
Coloring for blondes


Do you want your curls to play with new colors, reveal the depth of your color and look natural? Then it's time to give them a light golden accent by coloring on blond hair.

Coloring is a variant of coloring individual curls with the use of 2-15 tones. It can be performed on all hair, but the best base is graded haircuts of blond and light-blond color. If you use different styling options, you can vary the hair color (different shades come to the fore).

If you want your hair to be minimally affected during coloring, stain only the top layer.

The technique of dyeing is that the strands are stained asymmetrically and unevenly. To create the effect of naturalness, the master achieves a smooth transition of shades, while at the roots darker tones are used, and the tips are made bright.

Note, when highlighting use only one color, and coloring involves the use of at least 2 shades.

Types of coloring

Among the various options for coloring each girl chooses the one that impresses her appearance most of all and seems as comfortable as possible. Since coloring, as already mentioned, involves the use of up to 15 tones, then there can be many variations of this technique. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Depending on the color selection, the technique of applying the dye and dyeing individual zones, the following types of coloring are distinguished:

  • Horizontal or in other words transverse. The color of the strands is parallel to their growth. If you select the area from the roots to the conditional middle - there is one color, the ends are painted in another. The output is the effect of regrown hair.

  • Vertical (longitudinal). It is done by selecting individual strands and dyeing them in the color selected by the master. Now in the trend are such variations of such coloring: beibilayt, shatush, California and Venetian highlighting, brondirovanie, balayazh and the traditional method of painting.

  • Zonal (partial). There is a selection of a certain area of ​​your hair and painting it with the help of coloring techniques. The most popular sites are bangs or temporal area. You might be interested in block staining.

  • Stencil. It is the most creative painting option, therefore it is designed for creative individuals. This technique is not suitable for everyone, because it requires a smooth surface of the hair. The master applies a special stencil, with which they distribute the coloring composition in a separate area of ​​the head. Thus, feathers, leopard spots, waves and other prints are created.

  • Complete It involves coloring the entire head of hair with a specific base color and creating several accents in other tones. Thanks to this approach, contrasts are created - the image is bright and expressive. In the photo you can watch how interesting full colorization is done for long hair.

  • «Salt and pepper". Looks perfect on girls painted in ashen or gray color. The choice of strands, which give a gray or steel shade. To make the image more spectacular, colorize the tips in dark colors. Also look at the options for pearl balayazh and ashen shatush.

Coloring on blonde hair. Photos and features of the procedure

Coloring for several seasons remains in favor among the types of staining. This is a gentle form of staining that resembles highlighting. But if during highlighting only two shades are used, then coloring involves the use of up to a dozen shades that are combined with each other. Coloring blond hair does not imply a preliminary discoloration.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many fair-haired girls choose this coloring option because it:

  • almost harmless, if you choose the right dye and follow the procedure,
  • performed much faster than other painting options,
  • looks great on curls of any length,
  • can either make your curls more expressive due to the colors that match your natural, or radically change the image, choosing bright colors that are in harmony with light brown or blond,
  • rejuvenates, distracting attention from wrinkles and other facial imperfections,
  • due to the coloring of the individual strands visually adds volume to the hair,
  • when using tones close to your natural, does not require regular tinting of regrown roots,
  • can be used for hair that previously yielded to dyeing using the technique of shatush, highlighting and ombre,
  • in case of an unsuccessful experiment it can be repeated, in a different color.

Given such a large number of advantages, still there is a downside to such staining. Among them:

  • the difficulty of holding at home,
  • you can not guess with the selection of tones and then the strands will look unnatural,
  • When using foil, it will not be possible to dye overgrown roots.

Important! Due to the selection of the wrong oxidant, the discoloration may result in an unpleasant yellow tint. Read more about the yellowness of hair and how to eliminate it on our website.

Coloring cost

For the implementation of coloring is best to visit the salon. It is the professional hand of the master that will be able to choose the most suitable shades for you and apply the correct coloring composition. In addition, professional dyes and oxidants are always used in the salon, and they will also inform you about how to care for curls.

The cost of salon painting procedure in such a technique varies in the range - 3200-7000 rubles, depending on the length claimed.

In the barbershop economy version you can offer coloring on blond hair through a hat for 600 rubles or toning for 1200. Performing the procedure at home can empty your wallet for 2000–3500 rubles.

Dyeing hair at home, although it is difficult, but quite realistic. To do this, you will need to acquire several sachets of paint and set aside 1–1.5 hours for the procedure. The cost of one package starts from 450 rubles.

Shades for blondes

What colors to choose a blonde? It all depends on your type of appearance. If you are the owner of bright eyes and pale skin, then use cold colors (ashy, beige, muffled copper, etc.). Blondes with dark eyes and tanned skin should choose brighter colors: salmon, golden, honey.

