
The real facts about laser combing from users


Hair loss is considered to be the most common problem that customers all over the world contact with scalp and hair experts - trichologists. The blame for all this, in their opinion, are stresses, ecology, nutrition, water quality, a sedentary lifestyle, and other negative modern factors. However, everyone wants to have, if not luxurious, thick, then at least healthy and attractive hair. Of course, in the arsenal of trichologists there are many special tools, methods of treatment and hardware effects, but their cost is not suitable for everyone, but you also need to allocate time to visit the doctor.

Therefore, laser hairbrush for hair growth is so popular today, with the help of which every person can activate hair growth and restoration processes at home. Many people use this miracle device, but there are some that have not heard of it or are only going to purchase it. This article will tell you about the features of the comb, the principle of operation and the consequences of using it, as well as what laser combs reviews have from specialists and users.

What problems can be solved?

They are suitable for everyone who has problems with hair loss and dry skin of the head, from which dandruff occurs. Laser combs, reviews of which are enthusiastic, are aimed at combating:

- moderate or intense hair loss,

- brittleness, dryness, dullness and lifelessness of hair,

- deterioration of the hair structure after pregnancy and lactation,

- hair loss after stress, illness,

- deterioration of the structure of the hair skin after frequent dyeing, chemical perm, hair extensions, and so on,

- a negative effect on the general condition of the hair age factor.

Given this list of effects, trichologists recommend laser combs for home use. The reviews are positive, they recommend them as a tool in the fight against hair loss and dandruff. And all the tests carried out confirmed their complete safety and the absence of side effects. Systematic use leads to the strengthening of the hair follicles and to the overall improvement of the skin integument.

From the title it is clear that the basis of the work is laser radiation. It is activated when you turn on the comb, which produces laser beams. Their effect on the skin of the head is aimed at improving the blood circulation, which leads to the normalization of nutrients to the hair roots and enrichment with oxygen. Thanks to these processes, hair growth is restored, their structure improves and dandruff disappears. In addition, laser beams have a positive effect on metabolic processes involving protein, which is the main element for the life of hair. Those who used laser combs have positive feedback and recommendations, and they are happy with the purchase.

To clarify, for a noticeable and lasting effect, combing sessions should be regular - 3 times a week with a duration of no more than 20 minutes. To use it like this: comb in the switched on state should be carried out from the hair root to its very tip. Movement should be slow and smooth, with small second delays. By performing these actions, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the hair in a few months. Laser comb for hair, the price of which is significantly less than the comprehensive cost of treatment, is sold in special shops and salons.

When should I use a laser comb?

It can be used as a treatment for:

  • hair loss due to overwork and stress, perm, lack of vitamins and trace elements, the effects of medicines and for other reasons,
  • skin diseases (seborrhea, androgenetic alopecia),
  • oily and dry dandruff
  • loose, dull hair,
  • age changes.

It is also used for prevention in order to prevent hair loss and improve their quality.

This is due to the properties of the laser comb. So, for example, laser comb Power grow comb combines 4 types of effects, as a result of which the scalp gets a massage, blood circulation increases and micro-stimulation improves.

“By nature I have rather thick hair, but five years ago I damaged it with unfortunate highlighting. Since then, I could not restore the previous volume of hair. Knowing about my problem, my sister decided that the best gift for me was a laser power comb comb. From despair decided to try. And you know, already now I feel some effect. ”

“After winter I decided to buy a comb and restore the previous volume. This comb is very interesting effect, it is pleasant and convenient to use. The hair has strengthened a little, has become thicker and stronger. ”

How soon should we wait for the effect?

It is noted that this is purely individual. Sometimes it is worth waiting for 2-3 months, in other cases - the positive dynamics begins after the expiration of 6 months.

“My hair began to grow 9 months after applying Hairmax. Here you need not to despair, but constantly use a brush without interrupting the treatment. I still rubbed various lotions on my head. In general, I tried many things, but there is a result. That's for sure. At the top, the hair was definitely thicker compared to what it was at the beginning of the course. ”

“I bought myself a comb - a laser comb power grow comb. I have been using it for 5 months, three times a week for 15-20 minutes, and there are already noticeable results. Hair began to fall out much less. Even new ones appeared on the bald spots, though a little, but there is. ”

This difference, which users point out, is due to the fact that the causes of the scalp problems and the speed of the healing process are different. This process is influenced by a combination of factors: the state of immunity, lack of vitamins, etc.

This is confirmed by clinical studies that show that by the speed of the onset of a positive effect, all users can be divided into three groups:

  • 45% mark the onset of the first results already after 8 weeks from the start of use,
  • 45-50% noticed the result after 8-16 weeks of use,
  • the remaining 5-10% were able to see the result later than 16 weeks from the start of treatment.

Is it possible to enhance the effect of frequent use?

According to manufacturers, the recommended frequency of use is optimal and sufficient to achieve the desired result. It is more important to avoid interruptions, to perform therapy constantly.

Is it necessary to combine the effect of a laser comb with other means?

