
Alcohol Solution (Vodka)


I suggest the following method:
From lice Vodka helps in the pure form very simply! Pour vodka into the sprayer and spray it all over the surface of the hair. After such wetting, put on food wrap on top (or, if not present, the usual bag) and tied with a towel. But keep in mind - a vacuum should form on your head so that the lice suffocate there!

Walking with a turban on your head will take about 40 minutes! Then remove the film, wash the hair well, and check the scalp and the hair on a small basis! When finding lice, do not be afraid, they are drunk and can not escape!

How to get rid of nits

If you want to know how to get rid of nits, it will have to upset you - from nits very effectively nothing helps! But! You can loosen the glue that holds the nits by the hair, dye your hair, or dissolve 3 tablespoons of vinegar in 1 glass of water (and again apply it to your hair using a spray bottle!), And then remove each nits by hand. scallop with frequent teeth. Every two days, check again! If lice appear again in a week, repeat the procedure with vodka.

And do not forget that all linen and clothes need to be boiled! And wear a thick scarf on your head and wear it until you are sure that there are no more lice and nits on your head.

Here is a brief and all. Now you know how to get rid of lice and nits folk remedies!

Ways of using pharmaceutical alcohol

To get rid of lice with alcohol will be enough one session. We take the usual medical alcohol and process the hair along the entire length and thoroughly moisturize the scalp. Dress cellophane package or rubber cap. The duration of the procedure is not more than 40 minutes. Wash hair with regular shampoo. Then the head must be combed with a comb with frequent metal teeth, thus removing dead lice. Since the nits have a more dense shell in comparison with adults, some of them can survive the procedure. To protect yourself from the reappearance of head lice, you must carefully inspect the hair, and remove the lice eggs by hand.

Since pure alcohol is quite aggressive, to reduce the negative effects on the skin, you can take vodka or dilute the alcohol by half with water. The method of use is the same, but the efficiency is lower. Therefore, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure.

You can use this method. Carefully wet head with 96% alcohol. Make sure that the scalp is also properly treated. Then we apply conditioner on the hair, which we usually use after washing our heads. And proceed to combing the hair. For this we use a special comb with frequent teeth. The whole process should last at least an hour. To complete my head in the usual way. This procedure is safer for hair and scalp.

Alcohol can be used as an additional ingredient in the fight against lice. For one glass of wine vinegar you need to take 50 grams. common salt. Stir until dissolved and add 5 gr. alcohol or 10 grams. vodka. From this mixture we make compresses on the scalp. To do this, we cut a piece of gauze or pure natural fabric in a prepared tool and wrap up the head. Such a compress can be worn all day, periodically wetting the fabric with a solution. This method not only effectively relieves lice, but also soothes the scalp, reducing itching. After the procedure, the hair should be washed with shampoo and combed with a frequent comb.

Instead of alcohol, you can use alcohol tinctures of herbs sold in a pharmacy. In addition, they will help get rid of parasites, such funds have a positive effect on the hair. Especially effective is the tincture of hellebore.


The method of getting rid of pediculosis with alcohol or vodka should not be used for children. Alcohol is an aggressive environment and by treating their heads it is possible to seriously burn tender baby skin. For the same reasons, it cannot be used to remove pubic lice. In addition, alcohol vapors can adversely affect the respiratory tract and the mucous membrane of the eyes. And adults and its tinctures should be used with some caution. Alcohol dries the scalp and after the procedure, redness and dandruff may occur.

General information

Vodka and alcohol are good because they allow you to get rid of lice in just one or at least two uses. Due to its quick action, this method is very popular. Vodka and alcohol help to kill the parasites, so that later they can be easily combed out.

Vodka and alcohol are used in different cases. It is believed that alcohol is a more aggressive, but more effective means that can actually kill lice. The degree of impact on parasites depends on the percentage of alcohol, and the thickness of the hair, and the sensitivity of the scalp, but in general, alcohol is more effective than vodka.

Vodka is usually treated with the head to get rid of nits.that is, embryo lice. Lice stick their eggs to the hair with a special adhesive substance, which vodka dissolves well, helping to remove not fully developed creatures.