Blond girls for coloring can use the following shades:

An interesting option is the combination of color blond with dark chocolate or burgundy wine.

Council If it is difficult for you to choose the color palette yourself, you can use the special kits for coloring, which you will find in professional stores.

Shades for light brown

Owners of light blond curls very often try to dilute their natural color with other colors. If you want the image to be as harmonious as possible, use tones close to the natural:

Are going to makecoloring on light brown hair in colorTry to use contrasting colors:

Interesting is the coloring of hair on light brown hair of medium length with a copper shimmer.

It is important to know! Color coloring may not be so bold if you paint only the tips or a few strands. Using a tiger print, abstraction, or feathers can also look neat.

Coloring for blondes

Color is a relatively recently developed area of ​​hairdressing. Until now, we had no idea that by mixing pigments in various proportions, we can get coloring that can be safely transferred to the category of art. And if they guessed, they hardly knew how to put this into practice. Fortunately, today, when photos from fashion magazines and advertisements motivate us to look beautiful, we can decorate ourselves using the whole arsenal of professional tricks.

The last few years, the tendency of striving for naturalness and natural has completely captured the planet. If five years ago, smooth, bleached white strands, or coal, as pitch, head of hair caused you delight, then at the moment they will not provoke us to any emotions. Hair should look so that others do not know how long you took down the hair at a hairdressing salon, sitting with a foil in your hair in a chair. If the coloring makes others think that nature has rewarded you with this color, it means that your hairdresser did everything correctly.

Options for colored hair

If you are firmly set out to become a blonde, then you will undoubtedly need information about coloring on blond hair. After perhydrol removes pigment from your hair, your look will look somewhat faded and, of course, unnatural. That is why you need to make coloring.

In nature, hair does not come in a single shade over the entire length. On the surface they are lighter than inside, at the roots of their color more saturated than at the ends. This is especially noticeable on natural light wheat hair - if you look closely, you can notice a variety of tones on them - from light as sea sand to golden beige, with an admixture of ashy pigment. This is what makes the hair more beautiful.

Therefore, mixing the paint, try to pick up those tones that nature bestows on blondes. On the basal zone, generously apply a more saturated tone of the blond with a warm color that depends on your color type, color of the eyebrows and skin. Leave the face and the ends as light as possible - it will look very natural.

If coloring of blond hair is done immediately after lightening, try not to keep the paint for a very long time - the hair after exposure to the brightening dye is porous, so any pigment is easily absorbed. However, even if you overdo it in the pursuit of beauty, then it is worth noting that the tinting paint, traditionally used in coloring, will quickly wash off.

An overview of the basics of color for natural blondes

Natural blonde hair - a great rarity, generously entrusted to you by nature itself. Scientists estimate that the latter is completely natural blonde born in the middle of this century in Finland. To believe these predictions or not is everyone’s business, but the fact that blond hair should be protected, and not subjected to dyeing without a special reason, is an indisputable fact.

Blond strands tend to fade strongly, which is why the strands cease to harmonize with the color of the eyebrows, which, of course, cannot but worry their owner. In addition, light strands can make a full-bodied face even more round, so the darkening of the hair is justified.

Apply paint over the entire length of the hair is not necessary, but to make coloring of the individual strands is quite accessible to everyone. Choose a color for the color of your eyebrows, add color one tone darker and one tone lighter than the selected color, and dye the hair with thin parts so that the darker hair is inside the head of hair.

Creative options

Blond hair gives you plenty of room for your imagination. For example, you can try out any bold colors on your hair. Of course, not every dress code will react loyally to the appearance of its employee, but during the summer vacation, you can well afford such a weakness.

Pick hair color to taste - bright pink, blue, green and purple strands will look unusual on your blond hair. It is better to purchase paint for such a purpose from professional product lines so that the color is uniform and juicy.

How to choose shades for coloring

Bright young blonde girls who want to stand out from the crowd can take a chance and choose blue, pink, red or green colored strands.

If you want to try coloring in a bright shade, but you are afraid that this will not work for you, it is worth making staining only the tips of the hair. Such a hairstyle, no doubt, will look stylish and unusual.

Girls who are not inclined to experiment on hair color and older women are recommended to do dyeing with natural shades. In this case, it is also possible to paint only the ends of the hair. Almost on all ladies who are natural blondes, the tips of strands dyed in dark color perfectly look.

Coloring features for blondes

Coloring refers to a staining procedure in which 2 to 15 tones are used. This option is ideal for graded haircuts, classic car, smooth and curly strands. This coloring can be done on the hair of any color, but blond and light brown hair is an ideal basis, because they do not have to be brightened beforehand (except in some cases).

