Hair Growth

Characteristics, application and reviews about - Aevita - in the treatment of baldness


For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
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Olga Antonova, a trichologist on the prognosis and course of alopecia. Is it possible to predict in advance the course of Nesting Alopecia? And are there any definite signs that the patient is waiting for future universal alopecia, that is, complete hair loss?

Each doctor will answer such a question that no one can reliably predict how a patient will have a disease. But still there are statistics to date that reveal the relationship of the severity of the course and the vastness of the lesion with those or other factors. Let me remind everyone that we are talking about Alopecia Alopecia (HA), an autoimmune disease in which the hair follicle is damaged in the active growth stage, which further leads to hair loss. The structure of this disease is such that in 20% of cases the disease begins in childhood, in 60% of the disease occurs before 20 years, and only 20% of patients are over 40 years old, that is, most children and young people are sick.

The most important factor indicating a poor prognosis is the degree of baldness. If a patient has a local form and one small focus, then in the future he may spontaneously overgrow, in 50% without any treatment. If the form is subtotal, total or diffuse, then the prognosis is less favorable, less than 10% chance for full recovery. Other factors indicating a poor prognosis are the duration of the disease, nail damage (pinpoint ulceration, thinning or hardening of the nails, point or linear inclusions — leukonychia), atopy (allergic anamnesis), positive family history, the presence of other autoimmune diseases, early age of onset of the disease .

What autoimmune diseases are associated with alopecia areata?

It has been established that autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland, atopic dermatitis, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and other diseases have the same gene mutations as alopecia alopecia. The type of inheritance of HA is polygenic, and hundreds of genes are described that are responsible for relieving this disease, and in one family member the carrier of the responsible gene can be realized in atopic dermatitis, and in another in GA. The incidence rate of HA in families is 10–20%.

Why does alopete have hair loss mostly in the fall?

In the fall, hair falls not only from alopets, but from all people, too. Someone thinks that this is synchronization for a person. In animals, for example, it is clearly seen in the form of a moult, and this is due to the fact that they have all the hair at the same time in anagen (growth) and in telogen (loss). People on the head up to 80% in anagen, that is, not all hair grow at the same time, but nevertheless synchronization is also possible.

In summer, improved hair growth occurs due to sunlight, because along with the harmful rays of spectrum A, which cause skin burns and photo-aging, there are also useful B rays that stimulate the production of vitamin D, melatonin in the skin, which we need to grow and regulate biorhythms, serotonin - the hormone of joy and tidal forces, as well as various stimulatory mediators.

What results can be summarized under the written?

Unfortunately, the course of GA is unpredictable. Up to 50% of patients recover even without treatment within a year. At the same time, 85% of patients reappeared at the site of the disease. Indirect factors can predict the course of the disease indirectly, and the most severe course will be in a pediatric patient with nail damage, concomitant autoimmune diseases with a large area of ​​damage. It is disappointing, but if GA was manifested for the first time before puberty (adolescence), then the probability of developing a severe total form is more than 50%. With a total and universal form of alopecia alopecia (in the complete absence of body hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes), the recovery is less than 10%.

Published February 7, 2017

Vitamins Aevit for hair growth: a popular remedy for hair loss

Lack of vitamins, weakening of immunity - all this is reflected in our hair. Unfortunately, many masks, balms, sprays have a temporary effect and can even be addictive. Eliminate the fragility, dryness and loss of curls will only help the internal effects. Here will help vitamins Aevit for hair growth. This drug will help to restore the strands from the inside, will give hair shine, silkiness, softness, and also accelerate their growth. About how to use the drug, you will learn from our article.

The name of the drug speaks for itself. This is a combination of vitamin A and E, which has a beneficial effect not only on the curls, but also on the skin.

Aevit is an immunostimulating drug with antioxidant properties. The complex contributes to skin elasticity, restoration of the epidermis layer, and also eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin.

The drug is available in two forms: ampoules and capsules.

We recommend reading: how to take folic acid for hair growth.

Important! According to reviews, the effect of oral intake is longer, in contrast to external use.

Composition and benefits

The preparation contains only two vitamins: A and E. It is a balanced intake of these components that helps to overcome hair loss and increase their growth.

Vitamin A (retinol palmitate) has a positive effect on the work of the immune system, the condition of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, and also promotes regeneration at the cellular level. Thanks to this component, our curls are protected from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Retinol is found in such products: liver, dairy products, carrots, melons, watermelons, pine nuts, Brussels sprouts, pineapples.

Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) acts as a powerful antioxidant. It prevents the occurrence of free radicals in the human body. As a result, the nervous and circulatory system is improved, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

Tocopherol prevents premature aging, the appearance of cancer, supports the reproductive system. You can find vitamin E in foods such as liver, egg yolks, vegetable oil, milk, nuts, seeds, cereals, and many vegetables. Read more about hair growth products on our website.