Instructions for use

To combat lice, you need a simple medical alcohol. There is a certain algorithm of its application, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Before starting the procedure, you must carefully comb your hair.
  2. Then the hair should be treated with alcohol, and it should be done along the entire length, without missing the strands. But to massage the scalp with alcohol is not worth it, otherwise it may become dry.
  3. After processing the hair on the head you need to wear a rubber cap or, in the case of its absence, a plastic bag.
  4. In this state it is necessary to spend half an hour, after which the alcohol is washed off from the head. It is not recommended to keep such a mask on your head for more than thirty minutes, so as not to damage the hair.
  5. At the very end, you need to wash the hair with an ordinary shampoo, to enhance the result, you can use anti-lice shampoo.
  6. Then you need to comb your hair again, this time with a special comb with frequent teeth. All dead lice and nits must be combed out so that they do not suddenly begin to multiply again.
  7. After the procedure, you need to carefully examine the scalp again and make sure that there are no parasites alive in the hair.

Vodka, which is well suited for getting rid of nits, is used in the same way. The only thing left on the hair is for 10-15 minutes, there is no need to wait half an hour.

An important point! If suddenly after one such session, not all lice have been removed, after a while, the procedure can be repeated. However, it is better not to do this more than twice.

Precautions and Contraindications

It is contraindicated to apply this method of lice control in children, since alcohol can burn the scalp. In children, especially small ones, it is very gentle. For the treatment of pediculosis, use safe lice in children.

Adults for the same reason should be careful when treating their hair with vodka, do not use too much liquid and do not keep this peculiar mask on the head for a very long time.

After the procedure there is also a chance of dandruff and redness, the hair may become dry. In addition, you need to make sure that alcohol or vodka does not in any way get into your eyes, otherwise it may lead to a deterioration in vision.

Although this method of getting rid of pediculosis is very popular, many people doubt its effectiveness. Experts say that alcohol-containing solutions can only kill adult lice, and they do not pose a threat to the larvae. Another negative point - after the procedure you need to comb the dead lice and nits for a long time, which strongly resembles the process of the usual mechanical search for parasites.

How to distinguish dead from living nits, you can learn from us on the site.

Its low price absolutely precisely belongs to the positive sides of this method of treatment. One session takes less than one bottle of vodka or one vial of medical alcohol. The average cost of alcohol varies from 20 to 50 rubles, the cheapest vodka costs about 200 rubles. This is a more economical option than buying special drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages

The treatment of lice with alcohol has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages include:

  • low cost,
  • quick action

Among the minuses stand out:

  • harm to hair
  • controversial effectiveness.

This method is not suitable for everyone. Best of all, he helps those who have recently found lice. Then they did not have time to begin to multiply, and one treatment of the hair with alcohol would be enough to destroy the problem.

Same, who have long suffered from pediculosis, it is better to consult a doctor. In the extreme case, vodka should be tried to use as an additional tool to combat parasites: in small quantities, it can be added to shampoo. Mask based on vodka, wine vinegar and salt, which is applied to the hair for the day, helps from itching.

Learn more about pediculosis:

Useful videos

How to quickly remove lice folk remedies.

How to get rid of lice and nits at home?

How to use vodka for lice

First of all, I would like to note that vodka does not kill lice. It is used to peel the nits from the hair. The bottom line is that the lice stick the eggs to the surface of the hair with a special sticky substance that is very poorly soluble in water.

Vodka copes with this matter much better (like wine vinegar), which is why it has found its use in this difficult task.

How it all happens:

  1. The first step is to straighten your hair with a regular comb.
  2. Take a piece of fleece or cotton pad and soak it in vodka.
  3. A tampon soaked in vodka is used to treat the entire surface of the hair, from the roots to the tips. It is very important to do everything carefully and not to miss any areas on the head.
  4. After 10-15 minutes, comb your hair using special combs from pediculosis. More information is described in this article -
  5. After combing, wash the head with shampoo under running water.

Such an event takes place every few days until complete removal of lice.

  • Ease of use
  • Insecticide free
  • Low price
  • Availability

Is it effective?

Vodka - ineffective means for the destruction of lice. It does not have a detrimental effect on the parasites and is used in cases when it is necessary to separate the nits from the hair.

With a large number of parasites, we recommend that you pay attention to more modern drugs that are sold in the form of aerosols and concentrated emulsions.