Advantages of coloring

With this procedure you can refresh the face, adjust the oval, emphasize the eyes and lips. But this is not all the advantages of coloring on light strands. Others include:

  • It runs much faster and easier than on a dark basis,
  • It causes minimal harm to the health of women's hair. To change the image, it is enough to dye only the top layer of hair, without affecting their bulk,
  • Practicality and versatility is another significant plus. With the right choice of shades and professional performance, the border between dyed hair and regrown roots will be almost imperceptible. Due to this, the hairstyle correction is performed much less frequently than in other cases,
  • Coloring fits well on strands of any length and texture,
  • The procedure can be carried out with both persistent and non-ammonia paints.

Which palette to choose?

What colors to choose for coloring on blond hair? Chestnut, red, ashy, chocolate and red shades are ideal for this complex procedure. But it is a classic performance that is perfect for all ages. There are other options - blue, yellow, blue, purple, green. They are often chosen by young girls who want to stand out from the crowd and emphasize their individuality. This bright color can work out the entire length or emphasize only the ends.

Note that in some cases coloring requires pre-clarification of the strands. It depends on the desired result and the natural color of the hair. For example, staining on light brown hair can turn out to be dirty, so you just cannot do without preparation here.

Season 2016 offers fashionable women several stylish and unusual coloring options. Consider the most popular technology.

This type of coloring is considered the most popular. It can be made at any age and on strands of any structure. The essence of this method consists in coloring with several shades - contrasting or from one color palette. Asymmetrical coloring is now in great demand - it has no definite order and provides for uneven application of the dye.This original solution will allow you to look different every time - it is enough to put your hair in a different way and completely different tones and shades will open up to the eyes of those around you.

It looks no less impressive than the previous version. In this case, the paint is applied only to a certain area of ​​the hair. Choose the desired color, paint this or that zone and appear in a completely new image!

This method is ideal for the ash-brown base. The process is quite serious: first, the hair is painted in any blond shade, and only then it is diluted with black “pepper”. The transition between the colors is very smooth, so the result will be natural. Coloring "salt and pepper" is often chosen by mature women who want to give a gray hair a more aesthetic look, as well as young eccentric women who adore the effect of gray hair.

Another fashion trend that is in particular demand among young girls. As the photos show, bright and not always natural colors — red, purple, electric, pink, yellow, etc. — are perfect for neon staining. Also very popular color combinations. If you are afraid to take risks, try to start with colored gel or crayons. They are washed off with water and will allow you to refresh your hairstyle without any problems.

For fair-haired ladies ideal sombre, made in the technique of dark coloring. It should be done exclusively in the salon of a professional master, otherwise the result may be unpredictable. The cost of this procedure depends on the length and density of the hair, so it is better to clarify everything in advance.

Patterned coloring on blond hair looks very unusual and beautiful. Coloring takes place with the help of special stencils, through which the master applies dye. As a rule, coloring of this type is chosen for shows or fashion parties. For ordinary life, it is not suitable. To achieve a clear trace of the pattern, you need to do a very careful styling.

As the name implies, with this kind of coloring only bangs are colored. The shade you chose can be either contrasting or close to your hair color. Mass options - choose to your taste.

Very fashionable and spectacular kind of coloring, which looks equally beautiful on a classic car, and on long hair. For girls with bright hair the best solution will be a smooth transition of tones taken from the same color range. No less popular is the combination of blond and pink and lilac. The main thing is to make the line as soft and blurry as possible.

All you need to know about coloring:

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This is the most popular method used by girls and women of any age. Coloring is carried out with contrasting or, on the contrary, close colors. Most clients of hairdressing salons prefer asymmetrical coloring, in which the dye is applied unevenly to the hair. With this color scheme with different ways of styling each time the hairstyle changes dramatically.

This method of carrying out the procedure appeared relatively recently and has already gained great popularity in Europe. It consists in giving individual strands of bright neon colors - red, pink, purple, green, yellow and others. Sometimes this scheme is stained in several colors at once, between which smooth transitions are arranged. Another way to refresh your hair is to paint one strand in bright color with washable paint. When the color gets tired, it can be easily washed off.

Such coloring is obtained only if the natural shade of the hair is ashy. The procedure itself is carried out as follows: individual strands are painted in a light shade, and then smoothly translate it into a darker one. The result of this procedure will look good on aged women with gray strands.

In this case, a specific area on the hair is colored in certain colors.

It is a beautiful and unusual way of coloring. The client, together with the master of the beauty salon, selects a stencil, paint is applied to the strands through it. Usually this method is used for models participating in fashion shows. In everyday life, if such coloring was done, it is necessary to style the hair very carefully so that the pattern is well traced.

