
Causes of dandruff


Dandruff is a visible manifestation of the scalp epidermis renewal. Normally, the cycle of cell development is about a month and occurs unnoticed by humans. When dandruff is reduced to a week, and then exfoliating scales are clearly visible on the hair and clothing. Dandruff, the causes and treatment of which will be discussed in the article, is an early sign and the easiest clinical form of seborrheic dermatitis.

Symptoms and types of dandruff

This pathology is not difficult to notice. Light dry scales of white or grayish color are easily showered from the scalp, contaminating hair, hairbrush, clothing. Hair can become dull, quickly become dirty, thin. Quite often, when dandruff man is worried about itching of the scalp, but inflammatory processes are usually absent.

Against the background of the hypersecretion of the large sebaceous glands, which are quite numerous on a site like the scalp, dandruff can become oily. Exfoliated particles of the epidermis are combined into fairly large yellowish flakes. They are greasy, hardly separated from the surface of the skin, can form layers. Hair very quickly get dirty look, weaken, begin to split and fall out.

Dandruff is a fairly common problem. In some people, this pathology becomes chronic, others suffer from it only occasionally. One way or another, but every person has come across this phenomenon at least once in their lives. Attempts to get rid of the problem will not be effective if you do not find the answer to the question: "What caused dandruff?"

Fungus is the main cause of dandruff

Most people see dandruff as a cosmetic problem. Indeed, its presence is a little aesthetic and can ruin any outfit and hairstyle. However, the occurrence of dandruff primarily signals the existing violations in the body, although it is not an independent disease. The assumption that the main cause of dandruff is a fungal infection of Pityrosporum Ovale, was put forward about a hundred years ago. Dermatologists hold the same opinion at the present time.

Causes of active fungal reproduction

Interestingly, the notorious microorganism is a representative of the normal microflora of a person and can inhabit the scalp for a long time and not cause dandruff. The problem occurs when the protective properties of the skin are reduced, the composition of the sebum changes, and conditions for uncontrolled reproduction of the fungus are created. And this happens under the influence of a number of factors, including:

  • metabolic disease,
  • hormonal imbalance
  • some diseases, and as a result, reduced immunity,
  • overstrain, both physical and emotional,
  • malnutrition, hypovitaminosis,
  • errors in hair and scalp care: the use of aggressive chemicals, blow-drying, hypothermia due to neglect of a hat in winter,
  • genetic predisposition.

Most often, it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question of what caused dandruff. Any of the above reasons, and sometimes their complex, can provoke its occurrence. An additional factor is age. In children, dandruff almost never happens, and in adolescents, it can be a transient phenomenon. There is a definite relationship between the sex and the frequency of occurrence of this pathology. So, in men dandruff appears more often than in women. In autumn and winter, the problem tends to escalate.

Dandruff Treatment: Lifestyle Changes

To understand what caused dandruff, it is sometimes enough to analyze your own menu and daily routine. It may be necessary to correct the food system by limiting the consumption of fatty, spicy and fried foods, alcohol and sweets. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of foods rich in fiber, vitamins A and group B, fermented milk products. It is important to normalize the drinking regime.

Lack of physical overload, stress, enough time for sleep and rest will definitely have a positive effect on the state of the body in general and of the scalp in particular.

Proper care of the scalp and hair

If dandruff appears, it is worth at least for the duration of treatment to exclude aggressive hairdressing procedures: dyeing, perm, blow-drying, use of lacquer and hair gel. You can temporarily replace chemical hair dyes with natural ones: henna and basma, walnut shells. If desired, and means for laying you can use natural, on the basis of flax seeds, gelatin, egg white, sugar.

Special attention should be paid to the issue of hygiene. Combs are recommended to use natural wood and regularly replace them with new ones.