How vodka is used to eliminate lice

In order to get rid of lice with vodka, only 1 or a maximum of 2 full-time sessions are enough. In order for this method to be quite effective, you should treat your hair with vodka completely along the entire length. With all this, it is not recommended to rub alcohol into the scalp, as this contributes to its excessive drying. After applying this agent, a rubber cap is usually put on the head. If there is none, then you can use a regular cellophane bag.

Holds such a mask on the hair for about 30 minutes. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure longer, as this may adversely affect the condition of the hair and the surface of the head epidermis. Wash hair after surgery with normal water and shampoo. For greater effect, you can use a special shampoo for head lice.

After thoroughly rinsing the hair, you should carefully comb the hair with a special comb with thick teeth. This will help to quickly comb out the dead lice and not yet hatched nits. Sometimes vodka can not cope with all nits, so immediately after the operation it is recommended to thoroughly inspect all the hair again in order to remove the rest of the lice mechanically.

Many experts advise the use of vodka against lice as an additional excipient. Firstly, vodka is often added to regular hair masks and shampoos. Non-concentrated remedy is also quite effective, but, unlike clean use, it spares hair and scalp. Through the use of this option, the hair will be thick and silky, as before the procedure.

On the basis of vodka often make various lotions. One of the preparations is a balm made from vodka, wine vinegar and common rock salt. About 1 g of vodka and 50 g of salt is taken per 1 cup of vinegar. Apply the finished product as a so-called compress. Such a compress should be worn on the head for at least 5 hours, and for maximum effect, it is recommended not to wash it off throughout the day. This method allows not only to remove lice, but also soothes the severe itching, which appeared later bites of roommates.

Instead of simple vodka, you can use different herbal tinctures, which are sold in each pharmacy. The advantage of this replacement is the positive effect of herbs on the hair structure itself. Especially effective in this case is the tincture of hellebore.

Treatment of pediculosis with vodka from a medical point of view: will it bring results?

Many specialists in the field of medicine shared their views on the treatment of lice with vodka and other alcoholic products. They believe that this drug can not be called effective in this case. First, vodka can kill, according to them, only living lice. The larvae also have a thicker protective shell that prevents alcohol from killing the embryo. Even if you are lucky, and by some miracle the larvae stop developing, it will not be so easy to eliminate them. This process can be compared with the mechanical search for live embryos.

Another negative side is that this method of pediculosis is not for everyone.

Doctors strictly prohibit the use of this treatment option in relation to small children.

Alcohol and all other means based on it - this is a real aggressive environment that can severely burn the delicate and sensitive skin of your baby. For the same reasons, in no case should the drug be used to eliminate pubic lice, since the skin in this area is excessively tender.

Also, the method of removing lice on the head in some cases is quite dangerous, since vodka can get into the eyes, thereby impairing a person’s vision. Of course, we must not forget that alcohol preparations dry the skin and hair. Sometimes after such procedures you have to restore the normal structure of your curls for a long time.

Lice Vodka is a really popular method of struggle. Effective or not, it is up to you to decide, but before making a decision, it is better to consult with a specialist about this.

Alcohol or vodka

This method is widespread. For a compress, 96% alcohol is taken and applied to the skin between the partings and along the length of the hair. And burn alcohol begins almost immediately. Well, try to treat for example at least the skin of the hand.

Then it is necessary to put the treated hair together and place it under a plastic bag, carefully packing it there, and leave it for half an hour or even an hour. Imagine a child sitting here with such a fiery cap on his head, and how much can he stand? After the time, it is necessary to comb comb all the lice and nits.

It is considered that once is enough, however, the procedure has to be repeated many times. The method is based on the antibacterial properties of alcohol, because the stereotypes of lice refer to the conditions of a dirty environment. However, lice do not respond to such treatments, because the source is not defined correctly.But burns of the skin and respiratory tract in a child, and an adult person are provided.

Treatment with vinegar

A less dangerous remedy for parasite bites is the vinegar solution. It is prepared as follows: a couple of tablespoons of 9% vinegar is dissolved in a cup of water. How to do it right - it is written in the article how to get rid of lice with vinegar.

Such a method will not harm insects, but, in the opinion of the “folk healers,” it will remove the nits from the hair so that they can be combed out later. The method is very doubtful, but here the burn, with the further appearance of dandruff is provided to you.

Kerosene treatment

Remember the pioneer camps, when, when lice appeared, the child’s head was treated with kerosene, a towel was wound and he was seated waiting for some time. Moreover, the effect did not occur, but the deterioration of the child’s health was evident.