  • Coloring bangs separately.

In this case, only the fringe is colored, the main volume of the hair is not touched. Shades can be any: as close to the natural color of the strands, and, conversely, contrasting - many options, and it all depends on the imagination.

How is dyeing done

Before the procedure starts, if it is carried out in the salon, the master necessarily assesses the condition of the client's hair: were they previously painted or bleached? In some situations, it is impossible to guarantee a good coloring result if the strands on the head are in a neglected state.

There are 2 types of coloring - transverse and longitudinal. In the first case, the master divides the client's strands into separate parts and applies on them shades of paint from dark to light. This creates the effect of a smooth transition of colors.

Longitudinal coloring is simpler than transverse, since with it the paint is applied to individual strands along their entire length. If you carry out coloring in the home, it is better to resort to the longitudinal method, because it may not be possible to independently apply several shades of paint on the strands.

Although it is possible to carry out the procedure at home, it is recommended to contact the salon, this is where the result will be of high quality, and the client’s strands will not be damaged. The procedure itself is quite complicated, and it is necessary that the master conducting it has the skills to create a subtle color transition and solid work experience.

What is coloring

It should be understood that coloring just gaining popularity is significantly different from such a well-known concept as highlighting (read also the article “Light strands on dark hair - how to make highlighting correctly”).

In particular, highlighting involves coloring individual strands in tone, which differs sharply from the main hair color.

Coloring involves the use of several shades. The minimum number of them may be two, and the maximum - eight.

How to choose a color

When coloring the blond hair, it is extremely important to choose the right color for the paint.

So, for light curls the following shades are best suited:

  • ashen,
  • coral,
  • chestnut,
  • reddish
  • red clay
  • chocolate,

An example of coloring on short curls

For those who love extraordinary decisions or belong to the representatives of various subcultures, the following tones will suit:

  • yellow,
  • pink,
  • reddish,
  • blue,
  • green and the like.

Bright image for bold natures

Note. But for women of mature and older, when coloring, it is recommended to give preference to the natural colors of two, maximum three shades.

Coloring the tips of the hair looks ideal, since this coloring technique is optimal for women of any age. If you are a bright blonde, then in this case, the tips are best painted in a contrasting dark color.

Be sure to take into account the fact that in some cases it is necessary to perform a preliminary clarification of the tips. It all depends on what your original tone of hair.

The advantage of this technique on light curls

The main positive feature is that coloring on light-colored hair is much easier than on dark ones. The explanation is simple - no need to lighten the strands, but just paint them. That will preserve the natural structure of the curls and minimize the potential harm.

Note. This method of changing the color of the curls perfectly allows you to emphasize the positive features of any hairstyle, regardless of whether your hair is long or short.

Coloring in dark shades

Variants of the procedure at the tips of the hair

Among the most fashionable shades used to paint the tips of the hair, today can be identified:

Use of "extreme" tones

Naturally, such slightly extreme colors are not suitable for everyone. The following describes the more acceptable color options that will delight their extravagance and attractiveness at the same time.

In general, there are three main methods of coloring the tips of the hair, both in the salon and at home:

Consider in more detail each of them.

Coloring dark shades of short blond hair

How to use multiple colors

Combining several colors at once will achieve an incredible result:

  • refresh your face
  • visually increase the volume of your hair,
  • give it an incredible appeal
  • create a unique game with colored strands,
  • create a truly original and interesting image.

Council As an example, the following variant can be given - in the case of short locks, the occipital part is colored in dark tones, but the top of the head with the transition to the bangs is made lighter than even a natural tone.

Two ways of applying paint

There are two main ways that you can perform this procedure.

Recently, it is often used precisely the transverse paint application, which is successfully combined with this method of coloring:

  • the roots turn darker,
  • the tips are light or completely brightened,
  • alternatively, the roots can be covered with a dark tone, and the tips - maroon or light red.

Incredible game of colors in harmony with each other

In conclusion

Coloring for short hair is very simple and easy. The main thing is to strictly adhere to our recommendations. Or ask for help from a professional master who will help you achieve the desired result (learn here how to dye your hair with pastel).

And the video presented in this article will show you some more tips on this topic.

How to choose a color for coloring?

Brave and bright young girls who want to stand out from the crowd can take a chance and make coloring of blond hair red, green, blue or even yellow. You can paint only the tips of the hair. And overdoing this hairstyle is undoubtedly stylish, beautiful and unusual.

Older women are recommended to dye their hair in natural colors of 2-3 shades. And it is also possible to paint only the tips. The coloring method is remarkable in that it can be used at any age and almost any woman.