This is possible and even necessary in individual cases. But it is always necessary, firstly, to remember about contraindications to the use of laser hairbrushes:

  • oncological diseases,
  • hemophilia,
  • facial nerve palsy,
  • dermatitis of different nature,
  • sunburns on the scalp,
  • pregnancy,
  • age up to 12 years.

Secondly, one should not forget about the combinability of a laser comb with additional agents, which is determined by a specialist for each person, based on their causes of skin disease.

“The effect of Hairmax is about the same as that of other products: minoxidil, eucapila. Therefore, it is not necessary to combine with these drugs. I also use Chjanguan 101 lotion. ”

“The power grow comb laser comb is a good invention that is easy to use all the time. The result I noticed after the second month from the beginning of use. I note that I was not limited to one comb. I also used the vitamin complex for women Merz and SYSTEM 4 ”.

Thus, a laser hairbrush with a reasonable approach to its use acts as a very effective means for the treatment or care of the scalp, as confirmed by user feedback. Good luck in the application!

The principle of the laser comb

Laser hairbrush from hair loss, reviews of which are quite often found on social networks and forums, is the newest invention. The device is based on the principle of laser energy.

Hair after applying a laser comb becomes healthy, stops falling out, gets a beautiful shine

Turning into bioenergy, it effectively acts on the walls of blood vessels, increases blood flow and strengthens them. Hair stops falling out, their growth accelerates, a healthy shine appears.

Blue and red LED radiation

Laser comb - a semiconductor device operating on the principles of a light-emitting diode. The LEDs built into the device produce spectral radiation of various properties.

After numerous experiments, the researchers concluded that the red and blue radiation activates the lower root portion of the hair follicle. As a result, hair loss stops, their structure improves and strengthens.

Laser energy effectively acts on the walls of blood vessels, increases blood flow and strengthens them.

Besides, cellular immunity and anti-infective protection of an organism increases.

Laser hairbrush for hair loss, reviews of which indicate the growing popularity of this device, operates on the basis of two interconnected factors of phototherapy.

One of the key points is to improve blood circulation. As a result of this process - the acceleration of cellular metabolism. The reanimated medium strengthens the hair follicles, making them more viable.

Interesting fact! Laser combs have been used for over 10 years. A laser crest appeared in Australia, and in 2000, Lexington International was established in Florida. Its goal was to research and distribute a new product.

Why use a laser comb?

One of the modern methods of dealing with intense baldness is the use of laser therapy. Procedures take place in special trichological clinics equipped with the latest laser facilities.

The course of treatment in such a clinic is not cheap. However, such a device as lAzernaya comb, help from hair loss in normal home conditions. User reviews indicate that one of the advantages, and at a fairly reasonable price of the device.

Use a special comb is necessary if there are the following signs of an unhealthy condition of hair:

  • hair became brittle,
  • growth worsened
  • after combing, a bunch of hair remains on the comb,
  • hair loss after a perm,
  • dandruff of any type and itching
  • his hair was dull, the glitter was gone.

Will it help with baldness

About 40 percent of men of all races and nationalities suffer from hair loss when they reach the age of 45. To a certain extent, women face this problem. The technical parameters of a laser comb are the results of thousands of experiments and research conducted by specialists in the field of laser.

When baldness is recommended to use a laser comb

All of them recommend using your product not only for general hair restoration, but also for alopecia (alopecia).

The laser comb combines two principles: massage vibration and laser therapy. As a result of a soft massage, the blood circulation of the brain vessels is enhanced. It improves the function of the central nervous system, enhances immunity, regenerates the endocrine system of the body.

And as a result of the dosed action of the light rays, diodes, a biological reaction is triggered, which helps the nutrients to absorb the hair follicles.

Experts recommend using a laser comb, not only for the overall improvement of hair, but also for alopecia (alopecia)

The interaction of two factors gives a positive therapeutic effect: the hair becomes “alive” and elastic, and in places of bald patches a fluff appears.

However, when baldness is necessary to consider the following:

  1. The treatment takes a long time. However, it helps to gain a foothold with the effect.
  2. If the hair looks weak due to insufficient nutrition of the papilla or poor blood circulation, the effect of using a laser comb will be visible quickly.
  3. The structure of each person's hair is individual, the result of applying a laser comb is also individual.
  4. Treatment of baldness is a complex process. Therefore, laser hairbrush from intensive hair loss is often used together with medical preparations. Feedback from people talking about the effectiveness of an integrated approach.


Low-intensity laser therapy, as one of the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, has its own contraindications.

It is not recommended to use a laser in the following cases:

  • cancer,
  • radiation burn
  • immobility of the facial nerve
  • allergic reaction,
  • bleeding

It is important to know! Using a laser comb is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation.

How to use a laser comb

Laser hairbrush for hair loss, as experts advise and say reviews, requires regular use. The device is used three times a week with an interval of one day. (say, on odd weekly days).

The session lasts from 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour. After a few months you can see the first result: in certain parts of the head, the hair will become thicker. It is important not to stop the procedure ahead of time, otherwise the effect may gradually disappear.