The main advantages of using the vitamin complex are:

  • available for purchase,
  • acceptable cost
  • safe use
  • the convenience of use,
  • The effect is visible after the first dose.

In what cases is used

The drug will help get rid of the manifestation of such problems:

  • hair loss due to reduced immunity, inadequate nutrition, stress, environmental damage,
  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • dullness, fragility of curls,
  • slower growth of curls,
  • damage to the strands due to frequent use of a hair dryer, pleyek, etc.

The complex of vitamins is available in the form of capsules and ampoules. Packaging consists of blisters containing 10, 20, 25 and 50 capsules.

The drug is very affordable, as the cost of a package with 10 capsules is only 30-50 rubles, and a package with 50 gelatin capsules will cost about 100 rubles. You can also find the drug in the form of ointments or solution. Ointments will cost from 150 rubles, and liquid solutions about 100 rubles.


Aevit has a considerable list of contraindications due to the specific effects of the components. Prescribe treatment should only doctor.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • age up to 14 years
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • thyrotoxicosis,
  • hypervitaminosis,
  • coronary heart disease,
  • cholecystitis,
  • early stages of pregnancy
  • hypersensitivity to components
  • renal failure
  • viral hepatitis,
  • disruption of the thyroid gland.

Attention! When planning a pregnancy, the drug can also play a negative role.

Terms of use

It is possible to use means both for internal reception, and for external use. To get started is to decide how to take it inside.

There is a way of internal reception:

  1. Vitamins in the form of capsules are taken wholly. For prophylactic purposes, it is enough to take 1 capsule a day before or after meals. Reception period is 30 days. You can repeat the course no earlier than after 6 months. For the treatment of beriberi, it is recommended to take two a day: one in the morning, the second for the night. The duration of treatment is about two weeks.
  2. The drug in the form of ampoules is used for intramuscular injection. When entering the solution you need to ensure that it does not fall into the subcutaneous layer of fat. The treatment regimen is the same for all diseases and is the introduction of 1 ampoule per day, which is equal to 1 ml. The duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of the disease and varies within 20–40 days. Features and rules for the use of vitamins for hair growth in ampoules you learn from us on the site.

For topical use, both capsules and ampoules are suitable. In contrast, indoor use is more secure because it does not cause adverse reactions. The drug can be added to shampoos, hair balms or used in its pure form.

When using only Aevita capsule pierce, squeeze the contents and rubbed into the skin. If the product is combined with balms, creams, then 1–3 pieces are taken for 5–10 grams of the product.

Council For the face daily, the contents of the capsules are applied to the skin by 3-5 drops. This will help to remove acne, reduce wrinkles, make the skin elastic, eliminate pigment spots.

For external use Aevita for hair is rubbed directly into the scalp with massage movements and left overnight. When adding oil to care products for curls, a single dose of a substance lasts 3 capsules.

You will be useful: head massage for rapid hair growth, the rules of implementation and contraindications.

You can also get rid of brittle nails. Oil should be rubbed into the nail plate and cuticle until completely absorbed.

Mask Recipes

Good results show masks with the addition of Aevita. Apply such masks are advised 1-2 times a week for a month. Between courses it is recommended to take a break of several months.

Below are the most popular recipes for curls masks.

  1. The mask for strengthening and gloss is very simple in preparation. To do this, mix the contents of one capsule with one tablespoon of olive oil. Method of application: evenly distribute with light massage movements on the roots of the curls, put on a plastic cap and roll up with a towel. Soak for at least 1 hour and rinse with shampoo.
  2. To accelerate the growth of hair, you need to squeeze the juice of one bulb and add 1 ampoule of aevita. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the roots of the hair. Mask incubated for 15 minutes, wash off first with shampoo, then with additional water.
  3. Against the loss of strands mixed 2 egg yolks, 1 tbsp. spoonful of onion juice, olive oil and 3 capsules of aevita. Apply a mask over the entire length of the hair, cover the head with a film, a towel and incubate for 1 hour, then wash off with shampoo.
  4. To strengthen mix 1 tablespoon of burdock oil, mustard, 1 yolk and 3 capsules. Mask rubbed into the skin, cover the head with a film and a towel, stand for half an hour and wash off.
  5. Against fragility, you need to mix a spoonful of sour cream with Aevita's capsule and gently rub into the roots of the curls. Stand for 2-3 hours and wash off the head.

Effect of use

The effect of internal reception appears, as a rule, after a week of the use of vitamins. Local application brings faster and more effective results. After the procedures, after 1–2 weeks, the curls will look better, the hair loss stops and the growth of new hair resumes.

Also to the positive effects include:

  • protection of curls from the harmful effects of the environment,
  • increasing the growth of strands
  • strengthening the hair,
  • the alopecia process stops or stops,
  • the problem of split ends is eliminated,
  • hairstyle becomes thicker, shiny, healthy.