Dandruff Remedies

Logically, it is easiest to provide a direct effect on the hair and scalp with the help of shampoos, masks and lotions. It is not so important what caused dandruff: effective means should always contain antifungal component. Even if the root cause of dandruff fungus is not, then most often it joins the complex problems later. In addition, it is good if the tool has regenerating and bactericidal properties, and also regulates the sebaceous glands. In this case, the impact will be complex.

In any cosmetic store has a wide selection of shampoos for dandruff. Consumer reviews about them are different: someone such means helped once and for all get rid of the problem, and someone was left disappointed. But, as practice shows, special medical dermatological shampoos are more effective. Yes, and the composition of such funds, which can be purchased exclusively at the pharmacy, much more natural.

Dandruff active ingredients

Most often, ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, selenium disulfide, ciclopirox, bifonazole, climbazole act as antifungal components in dandruff remedies. Have a pronounced peeling effect tar, sulfur, salicylic acid. These substances cleanse the scalp of skin flakes. Octopirox, tar, and ichthyol slow down the accelerated vital activity of cells. Most of the listed components have anti-inflammatory action, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is better when the preparation contains not one, but several active components, and additionally they contain natural additives: herbal extracts (nettle, burdock, chamomile) and essential oils (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus). Sometimes these ingredients alone can defeat itching and dandruff.

Features of the use of therapeutic dandruff shampoos

All the nuances of the use of a dandruff remedy are listed in the attached instructions. There are some common points. As a rule, in order for the active substance in the shampoo to work as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to stand on the scalp for some time while doing a gentle massage. Medicinal products for washing hair often do not foam. This indicates their beneficial composition.

Dandruff shampoos in the first month of use should be used at least twice a week, and later, for prevention, twice a month. You can alternate the pharmacy with a suitable shampoo from the cosmetic series.

Healing dermatological shampoos for different tastes and purses are numerous: Nizoral, Friderm, Fitoval, Sebasol, Dermazole, Keto Plus, Sulsena, Sebiproks, Vichy. Well, cosmetic is in almost every line of shampoos of most well-known mass consumer brands. If dandruff appears, the causes and treatment of it are individual. In the absence of an opportunity to consult with a trichologist, it is necessary to select a healing shampoo by trial and error.

Folk remedies

Many recipes offer traditional medicine to those who are faced with such a nuisance as dandruff. What should people who are disappointed with pharmaceuticals or who are afraid of side effects do? Choose a recipe for the soul and try, the benefit of many of them, and they differ in simplicity and affordability.

Herbal medicine offers the use of decoctions and infusions of herbs: burdock root, nettle, tansy, chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, oak bark. They can both rinse the head after washing and rub into the scalp.

Oil masks are often offered as effective folk dandruff remedies. Olive or castor oil can be used independently, or in combination with lemon juice. Of course, after half an hour of exposure to such a mask, the hair should be washed with shampoo.

Another interesting recipe: take a chicken egg, add a tablespoon of vodka and kefir and rub into the scalp. After half an hour, wash off. You can combine an egg with natural honey.

It is worth trying to peel the scalp with fine salt before washing. This is said to be one of the most effective methods of dandruff disposal. But with salt it is worth being careful if there are inflammations on the scalp.

So, we must remember that this seemingly harmless problem, like dandruff, should not be ignored, if only because there is a certain disorder in the body behind it. Running dandruff not only spoils the appearance, but can lead to more serious consequences, even baldness.

Causes of dandruff: common

Fungus. Regardless of gender, the main and main cause of dandruff in both women and men is the fungus with the mysterious name Malassezia Furfur (it is also called Pityrosporum Ovale in a different way). This fungus is one of many microorganisms inhabiting our skin. In terms of comfort for the body, Pityrosporum Ovale does not interfere with a person in any way. But, if it suddenly fails, and the sebaceous glands begin to work in an enhanced mode, Malassezia Furfur is able to activate. The best food for this conditionally pathogenic microorganism is secretion, on the basis of which, the fungus multiplies even more. That is, as soon as something happens in the body that pulls the normal discharge of sebum, the likelihood that you will feel the effects of such a disorder with the appearance of dandruff soon.