It should be recalled that kerosene is an oil product obtained due to its decomposition and not intended for external or internal use.. Especially for the treatment of diseases. This is a common poison.

Dichlorvos treatment

This method is considered the most radical. But it is worth remembering that Dichlorvos is poisonous to humans and can cause nausea and vomiting, at a minimum, and lead to a serious poisoning of the body, as an end result. At the same time there are convulsions, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

Dichlorvos is used to control insects in agriculture and harassment in residential buildings. So why poison yourself.

Folk remedies without chemistry

You can consider other safe methods of combating parasites. Reviews about them remain neutral.

  • cranberry juice is rubbed into the scalp for 7 days,
  • 10 days to wash the hair with a decoction of mint, wild rosemary,
  • Chemerichnaya water - a good remedy for lice and nits, only nits have to be removed again,
  • a mixture of onions and garlic. The method is antiparasitic, but do not protect yourself from burns,
  • the use of dust soap. Parasites die, but for humans the remedy is toxic.

Best remedy

After weighing all the pros and cons, we can say that Absolutely all folk remedies are not safe for humans and include the subsequent combing of lice and removal of nits..

The best way to get rid of head lice is the complete destruction of adult parasite colonies.. With the help of hands and a special comb every day, you must carefully look through the head and kill all adult individuals. Then pull out the remaining nits.

In this case, the procedure should be repeated many times without interruptions. Be sure to rinse your head with shampoo each time in order to wash off the remnants of lice and prevent them from further multiplying. Do not forget to treat and bed linen just in case, to prevent the appearance of linen lice.

Determine the type of parasites

To remove lice at home, you must first select a suitable tool, the choice of which will depend on the type of parasites themselves.

Pubic lice infer:

To remove the parasites of clothes, it is enough to wash the infected things at the highest possible temperature with the addition of an insecticidal preparation. If washing in an automatic mode is impossible to carry out, then the clothes can be simply hung out on the balcony and left for two weeks - the lice will die of starvation.

Mercury ointment

Mercury ointment is considered one of the most effective folk preparations for pubic lice and nits. It is applied as follows:

  • the affected area should be shaved,
  • wash thoroughly using soap and hot water
  • apply ointment and rub into the skin.

This procedure should be carried out during the week twice a day.

Important! Mercury ointment contains in its composition mercury compounds, which are toxic, for which this drug and stopped using for medical purposes. But precisely because of its toxicity, this ointment shows high efficacy against both adult lice and nits.

How to get vodka lice? Immediately it should be said that vodka is not capable of killing insects. It is used only to weaken the attachment of nits to the hair, because, as you know, the adhesive substance that is on the shell of the eggs is not soluble in water. And vodka copes with this problem quite well.

You must do the following:

  • dry hair must be combed with a regular comb or comb,
  • cotton disc well moistened in vodka
  • apply the agent along the entire length of hair - from the roots to the tips. Particular attention should be paid to the root zone and try not to leave dry areas,
  • leave the composition on the hair for 15 minutes,
  • comb out the unstuck nits with a special comb (how to use it correctly will be described a little below),
  • wash your hair with regular shampoo.

The procedure for removing lice vodka should be carried out daily until the complete disappearance of parasites

Important! Remember that vodka is ineffective against lice and can only be used as a kind of solvent that helps to separate the nits from the hair.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberries for lice and nits, as shown by years of practice, are also very effective. It is used as follows:

  • a couple of handfuls of berries to sort, wash and squeeze the juice,
  • add a teaspoon of honey and distribute the mixture through the hair, as always, carefully rub it into the root zone,
  • leave for 30 minutes and rinse with regular shampoo.

Cranberry juice kills adult lice and significantly reduces the number of larvae.

It is recommended to use this remedy daily until all the parasites die.

Geranium oil

It is known that lice scares off the intense scent that some plants possess. This product also includes geranium oil. To treat the head, it is enough to add a few drops of this oil to the shampoo and wash the hair with it.

Daily procedures will significantly reduce the number of insects - they will not die, they will try to leave the affected area.

Broth of burdock and devyala

These tools can also be used to control lice at home. Burdock is a well-known plant with insecticidal properties; devacel is a medicinal plant that also helps to get rid of insects.

