Building up

Microcapsular short hair extensions


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Shiny, healthy hair is a beauty and a means for seduction. Every girl who does not have a luxurious head of hair, at least once thought about building up their own curls. Consider the popular procedure for microcapsule hair extensions. You should learn more about the technology and nuances of this method before you decide to contact the master to change the hairstyle.

Principle of the method

The principle of operation is extremely simple - strands of donor curls are attached to their native strands using microcapsules. This capsule method differs in the size of the capsules themselves - they are very small, almost weightless.

Also, the difference is that the tweezers for capsular reception of work are 6 mm, and for microcapsular - 3 mm. This significantly reduces the weight created by the strands, does not weigh down the hairstyle, reduces the risk of spoiling the hair.

Before starting the procedure, the master selects donor material. He appreciates not only color, but also structure. Above valued "raw" Slavic origin. It always looks more natural and breaks less.

The procedure itself is a method of hot building curls, the most gentle at this stage. For microcapsules extensions using very small capsules and very thin strands of hair. The composition of the microcapsules of wax and protein, which increase strength. With this technique, the extended strands are almost impossible to distinguish from the present, both visually and by touch.

Council The technology is quite complex and painstaking. Therefore, it must perform a highly skilled master.

Build with Extend Magic

With the advent of Extend Magic, the extension procedure has become even simpler and more efficient. The device itself dispenses glue, while the capsule turns out to be even more accurate and inconspicuous. In appearance and size, it looks like a grain of rice. With this device it became possible to build on very short haircuts. Even men began to do this procedure, hiding bald patches.

The technique is very simple, here are its steps:

  1. Consultation master. The master listens to your wishes, examines the hair, gives advice on the selection of color and length of donor hair. Together with a specialist, you select strands of the desired thickness and structure that fits your curls.
  2. Hair preparation. Own hair can be subjected to coloring before building. They are washed with a special shampoo. Do not use masks and conditioners, since the capsule with donor strand can slip off the hair treated in this way. Donor hair, as a rule, comes in a processed form and with a finished capsule. But to prepare the false curls can the master himself.
  3. The main stage, which completely depends on the qualification of a specialist. That part of the head, the hair with which is exposed to building, is divided into segments. Thin strand of native hair taken in a centimeter from the skin, it is applied to her donor. To the joint bring the capsule, pressed against it, both strands. The capsule is warmed with an Extend Magic device. After hardening, it acquires hair color.
  4. At the end of the extension procedure, an adaptation haircut is carried out. It will allow you to align all the hair - native and extended so that there is not a trace of any outside interference in your natural beauty.

Previously, the capsules consisted of keratin and resin and were heated with forceps up to 180 degrees. Now they are made of wax, which must be heated only to 90 degrees with the Extend Magic device. The connection with these capsules remains elastic and invisible. For high-quality hair extensions this way will need much more additional strands. If you increase the surface of the entire head, you will need about 200 thin strands.

The method of increasing Microbellargo

Recently, a new way of hair extension by Bellargo and Microbellargo has proven itself well. This method does not make the hairstyle heavy; the fastening of a large number of donor strands is not required. Enough to fix about a hundred pieces. Patented Termohulzen is a polymer that is sensitive to high temperature, covered with pores over the entire surface, attaches artificial strands to the native head of hair.

With the help of these fastenings, a special microclimate is achieved in the joints and feeding of native hair. Strands are fastened very carefully with the help of a special apparatus Bellargo. Polymer sleeves securely fixed, preventing direct contact with native hairs.

When wearing this hairstyle, the liner does not break. They do not break up, and are almost imperceptible in a hairdress. This method increments from 25 to 100 pieces of donor strands. When building a hundred pieces time will take no more than one and a half hours. It will take even less time to eat during the correction - about 30 minutes.

After incrementing within two days adaptation occurs. And further, hair grows correctly, are not deformed. After removing the glued strands in their native curls will not remain wrinkles.

Prices for microcapsule capacity

The method of microcapsule extension is very popular and effective. Therefore, its prices are very high. The price will be made up of what type of hair will be used in the work, how much will be needed. With this method, absolutely any “raw material” can be used - Eastern European or Asian, or Brazilian hair.

In different regions of the country, prices range from 25 to 100 rubles per strand. In Moscow, the cost is an average of 45 rubles. The total cost of work and "raw materials" can range from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles.

For thin and short hair

It is the microcapsular extension method that is best suited for thin and short hair. If you have always needed additional volume of hair, then this method is for you. Another great advantage is the possibility of sea bathing, visits to the bath and pool. You must wear a bathing cap.

