
Anti-dandruff hair masks


Dandruff is a problem for many people. A man looks very untidy when a scatter of white scales is clearly visible on his shoulders. And this is true - in most cases, dandruff appears due to improper or inadequate hair care.

Of course, there may be other reasons, but in any case, dandruff can and must be fought. Used for this as a professional or pharmaceutical means, and folk. The latter are recommended for those who are prone to allergies, looking for a budget option for the treatment of dandruff or simply doubts the effectiveness of expensive masks and shampoos.

Types of dandruff - what it is

This attack appears in those who have oily hair and owners of dry skin. Depending on this distinguish between dry and oily dandruff. Dry dandruff flakes are very small, they evenly cover the entire surface of the head at the roots of the hair. You can find some areas of very peeling of the skin, if the case is running.

Oily dandruff is formed with a very strong discharge of sebum on the head. It sticks to the hair, to separate the scales is not so simple. The approach to eliminating different types of dandruff is also required is different. It is important to correctly identify the essence of the problem and choose the best means that will help, and not harm.

How to treat dry dandruff?

Dry dandruff is a frequent occurrence with dry scalp and hair. To get rid of it, you need to find effective moisturizers and nourishing agents. At the same time, they should wash the scales and soften the affected hair. People's experience recommends to try these tools:

  1. Intensive nourishing mask. To make it, you need to combine three spoons of mayonnaise with a spoon of honey, add a little whipped yolk of one egg, and finally squeeze a tablespoon of aloe juice. All components are thoroughly mixed, and then rubbed into the scalp, then spread over the entire length of the hair. Head wrapped package, covered with a towel on top. It is possible to wash off structure in twenty minutes.
  2. Oil Wraps. In folk medicine for this procedure is used burdock oil. But you can combine it with olive in equal parts. The mixture is heated and immediately applied to the scalp. Further, as usual, the head is covered with plastic and a towel. After half an hour, the hair is washed with a moisturizing shampoo.
  3. Mask of yolks and butter. This is also a very effective prescription for the treatment of dry scalp and dandruff. First, squeeze the juice from half a lemon, then rub it with two yolks. To enhance the effect of a tablespoon of burdock oil is added. This mask should be kept for at least one hour, and then rinsed with shampoo hair.
  4. Broth from the husks of onions and oak bark. Medicinal plants also help to fight dry dandruff. Prepare the decoction as follows: equal parts of the components are poured with water and boiled for at least twenty minutes, then the decoction is cooled slightly and applied to the hair. This tool can stain them auburn color. If this effect is undesirable, the decoction is used to rinse hair. This should be done during the month.
  5. Rinse of chamomile and linden flowers. It is very simple to prepare such a remedy at home: you should simply put together a handful of herbs and pour a liter of boiling water. An hour later, the infusion is filtered and used for rinsing.
  6. Sea buckthorn and olive oil. Sea buckthorn contains many nutrients, vitamins, organic acids. The products from this berry soothe the itchy scalp, perfectly moisturize it and prevent the appearance of scales of dandruff. For this recipe, you can use fresh or frozen berries. It will take one glass of sea buckthorn. It is ground or ground in a blender, then combined with two or three tablespoons of olive oil - the proportions depend on the length of the hair. The resulting mixture smears the scalp and hair, leave for one hour. In order to avoid the smell of oil and grease, after washing off the mask, the hair is rinsed with acidified water.
  7. Kefir or sour cream. This is the easiest and most accessible recipe. It is enough just to smear the scalp with dairy product and leave it for half an hour. Hair will shine, become more elastic and healthier.

With dry dandruff, the scalp often itches. You can get rid of itching with the help of mint decoction and carrot tops. Both funds are taken in equal parts, and then poured boiling water. After cooling down, filter the medium and add the juice of half a lemon. After washing, the product is applied to the scalp and hair and is not washed off. It is desirable that the hair dried naturally, without using a hair dryer.

Another recipe that will help eliminate itching and moisturize the scalp is a decoction of nettle. First, the broth is prepared from a spoon of a medicinal plant and a glass of boiling water, then it is added to the filtered broth over a tablespoon of vodka, burdock oil, and one yolk is driven in. A compress is made of the mixture obtained, to obtain a good effect, it is rubbed into the roots and left for one hour. It is necessary to do such procedures once a week, the itch will disappear immediately, and over time, and dandruff will disappear.