True blondes are perfect coloring color of the tips of the hair in a contrasting dark color.

Hair coloring methods

This is undoubtedly the most popular choice of women of all ages. Its essence is that the hair strands are painted in several very close in tone colors. It all depends on the skill of the barber, and his ability to choose the most appropriate shades. Or vice versa strands are painted in contrasting colors. Asymmetric coloring is particularly popular these days, with this method, the hair is colored unevenly, and the shades go in a different order. When using natural tones, this hairstyle is overpowered much more naturally and can be visually changed by changing hair styling.

Neon coloring

This is exactly the kind of coloring in which bright “flashy” colors are used - red, blue, green, etc. This method has long captured the whole of Europe and it is just perfect for blondes. Often, special gels are used for this method, which are quickly washed away, which allows girls to constantly change, be different and attract everyone’s attention to their extraordinary and impressive personality.

Patterned coloring

One of the interesting ways of coloring is patterned coloring when using a stencil on the hair to apply a certain pattern. This type is more commonly used in fashion shows, and may seem out of place to many in everyday life. But nothing is forbidden, and a beautiful pattern can advantageously emphasize a bright and creative person.

Ways of coloring

There are two ways of coloring hair - longitudinal and transverse.

For longitudinal staining, only individual strands are used. And with transverse coloring, strands are already divided into zones, each of which is painted in a certain shade. Such coloring is slightly more difficult to perform, and a firm hand of a master is required, but in the end the result is simply amazing. With multicolor coloring it turns out a very smooth and beautiful color transition.

Also, when coloring, you can create a beautiful effect of strands faded in the sun. To do this, from the roots of the hair left darker and lighten to the tips. The most popular is the transition from dark blonde to light blonde.

At all coloring for blondes has no boundaries. Guided by the advice of an experienced master, your desires and preferences, you can create a unique and stunning hairstyle.

Undoubtedly, the coloring of blond hair is fashionable and stylish. And for the health of the hair, it is not so destructive than the monotonous coloring, which looks already outdated and boring. Coloring is created for everyone, and has no strict boundaries. Due to this, everyone will find for herself what she likes! Experiment, create and be beautiful in everything!

Coloring for blond hair - Features and variations of 2017

A great way to emphasize your individuality is to choose coloring for blond hair. This technique is in many ways similar to highlighting, but, unlike it, involves the use of not two shades, but up to ten different variants. Especially good staining looks on light and blond strands. This painting is especially popular because it causes minimal damage to the hair. Coloring can be applied on strands of different structure and length. This is a stylish and relevant staining. With it, it turns out to create an attractive hairstyle with colorful colors of the color palette and with additional volume.

This technique is in many ways similar to highlighting, but unlike it, it involves not two shades, but up to ten different options. This technique is in many ways similar to highlighting, but unlike it, it involves not two shades, but up to ten different options.

Especially good such staining looks on light and blond strands

Coloring features for blonde hair

Coloring is a staining procedure in which up to 10 or even 15 different shades are applied. This is an excellent option for graduated haircuts or for squares. It gives hair volume and dynamism. Light curls do not require lightening, unlike dark hair.

This variant of staining allows you to shade the defects of the skin, as well as correct the shape of the face and emphasize the individual features. In order to refresh the image, it is enough to paint over the upper curls, and not to affect the whole hair.

Coloring is a staining procedure in which up to 10 or even 15 different shades are applied. An excellent solution for coloring - staining tips. It is suitable for women of different ages. It gives hair volume and dynamism.

Tip!An excellent solution for coloring - staining tips.It is suitable for women of different ages. Bright blondes should try a contrasting dark tone.

How to choose a color?

Blonde girls can choose any shades and at the same time they do not need to lighten hair. Blondes can choose variegated and saturated tones and even darker than their native tone. In the trend colors such as red, honey, chocolate, coffee or ashen.

Dark coloring is popular. At the same time natural strands are diluted with 2-3 dark tones.

It is important to consider age. The older the woman, the calmer the color palette is worth using.

Fair-haired girls can choose any shades and at the same time they do not need to lighten hair Blondes can choose variegated and rich tones and even darker than their native tone. It is important to consider age. The older the woman, the calmer the color palette is worth using.

If the skin tone is pale, and the natural hair color is ashy or platinum, then it is worth choosing cooler tones. With very light shades, the coloring can be both smooth and contrast, but the tones should be in harmony.

For dark skin suitable shades of warm colors. It can be wheat, honey or even reddish tones.

Tip!Women aged should give 2-3 shades, not more.

Coloring Benefits

This procedure allows you to refresh the image, make the eyes and lips clearer.