Correction and care

With the method of microcapsule build-up correction may be needed only after six months. The fact is that during the work super-thin strands are used, which do not make the hairstyle heavier. As the hair grows, the capsules are not visible due to its small size, and the hairs are not combed out. Therefore, such hairstyles are long without correction. With this method easier combing of the hair due to the small size of the capsules.

Important! It is allowed to use styling products, styling, ironing, hair dryers, but all this with care, not overheating.

Care for extended curls is quite simple:

  • You also visit saunas, baths, swimming pools.
  • When washing, you should avoid aggressive shampoos, masks, balms. These funds should not contain alcohol, oils, acids. You should not go to bed until the curls have dried after washing.
  • Also do not let the hair get tangled. This may provoke the separation of accrued curls.

If you want to remove the artificial strands, it is very easy to do. You will need special tweezers and a solution containing alcohol. However, this should not be done independently. You should make an appointment with the master who made you microfiber. The correction procedure takes place without the use of sharp objects, such as nippers, solvents and other hazardous substances.

Advantages and disadvantages

The method of microcapsule correction has its advantages:

  • can be applied even on thin and weak hair,
  • short haircut,
  • the capsules are very small and invisible,
  • maximum natural hair
  • hair follicles are not damaged due to the small size of the capsules,
  • minimum thermal effect due to the fact that the minimum number of strands is taken for work,
  • correction once every four to six months
  • simple care, and minimal restrictions,
  • after removing the donor strands, the hair does not spoil,
  • the ability to increase the amount of hair on any part of the head.

The disadvantages of this method are much less than the advantages:

  • high price,
  • long procedure. It can last about five to seven hours,
  • complex technology
  • microcapsular extension allows you to make hair thicker, but unlike other technologies, does not give a large amount of hair.

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Microcapsular extension for short hair.

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Hairstyles Total alopecia

The hair replacement system allows people not only to obtain a decent appearance, but also to update their appearance, making a variety of hairstyles on the replacement systems. Is it important? Of course, if you have your own hair, you probably don’t even appreciate the ability to change your hairstyle, unlike people who have been hiding the absence of hair for years. The wig is very static and others involuntarily begin to look with suspicion, but why is it She or HE never changes the hairstyle and hair color? Many of our clients are experimenting with length, hair color and styling. We have learned to even create the effect of regrown roots! Blondes will understand me.

Especially important is the change of style with total alopecia. Girls get tired of monotony, and it looks unusual today, when for years the head is the same. Nowadays, fashionable trends in dyeing, styling, haircuts are constantly changing, and the constant styling is suggestive of others. Our clients say that sometimes they are asked the question “Why do you always have one hairstyle?”

Another common mistake in using hair replacement systems in people with total alopecia. Many, having got used to wearing wigs since childhood, become hostages of their usual image. Such people are hard to grasp the capabilities of the system. A single haircut or styling is done for all occasions, a deviation from the color gamut or a proposal to refresh the color is perceived with difficulty. It seems to a person that everyone will immediately notice changes in style, they are afraid to draw attention to their appearance. Believe me, quite the opposite.

One high-ranking official said that a journalist who often interviewed him for various magazines, after changing his image, shared with him: “I was always sure that you were wearing a wig, but now I see that I was wrong.” And we just put on a hair replacement system, adding gray hair and removing the excessive thickness characteristic of wigs. And other little things that make the system natural. But this will leave the professionals.

Sometimes the desire of a girl to change the image is hampered by her parents. Accustomed to wigs, they are sure that any contact with the replacement system will cause irreparable damage to the hair. It's not like that at all. With total alopecia, you can experiment, adding color strands to the hair replacement system, using the extension technique, or colored chalk for the hair - a very popular thing among schoolgirls. Chalk is easily washed off, it is cheap, large color palette.

Today, when there are different pigtails in a trend, it is easy to refresh the types of weaving. It is enough to practice, all the more technicians can be viewed in detail in youtube.

Teenage girls want to look modern, and a haircut for a first grader tired for many years. Here are some examples of festive styling on replacement systems.

Who is microcapsular hair extension?

Hot capsular hair extensions are ideal for short haircuts, as microcapsules are attached to any part of the head, even the most open. It is a question of a temporal zone, partings and a bang, in such places the usual capsule will be noticeable. Micro-concealment is able to hide obvious flaws, namely bald patches, scars, turning the liquid hair into lush and voluminous. Moreover, the strand itself has a small weight, which is great for thin and weakened curls.