Often, dry scalp and dandruff are accompanied by hair loss and brittleness. In this case, decoction of burdock root will help.. A handful of crushed roots is poured with a liter of water and cooked for a quarter of an hour on a water bath or slow fire. Rinse the hair with a cooled and strained product after washing. A decoction of burdock moisturizes and nourishes dry skin, well washes away dandruff, and besides, strengthens hair roots and stimulates their growth..

Oily dandruff treatments

To get rid of oily dandruff, you need to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and regularly remove excess sebum. But it is important not to dry out the skin and hair. Suitable masks of citrus, various fruits and vegetables. Eggs, vegetable oils in this case is not recommended.. Instead, you can add a little vodka or alcohol solution to masks and compresses. Here are the most popular and proven recipes:

  1. Acetic Nettle Compress. This tool will need a decoction of nettle - about one glass. In a decoction pour one and a half tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and lubricate the scalp. Then it is wrapped with plastic and a towel. You can walk with such a compress for two or three hours. Then the hair is simply rinsed with clean water.
  2. Beet Mask. This root vegetable is available all year round and it is quite inexpensive. But blondes need to be careful: beet juice can dye blond hair in a reddish tint. Brunettes can safely squeeze the juice from the vegetable and rub it into the hair roots 2-3 times a week. It will take four weeks to completely get rid of oily shine and dandruff.
  3. Garlic. Not everyone likes this tool for one simple reason - a pungent smell. But it effectively and quickly treats oily dandruff. The treatment can be carried out during the holidays, when you do not need to often go to people. A few cloves of garlic need to be peeled and passed through the press. The resulting gruel is rubbed into the scalp and put on a plastic cap. You can wash off the mask with shampoo after half an hour, and to eliminate the specific smell, the hair is then washed with lemon water.
  4. Burdock root and hops. To prepare the infusion, you need to connect four pieces of chopped burdock root and three pieces of hop cones. You can also add to the mixture two parts of calendula flowers. The resulting mixture is poured over a liter of boiling water and cooked in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then applied to the hair. Flush the mixture is not necessary, and repeat the procedure every two days - then after a few weeks oily dandruff will not bother.
  5. Garden berries. Strawberries, raspberries or currants in the summer season can be used to treat oily dandruff. It is very simple to make such masks: it is enough to puree the berries and apply the mixture on the scalp and hair. The greasy luster will disappear, and the hair will become shiny and soft, in addition, they will get a very pleasant aroma.

In the people, various natural dyes are often used to eliminate oily dandruff - henna, basma, tea brew or decoction of a nutshell.. If you don't mind changing your shade a bit, try one of them.

You also need to make it a rule to rinse hair with a decoction of herbs after each wash. Chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, thyme, or tansy will do. But you need to use only freshly prepared decoction, it is not stored for long even in the refrigerator.

What else advises people if fat dandruff creates problems? You can lubricate the skin with onion juice. Apply onions in the same way as garlic. Therefore, be prepared for not the most pleasant smell, but excellent effect. If you absolutely do not want your hair to smell these vegetables, then you should try to lubricate the scalp twice a week with aloe juice. Use for making juice you need the oldest and fleshy leaves. Their juice has an astringent effect and regulates sebum secretion.

How to restore hair

There are special folk remedies that help not only fight dandruff, but also significantly improve the condition of hair.. For example, to combat dry dandruff, it is recommended to rub into the scalp a mixture of castor and burdock oils with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice.. And in order to cope with itching, it is advised to use a mixture of medical alcohol (4 tablespoons), birch tar (1 teaspoon) and castor oil (1 tablespoon). This composition is rubbed into the skin of the head for half an hour before washing.

You can also make a cleansing and moisturizing mask of oatmeal, but they are steamed not in water, but in a decoction of herbs that were listed above. It is better to do this procedure on a day off, as you need to keep the mask for at least two hours. But the result is worth the time spent.

Mustard helps with oily skin. In order not to burn the skin, it is combined with a small amount of vegetable oil and warm water.. The mixture is quickly rubbed into the roots of the hair and left for five minutes, and then washed off. If you hold it longer, you can get burned.

A more gentle mask, but no less effective, is made of hazelnut powder. Fresh nuts are ground in a coffee grinder or blender and mixed with warm water. This gruel is applied to the hair for half an hour, and then washed well. This tool is suitable for dry and oily scalp.

For rinsing is well suited infusion of cornflowers with vinegar. First boil the vinegar and combine it in equal parts with boiling water. Cornflower flowers are poured with this solution and infused for one hour. This mixture should be rinsed with hair every day for a month and there will be no trace of dandruff.

