
Radical chemistry for hair volume: reviews, photos, procedure


Among modern hairdressing procedures, boost-up is gaining increasing popularity or otherwise - radical chemistry to give volume. We note the success of this technology - a procedure appeared quite recently, but it has already won a lot of enthusiastic reviews and fans. Radical chemistry can make hair four times larger, and the appearance of the hairstyle or haircut will remain unchanged.

Hair due to lifting the hair at the roots just become more luxuriant, bulk. In the article we will dwell on the features of this method of increasing the volume of hair, consider the indications for conducting boost up, find out whether the radical chemotherapy has contraindications, find out how the procedure is carried out and its price. You can also try homemade hair masks.

The essence of the method

Boost up is, in fact, a perm, but a root perm. That is, in this case, the main cloth of the hair remains unchanged: straight, smooth - the impact is only on the zone at the roots. The huge advantage of the procedure is that the hair is lifted very naturally. No one will be able to understand that the volume of the hairstyle is created by artificial means.

The procedure is carried out in a peculiar way: the basal volume is created by curling curls on special studs in the shape of a figure eight. Before the curl and after it, the strands are processed with special fixing and fixing chemical compounds.

But what means for the basal volume of hair the most effective and how to choose the right, help to understand this information.

We note the harmlessness of these compounds: in contrast to conventional perm, booster does not cause such harm to the hair, does not overdry it, does not turn it into “straw”.

In the course of the behavior of the radical perm, a special two-phase composition is used, having the substance cystamine as the main component. In addition to the core, the composition also includes additional substances that strengthen the hair, prevent hair loss, and dry the epidermis.

On the video - how to do and how the radical chemistry looks for volume:

Radical chemistry is shown in the following cases:

  • if you spend too much time on daily styling,
  • if the hairs at the roots do not have volume, the hair looks slick, drooping,
  • if hair is thin and sparse.

But how to properly apply the iron corrugation for basal volume, is described in detail in the article by reference.

Radical perm: what is it?

The very name of the process suggests that it occurs due to exposure to chemicals. Carving is the second name of this procedure. Its essence is to apply a special composition to the hair, which allows you to fix the strands in a certain position for a long time. As a rule, the procedure is applicable to the formation of persistent curls with the help of bobbins or curlers. As for, actually, basal carving, it is performed exclusively in the area of ​​the beginning of hair growth. The rest of the hair is untouched. Therefore, if you want to make curls more magnificent, but at the same time preserve their shape, the radical choice for the volume of hair will be an ideal choice. At home, to perform it or in the cabin - not so important.

Advantages of the procedure

Positive aspects of this procedure is enough - consider them in more detail.

First, in this case, the effect on the hair is as gentle as possible. No harm to the scalp, hair follicles, hair itself. Shine of a head of hair, elasticity of locks remains.

It becomes very noticeable volume of hair and pomp. Appearance is improving, "slimness" disappears, sadly drooping strands are fading.

Disappears the need for bouffant so ruinous hair. In addition, the girl who made the boost up, there is no longer any need to create hair volume using a curling iron — also not the most useful device that often burns the hair.

The volume purchased with the help of radical chemistry is not afraid of the weather: precipitation, wind, rain, snow. You can also wear hats without fear - they will not affect the fluffiness of the hair.

The root zone becomes drier as a result of the procedure. This means that the hair is less fat, so you can wash your head less often. Saves time for hair care and styling.

But how to use the curling iron corrugation for basal volume and how much this tool is effective when using, is described in great detail in this article.

Hair looks very natural, looks very well-groomed, aesthetically pleasing. After the procedure, the hair does not become similar to "dandelion", which often happens after the standard "chemistry". Boost up provides not only a chic volume, but also gives a beautiful shine to the hair, a healthy and smooth look.

Keeps the acquired volume of hair for about six months. Note that the composition is not washed out immediately, but gradually, that is, the pomp comes to an end slowly, and not dramatically.

To form an objective opinion about this procedure, it is necessary, along with the advantages, to know its drawbacks.

The main disadvantage of boost up is the high cost of this procedure. So, depending on the degree of prestige of the salon and the materials on which the institution works, a perm perm will cost from 2,000 to 6,500 rubles.

The duration of the procedure may also be a disadvantage for someone. To carefully raise the root zone of hair, the master has to spend at least three hours on a single client, often more.

But how to use the foam for the volume of hair at the roots and how effective such a tool is, described here.

In the video - what could be the disadvantages:

The success of the procedure depends on the degree of qualification and experience of the master. Requires accuracy and attentiveness, careful adherence to technology. That is, having got to an inexperienced, unskilled master, the client risks spending money without receiving the required level of service for them. In addition, it will be impossible to correct the result immediately in this case: you will have to wait about six months until the old composition is cleaned.

You may also be interested in information on how to make basal volume at home.

A brief history excursion

The perm strand procedure was invented more than 100 years ago. The barber Karl Nessler has become the creator of the process, now referred to as carving. In 1906, he conducted a series of experiments on the hair of his wife, after which a completely new procedure was presented to the public to allow for long-term styling. Karl Nessler developed a technology for curling, which implied the formation of curls with the help of rollers made of brass, heated to a high temperature, as well as the subsequent processing of curls with a special composition. Of course, it was a destructive procedure for the hair. Over time, carving has become a less aggressive process, and today it has virtually no effect on the health of hair.