The following advantages of coloring can be highlighted:

  • It is easier and faster to make than for dark curls.
  • Practically no harm to natural hair. Only the top strands are painted.
This procedure allows you to refresh the image, make the eyes and lips clearer. Painting can be performed with resistant or non-ammonia paints Coloring in fashion for several seasons and is not going to give up their positions
  • Versatility hairstyle. If done correctly, the border between the colored strands and the grown roots will be invisible. Coloring is suitable for strands of any length.
  • Painting can be done with resistant or non-ammonia paints.
    Coloring in fashion for several seasons and is not going to give up their positions. With such painting it is not necessary to tint the strands often.

Tip!If the curls are in poor condition: cut, dried or dandruff - it is better not to use coloring. And also you should not do the procedure after perming or henna dyeing.

Coloring technology

Coloring depends on how correctly the color palette is chosen. Light brown curls look good with ashen or chestnut strands. For a warm palette a good combination with a chocolate shade or a light blond.

To create an extravagant style, you can make a dark version of coloring or apply lilac or pink tones on your hair.

In order not to bring disharmony, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of appearance, age and even the character of a girl.

Coloring techniques are as follows:

  • Full - painting the entire surface of the head, with separate tint areas.
  • Partial - when the paint is distributed in separate curls.
  • Zone - a specific area of ​​hair is highlighted.
  • The cross technique is produced with a smooth transition from a natural color in the root zone to more clarified tips.
Coloring depends on how well the color palette is chosen. In order not to bring disharmony, in the color scheme it is important to take into account the features of appearance, age and even the character of a girl. Coloring techniques are different.

It is necessary to choose the optimal combination of colors that is suitable for a particular haircut.

Stages of coloring

Coloring should be done on unwashed strands. It consists of the following actions:

  • Coloring begins with the occipital region, and the remaining strands are attached at the crown.
  • The width of the strands should be 5 mm.
  • Under the strands put a thin strip of foil and paint on top.
  • Then the dyed curl is wrapped in foil and separated from the unpainted part.
  • Painting is done in layers.
  • The paint should be kept on the hair for a certain amount of time, and then rinsed with water and use emollient balms.
Coloring should be done on unwashed strands. Coloring begins from the occipital region, and the remaining strands are attached at the crown The width of the strands should be 5 mm

Tip!To make coloring in the home, you do not need to choose more than two colors. It is better to take a paint that is different from natural hair by several tones.


This kind of coloring appeared not so long ago. With the help of such a technique, it is possible to obtain glare shades. For blond strands apply colors close to natural colors. At the same time, a couple of tones are selected from one palette.

This kind of coloring appeared not so long ago With the help of such a technique, it is possible to obtain glare shades. Bronding is universal for different hair types.

The colored strands are harmoniously combined with the natural colors of the root zone. Bronding is universal for different types of hair. It can be performed for short cuts, and for longer versions.

Tip!In the armoring technique strands can have different widths and intensities of the palette.

This technique has become one of the most popular lately. With its help you can achieve the effect of burnt strands. Light brown strands are ideal for such coloring. The natural color is left as the base. It can be made deeper with the help of dark colors. With such staining, individual strands are lightened, and the zone at the roots remains untouched.

This technique has become one of the most popular lately. Light brown strands are ideal for such coloring It can be made deeper with the help of dark colors.

Tip!Ombre technique looks great on multi-level hairstyles, cascading and long strands.

California coloring

With this method of dyeing the hair looks as if they were burned out in the sun. In this case, the strands at the root zone will be darker, and at the tips of the lighter. This makes the hair more natural. This is an excellent option for fair-haired girls.

With this method of dyeing the hair looks as if they were burned out in the sun. It makes the hairstyle more natural. Excellent option for fair-haired girls

Technique "salt and pepper"

This version of coloring is well suited for gray or ash-blond hair. In this case, the individual curls are painted in gray and steel tones. You can make a dark coloring for the ends of the hair. In this case, the ash tones go into deeper shades. This is a good option for short hairstyles.

This kind of coloring is well suited for gray or ash-brown hair. In this case, the individual curls are painted in gray and steel tones. Such technology is suitable for women aged who are not afraid to beat their gray hair in an original way.

Tip!Such technology is suitable for women aged, who are not afraid to beat their gray hair in an original way.

Neon staining

This style of painting involves the use of bright and catchy colors: pink, orange or purple. You can focus on a particular area. In this case, a separate strand is stained. This option is ideal for blondes with a multi-level or cascading haircut.

A stylish solution - coloring bangs using a natural shade on short hair.