Another old recipe for restoring damaged hair prone to dandruff is a mixture of dry red wine, natural honey and aloe juice. Prepare it in small portions, and take a tablespoon before meals.

If the problem is very serious, then you can try to replace the usual shampoo with a folk remedy. Oily skin can be washed with rye bread soaked in water. And for dry fit egg yolk. Kefir or yogurt will be a good substitute for shampoo. Chernogolovka, calamus, coltsfoot, willow bark, moss, yarrow - all these herbs can also be used to prepare infusions, which should wash your hair for a month.

The problem of dandruff should be addressed comprehensively - that is, to use not only external, but also internal means. Drink a course of decoctions of medicinal herbs will be useful not only for the hair, but also for the whole body. Brew should be burdock root, string, St. John's wort, calendula, corn silk. It is convenient to brew therapeutic infusion in a thermos - then it will remain hot until the end of the day. And take it for half an hour before meals for half a glass three times a day.

No need to try to use all of the funds listed at once. A full course of dandruff treatment lasts at least one month. And it is better not to abandon folk remedies and use them constantly for masks and rinses - then the hair will remain thick, shiny and healthy, without a hint of dandruff.

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Recipe 2: Dandruff hair mask at home - tea tree oil.

The folk remedy from tea tree oil helps to get rid of dandruff, it perfectly regulates the fatty balance of the skin. Heat oil slightly and rub into scalp. It is also useful to grease and hair the entire length. Cover your head with a warm compress. Keep the mask for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 4: Rinsing: Nettle decoction + vinegar

To get rid of dandruff, try such a folk remedy, as ususno rinsing.
Boil nettle leaves (proportion: five tablespoons per glass of water) for half an hour in a water bath. Strain, cool to a comfortable temperature, add a teaspoon of table vinegar and rinse your head. You can do this after each hair wash.

Homemade hair masks for dandruff отзывы: 38

From prekhoti well helps onions. For dry dandruff, mix onion juice, vodka and castor oil in equal shares. Rubbed into the scalp for an hour before washing.
When oily dandruff is boiled broth from onion peel and rinse them clean hair after washing.

Aloe juice is also excellent for oily dandruff. You need to insist it with vodka, rub into the scalp, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse

How often can I make dandruff masks?

It is enough to make dandruff masks once a week.

And if a lot of dandruff and I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Then you can do in a day.

I am 14 years old and from that not on me appeared dandruff ... I was scared because I never had it at all! What can I do to completely get rid of it! Please help))

Hello, I also had dandruff and I don `t know how to get rid ... help.

Half an hour after washing my head, dandruffs appear. I don’t know how to get rid of this nightmare. Help.

I have been trying all shampoos for 12 years, even for a Hender Schonders and it does not help. Tell me please what to do to scurry dandruff was not

I read in the collection. It says that you need to rub onion juice first, then after 10 minutes. aloe juice.))

to rub the warmed oil into the scalp (rubbed on the partings) before bedtime.

Hello. Not for nothing, dandruff appeared. I only what not tried shampoos, any tinctures. I somehow went to the pharmacy and saw the tincture - pepper vodka. And then I bought soap (it goes like shampoo) - 37 herbs of Grandmother Agafya. and it became less dandruff.

I also Agafya soap. even more.

It helped me to dandruff rubbing salt in to the scalp. Before washing, wet hair and rub generously salt into the scalp, hold for 30 minutes. and wash it off. Enough 6-8 procedures. By the way, my mom helped too.

The recipe for dandruff helped me. Take 1 tbsp. burdock oil (heated), 1 2 lemon, 1 tbsp. honey, mix and rub into the head, then wrap with cellophane and on top with a towel. Hold 30 min The mask needs to be done 3 times (I did it every day). Then wash your hair well with shampoo. After 3 times dandruff disappeared forever. Good luck.

My mother bought me a dandruff shampoo at the opteka. I washed them for 2 weeks and I have more dandruff

hendar sholders bullshit

Herbal mix shampoo was very helpful in Ivrosh

Buy a mask from the company Markel and try, it is better for sure not, and it is better in the complex and shampoo, too, only it helps, and so just did not try.

Well helps burdock oil.It is sold in any pharmacy and not expensive. Rubbing into the scalp, wrapping cellophane, and then a towel. Leave for an hour, and then carefully wash your head with shampoo. I enjoyed every other day.