What is and what is needed

The procedure is a perm performed locally in the root part of the head. In this case, the preparations are applied on the skin and onion portion.

The main result of the root treatment is giving a consistent volume to the hairstyle. With a successful procedure, the effect lasts for 6 months.

The procedure will help solve problems:

  • with sparse, straight hair,
  • correct the previously made perm
  • will help owners curly locks to create a volume at the roots. Often, natural curls are on the bottom, the root surface is flat and smooth. Therefore, girls with natural wavy strands solve the problem of volume with the help of basal chemistry.

Note, The procedure allows you to keep intact the structure of the curls, elasticity, shine.

Price in the cabin and at home

The procedure is complicated in the technique of execution. Therefore, for a good result to perform it should be professionals. At home, to conduct a good basal chemistry is difficult. Independently it is impossible to work with strands, to find the optimal composition of the drug. Since the result is held for six months, it makes sense to trust the master.

Salon procedure will cost more, but the result will be more stable. The price for a bottom perm is 3 000–6 000 p., Depending on the level of the institution, the skill of the hairdresser.


Among the contraindications to the root procedure, hairdressers note:

  • critical days,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period
  • dandruff and seborrhea,
  • the presence of wounds on the scalp,
  • allergic reaction to drugs.

It is not necessary to carry out chemistry owners weakened curls. This can lead to hair loss, dryness, and split ends. Ideal - to conduct basal chemistry on pre-healthy hair. This will help move the procedure with the least negative effect.

Curling Features

Successfully made a perm perm allows you to increase the volume of hair in 4 times. The main “trick” of the procedure is that the hair retains its natural smoothness, but at the same time the desired volume of hairstyle appears.

Process specificity:

  • When applying the solution, the master does not touch the upper part of the curls.
  • The bottom strands do not participate in the perm. They are needed to maintain the effect.
  • For the operation used smooth studs, curlers. The diameter is selected depending on the condition of the hair, the desired result.
  • Curls that are not curled, protect with foil or polyethylene.

What tools are used

During work, the hairdresser uses products based on cystamine. The remaining elements of the composition - caring substances that help preserve the structure of the skin and the bulb.

Leading brands - Wella, Londa, NaturalBeauty, Schwarzkopf produce a series of products for home chemistry, and professional preparations.

Attention! The choice of a particular composition for curling depends on many factors, and the decision is made by the master.

Stages of the procedure

Before the procedure, the master must conduct an assessment of the condition of the head, make a test test for an allergic reaction. Masters distinguish between full and partial perm.

When performing a full curl on the hair roots The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Preparing curls for the procedure. Head wash shampoo deep clean.
  2. Separate a small amount of hair, put a solution on the roots and the area near them. The rest of the strands are wrapped in protective polyethylene / foil.
  3. Twist the treated strand on the curlers (smooth studs).
  4. Repeat the action with all the curls until the entire surface of the head is processed.
  5. Cover the head with a cap. Leave for 30 minutes.
  6. Carry out the treatment of the root zone fixative. After 15 minutes the composition is washed off.

Important! In order to cause minimal damage to the skin, you should not wash your hair before the procedure. The protective layer makes the procedure more gentle.

If the need arises in a partial basal perm, the following manipulations should be performed:

  1. Prepare hair.
  2. The strands are separated and a special preparation is applied to the root zone.
  3. Wind on hair curlers (hairpins), only part of the hair, subjected to treatment.
  4. Repeat the procedure with each strand.
  5. Put on a hat. Stand 30 minutes.
  6. Put on the treated part of the fixing composition. Wash off after 15 min.

How long does the effect last

Chemistry is held for 6 months. Well-done procedure allows you to save time and money for daily installation.

  1. To achieve long-term results, you should go through a wellness course that will strengthen the skin and hair. Vitamin complexes will help in this.
  2. The effect of the drug on gray curls can lead to brittleness, a poor final effect.
  3. It is worth paying attention to hair coloring. Radical chemistry, made on curls that have recently undergone staining, will not give the desired result.
  4. For a long lasting effect, you should not use silicone-containing hair cosmetics before the procedure.

Subject to these rules, the result will be long and sustainable.

Effects and hair care

Even with the use of gentle formulations for biowave, damage to the condition of the skin and hair follicles is done. After the procedure, additional active care for the curls is required.

  • it is necessary to use balms designed for curled hair,
  • exclude those that contain silicone from hygienic and caring products,
  • at least 2 times a week to apply a reducing mask,
  • don't wash your hair with too hot water
  • You should not be in the open sun, as it dries out any hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure has many unconditional positive indicators:

  • duration of the result. The effect of chemistry persists for at least 6 months. This must be taken into account when choosing a salon and craftsmen,
  • increase in volume after the procedure
  • easier styling hairstyles
  • slightly dried scalp. This leads to the fact that after a bottom waving, the owners of greasy and greasy hair can wash their hair less often, while the condition of the hair remains aesthetic,
  • For the procedure, gentle formulations are used.

Attention! Hair after curling look natural.

The experts refer to the negative points:

  • high cost of procedures
  • to achieve a good result requires a qualified specialist. If the result is not what it was expected, then it will not be possible to correct it,
  • long duration of the procedure. On the other hand, if the result is valid for 6 months, then it makes sense to be patient,
  • In addition, the master must take into account the specifics of the client's hair, the condition of the skin.