Microcapsule Extension Technology

Microcapsular hair extensions - This is a unique hot technology that helps to grow hair for a short haircut. The master, initially dividing his head into certain areas, gradually begins to fasten donor strands. So that the remaining hair does not interfere, he fixes them with hairdressing pins, and he puts on a special separator on the chosen strand. Also, the set of hairdresser includes:

  • Thermal tongs designed for fastening strands
  • Capsule Forceps,
  • Clamps
  • Comb with metal tip,
  • Other correction tools: forceps and removal fluid,
  • Skillful fingers.

It is worth noting another nuance that exists in the growth of microcapsules - the number of strands. Since their size is very small, accordingly, a sufficiently large amount of donor hair will be required for the full extension of all areas of the head. It can go up to 400 or more, depending on the structure and the initial appearance of the hairstyle. Therefore, tune in to the fact that you will spend a lot of time with the master, but leave the office in a great mood!

In the event that the master forms the strands himself, and does not acquire the finished ones, his set contains keratin capsules, which he himself puts on the donor hair.

Capsule hair extensions at home is a very complicated and lengthy process, because it is not recommended for beginners or inexperienced hairdressers. The master working at home, in any case, must, firstly, prepare a place for the procedure and, secondly, provide it with the proper light. The only thing you can do at home is to use hair on hairpins, since their attachment does not require special knowledge and skills. Carefully choose a master, look after his work and ask clarifying questions, because correcting careless work requires additional costs.

Is it possible to remove extended hair at home?

With capsule capacity, donor strands can be removed at home, but again, this procedure is not recommended for use at home. If you decide to do this, then go to a professional store, buy hair remover and forceps. Initially, this liquid is applied to the microcapsule and with the help of forceps, you begin to press the capsule several times, destroying it. After that, the donor strand quietly "tightened" with your curls. Please note that we are talking about capsular (microcapsule) hair extensions. If you have used another technology, this method will not work. To understand the technology of hair removal, check out various video materials that demonstrate the entire step-by-step process. In any case, to avoid large hair loss when removing, contact a professional. To date, there are a huge number of methods of removing donor strands, and they are replenished with new species quite often. Only a master with qualifications will tell you the best and safest way.

Hair extensions for short hair - photo before and after

Summing up the above, look at hair extensions for short hair, the photo before and after which is shown at the very bottom. You will see how the person's appearance changes. Microcapsule hair extensions Perfect for short hair, as the master can get to very open areas. Indeed, such a procedure will be able to fulfill your deepest desire and enthrall others.

Microlining: technology features

Microcapsular hair extensions - a unique hot technique that allows you to make extensions on short hair, lengthen the bangs and build hair in the temples and parting. This method of extension (one of the few) is applicable for thinning hair and short haircuts. It is ideal for those who lack the thickness of the hair, or who wish to revive thin, liquid and weakened curls. Microcapsular hair extensions can be done even by men who want to hide their bald patches. The work uses the finest strands (much smaller than standard) and tiny capsules (several times smaller than usual), they allow you to get so subtle and imperceptible combinations of natural and artificial curls that the owner of the new hairstyle will not be able to find them. The ease of microcapsules also allows you to reduce the load on the hair, as a result, the overhead strands are not combed out, and their own are not pulled out. To fix the miniature capsules, the wizard uses forceps 3 mm wide, for comparison: in a normal extension, the width of the tool is twice as large.

In general, you can increase the length to 80 cm, it takes from 3 to 6 hours, it all depends on the number of used strands (from 50 to 300 and more).

Micro-hair Extend Magic

For a long time, using a glue gun and simply reducing the size of the strands, the masters could not achieve that the keratin capsules were obtained imperceptible, and the procedure of extension was as safe as possible for the hair. The device has become a real revolution in hairdressing. Extend magicthat dispenses the adhesive substance on its own, allowing you to get very neat and miniature fastenings of natural and donor strands. If earlier capsules were formed from sufficiently hard resin and keratin that were melted with red-hot forceps at a temperature of 180 degrees, then this technique uses soft wax heated to only 90 degrees: when stiffening, it acquires hair color and gives an inconspicuous, elastic compound.