2 stakana kon’yaka smeshaite s 2 litrami vodi, pomoglo

I have oily scalp, hair falls out, and terrible dandruff. I rub sea salt with nettle extracts on my scalp. I mix salt with mayonnaise and add olive oil. I leave 1 hour to cover my head with cellophane and then with a handkerchief. It helps for hair growth from falling out and dandruff. And I also add sea salt to the blue clay and rub it into the skin on the whole head, by the way, the blue clay is very good and no shampoo is needed. Super. Good luck

Khadija Gadaev, the Terrible

I have not used shampoo for a long time since I began to make hair masks and I do not use soap for hair. From dandruff masks slowly away from the scalp, shampoos dry the scalp and dandruff appears. It is necessary that the skin absorbed the vitamins, oils, juices burdock castor honey in blue clay all the vitamins. Apply olive oil along the hair length and so on. It protects the structure of hair length, each hair has a protective fat layer that protects our hair from the sun's cold wind — this is a special greasy shine from the root to the tip. And when we wash it with shampoo, it destroys it in shampoo with added chemicals like Laureth Sodium Sulfate is oil. Wash your hair with shampoo less.

in shampoos there are not only harmful additives, I recently came across dandruff, cured it with the help of shampoo skin cap, it is with zinc

I have dandruff. + appeared loss of hair. Not a single shampun helped. Only in vain the thrown out. On shampoos. and here is how to use masks. they helped me personally. and cured and dandruff and oily hair. As a result, I have long hair. so I stopped using shampoo.

I also have dandruff.
when heand shoulders started using it, it disappeared, I was already delighted, but when dandruff stopped using it again, my hair began to fall out even more.
now I do not know what to do. (

What I just didn’t rub into hair ... Cognac (husband swore that I was transporting the product), nettles, eggs ... but I was saved only by a skin cap. he became just a salvation!

My hair began to fall out very badly, dandruff is like snow on my head. I'll try the recipe suggested on the site.

rinse your head after each washing the head with apple cider vinegar diluted with water 3 tablespoons of vinegar to 2 liters of water.

Buy at the pharmacy Sebozol shampoo - helps 🙂

Why does dandruff appear? 5 main reasons

How to permanently get rid of dandruff at home? If you are looking for an effective treatment for dandruff that will give you a long-term result, then you should first determine the cause of the problem. Here are 5 main reasons why dandruff appears:

Dry scalp. The most common cause of dandruff. When it flakes look pretty small and dry, and the symptoms of dry skin appear on other parts of the body.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis and oily scalp. Surprisingly, oily scalp is also often the cause of dandruff. If, in addition to light flakes among your hair, you also notice reddening and oily skin, then most likely you have seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis. This disease can manifest itself on the eyebrows, the wings of the nose, behind the ears.

3. Diseases of the scalp. People suffering from eczema and psoriasis usually have dandruff on their heads, since these diseases are characterized by extreme dryness of the skin.

4. Fungus. Malasseziya mushrooms are present on the skin not only in humans, but also in dogs, cats and other animals. Sometimes it happens that these mushrooms begin to secrete too much oleic acid, which in turn irritates the skin, causes it to exfoliate more dead cells, causes dryness and itching of the head. Here are some causes of dandruff and increased fungal growth:

  • Adolescence (increased secretion of certain glands leads to the development of fungi and the appearance of dandruff)
  • Insufficient hygiene (excessive accumulation of dead skin cells on the head creates an excellent environment for bacteria and fungi),
  • Lack or deficiency in the diet of zinc, vitamin B and essential fatty acids, which also leads to an increase in dead cells on the scalp,
  • Stress, which can cause hormonal changes in the body and excessive secretion of glands.

5. Reaction to chemistry in shampoos. With increased sensitivity of the scalp, chemical elements present in shampoos can cause allergies and excessive exfoliation of dead skin cells.

Now that you know the causes of dandruff, you can go on to review its methods of treatment at home. What folk remedies help to get rid of dandruff with different causes of occurrence? Let's start with the most common problem ...

Treatment of dandruff caused by dry scalp

Most often, increased dryness of the skin is caused by dehydration of the body, cold weather, dry air in the environment, and the use of a hot hair dryer for styling hair. Folk remedies for dandruff caused by dry skin, include masks for temporary relief of symptoms and a special diet that will finally cure dandruff on the head.

Preparing moisturizing dandruff masks at home:

  1. Coconut oil and lemon juice

The powerful moisturizing properties of coconut oil help eliminate dry skin and relieve head itch. Lemon has antimicrobial and exfoliating qualities. Here is the recipe for the preparation and application of coconut-lemon dandruff mask:

  • Mix 5 tbsp. l coconut oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • Apply the mixture to the scalp and leave for 30 minutes,
  • Rinse your hair using a mild shampoo,
  • Repeat the process 2 times a week.