Bottom dressing allows you to add volume to your hair, to release a lot of time. If you follow a number of rules, the result will be positive and will allow the owner to look brilliant and impressive.

Popular hair curling options:

Useful videos

Radical volume for six months.

Technique of creation of basal volume.

The essence of the root perm

A distinctive feature of this procedure - the hair remains straight, but becomes the most voluminous. Moreover, everything looks so natural that the people around do not guess that the master worked on the image. The secret lies in a few nuances:

  • the upper and lower part of the hair is not involved in the process,
  • Curling of the strands is carried out with the use of smooth pins,
  • formed curls are fixed with foil,
  • after the chemical composition is removed from the hair necessarily apply fixing balm.

The volume appears immediately after the procedure and lasts a long time. Moreover, it is preserved at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions and wearing hats.

And here is more about how to make light waves on the hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

Radical perm for the volume at the roots is positioned by craftsmen as a procedure with continuous benefits. There are really a lot of them:

  • impact on the curls is gentle, which ensures the preservation of their luster and elasticity / silkiness,
  • for half a year, you will not have to do bouffant, actively use fixing agents (varnishes, mousses) and use curling iron for styling,
  • the root of the hair becomes drier and it reduces the number of water treatments for them,
  • all strands look natural, even a not too successful haircut / hairstyle takes on a neat, well-groomed look,
  • strands do not become heavier, they easily fit and even with intensive scratching do not create the effect of "dandelion", what distinguishes the classic perm.
Before and after the perm

But it is worth noting the disadvantages - there are only 2 of them, but affecting the final result. Firstly, the root-waving procedure is not cheap, and it will have to be repeated every 6 months. Secondly, there are really few real professionals who will perform the manipulation competently and in compliance with all security measures.

Violation of technology can lead to excessive drying of hair, deterioration of their structure. Some consider the fact that the duration of the manipulation is 3 hours, but if a competent specialist works, then everything else does not matter - the result will definitely please.

The composition of the chemical means

Radical hair curling is considered to be an absolutely safe procedure, because it uses a gentle chemical agent. The main active ingredient in it is cystamine - it has a powerful fixing effect. All other additional components are designed to restore the hair structure and protect the scalp.

With the help of boost-up technology, basal volume is created, it keeps on the hair for several months

When using such a chemical agent, strands are exposed to minimal harmful effects, almost immediately restored and continue to grow.

Curlers for the procedure

The best choice would be thin and smooth made of wood or plastic. It is strictly forbidden to use metal “tools” for radical curling - it is impossible to predict the intensity of the metal oxidation reaction by a chemical agent.

Often for the procedure using not curlers, and small wooden "sticks" with extended ends - bobbins. This is quite acceptable, the result will not change, but it is much more convenient for the master to work with them.

Kinds of curlers for the wave

Who should do

In principle, a similar hairdressing procedure can be done for every woman - there would be a desire. But there are a number of indications in which the problem of an unaesthetic appearance can be solved just by a chemical perm. These include:

  • every day you have to spend a lot of time on styling your hair and this does not make it luxuriant, volume,
  • the hair is thin and sparse, has a length to the shoulders and below,
  • the curls are thick, they are “heavy” and at the roots are not lifted even with the help of curling and fixing means.
Hair thin and sparse

Technology perm perm for short and long hair

A competent master will never do the procedure without prior preparation of the client. He will give her recommendations regarding the refusal of shampoos and balsams with silicone in the composition. And then everything is done according to the following algorithm:

  • Estel ESSEX Deep Cleaning Shampoo The hair structure is evaluated, the client is advised on the possible results. Immediately check the body's reaction to a chemical agent used for the root perm.
  • Washing the hair with a special tool for deep cleaning of them, and the skin of the head. After drying them with a towel, the whole head of hair is divided into partings - the master should receive operational space.
  • With the help of thin and smooth hairpins, the curlers of the thin strands are wound so that their tips remain loosely hanging, and fixed with a foil.
  • Further, these treated areas are moistened with a chemical agent, a polyethylene cap is put on top - “greenhouse” conditions will provide an active response and a stable result.
  • After some time (determined by a specialist) the composition is washed off, the foil and the curlers are removed. A special fixing balm is applied for the whole head of hair for 20 minutes.

The final stage is rinsing the hair with warm running water, drying it naturally or with the help of cool air from a hair dryer.

Look at the video about the technology of perm perm for long hair:

Can I do it yourself at home

All the necessary tools and tools for basal perm are commercially available and many believe that the procedure can be carried out at home without any specific knowledge. But experts categorically do not recommend such experiments:

  • you need to accurately separate the hairs by parting and select the middle layer specifically,
  • when winding the root zone, strand fractures should not be allowed,
  • you need to properly dilute the chemical agent and use it in a certain amount,
  • you need to understand how much hair it will take to get the desired result.

At home, you can perform only the "lightweight" version of the root perm. For this purpose, a curling iron with relief heating plates is used, with which the hair at the roots is pressed for a few seconds. Volume, pomp are guaranteed, but only until the next shampooing.

Possible complications

The client after the perm may face the following troubles:

  • dryness of the hair will increase - it will be difficult to lay the hair, the strands start to become electrified and fluff,
  • hair fragility is significantly increased - it will be possible to correct the situation only with the help of specific care for curls with the use of professional means,
  • as soon as the hair grows, the resulting effect disappears - the wizard recommends that women who develop their hair grow too slowly.