To prepare the decoction, you should take a dry and fresh plant (which one you choose yourself), pour boiling water and filter after an hour. The resulting decoction is used for rinsing hair.

Black cumin

This method came to us from the East. It was there that they found out that lice are afraid of the intense smell of this spice and began to use black cumin to fight them. The procedure is carried out in the following way:

  • cumin seeds grind into powder,
  • combine the resulting flour with apple cider vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio,
  • rub hair with this mixture and leave for 20 minutes

Tip! During this time, it is recommended to expose the affected area to ultraviolet radiation (direct sunlight).

The procedure is performed every day for one week.

Pomegranate juice

To get rid of lice with pomegranate juice, it must be mixed with mint leaves and boil the mixture for several minutes. The resulting decoction is rubbed into the affected places.

The result is as follows: the essential oil contained in mint acts on adults, and grana acid affects both mature lice and helps to remove nits from the hair.

Once the most popular folk remedy was kerosene for lice and nits. But to use it in its pure form is not recommended - to mitigate the aggressive effects should be mixed with vegetable oil.

Apply kerosene like this:

  • the resulting solution is applied to the hair along their entire length,
  • cover the head with polyethylene, heat the top with a towel,
  • leave for 1.5-2 hours if the treatment is performed for an adult, and for 1 hour - for a child (which is extremely undesirable!),
  • wash hair with regular shampoo,
  • comb the dead insects with a comb, which must first be dipped in vinegar.

Important! Kerosene can cause a burn, especially if used in its pure form. Therefore, if you take this tool, then use caution and always listen to your feelings.

In case of severe discomfort, use of kerosene should be canceled.
More detailed instructions on how to use kerosene from lice and nits.

Vinegar with salt

Treatment of head lice can be done using a mixture of table vinegar and salt:

  • dilute a glass of vinegar with water to obtain a 3% concentration,
  • add 43 g of salt,
  • mix well until complete dissolution of salt crystals,
  • pour in 5 ml of alcohol 96%,
  • wash hair, towel dry,
  • to distribute the prepared mix on hair,
  • the compress must be renewed continuously for 2 days,
  • after which the hair is washed and combed comb.

This method helps not only get rid of insects, but also relieve itching.

So, we figured out how to get rid of lice folk remedies. Now it is necessary to consider the principle of using additional drugs that will help enhance the effect of the drug used.

Combs for combing parasites

Combing lice and nits is carried out with special anti-pedicular combs. They are quite effective, especially under the condition that the insects are already weakened by one of the above-described folk remedies. What you need to know about using ridges:

  • You can use both conventional and electric combs. The latter are much more expensive, but, as practice shows, are less reliable, due to the small height of the canvas,
  • combing is recommended for wet hair, in which case the teeth will be much easier to slide and cause a minimum of inconvenience to the patient,
  • hair should be fixed on one side of the head with a rubber band (if their length allows it) and combed strand by strand from the roots to the ends,
  • combs will be most effective if the attachment of nits to the hair is weakened by vodka, pomegranate or cranberry juice. Otherwise, several treatments will be needed, which is due to the small size of the eggs - if they are reliably fixed on the strands, then a significant part of them will remain there,
  • two weeks after the first combing, the procedure must be repeated - in any case, a few nits in the hair will remain, and repeated combing will remove insects hatched from them,
  • the procedure itself is desirable to carry out over the bathroom or putting the patient on a sheet that must be spread on the floor. This will prevent the possibility of lice falling on the floor or sofa,
  • the handler himself must strip to the waist so that the parasites do not fall on his clothes, a scarf is tied on his head,
  • after the combing is completed, the comb should be immediately rinsed under running hot water or immersed in boiling water,
  • after combing the patient washes his head with an ordinary shampoo.

If you carry out combing according to all the rules, then you can remove the parasites in 2-3 procedures

It is worth saying that all the above means have proved to be excellent not only as a treatment, but also as a prevention of lice at home. Especially those in which there are essential compounds: decoy of burdock, mint, etc. These smells deter parasites and significantly reduce the risk of infection in crowded places.

How vodka is used for lice

Often, against the lice apply simple medical alcohol. And sometimes for the treatment of head lice vodka is used for lice, however, experts say that this option is very harmful to the scalp and hair.

