very high power to completely eliminate skin overheating and the formation of burns and scars. Thirdly, the procedure is performed by qualified doctors who have sufficient experience with lasers and will not allow themselves to cause harm to the patient.

Myth number 2. Laser hair removal is very painful

In fact, it is not. If you use an Alexandrite laser for hair removal Candela GentleLase Pro, you will experience sensations similar to the touch of an ice cube and a slight tingling. The fact is that this device is equipped with a unique system of cryogenic cooling of the treatment area - DCD (Dynamic Cooling Device ™). Safe freon is applied to the skin immediately before and immediately after the laser pulse and helps to reduce the temperature to a comfortable level.

Myth number 3. The procedure is very long

It all depends on the treatment area: hair removal completely and the removal of the antennae will take different time. But time can be reduced if you use the Candela GentleLase Pro. Due to the high pulse frequency (up to 2 Hz) and the nozzle diameter up to 18 mm, it will take much less time. So, the epilation of both hands to the elbow is performed in 10-15 minutes.

Myth number 4. Laser hair removal - it is expensive

Yes, indeed, the course of laser hair removal is more expensive than buying a razor, wax strips or a depilatory cream. But if you calculate how much you spend on machines and blades, strips or cream in your entire life, you will realize that laser hair removal is still cheaper.

Myth number 5. Laser hair removal is ineffective.

This myth is actively supported by those who performed only one procedure and refused to complete the course. After one procedure, it will not be possible to remove all the hairs, since part of the follicles are in the stage of sleep and they cannot be affected. You need to wait 4-6 weeks for the laser to detect these hairs and destroy the bulb. And all you need to go 5-10 procedures, then hair removal will get perfectly smooth skin forever.

You can learn about the history of laser hair removal here.


Watch the video: Magic Painless Hair RemovalBuyincoins (July 2024).