Radical chemistry for hair volume: reviews and main advantages

A few years earlier, only horror stories could be heard about the perm, now it is praised at every turn. Moreover, the positive opinion of the ladies who have experienced the charm of carving is clearly justified. It can be explained by a number of advantages noted by the ladies who have already tried this remedy:

The long-lasting effect, and therefore, a significant saving of time and money,

A significant increase in volume in the root zone of the hair, which becomes a huge plus for owners of thin hair,

Resistance hairstyles to moisture, styling products and thermal effects,

Increased intervals between shampooing procedures due to the drying effect of chemical composition.

In addition, if heavy thick curls are poorly amenable to curling and styling, then the same basal chemistry for the volume of hair will cope with this unconditionally. On long straight hair, it has no less effect than on short hairstyles. Women argue that as a result of this procedure, you can get the desired amount without sacrificing so long-grown hair.

Let's talk about the shortcomings

If we objectively evaluate the process of carving, we can conclude that he has no rivals in the beauty industry. Creating long-term volume at the roots without risk to the health of the hair - isn’t that what every woman dreams of? However, it is still worth highlighting several nuances that oppose all the benefits of perm:

The procedure is far from cheap, with prices ranging from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles.

Not every master will be able to perform carving qualitatively, so it’s best to contact an experienced specialist.

The procedure takes a long time. 3-4 hours is the minimum period for which high-quality basal chemistry is performed for the volume of hair.

  • Reviews claim that the carving effect lasts for about six months, so the process is combined with some risk. If you find yourself dissatisfied with the result, it will be impossible to correct the perm until the effect of the composition weakens.

Who will be useful radical carving

The perm of the hair at the very roots, made by an experienced master, can be a real lifesaver in the following cases:

When you need to adjust the previously made carving. The chemical composition aggressively affects the hair, so it is not recommended to use it often. Gentle option that allows you to lift regrown curls - basal chemistry for the volume of hair. Reviews of women who have undergone such a procedure, prove that the hairstyle regains its attractiveness, but does not suffer from hair. This is due to the fact that the hair does not undergo repeated treatment with the composition.

For owners of rare and short curls. Radical perm helps to make the hair visually thicker and more magnificent. In addition, each new procedure involves the treatment of a special composition of only healthy, new hair. Curls subjected to carving are cut off as they grow.

If the hair is curled by nature. The main problem of such curls - tight curls on the tips and almost straight strands at the very beginning of their growth. In order to achieve uniformity in the hairstyle, in fact, it is used radical chemistry for the volume of hair.

How to make carving: the entire length of the hair or only in the upper part - you decide. However, it is worth noting that curls go far from everyone, and besides the radical perm looks much more natural.

Technologies for performing radical carving at home

It’s not so difficult to make a long-term perm, but it is much more difficult to avoid mistakes. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly perform basal chemistry for the volume of hair at home. Reviews of women practicing carving on themselves indicate that the result may differ slightly from the work of the master, but still it allows you to achieve the desired effect.

There are two technologies for making permous perm. One of them implies a full curling curls on curlers. In this case, only the root zone is moistened with the composition, and the rest of the treated strand is wrapped in polyethylene. The second technology is simpler and more economical in time. Strands are wound on the curlers only at the beginning of growth, and most of the hair remains free. The composition is processed that part of the curls, which is subjected to perm, that is, in the root zone. In both cases, after applying the active agent, it is necessary to cover the hair with a plastic cap. After half an hour the strands are treated with fixer, which after 10 minutes needs to be washed off.

The main question of interest to women who are attracted to the basic chemistry for the volume of hair - how to do? Reviews with step-by-step photos can be an excellent visual aid, and this article is a source of information.

Secrets of the perfect perm perm

For such a long period of existence of carving, women have managed to gain some experience in the field of this procedure. Of course, nothing can guarantee the perfect installation, as full adherence to all the rules in its implementation. However, there are several secrets that affect the quality of curling. For example, in the period of critical days from the long-term laying is better to refuse. At this time, hormonal alteration occurs in the body, so the effect may be unstable. Another tip - during the washing of hair, it is advisable to try not to massage the scalp too much, if you are going to have basal chemistry for hair volume. Reviews, photos in which prove that carving and really makes the hair lush, talking about the effectiveness of the procedure. However, the chemical composition of the skin dries, so it will be better if it remains part of the fat as a protective membrane.

Hair care after the procedure

It is possible to keep the curls healthy and maximally prolong the effect after the procedure with the correct care of the hair. The first thing to remember is that after carving hair needs regular nourishment and hydration. Therefore, about once a week is to make masks. With regard to shampoo, it is desirable to give preference to a gentle gentle means, and better - designed specifically for hair, requiring restoration after perm. In the hot season, the hair needed protection from the sun. To this end, you can purchase a spray that contains filters that do not transmit ultraviolet rays.

Curls of any structure really beautifully laid using a procedure such as basal chemistry for the volume of hair. It produces a wonderful effect on long straight hair (reviews are proof of this), preventing them from losing their pomp under their own weight. With a short thin curls, carving allows you to look thicker, curly - neater. What is the conclusion? The game is definitely worth the candle!

What is the root volume of hair and why is it needed?

The visible image of a beautiful hair consists of several components. The first of these is the right hair shape. With a good hairdresser, this is done quite simply. The second component is healthy hair. If the hair is dull, split, fall out, it greatly spoils the overall look of the hairstyle. To remove local problems, it is enough to make a mask suitable for the hair type. Proper masks will nourish the hair, stimulate their growth, and also, possibly, create volume at the roots. In some particularly severe cases, you may need to contact the trichologist.