Extension to short, sparse and thin hair (photo)

Now you can grow hair and short hairand also on sparse, thin hair, bangs or a short haircut. The new technique allowed to increase even one hair, which used to be impossible using traditional methods, therefore it became popular among men who want to hide problem areas. Extend Magic Micro-hair extensions can be performed even on loose strands, and neither the length nor the thickness of the original hair is important: the attachments are so light that they do not weigh down on natural curls. True, the procedure itself is quite time-consuming, because for a full-fledged extension using the Extend Magic technology, it is necessary to double, and even three times more strands than for the ordinary one.

How to increase hair capsules

To quietly attach strands, for the procedure will need:

  • donor curls of suitable length and shade,
  • capsules
  • special tools (tongs, heat gun) for fastening.

Choosing a hot, cold or microcapsule method, in just a few hours the master will be able to lengthen the native curls, which do not suit the beauty, by almost a meter. The skillfully executed procedure makes the junctions barely noticeable, because the transparent shells themselves are no larger than 3 mm, and donor strands are attached at a distance of 1 cm from the roots.

Capsule extension

To make a beautiful hairstyle, to give volume or length, to correct an unsuccessful haircut - these are the situations in which capsular hair extensions have no equal. Any problem will be solved in just a few hours, but before the procedure it is necessary to choose the best way: hot, cold, microcapsular techniques have their own characteristics. These nuances greatly affect the final result, so before you build hair on the capsules, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

It is considered the most common way to quickly make thick, long curls under the influence of temperature:

  1. The Italian way of capsular extension refers to a simple technology: ready-made strands with transparent keratin shells are attached to the native ones.
  2. The English way is more labor-intensive, requiring skill from a hairdresser, because the curls have to be chosen independently, as well as transparent shells made of organic resin, because this option is more complicated than the Italian one.

Any of the cold technology options - French, Spanish, Japanese - helps to attach donor strands unobtrusively in the most gentle way. The advantage of this method of capsule technology is the minimal effect on the roots and scalp, because the procedure does not require high temperatures or the use of special chemicals. To make the attached curls look natural, miniature rings, sticky ribbons or capsules are used.


Suitable for owners of thin, dyed or loose strands. The advantage of this technology lies in the size of the capsules and smaller donor strands. This method helps to reduce the load on the roots, and the joints of relatives with patch strands are almost invisible or barely felt when touched. Microcapsular extension is an ideal way to increase bangs, add volume or make thin your own strands in a long, most gentle way.

Hair Extensions

For this procedure, apply material of different types: Slavic, European, Asian strands. The latter are distinguished by their rigidity, low quality, and the Slavic ones are considered the best, because they are soft and silky to the touch and suitable for repeated use. To the original material was suitable for use, artificial strands are subjected to special treatment to preserve the cuticle. The most expensive patch curls with transparent shells at the ends undergo a double processing system Double Drone.

Like natural, artificial hair requires care, but there are some nuances. In order for artificial strands to preserve a beautiful appearance for a long time, not to be tangled when combing or to look dull, you should wash your head with shampoo with low alkali content as needed, and applying balms, masks, rinses should be limited so as not to damage the outer layer. It is allowed to dry the overhead strands with a hairdryer at a low temperature, and visiting the sauna will have to be abandoned.

Hair removal

An experienced master should remove the curls, it is absolutely not recommended to carry out the procedure yourself - this is harmful! To get rid of donor strands, a special liquid must be applied to the place of adhesion (directly on the capsule). Then, using forceps, the softened transparent shell must be crushed, and the detached patch of curls will have to be very carefully held by the relatives. To remove the capsular hair extensions, you have to spend from one to two hours: the duration of the procedure depends on the number of artificial curls.

How much does it cost to grow hair

The cost of the procedure is determined by several important factors: how many capsules are needed for hair extensions, what is the quality of the overhead strands, their length, the work of the master. If you want to only lengthen your own hairstyle, you will have to buy about 120-130 donor strands. Want to give volume to the head? To do this, you will have to increase from 180 to 200 artificial curls. Depending on the number of strands, the average cost of the procedure (Slavic type, length 50 cm) may be as follows:

Peculiarities of capsular hair care

For curls, enhanced capsular method, you need to care in a special way, it will keep their original appearance and reduce the risk of negative consequences.