This style of painting involves the use of bright and catchy colors: pink, orange or purple You can focus on a particular area. At the same time, a separate strand is stained. After such a procedure, it is necessary to frequently tint, otherwise the hair will look untidy

After such a procedure, it is necessary to frequently tint, otherwise the hair will look untidy.

Tip!In the trend of color with iridescent shades of a single color palette.

Multicolor option

This version of coloring is popular with women of any age. With it, you can update your hairstyle, as well as give it volume and dynamism. This technology involves the gradual application of several shades of the same color range. Contrast coloring with selection of various shades are popular. At the same time, the strands are placed asymmetrically, and the paint can be applied in uneven strokes.

This version of coloring is popular with women of any age. This technology involves the gradual application of several colors from the same color range. With this coloring, you can make different styling and strands will play with new colors and highlights

Tip!With this coloring you can do different styling and strands will play with new colors and highlights.

Coloring the strand tips

Dyed hair ends look impressive on short haircuts and long strands. Looks stylish smooth transition colors, similar in color palette. Popular options include a combination of blond with lilac and pink tones. But only the transition line should not be clear.

Dyed hair ends look impressive on short haircuts and long strands.

Tip!Creative solutions include patterned technique. It is applied using stencils and using a pattern. This option is suitable for long bangs and short haircuts. Such elements as spiral, wave or leopard skin are most commonly used.


Asymmetry is a staining diagonal or vertical type. It is not done on the entire surface of the hair, but only on half of the head, on the fringe or in the form of a wide curl near the face. Asymmetrical coloring looks better on the same haircut. Hairstyle should be asymmetric. The uneven length of the strands allows you to create with the help of paint a lot of unusual images.

Asymmetry is a staining diagonal or vertical type.

Nuances in the selection of color palette

That coloring was successful, it is important to determine the color solutions. Orient your hair color to help you navigate. All selected shades, even fluorescent, should be combined with each other and with your natural hair color.

This coloring technique is suitable for women of any age. For young girls, coloring can be any, even in natural, even in bold extravagant tones. For adult women, it is better to choose calmer, more natural colors. Coloring perfectly hides gray hair if you choose suitable cold tones.

For the correct selection of colors you need to focus on the skin tone.

For owners of a cold color type (platinum and ash-blond hair, pale skin with a bluish tint) should pay attention to the same cold tones: pearl, ashen, blue-black. At the same time coloring looks great with sharp contrasting and smooth transitions.

For girls with dark, pinkish skin with warm hair color (golden, reddish, wheat) It is recommended to stay in the same warm range: honey, reddish, copper and chocolate tones.

Coloring on hair of different lengths

The technology of coloring will differ depending on the length of the strands and their condition. Coloring is a good solution for all hair types, except for exhausted and split ends.

For short hairstyles more suitable longitudinal technique. And for hair of medium length or for very long, you can choose a large number of options. You can use a variety of colors, Californian or stencil coloring.

Dyeing technology will vary depending on the length of the strands and their condition. Proper care of dyed strands is important. After each hair wash you should use a special balm.

Tip!Proper care of dyed strands is important. After each hair wash you should use a special balm. The healing mask once a week does not hurt. It is better to use drugs that contain biologically active and herbal ingredients.

Natural or painted

If the hair is healthy and well-groomed, then coloring can be performed on both colored and natural strands. For blond and light curls do not need discoloration.

If the hair is healthy and well-groomed, then coloring can be performed on both dyed and natural strands. For blond and light curls do not need discoloration If the strands were clarified in advance, then painting will not be difficult, and any paint can be spread onto the curls.

If the strands have been clarified in advance, then painting will not be difficult, and any paint can be spread onto the curls. There will be no problems with colored strands if the paint is chosen not for natural strands, but for those that exist at present.

Tip!For blond curls, experts recommend using transverse coloring. At the same time several tones of paint are selected, and dyeing is carried out from the roots. With each row are taken all the brighter shades. It turns out a natural shade.

Straight or wavy

Coloring looks great on straight strands. In this case, you can choose any variant of staining. If the hair is curly, then the painting procedure becomes more complicated, as the curls are naughty and hard. But this technique is considered the best option for wavy strands, as it provides an opportunity not to damage them.

Coloring looks great on straight strands If the hair is curly, the painting procedure is complicated, because the curls are naughty and hard You can choose the right option absolutely for any haircut.

On curly hair looks great and the traditional combination of several colors, as well as multi-color coloring.

Coloring refers to affordable, simple and most gentle painting methods.

Tip!A suitable option can be chosen absolutely for any haircut. For the cascade suitable longitudinal painting, creating a lively glare. The cross technique looks great on straight strands and asymmetrical hairstyles.

Coloring refers to affordable, simple and most gentle painting methods. This procedure will allow you to completely change your image. At the same time, it is important to choose a good master and provide high-quality hair care.