Attention! In addition to the positive effects of Aevit, it can adversely affect health as a side effect, an overdose caused by improper use.

Adverse reactions include:

Summarizing all the above, we can say that Aevit is a very effective way to grow and improve the condition of the locks. This is confirmed by many positive reviews after its use. However, it should be taken very carefully and it is better to consult a doctor before taking it.

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
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Aevit: 2 vitamins for luxurious hair

Dryness, brittleness, loss ... If it's all about your hair, then you need to urgently take measures to restore health and beauty to your favorite strands. Popular masks and balms are powerless? It's time to turn to serious means. In the arsenal of every beauty should be present "Aevit".

Aevit is very useful for hair

  • Price of vitamins
  • Aevit for hair and scalp: indications and contraindications of vitamins
  • Instructions for use Aevita for tips of hair in the form of capsules, oil, balm, shampoo
    • Retinol mask for hair growth
    • Hair Loss Mask Recipe
    • Mask for dry and brittle hair with vitamin E: the result is obvious

Aevit for hair is an ambulance at home. It contains vitamins E and A in very large quantities.

The main role in this union belongs to vitamin A, it is retinol. This component protects the curls from aggressive environmental influences, helps to grow healthy and elastic. The main task of vitamin E - help in the assimilation of its ally. In addition, he is actively struggling with a fallout.

Together, vitamins A and E restore the scalp, strengthen the bulbs and stimulate hair growth. And both rescuers are connected in huge doses in a multivitamin preparation.

With any problems with hair, “Aevit” can be used both inside and outside. But! Vitamins are concentrated in it in a very large (medical) amount, so only a doctor prescribes this drug for internal use.

Vitamins are sold in ampoules and capsules. "Aevit" in ampoules is more suitable for hair care. Content is no different. It's all about convenience.

Price of vitamins

The cost of "Aevita" is small compared to its stunning effect. Ampoules are sold in cardboard boxes of ten pieces. The cost of such a package is about 80 rubles.

Capsules are sold in blister packs of 10 pieces. The cost of one blister is 30-40 rubles. Often, vitamins pack several blisters in a box, then the cost will increase to 60-130 rubles per box (depending on the number of capsules).

Aevit for hair and scalp: indications and contraindications of vitamins

"Aevit" - your method of treatment of curls and scalp, if:

  1. Dryness and flaking are constant companions of your head.
  2. Hair loss is pathological.
  3. Breakage is caused by excessive use of a hair dryer, ironing, curling, etc.

In the first and second cases, problems can be caused by diseases of the scalp. When seborrhea (disruption of the sebaceous glands) or alopecia (excessive prolapse) only external use of "Aevita" will be ineffective. A visit to the doctor is a must. In the third case, “Aevit” in masks will cope with the problem.

In which cases the use of miracle remedies should be abandoned?

  • Kidney Disease: Excessive fortification may cause allergies or kidney failure.
  • Thyroid problems: use of the drug can cause a metabolic disorder.
  • Heart disease: with stagnant phenomena, vitamin E provokes the formation of blood clots.
  • Pregnancy: an increased amount of vitamins A and E can cause abnormal development of the fetus.

Like any medical drug vitamin Aevit for hair does not tolerate overdoses. Abuse of the complex is fraught with nausea and vomiting, drowsiness or overexcitement, headaches and other unpleasant surprises.

Instructions for use Aevita for tips of hair in the form of capsules, oil, balm, shampoo

Instructions for use "Aevita" for hair involves internal and external use.

This is a course drug. Take "Aevit" for hair loss should be within one month. One capsule per day is enough. A second course of treatment can be carried out in six months.

External use is not fraught with any negative consequences. It all depends on your desire and perseverance to restore the health of your hair.

There are different ways to use vitamins. The most common and at the same time simple is adding a capsule “Aevit” to hair in shampoo with each use. Natural shine will appear after the first application. In a month, the strands will be filled with vitality. Health and silkiness will become a constant companion of your hair. Very effective "Aevit" from hair loss.

Council Adding vitamins to a balm or conditioner will give a greater effect. There is no secret. Shampoo you wash off quickly enough, and additional care products hold a few minutes.

If you apply a small amount of the oil solution to the tips an hour before washing your hair, Aevit will solve the problem with split hair.

More serious care - a mask for hair with "Aevit." Each problem has its own solution. Additional ingredients improve the overall condition of the locks and increase the impact of the vitamin complex.

Hair Loss Mask Recipe

  • Vitamins "Aevit"
  • Olive oil
  • Burr oil
  • Castor oil

Mix one tablespoon of each oil with one ampoule of vitamins. The finished solution is rubbed into the skin of the head and left for 4 hours. If you wish, you can leave for the whole night.