The volume of hair at the roots is responsible for pomp. Whatever the healthy and shiny hair, without the volume hairstyle will never look good. Therefore, if the treatment did not help, then it is necessary to apply additional methods to give the hair volume at the roots.

Boost Up procedure

The technique that creates the basal hair volume has recently become very popular. This is a technology for curling roots that does not apply to the upper strands. Changes are not visible on long hair, they remain the same as they were, but volume appears.

The technology is designed for long-term use, the effect of it lasts about six months. Boost Up is said to be safe for all types of hair, including brittle and thin. The only limitation is the inability to apply on short hair, the corrugation cannot be masked.

The procedure takes about 2 hours. The master applies a special mixture at the roots of the hair and carries out a biowave. Also, thanks to the composition, they promise to restore the hair structure. However, the technology Boost Up has its drawbacks. Still, it's just chemistry, and chemistry detrimental effect on the condition of the hair.

The most noticeable of the minuses, at first glance, is the price. The procedure is quite expensive, although the effect is promised for six months. But to conduct you need to choose a qualified master, who can not be found everywhere. In addition, after some time, the effect of the corrugation on the strands begins to appear. Strands of corrugation grow and fall on the ears.

At the moment on the Internet there are quite a lot of reviews of girls who have undergone this procedure. It can already be noted that the passage of the procedure is not as safe as the masters promise.

Many girls after some time after the Boost Up start to lose hair with a corrugation in fairly large quantities.
It is not known what the matter is - in the inferiority of the procedure itself or in the insufficient qualification of the master. But at the moment you can find very few people who recommend to increase the volume at the roots of Boost Up with the effect of corrugation.

Long-term styling carving

This installation lasts about 2-3 months. In addition, for its implementation using natural ingredients that do not harm the structure of the hair. Because of this, it can be done several times a year, almost immediately, as the effect of the previous procedure decreases.This is a key difference from the usual carving curling, chemistry greatly spoils the hair and can be applied only once a year.

Long-term styling can do its base hair ends, depending on where there is a problem. The only limitation is the procedure for thin, brittle hair; healthy and thick results will not be visible. The carving on fat type of hair is ideally obtained, the procedure dries them. At the same time, it is not recommended to do a long-term curl for dry hair, chemistry will make them brittle.

After carving, it will only be necessary to maintain the health of your hair, however, this is not surprising for owners of brittle and thin hair. Therefore, it is worth at least once a week, but to make a mask, as well as wash your hair with shampoo and balm 2-3 times a week. But daily styling is now becoming a matter of minutes and there is no need to use tongs.

Everyone has their drawbacks. Still, it is though gentle, but still a perm with the possible effect of a corrugation. Therefore, chemical exposure can slightly damage the hair structure. If your hair is badly split or has recently been exposed to dye, then this procedure is not needed, the condition will only get worse.

Hair extension

This is a way for those who have not very thick hair from birth. In this case, no treatment will help to achieve the required volume, and chemistry will take the remnants of health, so you need to fight for it in other ways. In order to hold hair extensions, you need to carefully monitor their health. If the hair falls out, splits or breaks, then you should not build it up. This will only aggravate the situation. For building you need to carefully select the material, that is, the strands that will be attached.

You can choose strands of your own color or, conversely, make highlights by adding strands of a different color.

After building up, you need to remember some precautions. Sponged strands do not tolerate seawater, and are also afraid of high temperatures. You can apply only special masks. Also requires special care for such hair. At night, you must braid your hair in a pigtail, you can only comb it with a comb with rare teeth. You also need to undergo correction from time to time. But this procedure successfully creates the volume of hair at the roots.

Purchased funds

At the moment, the markets have a large number of different means to increase the volume of hair. The first of these, of course, are shampoos. A separate group - shampoos containing silicone. They cover the hair with a protective film and lift them. Shampoos for professional use with a protein and keratin content greatly enhance the health of the hair.

They nourish the hair, give it shine, and also form the density and volume of the hairstyle.

There are also additional tools that allow you to create volume for some time at home. This includes mousses, varnishes, gels and other similar products. Oddly enough, the use of various vitamins greatly increases the volume. Vitamins of groups B, A, E and C decide the health of the hair and, accordingly, increase the volume. There are even special hair masks with a set of vitamins and trace elements. In particular, vitamin C improves blood circulation in the scalp, and stimulates hair growth. Vitamin E nourishes the hair follicles and protects against ultraviolet radiation. Vitamins of group B stimulate hair density and fight against fat content at home.

Trace elements also contribute. In particular, sulfur gives strength and shine, potassium enhances hair elasticity, phosphorus is responsible for color saturation, copper and zinc strengthen hair, silicon enhances strength and structure of strands, calcium stimulates hair growth, iron prevents breakage, removes the effect of corrugation.
In addition, there is powder for hair.

Powder is very easy to use - you just need to sprinkle your head and then spread it with your fingers. This is a special powder to give volume to the hair. This powder is washed off very simply: ordinary shampoo.

Powder is not suitable for owners of long and thick hair, the effect will be insignificant. And very thin hair powder simply blinds.
Powder requires carefully calibrated dosage. On loose hair powder should be no more than 5 hours. Powder is removed from the hair with shampoo.