Note that due to the content of lemon, this mask should not be used for cuts, wounds and ulcers on the head.

  1. Anti Dandruff Mask

Honey has antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the moisturizing properties of honey help retain moisture in the cells and thus provide relief from dryness and itching.

  • Depending on the consistency, take as much honey in your palm as there will be enough to cover your entire head,
  • Apply honey to the scalp and gently massage for 5 minutes,
  • Leave the mask to act for 30 minutes,
  • Rinse your hair with shampoo and warm water.
  • Repeat the process regularly until you reach results.

  1. Olive oil dandruff at home

Olive oil effectively moisturizes and nourishes the scalp, helping it to become healthy again.

  • A little warm the right amount of olive oil,
  • Massage movements apply it on the scalp and the hair itself,
  • Put on the shower cap and leave the oil for the night,
  • In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo and warm water,
  • Regularly use the tool to completely get rid of dandruff.

Effective treatment of dandruff folk remedies for dry skin

To cure dry skin and permanently get rid of dandruff on the head, enter the following elements into your diet:

  1. Vitamin B-12. It is usually found in poultry, dairy products and fish. You can also buy special vitamin supplements at the pharmacy. The daily intake of vitamin B-12 is 500 micrograms.
  2. Omega fatty acids. Fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6, are very important for maintaining healthy skin and the whole body. Foods rich in these acids include sea fish (cod, salmon, perch, sardines), liver, yeast, whole grains and eggs. The daily dose of omega-fatty acids is 1000-2000 mg. As a pharmacy supplement to apply after a meal.
  3. Water. To eliminate skin dehydration, make sure you drink 4-5 liters of fluid a day. It can be not only pure water, but also herbal teas, homemade juices and soft drinks.

How to get rid of dandruff caused by fungus or oily skin

In both these cases, the main causes of dandruff are excess fat and excessive separation of dead skin cells. At the same time, the flakes look rather large, they may be yellow or white. Treatment of such dandruff at home includes folk remedies for external use and a change in diet.

Folk remedies for dandruff and oily skin:

  1. Baking soda

This remedy is very effective in treating dandruff caused by seborrheic dermatitis. Baking soda balances the pH of the scalp and creates an unfavorable environment for the growth of the fungus. How to apply:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l baking soda and water
  • Wet your hair and scalp,
  • Gently wipe the skin with a mixture to separate dead cells and fat,
  • After a few minutes of massage, leave the mask for 5 minutes,
  • Rinse the head and hair with water (without shampoo, so as not to cause a reaction),
  • Repeat the process regularly.

  1. Salt to fight dandruff at home

Salt, as an exfoliant, helps remove excess fat and dead skin cells from the scalp.

  • Take 3-4 tablespoons of salt,
  • Moisten the scalp slightly and gently massage it with salt,
  • After a few minutes of massage, rinse the hair with water,
  • Repeat regularly.
  1. Curd Dandruff Hair Mask

Cottage cheese is rich in protein, lactic acid and vitamin B5, which help moisturize the skin and hair. It also has antifungal properties and relieves itching.

  • Put a sufficient amount of sour curd in a bowl (for greater effect, you can add ground pepper, lemon juice or aloe vera),
  • Gently apply it on the scalp with massage movements and distribute along the hair,
  • Leave the mask on for 30 minutes,
  • Rinse hair with shampoo and water. Repeat the procedure regularly.

  1. Aloe vera against dandruff

The soothing and moisturizing properties of aloe vera relieve itching, dryness and other dandruff symptoms. In addition, it has antifungal properties and is extremely effective for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, as well as for dandruff in children.

  • Apply aloe vera gel to the scalp and along the hair,
  • Leave it for a few minutes
  • Rinse with mild shampoo and warm water.

How to quickly and effectively get rid of dandruff and oily skin

For a more rapid and long-term disposal of dandruff, add the following elements and vitamins to your diet:

  1. Zinc. The daily dose of zinc includes 30 mg per day. You can buy it at the pharmacy and take it after meals, or start eating more spinach, seafood, legumes, sunflower seeds and pumpkin, beef liver and other foods rich in zinc.
  2. Vitamin B6. You will find it in fish, meat, legumes and starchy vegetables. The daily dose of vitamin B6 is 25 mg. Since this vitamin is quickly washed out of the body, its frequent use is not dangerous for our health.
  3. Probiotics. These "good" bacteria reduce the level of yeast in the body and reduce inflammation. Increasing the consumption of probiotics will help you improve the intestinal microflora and get rid of dandruff at home. Probiotic foods include yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut.