If you add two teaspoons of Dimexidum, then the nutrients of the mask better penetrate the scalp. When using Dimexidum, the mixture is not rubbed, but simply applied to the skin. This drug can be purchased at any pharmacy.

For greater effect, it is better to apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair and wear a warming cap (film and towel).

Council It is difficult to rinse off the oil, so it is better to use water with vinegar or lemon juice for rinsing.

Mask for dry and brittle hair with vitamin E: the result is obvious

Thoroughly mix two egg yolks and one vial of vitamins. Apply a light rubbing on the scalp. Exposure time is two hours. After rinsing with shampoo. Depending on the condition, make a mask once or twice a week.

Council You can add 2-3 drops of lavender oil. Lavender improves the structure and strengthens the hair follicles.

The use and result of "Aevita" for hair depends on the state of your curls. If the problem is serious enough, you should contact the appropriate specialist. The trichologist is responsible for the beauty of the hair.

Make sure that vitamins are necessary for hair, like water for man.

If the situation does not require serious medical intervention, then everything is in your hands. The regularity of the procedures and the unique properties of Aevita will lead to the desired result. Hair will become elastic and elastic, former health will return to them.

How do vitamins affect hair?

AT 2. Hair is obliged to this vitamin for its healthy appearance. And if at the roots they quickly become fat, while their tips, on the contrary, are dry, this indicates a lack of B2 in the body. This vitamin is contained in sufficient quantities in the liver and meat, dairy products and bread.

IN 3. His job is to ensure the formation of hair pigment. Their growth is disturbed and an early gray hair appears in case of a lack of this vitamin. To supplement it, one should eat more beef, liver, fish, peanuts and whole grains.

AT 5. Pantothenic acid is very important for the health of the body. This vitamin strengthens the immune system and, therefore, has a positive effect on the state of hair. B5 is found in bran and chicken meat, egg yolks, liver, broccoli, peanuts, whole grains, and brewer's yeast.

AT 6. It is possible to assume about its deficiency in the body if dandruff, dry scalp, itching appeared on the hair roots. To replenish stocks of this vitamin, you should lean on fish and chicken, liver and pork, eggs and nuts, potatoes and bananas, cabbage and other vegetables.

AT 9. This is one of the helpers for hair growth. Most of this vitamin is found in cheese and cottage cheese, fish, vegetables, and brewer's yeast.

AT 10. This element maintains normal hair color and prevents the appearance of premature gray hair. The source of this vitamin is egg yolks, dairy products, fish, nuts, potatoes, rice.

AT 12. Another element that has a positive effect on hair growth and generally improves health is colabamine. But due to its lack of focal alopecia occurs, the scalp becomes dry, itching may occur. In order to prevent this, it is recommended to eat food of animal origin, dairy products, eggs.

AT 9. Together with the “colleagues” from group B, folic acid is responsible for hair growth. And contain this vitamin vegetables, liver and brewer's yeast.

Vitamin C. It is extremely important to prevent hair loss, because it helps to strengthen their bulbs, stimulate blood circulation in the skin and help the capillaries. Very rich in this vitamin citrus, wild rose, black currant and cabbage (especially pickled).

Vitamin A. To make hair more elastic, retinol helps to restore the structure of damaged hair, as well as to overcome dryness and brittleness. This vitamin is rich in fish liver, eggs, dried apricots, butter, blackberries and gooseberries, carrots, sea buckthorn, mountain ash.

Vitamin E. Thanks to him, the immune system is strengthened, and blood circulation improves. And vice versa: if the body lacks this vitamin, hair growth worsens, and hair loss may begin. To prevent this, you should include in the diet of sunflower oil, nuts and seeds.

How baldness is treated

If the hair loss was caused by diseases or malfunctions in the body, treatment involves taking medications and lifestyle changes. It happens that alopecia occurs due to malnutrition and related factors. In such cases, it is recommended to monitor your diet, get rid of bad habits and get enough sleep. In addition to changes in the lifestyle, you can prescribe medication, vitamins or fish oil.

Loose strands need special care. To stop baldness from bothering, it is good to use special shampoos, balms, masks and oils against hair loss. Instead of cosmetics or in addition to them, you can prepare herbal decoctions that positively affect the hair structure. Such plants include nettle, chamomile, coltsfoot, burdock roots and calamus.

It is necessary to avoid frequent staining and application of caustic chemicals. Also, do not get involved in long-term styling and perm. To create a beautiful hair do not need to use often and in large quantities headbands, hard rubber bands, barrettes.

Blow-dry hair is undesirable. This method of drying can lead to dryness and brittleness without the damaged hair. If you wash your hair, it is better to let it dry naturally and do it before you lie down in bed.

It is not advisable to comb wet hair. To stimulate blood flow to the scalp, as well as make a light and pleasant massage, you should use a rare-tooth comb made from natural materials and a massage brush.