Homemade shampoos

Our ancestors also noticed the benefits of various plants. At the moment, developed more than a hundred different recipes that allow you to maintain the strength and health of hair at home. There are also homemade shampoos that will increase the volume of hair, they do not use chemistry.

The easiest recipe consists of a decoction of chamomile and gelatin. Chamomile flowers need to be brewed for 15 minutes, until cool.

Next you need to take an incomplete tablespoon of gelatin and pour it with two or three tablespoons of cold chamomile broth. The resulting substance must be left alone for 40 minutes, until complete dissolution of gelatin.

Next, you need to add about 1-2 tablespoons of any simplest shampoo without dyes and other additives into the container. When applying, the shampoo should be applied to the hair and left for 5 minutes for the active additives to work.

Also a very good way is a mask of fenugreek seeds decoction at home. In the broth, you can add shampoos in the ratio of one to one. It should also be left on the hair for an exposure of 5-10 minutes. This procedure activates the growth and regeneration of hair at home.

Tips for creating a DIY hair volume

At home, it is quite possible to increase the volume of your hair without using forceps or bumps. To do this, follow some rules of hair care. For example, the hair should be dried with the head bent down. After each shampooing, rinse your head with cool water and add lemon juice. When you go out in bad weather, fix the hair with lacquer.

And if no other tools help, you can use a comb and hair curlers. Alternatively, you can make the volume using the tongs for the corrugation. This is a fairly simple procedure. It is necessary to make a parting on the head, separate the top strands, apply a thermal spray on them and use forceps.

Curls should be placed in the forceps one by one, the impact on one strand should not exceed 15 seconds, otherwise overheating will act as detrimental as chemistry.

Forceps can also be used to create root volume. To do this, use forceps only for processing the roots, it is not necessary to process the entire length of the hair. Tongs need to be used correctly, for long and hard hair a temperature of about 210 degrees is needed, for thin and fragile no more than 180. Tongs should not be hardened. After the forceps powder can be additionally used.

Radical perm - what is it?

From the name it is obvious that this is a perm, which is performed only on the root zone. The essence of such a perm is to fix the hair roots in a certain position for a long time. For the formation of the volume used bobbins or curlers. Special composition processed only the roots. With the growth of hair volume becomes less noticeable. In addition, over time, the composition is washed out. When you notice that the hairstyle is losing volume again, simply repeat the procedure.

Who will suit the basal chemistry?

This type of wave is suitable not only for girls who want to make their hair lush, but do not want to have curls. Also, this perm will be the best solution for girls who periodically do chemistry. Instead of re-applying the composition to the entire length of the strands, it is enough to treat them to regrown roots. This way you minimize the damage caused to the curls.

Radical chemistry for the volume of hair is suitable for owners of rare straight strands. Visually, after such a procedure, the hair will become lush and voluminous. Each subsequent session involves the processing of new, grown roots. That is why repeated damage to previously treated hair by chemical composition is excluded. Radical chemistry is a good solution for girls who have curls from nature. Curly hair is usually devoid of volume at the roots. Curls are formed mainly on the tips, and at the beginning of hair growth strands are straight. Radical chemistry will make the strands evenly curly and will give the hair extra volume.

Curls are not every girl. Therefore, it does not always make sense to do the perm for the entire length of the strands. In addition, after the basal chemistry, the hair looks more natural.

The technology of the permous perm

There are two techniques for performing such a perm. The first is the following - the procedure is similar to conventional chemistry for the entire length of the strands. Hair is wound on bobbins or curlers (completely). Pre-composition is applied only to the roots. And the rest of each wound strands wrapped in film. Thus, after the spinning of the strands, the pomp and volume appear only in the root zone.

The second method differs from the first one in that it does not involve twisting the strands completely. The master models the strands only at the beginning of growth, while the remaining hair length remains free. After winding up the hair at the beginning of growth, only this part is processed by chemical composition. Regardless of the method chosen, after the composition is kept on the hair, the strands in the root zone are treated with a fixative. To keep the composition on the hair takes 30 minutes or more, depending on the means used, the characteristics of the hair structure, etc. The fixative should be kept for 10 minutes. Then it is washed off, and hair is dried by the hair dryer.

Are there any contraindications?

Radical chemistry can not be done:

  • pregnant
  • during breastfeeding,
  • when taking hormonal drugs,
  • when taking antibiotics,
  • in the presence of scratches on the scalp and other damage.

You should not do such a perm for girls with very weak hair. It is necessary to carry out procedures for their restoration. The best effect is provided if the perm is performed on healthy hair that is not damaged by chemicals.

Radical chemistry for hair volume - photo

To understand from the description how the hair will look after chemistry is very difficult. To have an idea about the result, look at photos of girls before and after perm. The photo shows how much longer the hairstyle becomes. At the same time, it looks natural, as if such volume and pomp are given by nature.

How to achieve perfect styling?

To make such a long-term styling perfect, it is important to find a good experienced master. But even a professional can not give a 100% guarantee that the result will be exactly the same as you imagine. To achieve the desired effect, learn about the factors that affect the quality of the curling.

It is worth refusing a perm during menstruation. During this period, hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, as during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Due to these changes, the effect of exposure to chemical composition may not be persistent. In order to keep the volume for a long time, in the process of washing, massage the scalp, not pressing hard with your fingers. The composition used for curling, dries the scalp. Therefore, it will be better if a small amount of fat remains on it after washing. It will serve as a protective membrane, preventing the negative effects of chemical composition.