Surely every adult knows what pediculosis is and how difficult it is to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. The presence of lice in the head is a real catastrophe, which can be eliminated only thanks to proven folk or drugs. Nowadays, there are many medications that can overcome the louse, but you can not always trust their effectiveness, since most of them remove only living individuals, while the larvae develop, and over time, completely new lice appear. Unlike medical drugs, popular methods, as shown by numerous studies, are effective in almost 100%.

Does vodka help with lice and nits, the secrets of proper use

Lice are parasites that live at the roots of the hair on a person’s head. The appearance of lice or nits on the head can hardly be called pleasant, but, nevertheless, many have to deal with this problem. It is sometimes very difficult to get rid of lice, so you need to start to deal with them immediately after detection. There are many ways to treat pediculosis, including folk. Traditional methods are even more effective than standard medicines. One of the popular methods is vodka from lice and nits, how effective it is and how you use it correctly you will learn from our article.

How to quickly rid the child of lice. Little-known methods of fighting insects once or twice.

Anyone can get lice, but most often pediculosis occurs in children. Even regular washing of hair and sanitary conditions in the house are not able to save the child. It also doesn’t matter where children live, play or learn.

goodluz /

Symptoms of Pediculosis

The most common symptom of pediculosis is itching. Most often, the child begins to itch in the neck or behind the ears. To make sure it is lice, check its head. Plant the child in the light and inspect. Living lice are hard to see, but the nits are easier - small white or yellow-brown bumps that are attached to the roots of the hair.

How to deal with lice

Pharmacy drugs for lice are best suited. But first you need to consult a doctor. At the same time, strictly follow the instructions in the instructions and do not allow children to apply the product themselves. Do not use kerosene and gasoline, as well as products for animals.

narong sutinkham /

3. Lavender oil

This oil kills lice, but not nits. Dissolve 2 drops of oil in 10 ml of water and wash the head with this agent once a week. Course - 3 weeks.


Home remedy for the treatment of lice

Vinegar also helps very well. To do this in equal proportions it is mixed with water and rinsed hair. But oils and vinegar work best together.

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar with a glass of water.
  • Before adding the oil to the mixture of vinegar and water, it is better to first dissolve it in a small amount of olive oil (1 tsp).
  • Mix the water with vinegar and oil. Stir the mixture to mix small bubbles of oil mixed with water. Add to spray bottle.
  • Spray on hair and massage your scalp. Leave for an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo and comb with a comb.

Yuko Sach /

For combing nits perfect scallop is perfect. You can buy it at the pharmacy or order it online. The design of the teeth does not allow adults and nits to slip between them.

Be sure to share the article with loved ones. This can be useful to everyone. Be helpful!

This article is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate and, in any case, consult with a qualified medical specialist before putting into practice any information presented in the article.The editors do not guarantee any results and shall not be liable for any harm that may be caused due to the use of the information contained in the article.

Fast and reliable folk remedy for lice and nits

Hello, friends! Today there will be a short article on a delicate topic. I will share our family successful experience in treating pediculosis. What we just did not try, until we found a decent way out. The tool is simple and most importantly - one hundred percent effective. Recommend!

No one is insured against pediculosis, and the frequency of washing your hair does not affect the ability of uninvited guests to settle on the skin of your head. However, a cleaner person will detect lice earlier and, accordingly, start treatment earlier. Therefore, if there is an itch of the head and there is the slightest suspicion of lice, you should immediately begin treatment, without waiting for the entire head to become covered with scabies or when the lice will spread to people close to you. Moreover, if lice are found in only one family member, everyone should be treated.

When my husband and I returned from a trip in the fall, I was the first to comb. At first, I didn’t even understand what was happening, and when I guessed about lice, my husband was also itching. For a long time with us such misfortune did not happen, they did not know what to be treated for.

Our mistakes

Began to bypass the pharmacy to start. That there just was not. Pharmacies are now overwhelmed with all sorts of means for pediculosis. Most of them are toxic and many kill only lice, leaving the nits alive, and therefore require repeated use. You have to pay a lot of money for them, and no one guarantees the 100% effect.

There are also a lot of folk methods of pediculosis treatment, but most of them are just as ineffective as pharmaceutical preparations or harm the scalp and hair. The dangerous ones include kerosene, dichlorvos, dust soap, and cemeric water, and the more or less natural, but almost useless ones are table vinegar, cranberry juice, onion with garlic, decoction of mint, delphinium, wild rosemary, burdock and deviac root, tar soap, oil geraniums and god knows what else.