The technique of performing the classic vertical coloring

The sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare the dye. Since you will use several colors, you will need 2 containers (for each separately).
  2. Lubricate with cream or petroleum jelly skin near the line of the beginning of hair growth, as well as ears.
  3. Divide the curls into several areas: the back of the head, the crown of the head, the temples. Pin them with hairpins or tie them for convenience.
  4. Using the comb handle, separate the strands with a thickness of 5–7 mm. Place them on the foil and paint them with a brush.
  5. Twist the foil to securely fix the treated strands.
  6. Apply a different shade, but before that, rinse the brush well with water.
  7. Hold the dye for 20-30 minutes (see instructions).
  8. Wash your hair and do not forget to use a conditioner with a balsam.

How to make your hair look healthy after the dyeing procedure?

Since coloring of the strands in some cases presupposes their clarification, it is important to provide them with proper care. If you want curls to be beautiful and shiny, follow these tips:

  • use ammonia-free paint, and also wash your head with a special shampoo, exclusively for dyed hair,
  • lay thermoscalers, hair dryer and iron in the far corner (try to dry and stack the hair in a natural way),
  • Cover your head with a handkerchief or hat on sunny days
  • don't wash your head often
  • The following staining procedure can be performed only after 3 months.

Thus, for fair-haired beauties, there are plenty of opportunities to dye your hair with the help of coloring techniques. To do this, it is important to choose the right color according to your color type and put your trust in the hands of professional hairdressing. Well, if you are tired of trips to the salon, then it's time to arm yourself with our instructions and make painting at home.

Do not forget about the health and beauty of curls, means for the care and restoration of hair will help you with this:

Useful videos

Coloring on blonde hair.

How to choose a hair color. Stylist tips.

Coloring technique

Coloring is carried out on dry, not washed hair, natural or colored. Pigment application starts from the back of the head, half a centimeter is considered the best width of the strands, so the transitions look as natural as possible. Under each curl, they enclose the foil and dye the selected strand in order to separate it from the unpainted hair. So each layer is painted to the top. After the manipulation of the paint is aged on the hair for some time and washed off. After coloring it is necessary to apply special means to soften the hair and to smooth out the hair scales.

It is not recommended to perform coloring in contrasting or bright colors on your own at home. If you decide to dye your hair yourself, then choose sparing pigments (not more than three) with a slight difference in tones from your natural color.

Longitudinal coloring of blond hair - involves the coloring of the strands along the entire length. You can make thin and wide strands. This type of coloring allows you to change the image depending on the installation and parting.

When cross coloring is usually used several contrasting colors, creating a sharp transition along the length of the hair. Such staining looks a bit aggressive.

Advantages and disadvantages of coloring

Like any coloring, coloring has its pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • Relevance. All women of fashion have already chosen coloring for a long time, because it looks stylish and fresh.
  • Practicality. Coloring can be done once in two months - regrown roots are imperceptible.
  • Freedom of choice. Coloring does not limit the imagination of the master. It can be made in any color that likes and suits the girl. In addition, the image will be unique and inimitable.
  • Security. When coloring can be used sparing pigments that do not harm the hair. In addition, light hair shades do not require pre-lightening, which also affects their condition.
  • Coloring is suitable for hair of any length, adds volume and shine to hair, refreshes the complexion.

The disadvantages of coloring include:

  • Not recommended for badly damaged hair, for dandruff and seborrhea,
  • Coloring can be obtained with an unpredictable result, if the hair has previously been subjected to chemical perm or henna dyeing.
  • Independent execution of coloring may not be as spectacular if you are new to hairdressing.

Hair care after coloring

The main advantage of coloring is that it is enough to update the color every few months. But, so that all this time, the hair looked well-groomed, you need to follow some rules of hair care:

  • Use special daily care for dyed and damaged the pigment will last longer, and the curls will sparkle with a healthy sheen.
  • Do not neglect balms and hair masks. These tools will make combing easier and give shine to a long hair.
  • Beware of UV radiation. Wear caps and scarves in the sun, use special means to protect against the active sun.
  • Use popular ways to preserve the beauty of hair. For bleached hair it is undesirable to use oils - they can give a yellow tint. But herbal teas are perfect for preserving the color and fixing hair.

Coloring blond hair - A current procedure that does not limit the flight of imagination of the master and the client. This method of coloring refreshes the image and adds elegance to it. It is recommended to perform coloring with experienced stylists, who will be able to choose the right tone and create a harmonious hairstyle.


Watch the video: Brunette to Blonde AT HOME With Loreal Platinum Advanced Box Dye. TONING with Wella T14 & Wella T27 (July 2024).