Depending on which way the production of sebum changes - decrease or increase - the type of dandruff will be determined. So, dandruff can be dry (with insufficient secretion) or oily (when the sebaceous glands produce fat in excess). But, regardless of the type of dandruff, without proper reaction to the defect and correction of lifestyle and nutrition from it does not get rid of. After all, without taking certain measures to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, they will continue to work in violation. What is accompanied by the emergence of all new dandruff, which incidentally can cause irritation and itching of the head, dropping white stuck together with flakes of hair.

Nutrition. The favorite food of the fungus - sweets, flour and fatty, fried and smoked food. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that people who are addicted to fatty and sweet food often suffer from dandruff. An unbalanced diet with a large amount of fat and “fast” carbohydrates, the lack of the necessary amount of vitamins and individual minerals in the diet is one of the greatest risks of “earning” dandruff.

Exchange violations. You remember that excessive passion for harmful fast carbohydrates in the form of cakes, pies, pasta or hamburgers can lead to metabolic disorders? But exchange disorders are also often mentioned among the causes of dandruff. By the way, problems with metabolism can occur not only in connection with the painful passion for food, but also be the result of hard mismatched diets. And this is another significant reason to take a closer look at the fact that, in what quantities and what quality you eat, and more responsibly to address the issue of losing weight, if such has matured.

Severe diseases and certain conditions of the body. Constant overwork, prolonged stress or prolonged depression, chronic sleep deprivation - all of this has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the person as a whole, and may well result in the appearance of dandruff in particular. In the case when the body is in a tense state every day and works in conditions that are extremely uncomfortable for it, the immune system always gives up. And in what it will pour out and how it will be displayed - no one will say. Perhaps in your particular case, problems of stress or constant fatigue will manifest just the appearance of dandruff. By the way, on immunity: dandruff may well be explained by the presence of a person of some complex immune diseases. Separate neurological disease states can also provoke dandruff.

Improper care of the scalp and hair. You might be surprised now, but active cleaners have roughly equivalent chances with dandruff. It is well known that everything that is excessive is unhealthy: here and daily washing of the head can very well serve a very bad service to the owner of the hair. The fact is that with every wash of the head, the lipid layer is removed from the skin, designed to protect the scalp. Some time after washing the hair, the sebaceous glands will produce the necessary amount of fat to restore protection and prevent skin drying. But in the case when the head is washed too often, the glands simply do not have time to cope with their work, which in the end can lead to overload and failure of their normal function. As a result, the skin dries out, the secretion production is disturbed, which leads to the appearance of dandruff.

Causes of dandruff in women

As a rule, the causes and mechanism of dandruff formation in both women and men are the same. But, at the same time, there are also some characteristic periods of life and related conditions, which women and men experience and feel differently. So, one of the causes of dandruff experts called hormonal changes in the body. In relation to women, bursts of hormonal activity are observed during pregnancy and with the approach of menopause. And this is precisely those time intervals when dandruff can be felt against the background of hormonal changes. Although, at the same time, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the situation can be just the opposite - the “rampant” hormones can contribute to the disappearance of dandruff, if it was before.

Among the causes of dandruff in women - and a predisposition among the fair sex in the pursuit of beauty to abuse caring and "priming" means and drugs. For example, the appearance of dandruff may well be associated with the regular use of thermocoupling devices, drying the scalp and hair. With an aggressive effect on the scalp and hair preparations for perm and coloring agents. And, of course, improperly chosen care products for regular care can cause harm in the form of dandruff.

Causes of dandruff in men

Hormones can cause dandruff and men too, but, as a rule, in several other periods of life than it happens in women. Most often, dandruff associated with hormonal changes in the body, in men is manifested during puberty. The time interval, when a real “tumult” of hormones is observed in adolescent bodies, is often accompanied by the appearance of acne and acne, usually due to an excess of sebum production. Against the background of excessive formation of secretion, dandruff appears. The problem of dandruff, in principle, will disappear as the hormonal balance settles when the man reaches puberty. But this is not a reason to let the situation take its course - while the hormones in the body continue to play, it will be doubly careful to follow the head and hair.