Video of the procedure of radical chemistry for the volume of hair

Each girl can make such chemistry on her own. This is not a very complicated procedure. It is much more difficult to avoid mistakes. To avoid this, you must first learn how to properly perform each stage of the perm. To do this, it is recommended to watch the video before starting to apply the composition to the hair. The girls who did this perm independently claim that the achieved result differs from the one obtained by the master. Despite this, it is quite possible to get the desired effect yourself.

Radical chemistry for hair volume - reviews

Find out what other girls who have already done this procedure think about this perm.

Anna, 30 years old

I do radical chemistry every six months. I had full-length chemistry. While the hair grew, the hairstyle was modified. I realized that they would not be able to resist perm. Therefore, radical chemistry was the perfect solution. Hair is not damaged, as with each re-curling only regrown roots are processed. For thin, devoid of hair volume, basal chemistry is exactly what you need.

Marina, 29 years old

I have already done the curl 5 times using a gentle composition. Master advised to choose a composition that does not harm the hair and does not make them look like a sponge, as after the usual chemistry. I was worried that this volume at the roots will gradually shift downwards, the hair will grow! But I noticed that when the hair grows back, the wave gradually decreases and disappears. Not a trace remains from chemistry! I learned from my own experience that basal, sparing chemistry is an ideal way to make “liquid” hair voluminous and lush.

Olga, 34 years old

I have a short haircut, hair is thin. I used to do styling every morning. Without styling could not leave the house. But in the end I got tired of this daily procedure. I asked my hairdresser how to do the styling for a long time. She recommended radical chemistry to me. I decided to try and have no regrets. Now I do not have to spend time on daily styling. You just need to wait until the hair dries out naturally or blow-dry them after washing. And the volume smart hairstyle is ready !! I am very pleased with the result. I will do it again when the hair grows back.

Proper care after

Even if the impact on the hair was sparing, after the procedure you will need to carry out specific treatments. And the master gives some recommendations immediately after the perm:

  • in the composition of shampoos and balms should not be present silicone and sodium lauryl sulfate,
  • 2 times a week you need to apply masks for the care of curly hair,
  • after each shampooing, the head of hair is rinsed with a decoction of chamomile or burdock roots,
  • It is necessary to wash hair not with hot, but with warm water.

Look at the video about how to care for hair after perm:

How long does the effect last

The client is immediately warned that the effect after the root perm will persist for a maximum of 6 months, after which it is necessary to repeat the procedure. But if the hair grows too fast and the woman is forced to adjust the haircut every 2-3 months, then the volume and pomp will be maintained only during this period.

Tips and tricks

To make the radical perm hair perfect, and the result was as positive as possible, you should listen to the recommendations from the experts:

  • During the "critical days" it is not necessary to carry out the procedure - a woman's hormonal background is disturbed, and this can distort the results.
  • Before visiting the beauty salon do not need to wash your hair, it should be slightly dirty.
  • After curling, you need to protect your hair from ultraviolet rays, for which not only hats are used, but also specific sprays and balms.

And here is more about hair reconstruction.

Radical perm is a relatively new procedure that has not yet become widespread.But it is she who effectively and permanently solves the problem of straight, “not obedient” and thin or too heavy hair.

The essence of the innovation method

A unique technique developed by Russian stylists. Photos before and after the boost up procedure for hair confirm the fantastic effect of the procedure.

The main difference from other varieties of perm is that the hair remains straight, but receives a maximum of additional volume. No one would guess that the pleasant pomp of the hair was “not native”, but obtained after visiting the salon.

The secret to technology innovation:

  • clean hair is divided into several zones, the upper part is separated (it will not be needed),
  • the master does not touch the lower locks either (they are needed to maintain the effect),
  • the curling is done on smooth pins created by curls are fixed with foil,
  • the sparing structure for a biowave is applied. The client spends some time with a hat on his head,
  • after removing the hairpins, a balsam fixer is applied, after a while the washing of the hair and the drying of the strands are performed.

Indications for the procedure

Test the effect of a new technology in the following cases:

  • every day you spend a lot of time laying, unsuccessfully trying to lift hairs at the roots,
  • you have thin, rare strands shoulder-length and lower,
  • you have thick, heavy curls, you want to give your hair more volume at the roots.

Is basal chemistry safe?

The procedure is considered one of the most benign among all types of perm. Compliance with the technology, taking into account the quality of the client's head of hair will provide minimal impact on the strands. After the session, the client receives not only luxurious volume, but also shiny, well-groomed curls.

For processing strands master uses high-quality two-phase composition. The main active ingredient is cystamine. This substance is used during biowave. Additional components of the composition restore the structure of hair rods, prevent negative reactions from the epidermis.

Technology conducting at home

Is it possible to create pomp at the roots by yourself? Are formulations for home radical chemistry sold? How to do boost up at home? These questions are often asked by girls who are impressed with the results of the salon procedure.

Experts do not recommend to handle strands independently. The reason is not only in the jewelry work, which cannot be done independently, but also in the exact calculation of the concentration of the compositions, the correct assessment of the hair texture. Such subtleties do not know the "ordinary" person who has a vague idea of ​​hairdressing.

Hair Care Features

Any "chemistry" requires increased attention to the hair. Even with minimal impact on the strands, additional protection is required.