Before using the device, you must wash your hair and dry your hair. Movement should be slow, smooth. It is recommended to linger on one place of the scalp for 2-3 seconds.

Owners of long hair is better to use two combs. With a regular comb, you can easily lift the strand, and use the laser comb in the other hand to massage the desired area.

Note! Too frequent use of a laser comb does not lead to accelerated results, so there is no reason to ignore these instructions and use the device more than three times a week.

When using a laser comb, you must remember the precautionary measures:

  • do not touch the comb of the ears, eyes, eyelids, mouth,
  • Do not use the device in areas of skin diseases or foci of skin inflammation as a result of exposure to chemical, physical or biological factors.

When purchasing a comb, you must make sure that you have a certificate and instructions for use in Russian.

What experts say

Laser comb from hair loss, reviews and opinions of experts about which differ somewhat, once again confirms that the truth is in the middle. Some, referring to the study and practical application, claim a positive therapeutic effect, others are rather skeptical.

but Doctors-trichologists agree that the comb is effective for seborrhea and itching of the head, dandruff and brittle hair. Laser therapy stimulates cellular metabolism. This is due to the delivery of energy to the skin cells of the head.

Laser comb is effective when hair is brittle

Penetrating into the hair follicles, the laser activates the chromophores and creates a complex metabolic activity from a biological point of view. It gives a positive effect.

However, please note that overnight hair will not grow. Many trichologists believe that you should not use the device if the hair is badly damaged. There is no reason to pin high hopes on a comb and with alopecia at an advanced stage.

Laser comb, if you listen to the views of some users - just a miracle cure for hair loss. Other reviews are not so optimistic. This once again confirms that the physiological characteristics of the organism of each person are purely individual: what is good for one is not necessarily good for another.

Many experts believe that it is able to heal the hair roots, with the result that hair grows thicker

Laser therapy for hair is becoming increasingly popular in our country. Sessions are conducted in specialized medical centers and cosmetic institutions.

Laser comb eliminates dandruff and flaking

High-quality laser comb from a reputable manufacturer can be a worthy alternative to cosmetic therapy methods. Many experts believe that it is able to heal the hair roots, with the result that hair grows thicker.

Also The use of the comb has a beneficial effect on the scalp, relieving the person from dandruff, dryness and flaking of the skin.

How to get rid of baldness with a laser comb:

How to use a laser comb and the result of its use:

How to use a laser comb: detailed instructions, see the video:

Laser shows can damage your cameras.

Everyone has a desire to get their mobile at a concert and shoot everything on camera. But be careful, because you risk ruining your phone. Such videos can be found on the Internet, but the result is always the same. This is because the concentrated light interacting with the camera sensor simply burns it instantly. Let's take a moment to mourn the loss of all those cameras that died while playing at concerts.

Laser tag was designed by military

Needless to say, laser tag is a great way to relax with friends or celebrate a birthday. Well this is fun! And this is a great way to get the necessary experience in shooting at the enemy’s vital organs. That's because in the 1970s, the US military developed laser tag as a means of training their troops. The original name of the “game” was the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System, or MILES for short, but now a more advanced version is used.

Science fiction weapon already exists

In the past with the words laser beam, we represented brilliant cannons firing colored rays, as it looked in science fiction. In 2015, DARPA (Agency for Advanced Defense Research and Development of the United States) announced that they were on the verge of developing a laser weapon of unprecedented power. Known as “HELLADS”, the weapon is a laser system for protecting aircraft from missiles of various classes. However, these rays of death cannot be seen and they definitely will not make a pip-pip. Perhaps the moment when the real fighting will look like in science fiction films is not far off. Although not really want to see this.

The laser can reach unimaginable temperatures.

Scientists at Imperial College London have recently proposed a method by which materials can be heated with a laser to 15 million degrees Celsius. It is hotter than the center of the sun! This development will help scientists reproduce the energy produced by the sun and the emergence of a cleaner method of energy production. On the other hand, it is also possible to use lasers to cool materials, which was proven by researchers at Washington University.

Lasers have many uses.

The preceding paragraphs may state the opposite, but in fact lasers are used not only to destroy anything. Yes, you yourself probably already remembered a couple of ways to use them. For example, to create prints or prints, to correct vision or hair removal. But the newest method of application is “lidar” (lidar) —light detection and range determination — a technology for obtaining and processing information about remote objects using active optical systems. This system brings invaluable benefits to builders and geologists, much more than all previous ones.


Hmm, I laughed out loud, I have not yet seen a more stupid post about lasers. The first paragraph is just a horror extravaganza.
Well, you committed not properly use the words energy and power.

The laser gun has almost no recoil, hmm. nearly? Interestingly, why are there recoil, Newton's second law acting on photons? : D

The most powerful laser in the world is located at the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and has a power of 2000TW. Which is 2 orders of magnitude higher than what you write in the text.

"The light spreads only in the selected directions", who allocated?


Watch the video: Does the laser comb stimulate facial hair? How to use the laser comb (June 2024).