Many men, unlike women, have a rather superficial attitude to the problem of choosing the right hair care products. And buying a first-hand shampoo in a supermarket, without taking into account the type of hair and without first reading the composition and purpose of this shampoo, the man is very much in danger of detecting white flakes after 2-3 washing his head. And there is nothing surprising here, because dandruff in this case is not at all accidental - most likely, its appearance provoked a shampoo that is not suitable in this particular case.

What to do?

What should I do if I find dandruff in my hair or clothes? Initially, we analyze how it can be caused. And without fail we are in parallel reviewing the diet, minimize nervous and mental stress, begin to adhere to the optimal sleep and wakefulness. It doesn’t hurt to review and study the labels of the care products on your bathroom shelf (and remember: maybe you recently bought some kind of new shampoo or balm, after which dandruff was used)? By the way - it's time to get a specially designed dandruff shampoo, good, almost every cosmetic company today has such shampoos in its range.

There are many popular recipes for removing dandruff, moreover, in folk medicine there are known specific methods of treating dry and dandruff dandruff. One of the most common methods for removing dandruff is regular washing of the head with tar or ichthyol oil (it is enough to wash the hair with these products once a week). Also for the treatment of dandruff in folk medicine is widely used nettle decoction or acetic water for rinsing. Rinsing shown after each shampooing: nettle decoction is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of dry leaves of the plant and boiling water, acetic water is obtained by diluting 1 tbsp. tablespoons apple cider vinegar in 1 liter of water.

Stress or time to rest

Scientists have long proved that chronic fatigue and constant stress are the source of many troubles. And the appearance of white grains in the hair - one of them. Any shock, or in other words - stress, undermines the immune system. And when the body's defense system is weakened, the “golden season” sets in for harmful microflora, including various fungi.

If you feel tired and depressed, take a day off. Learn to please yourself without reference to external factors. Go to the cinema, organize a romantic dinner or just watch a movie that was postponed all the time. Feel the present moment, you can be happy right now!

"Pranks" hormones

The first time "familiarity" with dandruff most often occurs during adolescence. After puberty, this cosmetic problem disappears without a trace. This happens because the hormonal imbalance typical for transitional age affects the condition of the scalp - it becomes either very dry or very oily. And both of these conditions are favorable soil for the reproduction of the fungus.

Today it is popularly believed that dandruff can be cured with homemade oil treatments. You need to take a warm olive or coconut oil, apply it to your hair and hold it under the hood, and the problem will immediately go away. But does it work? Anabel Kingsley, trichologist says: “In many cases, dandruff occurs when the seboregulation of the scalp is disturbed. If you additionally apply the oil, you will get more sticky and oily dandruff. Rubbing the oily substance into the scalp can cause severe irritation. "

Passion for diets or “eat what I want!”

Excessive enthusiasm for diets, when high-calorie food is cut from the menu, and fresh low-fat products become its main, can also be the cause of dandruff. The body does not receive the necessary nutrition, which in turn affects the condition of the hair and scalp.

The main vitamins for hair are: vitamin E (contained in vegetable oil), ascorbic acid (in all types of cabbage, lemon), beta-carotene (in carrots, bell pepper). An important role is also played by the trace elements - zinc and selenium (can be found in oysters and mussels, beef, peanuts).

If you do not adhere to diets, do not exclude this item from the list of possible causes of the problem! Any extremes in food - this is a cause for concern. So, fatty, sweet and spicy food is very fond of the fungus, which we talked about above. Sometimes, to get rid of dandruff, you need to introduce reasonable restrictions in your diet.