How to get rid of dandruff on the head caused by psoriasis and eczema:

  1. Dandruff Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is ideal for the treatment of dandruff, because it has antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It also levels the pH of the scalp and is well suited for people suffering from dandruff due to psoriasis. White vinegar is also used, which contains an acid that can fight the fungus and relieve itching.

  • Mix 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and water,
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle,
  • Wash hair with shampoo and water, then spray the solution on the scalp and leave for 5 minutes,
  • Rinse hair with water. Repeat the process twice a week.

  1. Olive oil (method of its use is given above).
  2. Essential oils

Many essential oils, including tea tree, rosemary, jojoba, oregano and cedar, have anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and skin-regenerating properties.

  • Mix 10 drops of essential oil with 1 tsp. base oil (almond, coconut, olive or castor),
  • Gently rub the mixture into the scalp,
  • Leave the mask on for 30 minutes,
  • Wash your hair with shampoo and water. Do not forget to repeat the procedure.

The best dandruff remedies for psoriasis and eczema:

  1. Vitamin D3. This vitamin improves the immune system and successfully fights outbreaks of psoriasis. Key sources of vitamin D3 are sun, caviar, salmon and other fish, raw milk, chicken eggs, etc. Consumption rate: 4000 international units per day.
  2. Omega fatty acids.

How to cure dandruff caused by allergic reactions

Some substances contained in hair care products (including parabens and SLS) can also cause dandruff and hair loss. First of all, you can change your shampoo and watch for a month if there are any changes. Folk remedies listed below will help you get rid of the manifestations of allergies and dandruff.

Quick treatment of such dandruff at home:

Fenugreek is rich in nicotinic acid, protein, niacin, potassium, vitamin C, diogenin and amino acids that help eliminate dandruff and hair loss problem.

  • Soak 2 tbsp. l fenugreek seeds with water for 6 hours or even all night,
  • Spread the seeds into a smooth paste,
  • Apply the paste on the scalp, leave for 30 minutes and rinse with water.

The process must be repeated regularly. Alternatively, you can mix fenugreek leaves with apple cider vinegar, or combine fenugreek powder with coconut oil.

  1. Egg Masks for Dandruff

Biotin, protein and vitamins present in eggs make them an ideal folk remedy for dandruff. In addition, they contribute to the health and shine of the hair.

  • Beat 2 eggs until thick foam,
  • Apply the mixture to the scalp and leave for an hour
  • Rinse your hair well. Repeat this procedure 2 times a week.

The antiseptic Listerin successfully fights fungus, exfoliates dead skin cells and eliminates excess fat in hair follicles.

  • Connect equal amounts of listerine and water,
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle,
  • Apply it on the scalp, hair and leave for 30 minutes,
  • Wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat the process 2 times a week.

How to choose an effective anti-dandruff shampoo?

An effective dandruff shampoo should contain active ingredients that are useful for eliminating unsightly flakes. It can be:

  • Coal tar - this ingredient slows down the natural process of dying off of skin cells on the head,
  • Salicylic acid is useful in treating dandruff, but is not suitable for dry skin.
  • Sulenium Sulfide - slows the rate of cell death, and also reduces the fungus,
  • Zinc Pyrithione - has a good anti-fungal and anti-bacterial effect,
  • Tea tree oil - has antibacterial and antifungal effects, helps with seborrhea (you can also add a few drops of this oil to your favorite shampoo before washing your hair)
  • Ketoconazole is an effective antifungal agent that can be purchased at a pharmacy or found as part of some dandruff shampoos.

General Tips for Dandruff Treatment at Home:

  1. Regardless of the cause of dandruff, to effectively combat it, you should reduce the consumption of such products as: sugar, alcohol, caffeine, fried, spicy and canned foods, foods with a high glycemic index, bakery products.
  2. Always keep your hair and scalp clean, not allowing fat to accumulate and dead cells. For severe dandruff, wash your hair with shampoo twice in a row.
  3. Massage your scalp regularly with moisturizing oil to improve blood circulation, get rid of dryness and dandruff.
  4. Thoroughly rinse shampoo and conditioner.
  5. Drink plenty of water to keep your scalp healthy.

We hope that the information in this article was useful to you. Share your experience with dandruff in the comments!


Watch the video: Quick and Easy Home Remedies For Dandruff (May 2024).