For almost a week, we spent on trying out folk remedies. They wet the hair with hellebore (a very toxic and toxic remedy) with water, but it helped for half a day. The next day my head itched, as before. I tried to put on the head a pulp of onions and garlic. The head insects continued to feel good, and for a long time I tore off the remains of stinking crumbs from my hair. From tar soap there was a lot of stench and dry hair, but there’s also zero.

We didn’t try any further, other means seemed too exotic. Well, where can I find so many fresh cranberries to drown her hair? Or geranium oil or decoction of delphinium in sufficient quantities? All this takes time, money and of course a reserve of moral strength. But we were so fed up with the constant combing, literally to the blood of the scalp, that we decided to apply a radical method that we stumble upon on the Internet.

Ethanol against pediculosis - a victory!

In practice, it turned out that there is nothing radical in it and this is the simplest and most effective means relieving lice and nits at a time. And accessible to all. It can be used at any time of year for adults and children. The length of the hair does not matter. Even if you have luxurious curly thick hair to the knee, this tool will help, you do not need to shave anything.

If all precautions are taken, the product is safe. Only completely small children under the age of three years is better to treat otherwise. They still have little delicate hairs and it is easier to manually select all lice with nits.

For treatment, you need ethanol or ethyl alcohol - just alcohol. Alcohol is used in medicine as a disinfectant and antibacterial agent, but not his property will help in the treatment of pediculosis. Alcohol is a universal solvent and protoplasmic poison.

Pure alcohol is too strong a chemical reagent, so it is necessary to dilute it with water to 40 degrees or take ready vodka. Otherwise, you can burn the scalp. We did not sponsor alcohol companies, besides we are sober, there is no alcohol at home. Therefore, we bought pure alcohol at the pharmacy for almost a penny and diluted with water.


The procedure should be carried out exclusively in a well-ventilated room on a draft or on an open balcony, ideally on a street where there is a breeze. It is because of the volatility and good absorption into the skin, neither vodka nor alcohol is used to treat pediculosis of young children. Remember that ethanol is not only an excellent technical fluid and a medical device, but also a dangerous poison when taken orally. In order not to breathe in vapors of alcohol and not poisoned, do the work as quickly as possible and in the breeze, trying not to be in a cloud of toxic fumes. Try to eliminate to the maximum inhalation of vapors of alcohol and close your eyes during the procedure - this is the basic safety precaution.

Technology kill lice and nits

The diluted alcohol (ethanol) is collected in a spray bottle and, with the help of an assistant, initially wet hair is moistened, from root to tip. Wet from alcohol hair immediately cleaned under a pre-prepared sealed bag or cap. For reliability, wear one more. On top of a pair of tight knitted hats or rolled up towel. Not one hair should stick out. All that you have moistened with alcohol should be kept out of the reach of air. Arrange lice and nits alcohol bath.

It remains to wait at least forty minutes. During this time, all nits lose their vitality, their outer shell dissolves under the action of ethyl alcohol. Lice also die choking on alcohol fumes. For some time, the head will be combed very strongly. We must suffer for five or ten minutes - it is the agony of dying lice. Then it will all go abruptly.

Keep for more than an hour is not worth it, so as not to over dry the skin of the head. However, everyone’s skin is different and if you have been very sensitive to alcohol, the result, in addition to dead lice, may be burned scalp. Panic is not worth it. Even without treatment, everything will go in less than three days, and if you rub burdock oil into your head, it will be even faster. Burdock oil can be rubbed and just like that - it promotes hair growth.

An urgent combing of dead lice and nits is absolutely not required as with other methods. Do this immediately when the hair dries or later at any convenient time. At the conclusion of the treatment procedure, wash your hair with water and then with your usual hair wash. At this all the manipulations with the head end. It remains only to mop up and iron all the bedding and the things that you have been wearing lately, but these are already household trifles that any hostess can handle.

When we did everything, for a long time we could not believe that the torment was over. But a month has passed, the wounds from the hair have healed, and we did not itch. It turned out that it is so easy to get rid of the uninvited zoo on his head. All pharmacists with their expensive chemistry went to the forest.

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Watch the video: The vodka cooled PC (July 2024).