Frequent combing hair

It is widely believed that dandruff can often be caused by combing hair. Remember, in the old days there was a tip: “Brush 100 times in one direction and as much in the other”? If you have oily scalp, this tip will do more harm than good, since it will increase sebum production. In addition, frequent combing of hair with a comb or comb with hard teeth can damage the scalp and promote infection. “If dandruff flakes fit so tightly on the scalp that they have to be combed, then it is time to talk about a more serious disease of the scalp. Consult your doctor for the correct diagnosis ",urges Anabel Kingsley, trichologist.

One of the serious causes of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis, which is in dry and oily form. In the first case, the scalp flakes off, causing dry flakes to appear on the hair, which are easily separated. And in the second - on the scalp visible oily scales, which fit tightly to the base of the hair. Both conditions require the appointment of treatment in the clinic.

Styling products: mousses, foams, gels

Women know how daily experiments with hair affect the condition of the hair and scalp. Passion for hot air of the dryer with simultaneous use of styling products can create a kind of “greenhouse effect” on the scalp, thereby activating the activity of the fungus. If the styling products contain alcohol and other potentially dangerous elements, the scalp is subjected to double pressure, becoming defenseless against external factors.

A useful procedure in the treatment of dandruff is a delicate scalp peeling. Exfoliating compounds gently remove dead cells of the cover and remove dandruff, ensuring timely cleansing of the scalp and promoting its speedy recovery. It is necessary to carry out the procedure 2 times a week.

Use with this should be branded compositions containing salicylic acid, and to refrain from "home recipes" - for example, based on sea salt.

"Gentle" natural shampoos

Experts on a healthy lifestyle are sure: care cosmetics should be as gentle as possible, created on the basis of natural ingredients. And it seems that this is justified! If a person has dry, thin and brittle hair, do not load them with aggressive formulations! But, nevertheless, you need to thoroughly clean the scalp.

“Gentle” shampoos, as well as homemade beauty recipes — washing your hair with an egg, spreading bread crumb in water, etc., will not cope with the task!

Hair should be cleaned as it is contaminated with shampoos selected according to the type of hair and scalp. The popular tendency to “accustom hair to rare washing” not only does not work, but can also lead to serious consequences, including hair loss.

If dandruff has already manifested itself, you need to use shampoo daily to remove white flakes. If there is not enough time for this procedure in your daily routine, purchase special cleansing hair toners with antimicrobial agents. And as part of shampoos for daily use, look for substances piroctone olamine and zinc pyrithione.

Antibiotic treatment

Not always the cause of dandruff is obvious. So, few people know that long-term illness and the use of certain medications can “favor” the reproduction of Malassezia Furfur. A side effect of taking antibiotics is the destruction of the beneficial microflora on the scalp, which in normal conditions gives a "rebuff" to the insidious fungus.

A good means of preventing dandruff and alleviating the condition, if it has already arisen, is rinsing the hair after washing it with a solution of vinegar (for 1 liter of warm clear water 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%). The fungus, the provoking effect of "snow" in the hair dies in an acidic environment.

Practice shows that the most common cause of dandruff is the activity of the fungus Malassezia Furfur. You cannot get rid of him forever, but you can control him.

All medical formulations that are sold in stores and pharmacies, give only a temporary effect. To say goodbye to the problem, you need to make more effort - to change your lifestyle. And this should be done under the aiming supervision of a doctor.

1. It's time to rest!

Proved that chronic fatigue can trigger the appearance of "snow on his shoulders." So the body signals the need to give it a rest. Therefore, urgently arrange a day off for yourself, and even better, review all your ideas about work. Often spoil yourself, beloved, work will not run away anywhere! And if you run away, do not try to catch up!

3. Rare combing

How often do you comb your hair, and even better do a head massage? This is a very important point in the prevention of dandruff. Scanty blood supply to the scalp causes protein deficiency, and this in turn leads to the fact that the ill-starred fungus begins to multiply. Conclusion: regularly indulge your head with a massage, especially since it is very nice! And remember, when combing the hair should be no less than a hundred strokes comb!