Aevit against hair loss

When creating the Aevit vitamin complex, the developers aimed at creating such a product in which the vitamins would perfectly complement each other without neutralizing the positive effect.

These vitamins can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is possible to buy them in the form of capsules with liquid and ampoules.

Retinol (vitamin A) in the composition is responsible for protecting the hair. It protects the hair from both the effects of chemistry, and from excess UV rays. In addition to reliable protection, vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the structure of the strands. With the help of this element is produced so important for curls keratin. Hair follicles receive strength and strength, and trunks - beauty, hydration and well-groomed appearance.

Vitamin E (also known as tocopherol and beauty vitamin) also has a protective function. In case of illness and hair loss this element is indispensable. It gives curls resilience, strength and elasticity. Previously weakened hair gain shine and smoothness.

Features and method of application

Multivitamins "Aevit" can be used in different ways. Injection ampoules allow intramuscular injection. But oil capsules can be taken orally or applied to the hair in the form of a mask. Best of all, the effect will be with the complex treatment of alopecia with the medicine "Aevit".

Before using injections or vitamins inside, you should consult with a specialist. The doctor will select the dosage and indicate the duration of treatment, taking into account your age, individual characteristics and stage of the disease.

As for the capsules, they also effectively help with baldness and in the form of a mask. Vitamin capsules are pierced, and the oil from them is rubbed into the hair roots. "Aevit" can be applied to the scalp, both in pure form and in conjunction with other means.

If you plan to apply a mask exclusively from a vitamin preparation, you need to take several capsules of Aevita (it should make 10 ml.). It is convenient to type the oil with a syringe. The substance is applied to washed hair and rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. Do not rush to wash off the oil mask, you can leave it overnight, or hold it for a few hours. After that it is advisable to wash your hair with shampoo against alopecia and rinse abundantly with water or herbal decoction.

Review real reviews

Means "Aevit" against hair loss, the reviews of which are mostly positive, are often appointed by trichologists and dermatologists. This is not surprising, because those who buy this medicine are satisfied with the result.

Many authors of enthusiastic reviews note that the hair loss has stopped, their condition has improved markedly, and the nails on the hands and feet have become stronger and have ceased to break. Some users call the vitamin complex "magic drug", which quickly saved them from problems with hair.

The advantages of the product also include a low cost, convenience for ingestion. Many women not only treated alopecia with this product, but also used it as a lip balm and a means for growing eyebrows and eyelashes.

Of course, not without fair criticism. Some consumers have noticed that after the use of the drug "Aevit" an allergic reaction appeared. Ladies who were planning a pregnancy or were in a position could not take these vitamins due to contraindications. Also, several people had an overdose. However, such reviews once again prove the harm of self-treatment. Before using any medications or supplements, you should consult with your doctor.


Many girls choose Aevit for hair to restore their health. These vitamins are a complex and effective means for maintaining the health of the whole body. And although the instructions for Aevit do not say anything about hair, this drug is often used for problems with hair.

How to take aevit for hair?

In order to prevent loss of the drug take 1 capsule for 1 month. With serious vitamin deficiency, the dosage is increased - and they take 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days. However, in such cases, the permission of the doctor is required, self-treatment can be harmful to your health.

The repeated course of reception if necessary can be carried out in 3-6 months.

Masks and Balsams

External use of vitamins Aevit for hair is carried out in the form of masks and additives to hygiene products. This treatment gives an accelerated therapeutic effect - nutrients penetrate directly into the scalp, so the tissues are faster saturated with nutrients.

From such care, the curls literally come to life - acquire shine, elasticity and elasticity. True, this method does not solve the problem of the bitten tips.

Apply Aevit capsules for hair is very simple: the contents of 1-2 capsules are gently rubbed into the scalp before bedtime, washed off in the morning using shampoo. You need to repeat the procedure 2 times a week. After a month of such therapy, the result will be noticeable - the curls will grow faster, the hairstyle will be more voluminous and thick.

Aevit for hair growth:

  • Pierce the vial with vitamins with a needle and pour its contents into the cup.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l onion juice.
  • Spread evenly over scalp
  • Cover with foil and warm with a towel.
  • Hold 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Rinse need 2 times with warm water and shampoo.
  • This mask not only stimulates hair growth, but also prevents their loss.

Due to the fact that the mask with Aevit consists of oil ingredients, it is difficult to wash it away. To facilitate this process, before washing your hair, apply a small amount of shampoo on oiled hair and massage thoroughly. Then add some water and actively foam and rinse.

Hair mask with Aevit:

  • Mix 2 ampoules of vitamins, with 3 tbsp. l burdock oil.
  • Gently rub the compound in the roots with massage movements.
  • Distribute the remaining mixture in length.
  • Cover the head with a wrap and a scarf.
  • Hold for 1 hour and rinse with a large volume of water.