Rules for hair care after chemistry:

  • buy medical shampoo, mask, nourishing balm for curled hair. Use formulations without silicones, sodium lauryl sulfate,
  • Twice a week, make regenerating masks from natural ingredients. Cosmetic and medicated oils use at a minimum: substances smooth curls. After washing, be sure to rinse the strands with herbal decoction (chamomile + sage),
  • do not wash your hair with hot water as it gets dirty. After the original curling, the locks in the root zone are less reduced, the purity of the hair lasts longer.

Installation guidelines

How to act:

  • To shape your hair, use a regular comb and hair dryer (round brush will not be needed),
  • do not add strands: pomp remains without manipulations, traumatic hairs,
  • a good option is natural drying
  • for maximum splendor, tilt your head, beat your strands with your fingers, dry with a hairdryer,
  • Regardless of the method of installation, you always get excellent results. Gently comb the strands, enjoy the fantastic pomp of hair.

Video - a review of the procedure Boost Up:

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Now there is a more gentle salon procedure-fleece. She is more gentle and there are no these nasty curls that you don’t know how to smooth when your hair has grown enough. When fleeing hair combed and treated with a special composition, then the solution is washed off, and hair gently combed. I did, I really liked it.

I have little hair, I tried many methods to give them at least some volume. I agree that boost-up is not the most useful procedure for hair. But the very horror begins in a couple of months, when the wrinkles begin to crawl and look just creepy! I tried fleeing about 3 months ago, I am very pleased with the result. Pretty convenient and effective way. The effect is long lasting, the hairstyle is excellent. And most importantly - did not notice completely deterioration of the hair. Just the composition is slowly washed out and the volume goes away. Definitely recommend as an alternative to boost-up.

Features of

Consider the most important points relating to the direct conduct of this procedure.

The first thing you need to find a highly qualified master with extensive experience, and always trained to conduct boost up. This fact is the key to the success of the procedure.

Before conducting basal chemistry, it is important to treat the hair. If the hair is dry, brittle, you can do a nourishing mask, restorative procedures. And only after the hair has a healthy appearance, is restored, you can do boost up.

Immediately before the procedure in 2-3 weeks, stop using styling products and cosmetics for hair with silicone. The fact is that this substance reacts with the ingredients of the chemical composition, thereby weakening the effect of the procedure.

It is important to test for an allergic reaction before the procedure. Only with a negative result, you can perform a perm.

But how to make the root volume of hair with the help of boost up, you can see in this video.


  • shampooing with a special shampoo containing deep-cleansing ingredients,
  • division of hair into partings,
  • separation of strands, fixing with foil, chemical treatment,
  • after the whole root zone is processed, a special cap is put on the head to activate the biowave process,
  • after 20 minutes, the cap is removed, the eight-pins are removed, the head is washed under the tap,
  • strands are dried a little, after which a special fixing balm is applied,
  • washing the balm and drying the strands with a hair dryer is the final stage of the procedure.

In the video - how is the procedure:

Thus, the hair is obtained from above smooth and shiny, and from the bottom, at the roots, it is supported by a magnificent elastic “pillow”, securely fixed by chemical composition.

How to care

After the basal chemistry, the hair must be carefully looked after so that it remains as lush, smooth and shiny as immediately after the procedure. Next are a few care recommendations.

Be sure to purchase cosmetics with a healing effect. Mask, balm, shampoo, conditioner - they should have a nourishing and regenerating effect. Well, if the cosmetics will contain highly effective and natural ingredients. Compounds with silicones, lauryl sulfate is not recommended.

Twice a week, it is recommended to make repairing masks. You can use alternately purchased formulations and homemade recipes from natural ingredients.

Use oils as rarely as possible, as they have a smoothing effect.

After washing your hair, rinse your hair with herbal decoction. They can be prepared independently from medicinal herbs purchased at the pharmacy.

Also, you will be interested in information on how to make a voluminous hairstyle and what means for this will be needed.

We learn how girls respond to this procedure, who have already tried to add extra volume to their hair with the help of radical chemistry.

  • Yana, 35 years old: "For many years I did chemistry on all hair, as their own appearance and volume did not suit me. In recent years, began to notice that the hair becomes dry, fragile, thin - because of the many "chemicals" they have deteriorated. But with a sleek hairdo, too, to walk is not an option - fortunately, a boost up appeared, and my master suggested this procedure to me. This turned out to be a real way out - now I only do chemistry for the root zone, and the rest of the hair is not involved. The volume is chic, lasts six months, the structure of the hair does not deteriorate. I'm happy".
  • Dasha, 26 years old: “My hair is thin, liquid, they have no own volume. We had to pack every morning, spend a lot of time. And still, until the end of the working day, the styling often did not survive - I came home already with drooping, dull hanging hair. If after work it was necessary to meet with someone else - the situation became really problematic. Inside, I was advised to do a new procedure - boost up: I decided, though not without hesitation. Now I am very satisfied - my hair has finally acquired the volume that I wanted, I do not have to pack it for half an hour in the morning, I can sleep longer, my hair looks wonderful around the clock - what else is needed. Recommend".

So, we got acquainted with the procedure of radical chemistry for hair. Boost up today is a great alternative to the standard perm, a safer, modern and stylish way to give the necessary amount of hair. As you can see, it is not necessary to walk with sleek, hanging strands and spend hours laying - you can simply do basal chemistry - and these problems will be a thing of the past.


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