4. Softness is not always good

It would seem that you do everything right: you have dry and brittle hair, and therefore you choose the most gentle shampoo. But it turns out, soft shampoos do not cope with pollution. The fungus that causes dandruff multiplies in sebum, and if it is not washed off, the result becomes obvious even to others. The shampoo should be well "washed" and give plenty of foam. Remember how your mother washed your hair, "to the squeak" and wash your hair carefully.

5. Increased emotionality

Scientists (probably British) found that overly emotional and impressionable people are more likely to suffer from dandruff. By the way, psychosomatics and ancient Indian science, Ayurveda, speaks about the same thing. Therefore, stop sprinkling ashes on your head at every nonstandard situation, and learn how to respond to all adversities correctly. Otherwise, the ashes settle on your shoulders!

7. Dandruff Shampoo

Surprised? We, too! But, as the German consumer union found out (yes, there is one), the lorisulphates that are part of the shampoos cause irritation of the skin (we have no idea what it is!), And it already leads to the reproduction of the fungus on the scalp. Therefore, it is very important to fight dandruff not with shampoos that you see on the shelves in stores, but to buy remedies at the pharmacy. But this should be done only after consulting with the trichologist.

8. Stale pillow covers or hats

We do not blame you for the lack of hygiene, but, you see, the hats are washed less often than, for example, socks. And, it turns out, the ill-fated fungus is very comfortable living in pillowcases and hats, so it is important to wash them more often. Do not turn into a fanatical laundress, but consider the risk! Pillowcases, by the way, need to be washed once a week (or even better once every 5 days) at a temperature of at least 60 ° C.

P.S. Not all the dandruff that lies

By the way, similar manifestations in oily seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis, perhaps you have not recognized the enemy? It is very important to go to the trichologist, who will identify the reason for the appearance of unpleasant scales and prescribe a complete and necessary treatment for you. No trichologist? Then go to a dermatologist - he can also help.

Dandruff - what a beast?

Dandruff is a lesion of the scalp, due to which dead skin particles begin to exfoliate at high speed. Due to the excess of these particles, they begin to stick together and become similar to small white flakes.

Flake scales can be distributed across the surface of the head or concentrate in the frontal and parietal region. Gradually, a kind of crust begins to form on the skin, which closes the skin with access of air and nutrients.

In order to understand how to get rid of dandruff correctly, it is necessary to understand the causes of dandruff.

Fungus malassizia furfur

The main cause of dandruff is a change in the condition of the scalp, which is caused by the intensive growth of the corresponding fungal bacteria. In this case, it's about the fungus. malassezia furfur, which is a free sample of the microflora of the scalp.

Due to the formation of a large amount of fat on the scalp, this fungus begins to actively multiply, causing inflammation and itching. Under adequate conditions, the activity of this fungus ne is accompanied by the manifestation of any symptoms. But as factors contributing to it, one can consider such factors as: malfunction of the sebaceous glands, failure in the hormonal background, malnutrition, etc.

This may be the wrong choice of hair care products, frequent hair coloring, perm, tools that are used to create hairstyles (mousses, gels, varnishes, etc.), as well as a hairdryer and other heating devices for curling and styling hair. Changes in microflora may also occur due to the lack of a hat in the winter or excessive use of it.

Also, bronchopulmonary inflammations, gastrointestinal diseases, immunosuppression can lead to its activation. Activity malassezia furfur leads to the fact that the development cycle of epidermal cells changes and in the future this leads to accelerated exfoliation without a complete cycle, which, in turn, causes the appearance of characteristic white scales on the scalp and hair.

  • Stress.
  • Chronic infections.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Hypersensitivity to fungi.

Dry skin

Increased dryness of the skin is considered to be one of the most common causes of dandruff. As a rule, this factor affects mainly in the winter season due to the characteristic features that cause dry skin. For example:

  • Reduced fluid intake.
  • The use of heating technology.
  • Dry air.
  • Walking on the street without hats.
  • Drying hair with hair dryer.