Repeat once a week, only 4-5 repetitions. Such a mask is especially effective and useful in the cold season, when the body needs more nutrients and nutrients.

Aevit with hair loss:

  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Capsules of vitamins - 1-2 pieces.
  • We mix components, we put on roots.
  • Leave for 3-4 hours (or overnight).
  • Wash off with shampoo.

Result of application: moisturized and strong hair without broken ends.

We tried to make a complete review of how to use this vitamin complex. The listed mask recipes are most popular among women, their effect and effectiveness has been tested by many on personal experience.

If the doctor refused, try other proven hair growth products.

Evgenia: “I have long been drinking Aevit for hair. Outside I do not use - there is no such need. Thanks to the action of vitamins, my hair looks gorgeous, there is something to brag about. The curls are very long, they shine, and to the touch it feels like silk.Also strengthened nails, the skin condition has improved significantly. "

Ulyana: “Inspired by reviews about vitamins Aevit for hair from friends and also began to mix them with my shampoo. In just 3 washes, the appearance of the hair was transformed, the hair began to shimmer beautifully in the light, dryness and dullness disappeared. I will continue to follow the course of treatment. ”

Victoria: “At the pharmacy, I was recommended by Aevit for hair loss. They said to drink 1 unit per day for a month, and at the same time every 3 days make masks with castor oil and these vitamins. Approximately 2 weeks have passed and the first results are already visible: the loss has decreased, the state of the curls has slightly improved, their structure has become denser. ”

Comments: 26

I use aevit exclusively as part of a hair mask. The effect is quite positive. The hair is shiny, not tough, even as if thicker than steel. I think that taking inside this vitamin will be too much. There are no problems with nails, only the hair caused anxiety, for them there are enough masks.

Aevit is still my mother used for hair. At the time of her youth there was no such abundance of beauty products as now. But even now, aevit is not inferior, as I believe. Inexpensive and effective, I use it myself, and I am very pleased. And you can eat it, to enhance the effect 🙂 And our beauty is good, and the whole organism.

I don’t drink it, but when I’m always adding my hair to shampoo or balm, I’m holding it a little and washing it off, I don’t grow hair faster, but their appearance is wonderful. Do not split, do not electrolyze, smooth and obedient. A couple of times a week I make a mask, take aevit, mix it with egg yolk, add some sour cream or cream, and keep this mask for a couple of hours.

If everyone so praises these vitamins, we must try outwardly

Features and composition

This product is a gelatin capsule with a yellowish oily solution..

Active ingredients are vitamins A and E.

Does "Aevit" help with hair loss?

It is a balanced intake of these vitamins to achieve effective results in hair loss.

Vitamin A, or retinol palmitate contributes to the proper and harmonious functioning of the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, promotes the restoration of epithelial tissues, and activates the regeneration of young body cells.

Its use allows you to quickly recover young hair follicles. The bulbs are filled with strength and energy, become resistant to all sorts of negative influences.

Vitamin E, or tocopherol acetate is the strongest antioxidant that prevents and destroys free radicals in the body. Due to its improved function of the nervous system, the walls of blood vessels become elastic, improves blood flow.

Vitamin removes the premature aging of the body, stimulates the regeneration of young, healthy cells. Its beneficial effect has a unique effect on the condition of the hair.

The combination of these two vitamins are the ideal solution in the fight against baldness and hair loss. They not only stimulate the growth of hair follicles, but also contribute to the preservation of hair, while beneficially affecting the scalp. Cellular respiration of the skin is improved, tissues receive the necessary amount of oxygen.

Release form

"Aevit" against hair loss produced in capsules or in ampoules.

It can be taken orally or externally, rubbing the composition into the scalp.

The result of the ingestion is slower, since the drug needs to get into the intestine, and then with the bloodstream to influence the entire body.

According to reviews of women who used the drug, with the external method of application, the effect was faster, and the result is magical.

If used for external use, it is enough to rub the composition into the scalp for a month or to make various masks with these components in order to achieve a positive effect. If you carry out daily rubbing enough 1-2 weeks.

Hair after "Aevita" will become elastic, thick, the cores of the strands will become healthy, will begin to grow rapidly. Complex multivitamins will slow down the aging process, while accelerating hair growth and effectively strengthening their roots.

How to take "Aevit" from hair loss

How to take "Aevit" from hair loss? With a strong loss of strands, "Aevit" is recommended to drink for 3 months, taking 1 capsule per day.. If the hair falls out very much, bald patches have appeared, you can enhance the effect of the drug, taking 2 capsules 2-3 times a day. The course of such treatment should be no more than 10-14 days.

For prevention, the drug can be taken every 3 months, drinking a capsule daily for 2-3 weeks..