Here are the basic rules of care:

  1. You should avoid visiting pools, saunas and baths. Also, do not allow wet curls in natural waters.
  2. Hair should be combed very carefully. In addition, for such a daily procedure, it is desirable to use a special comb designed for artificial curls.
  3. Do not use care and cosmetics, which include oils, alcohol, acids and other aggressive ingredients. They can destroy the capsules, which will lead to the loss of artificial curls. At the same time apply any formulations need, retreating from the roots. And avoid active rubbing, they are contraindicated.
  4. Do not go to bed with wet hair, before sleeping, they must be completely dry.
  5. Avoid tangling. To do this, at night you can braid your hair in a braid.
  6. It is extremely important to make a correction in time. Capsule hair extensions involve such a procedure every two to three months.
  7. Do not try to remove the artificial curls yourself, in this case, you can damage the natural.
  8. Avoid mechanical stress, treat hair extensions carefully.
  9. If you use rectifiers, then retreat from the roots of at least 7-10 centimeters, so as not to damage the capsules.
  10. It is advisable to use a hair dryer as rarely as possible. In addition, the air should not be excessively hot, and the pressure - strong.

How to care for hair with microcapsular extension method?

The care is quite simple, since there are not so many restrictions. So, you can visit saunas and baths, pools and reservoirs. Fasteners are quite strong, and the degree of adhesion is high, so that when the humidity is high, the strands will not come off. It will be easier and combing, due to the minimum size of the capsules (you can not accidentally comb them). You can use the usual comb, but not metal or plastic, and not with too frequent teeth.

And yet there are some limitations.

So, you should be attentive to the choice of the means used. In their composition should not be any aggressive substances (acids, oils, alcohol). It is not recommended to sleep with wet hair.

Avoid tangling, it can provoke the separation and loss of artificial curls. You should also make a correction in time, avoid significant mechanical effects and carefully use the iron and hair dryer.

What to choose?

What way to build? It all depends on the condition and characteristics of your natural hair, as well as on the wishes and expected results. So, if you want to increase not only the length, but also the volume, then a capsular extension will be more suitable. This option will be appropriate in the event that you want to save. But be prepared to provide proper care and observe some restrictions.

If you have thin and weak hair, then choose a microcapsular extension. It is also suitable if the initial length of the curls is minimal. Also, this method is worth choosing for those who prefer naturalness.

Choose the appropriate method of hair extensions and enjoy the result!

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And what option did you use ?! We are waiting for your feedback in the comments!

Microcapsule extension technology

The technique of microlining is identical to hot hair extensions according to Italian technology, when a donor strand with a keratin base is attached to its own hair strand and is securely fixed with the help of special thermal tongs. For microlining, capsules with a size of 3 mm are used instead of the usual 6 mm, and the attached strand is much smaller in size and weight. But even despite the fact that at the base of such a donor strand lies a small plate, the quality of the build-up remains consistently high: the strands securely fasten to the hair, look natural, do not comb out and are worn for a long time. Correction or removal of hair extensions is performed using a special solution and forceps, with which the master without any harm to your hair will perform the planned procedure.

Microcapsule hair extensions, the prices of which are higher than the prices of regular hair extensions, are characterized by long and laborious work, and in addition, this is the only hair extensions that allow you to lengthen the shortest hair and is suitable for men.

Who is microcapsular extension suitable for?

This is a real salvation for those who want to hide the lack of hair on the forehead, in the temporal region, at the parting, get rid of bald patches and self-doubt. With microcapsule hair extensions, you can increase from 50 to 300 strands, and the duration of the procedure depends on the amount of work to be done and will be from 3 to 6 hours.

You have thin and sparse hair, but you want to give your hair volume and length, make the bangs thicker as natural and unobtrusive as possible? Then the ideal solution for you is microcapsular hair extensions. Photos speak for themselves. See how lightly these capsules look! Exactly also imperceptible and they are on the hair.

You will be able to dye, curl or straighten hair, wear absolutely any hairstyle: high tail, laconic bunch on the back of the head - no one will ever notice that you have microcapsular hair extensions. The reviews of clients who performed this procedure in the HairSilk beauty and hair extension studio are unambiguous - the result exceeded their expectations, their hair looks great!

Micro-raising. Advice from HairSilk experts

Advice for those who think that micro capsules are more comfortable, not tangible and less harmful to hair!) Properly extended capsules are equally safe, and micro and ordinary standard capsules (5 mm) The only difference is that there is less hair in a micro capsule, accordingly, you will need more micro capsules than usual ones (average volume with standard capsules is 125-150 strands, and micro will need about 200) If your entire head is in capsules, it will still be palpable and most of your hair will be used) Therefore, I advise to increase the camp Dart capsules on the back of the head, and micro build up on the temples.


Watch the video: How To Attach Micro Ring Hair Extensions (July 2024).