It is worth noting that when dandruff occurs due to dry skin, the white flakes that appear as a result of it have much smaller size and less fat structureas with other forms of its manifestation.

Washing head

If the head is washed incorrectly or rarely enough, a large accumulation of dead skin cells may occur on the scalp, which, mixing with fat, form large flakes of dandruff.

It can also occur when frequent exposure of the scalp to water. This is due to the fact that frequent washing of the head washes away the protective layer from the skin surface, which, in turn, can lead to dandruff.

Oily skin

Fatty or irritated skin can cause a disease such as seborrheic dermatitis.

In this disease, not only the head area, but also other parts of the body on which the sebaceous glands are located (the area behind the ears, eyebrows, the sternum and groin, etc.) are affected.

Hair care products

Excessive or improper use of products such as hair dyes, styling and fixing agents, etc., can cause dandruff.

In this case, a complete replacement or cancellation of this product leads to the disappearance of dandruff. At this point, it is also worth noting soap and shampoos.

Many of them, especially those that are incorrectly matched to the type of hair, can cause dry scalp, leading to dandruff. Also do not forget about allergic reaction on any hair care product.

This is a chronic disease in which the upper cellular layer of the scalp is subject to accelerated division. As a result, a large number of dead skin cells accumulate in the hair roots, which subsequently form large flakes of a silvery shade.

Seasonal dandruff

The change of seasons can significantly affect the condition of the scalp. In winter, especially in freezing temperatures, a long stay on the street without a hat may cause dandruff. Even in the summer, you should carefully monitor the condition of the hair and scalp.

Dandruff can occur due to extreme heat as a result of hanging sweat, or bright sunlight, which can cause sunburn on the skin.

In addition to the main reasons that cause dandruff, it is worth noting the risk factors that lead to similar results:

  • Nutrition. Insufficient use of certain vitamins, as well as unsaturated fats and zinc, increase risk of dandruff.
  • Age. Mostly dandruff appears in people at a young age and is retained until middle age. Older people suffer from this disease much less often, and children do not get sick at all.
  • Gender. Usually dandruff most often manifested in men rather than women. This is due to the fact that in males the sebaceous glands are large. Also, many scientists consider the role of male sex hormones to be equally important.
  • Diseases. Many experts have noticed that in certain diseases (for example: neuralgic diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system) there is a predisposition to the appearance of dandruff.

Preventing dandruff

Observing preventive measures is much easier and much cheaper than treating dandruff. For this you need follow certain rules:

  • Avoid stress and monitor your health.
  • Compliance with the regime and proper nutrition. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of products that contain zinc and omega-3. To prevent dryness, drink more water and eat fruit.
  • Limit the amount of styling products.
  • Do not use other people's hygiene products and hats.
  • As a preventive measure, it is necessary to wash the comb approximately once every 2 weeks.
  • Massage the scalp. You can massage your head with different oils, and you can also resort to table salt, which will give the effect of light scrubbing.

Top 5 Dandruff Treatment Shampoos

- Active active ingredient - selenium disulfide.

- Removes dandruff, relieves itching.

- Normalizes seboregulation of the scalp.

- Thoroughly cleanses hair and scalp.

Estimated cost - 270 p.

- Active active ingredient - ketoconazole.

- Effectively fights various types of yeasts that cause dandruff.

- Eliminates desquamation, dryness and itching of the scalp.

Approximate cost - 300 p.

- Active active ingredient - ketoconazole.

- Effective in the treatment of fungal lesions of the scalp.

- Indications for use: seborrhea, eczema, dandruff.

Estimated cost - 270 p.

- The main active ingredient is Climbazol.

- Prevents the growth of fungus on the scalp, thereby preventing dandruff.

- Like for frequent use.

Approximate cost - 200 p.

- The main active ingredient is ketoconazole.


Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (July 2024).