If "Aevit" will be used for rubbing in and with masks, the complex must be used every day for 2 weeks. Before treatment, you need to wash your hair, and rub the drug into the scalp. Soak for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

To do this, use 2 capsules.

Excellent results are obtained by adding the contents of the capsules to any shampoos and ready-made balms.

Such procedures are recommended to do 2 times a week.

Well use ready-made masks, which are sold in cosmetic departments, adding to them "Aevit".

If the drug will be taken with masks, the procedure is done once a day until complete cessation of hair loss.

When to wait for the effect?

Loss of curls will begin to stop gradually, as the drug is taken. The first results will be noticeable after a week of application of "Aevita". But the greatest effect can be achieved by rubbing the composition into the roots of the strands. In 1-2 weeks the hair will completely stop falling out, and in 1-2 months new ones will begin to grow., young and healthy hairs.

"Aevit" - a great solution in the fight against hair loss. This affordable remedy effectively affects the hair structure in no way inferior to expensive cosmetic preparations.

The composition of the drug

Aevit for hair loss is a complex product containing vitamins A and E. The first of them, retinol, stimulates metabolic processes, inhibits aging processes, accelerates the renewal of skin cells, nourishes the follicles, gives the hair a beautiful shine.

The second vitamin, tocopherol, exhibits antioxidant properties, protects hair from the action of adverse environmental factors. In tandem, these compounds act much more efficiently than alone.

The benefits of aevita hair

Benefit Aevita for hair is difficult to overestimate. Useful compounds that make up this tool help:

  • increase the growth of strands and give them a beautiful shine,
  • strengthen hair follicles
  • repair damaged strands
  • protect curls from the action of damaging factors.

Trichologists often recommend Aevit against hair loss for men and women suffering from alopecia. The dosage and duration of the drug in such situations is determined by the doctor. As a rule, patients notice a positive trend after a few weeks of treatment.

In addition, Aevit prescribed and with seborrheic dermatitis. The drug helps to activate fat metabolism in the cells of the scalp, get rid of flaking and itching. The treatment program is supplemented with the intake of vitamins of group B and the observance of a diet involving the rejection of sweets, flour products, too salty or fatty foods.

Features of application

Aevit for hair can be taken orally according to the scheme described in the instructions for the drug. There are also 3 basic methods of using this tool for external treatment of problem areas:

  • undiluted
  • in the balms and shampoos,
  • as one of the components of the masks.

When used in its pure form, the contents of the capsules are carefully rubbed into the scalp. The vitaminized mask is left overnight, and in the morning it is washed off with shampoo. The procedure is carried out twice a week for 45 days or daily for 7-8 days.

To enrich the balsam or another care agent with vitamins, the contents of the capsule are squeezed into that portion of the base that will be consumed at one time. And finally, masks based on Aevita are prepared according to the time-tested recipes given below.

Moisturizing Mask Recipe

Moisturizing mask with the addition of Aevita - a powerful cosmetic that strengthens the follicles, giving the hair a healthy, well-groomed appearance. For its preparation, you need to mix in a cup the contents of 1 capsule of the preparation and a tablespoon of sour cream. Further it is necessary:

  • distribute the composition on the scalp,
  • easy to rub in with massaging movements
  • to wrap your head in cellophane and a towel
  • wait 2 hours
  • rinse off with shampoo.

Important! To achieve a lasting effect, you need to repeat the procedure weekly.

Nutritional Mask Recipe

The nourishing mask based on Aevita helps to restore the hair structure, give additional strength to the strands, and enhance their growth. For its preparation it is necessary:

  • warm up some burdock oil in the water bath,
  • combine the oil base with the contents of vitamin capsules (1: 1),
  • add a drop of rosemary ether.

The resulting mass should be rubbed into the hair roots and left for half an hour, after putting a plastic cap on the head. After the specified time, the product can be washed off with shampoo.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Comparing Aevit with other vitamin complexes, several advantages can be distinguished. In particular, this means:

  • contains powerful antioxidant compounds
  • It is cheaper than the closest analogues,
  • It has a positive effect not only on the condition of the hair, but also on overall health.

However, the drug has several disadvantages. Its main disadvantage is the presence of contraindications for use in childhood and during pregnancy. In addition, the composition of Aevita includes only 2 vitamins. In this he is inferior to other combined vitamin preparations.

Does aevit help with hair loss? Summing up, we can say that Aevit is one of the most affordable and effective drugs to maintain healthy skin and hair. Perfectly balanced composition allows you to call this vitamin complex a real elixir of youth and beauty.

Useful properties of Aevita

Vitamins Aevit has many useful properties:

  • Strengthening of blood vessels.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Protection against the appearance of blood clots.
  • Elimination of anemia.
  • Improved muscle performance.
  • Normalization of immunity.
  • Improved reproductive function.
  • Strengthens the nervous system.
  • Supported by diabetes.

Therefore, the tool copes with the following ailments:

  1. Seborrheic dermatitis. This disease is characterized by dryness and flaking of the scalp, which is why hair becomes dry and quickly falls out. Aevit allows you to cope with different types of seborrhea only along with vitamin B, therapeutic and cosmetic products and diet. Proper treatment allows you to get results after 3 weeks: the skin becomes healthy, and the hair becomes elastic.
  2. Alopecia. The disease involves intense hair loss, while new ones grow slowly. In this case, Aevit should be taken only after examination by a doctor. He will prescribe the desired dosage, which is set on the basis of surveys. Vitamins allow you to stop severe hair loss. Will be noticeable and the improvement of the whole organism.
  3. Dryness and brittleness. This ailment appears due to the frequent use of cosmetics for styling, as well as irons, tongs. Due to improper care, various ailments of the scalp and hair appear. In this case, it is useful to use masks and balsams with vitamins. They are prepared on the basis of natural ingredients, and therefore recovery occurs quickly.

A large number of properties allows you to use the tool regularly. It is only necessary to pre-read the instructions.

Indications for use Aevita

Reception Aevita is appointed in different cases. The tool allows you to eliminate hair problems such as:

  • Loss of curls that appeared due to illness or malnutrition.
  • Slowing the growth of curls, which is associated with a lack of vitamins.
  • The weakness of the hair, which appears due to a deficiency of elastin and collagen fibers.
  • Damage to the strands that happens due to the frequent use of a hair dryer and curling.

Although topical use of Aevita does not include contraindications, yet some even a small dose may be harmful. No need to use it with individual intolerance to the components of the tool.

The cost of aevita

The price of vitamins is affected by the release form. In all countries, the cost is about the same. In Russia, this tool can be purchased at the following prices:

  • Packaging with 10 capsules costs about 30-50 rubles.
  • A medicine with 20 capsules has a price of 50 rubles.
  • The drug with the number of capsules 40 pieces costs from 100 rubles.

The tool is available in gelatin capsules, injection solution, in the form of a cream. In all regions the price may vary.

  • Tablets cost 30-120 rubles.
  • Ointment - from 150 rubles.
  • Solution - 50-110 rubles.

On the advice of a doctor in a pharmacy, she purchased vitamins Aevit. The tool for a short time allowed to improve hair growth. Before that I tried other means, but none of them brought such results. With the drug, you can prepare therapeutic masks. You can use them before washing your hair or at night.

Use of vitamin began after prescribing by a doctor. The course of treatment was 3 months. The drug helped me get rid of many problems, but you should not experiment with it yourself.

After using aevita, my hair and scalp have noticeably improved. Moreover, the use of vitamin is quite simple. It is only necessary to prepare natural masks.

For a while enjoyed aevitom. Compared with other means of vitamins have been effective. It is better to consult a doctor just before using it.

Aevit was assigned to me by a doctor to restore hair growth. Treatment masks help to quickly get rid of the problem. Pleased that the vitamins are also useful for the whole body.

Vitamins Aevit should be used only after consulting a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the required dosage. Only with proper use can you get an effective result.

What is useful aevit for hair?

Aevit well helps against hair loss, improves their condition, gives the desired shine and beauty.

In addition, the drug improves blood circulation and metabolic processes occurring in the scalp.

Its constituent substances help to strengthen the hair follicles.

In addition, the scalp feeds, which has a beneficial effect on its condition.

To make strands thicker, silky and obedient, the solution of the problem must be approached comprehensively.

In addition to the use of aevita, it is necessary to normalize the usual routine of the day, enrich nutrition with vitamins and minerals, and also make special nourishing and moisturizing masks

How to apply aevit for hair correctly?

Aevit can be applied externally, as it is the most gentle method that does not provoke the occurrence of hypervitaminosis:

  1. A good effect for hair growth and their strengthening has a tool used in its pure form. For this, it suffices to pierce the capsule with a needle and rub it well, massaging it, into the skin of the head. After a few hours, the applied composition should be thoroughly rinsed with water. If you perform a similar medical procedure twice a week for a month, you can eliminate alopecia.
  2. A regenerating hair mask is considered a good remedy. For its preparation, you need to mix 2 egg yolks and the composition of two capsules.Mix well until a homogeneous mass, the resulting mask, massaging easily, rub well into the scalp. Wash off the nutrient mixture after 2-3 hours with warm water.
  3. To strengthen and grow, you need to take 2 capsules of funds, 1 tablespoon of burdock and linseed oil. Carefully you need to mix flaxseed, burdock oil and Aevit for hair, and then thoroughly rub the oily mixture into the scalp. To maximize the result, it is advisable to wrap up your head with cling film and a towel. Soak for an hour, then rinse it thoroughly with shampoo and warm water.
  4. You can also simply add Aevit to shampoo, as this will improve their structure and saturate with useful substances.


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